January 6, 13, 27 and February 3, 10, 17, 2010
Sheboygan, WI: Simple Living Series: 2010 Traditional Food and Herbs Program 6 week program (6:00-9:00pm each evening) January 6, 13, 27 and February 3, 10, 17, 2010 This program will cover herbs for health and nourishment, herbal soap making, fermentation, home cheese making and much more! Held in Sheboygan, WI for information see www.moonwiseherbs.com
January 16, 2010
Worcester, Ma: Northeast Organic Farming Association, Massachusetts Chapter (NOFA/Mass), 23rd Annual Winter Conference, “Food From Farms For Families“, Worcester Technical High School, Worcester, MA. Joel Salatin to present keynote speech and all day seminar “Introducing Livestock to your Farm” Over 40 workshops on organic farming, gardening, landscaping, and sustainable living. Lively exhibit area, NOFA/Mass Annual Meeting, great children and teens program, potluck lunch!
January 22- 24
Saratoga Springs, NY: NOFA-NY’s 28th annual Organic Farming and Gardening Conference, featuring over eighty workshopes and three keynote speakers. Seminar on Traditional Diets by Sally Fallon Morell on Friday, January 22. Contact: Greg Swartz (570) 224-8515, conference@nofany.org, www.nofany.org.
January 25, 6:30 pm
Princeton, NJ: David E. Gumpert will discuss his new book “The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle Over Food Rights”. NEW LOCATION: Whole Earth Center, 360 Nassau Street, Princeton NJ 08540. For more information see: www.wapfnj.org or join our yahoo group: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/traditionalfoodpreparation/.
January 29-31
Nashua, NH: The Fourfold Path to Healing Conference featuring Tom Cowan, MD, Sally Fallon Morell and Jaimen McMillan. Contact: (304) 724-3006, http://fourfoldhealing.com/conference/
January 30
New Brunswick, NJ: NOFA Annual Meeting – Maureen Diaz
Rutgers Douglass Campus Center in New Brunswick, NJ
February 6
Peoria, IL: Central Illinois Get-Acquainted Potluck, 12:30-2:00PM
Kandace, Bernall, 1401 W. Lake Ave., Peoria, IL 61614. Bring food to share. We’ll eat, drink kombucha, get to know each other and plan future gatherings. Feel free to bring friends who may be interested. Please RSVP to Kate Potter, chapter leader (309) 338-7876. Questions? Call Kate. Email: potter_kate@hotmail.com
February 9
Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Weston Price Chapter Event BM Organics – Ft. Lauderdale Florida
Charles Weber – Phone: (954)330-3561, email: drweber@bmorganics.com
February 11
Sarasota, FL: Weston Price Chapter Event Liberation Wellness Lecture
Cynthia Calisch – 941-914-0299, Cynthia@OurSarasota.com
February 11 and February 25
Toronto, ON, Canada: Potluck and Seminar on Traditional Diets DVD Viewing, 6:15pm
WAPF Toronto Chapter invites you to join us for a potluck at 6:15 and at 7:00 pm a viewing of the DVD “Seminar on Traditional Diets” with Sally Fallon. We will split the DVD in two parts. Location: Bloor & Bathurst, near Bathurst subway station, Street parking available. For details and RSVP, please e-mail Patricia Meyer-Watt at b-healthy@rogers.com.
February 12
Orlando, FL: Weston Price Chapter Event
Diana Coughlin 407-739-3446, DianaJack@comcast.net
February 13
Jacksonville, FL: Weston Price Chapter Event, 7PM
Assumption Catholic Church, Kohl’s Hall, 2403 Atlantic Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32207, $8 in Advance $10 Door, Diane Royal 904-396-6881, droyal@cxp.com
February 15
Chico, CA: Screening of Fresh, the Movie at Chico Grange, 2775 Nord Ave., Chico, CA. 6:00 PM. Contact Carol Albrecht, (530) 533-1676, ccakfa@aol.com
February 16
LaTrobe, PA: The Oiling of America by Sally Fallon Morell. Contact: (724) 805-2324.
February 20
Loysburg, PA: Nourishing Traditional Diets, The Key to Vibrant Health with Sally Fallon Morell, lecture and dinner to benefit Health By Choice Education and Research. Contact: (814) 766-2181, www.HBCER.org.
