Wisconsin legislators are considering two good bills regarding vaccine mandates.
AB 229 and SB 228 would prohibit the Department of Health Services (DHS) from mandating new vaccines and add an exemption for school varicella vaccine mandates based on prior infection.
Specifically, these bills would prohibit DHS from:
1) Requiring immunization against any disease, including meningitis, under the program that was not specified by rule prior to January 1, 2023,
2) or including varicella in its definition of what constitutes a substantial outbreak of a disease.
These bills also require DHS to allow an exemption from the varicella vaccine requirement if a parent or adult student reports that the student has a history of chickenpox disease.
The effect of these bills is to freeze the current schedule and eliminate the ability of DHS to mandate future vaccines. This would leave mandates for any future vaccines to the legislature.
WAPF is opposed to vaccine mandates and these bills would prevent any new vaccine mandates by agency rule.
The introduction of these bills is good news – but we need you, the constituents, to speak up and make your voices heard!
- Contact your Assembly Member and urge him/her to SUPPORT AB 229.
- Contact your State Senator and urge him/her to SUPPORT SB 228.
You can look up who represents you at: https://www.lwm-info.org/153/Wisconsin-State-Legislators-Contact-Info
Calls are more effective than emails and only take a few minutes. Below is a Sample Script, and there are additional Talking Points. Use your own words when you call or email – a personal message is always more effective than a form message!
“My name is ____, and I live in (town.) I am calling Assembly Member/Senator ___ to support an important bill.
Wisconsin law already recognizes that people’s personal beliefs should be respected when it comes to vaccination, but many parents are unaware that they can decline vaccines and still have their children attend school or daycare.
AB 229 (or SB 228 for Senators), would eliminate the Department of Health Service’s ability to add more vaccines to the already large list of vaccine requirements, thus leaving future mandates to the state legislature for a vote.
DHS should not have unlimited power to add more and more vaccines to the immunization program by unchecked administrative rule.
This protective bill also allows parents to forgo unnecessary varicella vaccines if their child has already had chickenpox.
I urge Assembly Member/Senator _____to SUPPORT AB 229 (or SB 228.)
- Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death; no one knows whom a vaccine will harm. Each of us may respond differently as we have different medical histories, genes, epigenetics, and microbiomes.
- Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. The vaccine manufacturers reap all the profits from vaccines without having to pay for any of the injuries or harm. [See “No Pharma Liability? No Vaccine Mandates” (2011) – https://www.nvic.org/newsletter/mar-2011/no-pharma-liability-no-vaccine-mandates]
- Vaccines are medical procedures that carry a risk of serious injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The U.S. Government has paid out nearly $4.9 billion as of 2/1/2023 to the victims of vaccine injury, per VICP Data Reports [see link at https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/data
- According to the CDC’s website, rare side effects caused by the vaccines include severe rash, infections of the lungs or liver, meningitis, seizures, viral and bacterial pneumonia and severe infection with the chickenpox virus from the vaccine. Data submitted to the federal government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) confirm additional serious vaccine reactions that include cellulitis, cerebellar ataxia, convulsions, encephalitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, necrotizing fasciitis, osteomyelitis, seizures, septic arthritis, septicemia, shingles, thrombocytopenia, toxic shock syndrome, transverse myelitis and death.
- In the first three years of the varicella vaccine’s use—between 1995 and 1998—VAERS received more than sixty-seven adverse event reports per one hundred thousand doses of vaccine administered (or about one in fifteen hundred). Approximately 4 percent of those reports described serious adverse reactions. The true number was likely closer to one hundred adverse events per fifteen hundred doses. This is because a report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concluded that fewer than 1 percent of all vaccine adverse events are ever reported to VAERS.
- Ingredients included in varicella-only vaccines include a weakened form of the varicella virus; bovine calf serum or fetal bovine serum; hydrolyzed gelatin; monosodium L-glutamate (MSG); and human MRC-5 cells (including DNA and protein), among other ingredients. The combination MMR-plus-varicella formulations also include genetically-engineered human albumin and sorbitol (a highly processed sweetener often made from corn and associated with digestive distress).
Read the bills at:
https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2023/proposals/reg/asm/bill/ab229 – text, status and history for AB 229
https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2023/proposals/sb228 – text, status and history for SB 228
Read this article to learn more about chickenpox vaccines: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/chickenpox-vaccines-and-shingles-how-theyre-related-and-why-it-matters/#gsc.tab=0
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