February 23
Agua Dulce, CA: Xanet Planet Presents Liberation Wellness Lecture, 7PM
Agua Dulce Woman’s Club, Janet Demeter 661.977.2724, xanetplanet@yahoo.com
February 24
Los Angeles, CA: Weston Price Chapter Event Liberation Wellness Lecture, 7PM
5319 Packard St. Los Angeles, Ca 90019, Maurice Kaehler 310 349-7044, goalyeehah@yahoo.com
February 25
Pasadena, CA: Liberation Wellness Lecture, 6:30PM
30 S. Wilson Ave. Pasadena, CA. 91106, Elaina Luther 626.893.5164, ElainaLuther@mac.com
February 11 and February 25
Toronto, ON, Canada: Potluck and Seminar on Traditional Diets DVD Viewing, 6:15pm
WAPF Toronto Chapter invites you to join us for a potluck at 6:15 and at 7:00 pm a viewing of the DVD “Seminar on Traditional Diets” with Sally Fallon. We will split the DVD in two parts. Location: Bloor & Bathurst, near Bathurst subway station, Street parking available. For details and RSVP, please e-mail Patricia Meyer-Watt at b-healthy@rogers.com.
February 27
Golden, CO: 2nd Annual Gathering of the Raw Milk Association of Colorado
at the Jefferson Unitarian Church. Starts 8:30AM.
Keynote speaker will be David Gumpert
Panel discussion includes:
- David Lynch, President, Raw Milk Association of Colorado
- Todd Rymer, Director of Colorado Mountain College Culinary Institute at Vail
- Carrie Balkcom, Executive Director of American Grassfed Association
- Suzanne Mikkelson, Rocky Mountain Farmer’s Union Co-operative Development Center
- Dianne Koehler, Master Nutrition Therapist and NC chapter co-leader
- Carol Kolesnikoff, JUC Ethically Eating Task Force
In the afternoon RMAC will conduct their business meeting, elect board members and hear about holistic herd management from Doug Wiley Larga Vista Ranch, and RMAC Board Vice President.
We need lots of helping hands! We need beverages! We need pot-watchers and table setters and tidy-uppers, clock-watchers and booth watchers, bookkeepers and teachers!
Donations requested at the door to cover expenses.
This event is by invitation only.
For details contact Blair McMorran info@rawmilkcolorado.org or 720-985-5842.
March 11-12
Grantville, PA: Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania (HMSSP) conference on “Autism: A Holistic Approach,” featuring Sally Fallon Morell, Sandra M. Chase, MD, DHt, Boyd Haley, PhD, Todd Hoover, MD, DHt, Ioana Razi, MD and Kayla Evan, ND. At the Holiday Inn. Contact: (800) 811-1266, myohn@beyondmail.com, harmanyequine.com
March 12-15
Ontario, CA: Health and Freedom Conference: with Sally Fallon Morell, Peymon Mottahedeh, Mark McAfee, Dr. Tim O’Shea, Joe Bannister and more. Held at the Hilton Ontario Airport Hotel. Get more details at http://2010conference.livefreenow.org/.
March 21
London, UK: Festival for Traditional Nutrition featuring Sally Fallon Morell, Sir Julian Rose, Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, and Barry Groves, PhD. Contact: www.westonaprice.org/london, wisetraditions.uk@googlemail.com. View the flyer. Or, you can get more details and purchase tickets.
March 19-21
Sheboygan, WI: 3rd Annual Traditional Food Weekend The Culture of Food March 19th, 20th and 21st 2010 (10am-4pm each day) Join us for one, two or all three of these offerings! Held in Sheboygan, WI for more information see www.moonwiseherbs.com
- March 19: Fermented Beverages: Beer, Wine, Soda Making and more! Learn how easy it is to make beer, wine, meade and lactofermented soda in your own kitchen. Learning the basics participants will leave feeling confident in making their own beverages at home. Discussions about influencing your beverages with herbs for promoting health will be included. Each person will leave with a bottle that we cork together as well as a soda culture to get you started.
- March 20: You are What you Eat! Soup Broths and Fermentation for Health. Learn to promote health through these time honored food preservation practices. Broths and stocks as well as fermentation have been around since the beginning of time. Stocks are simple and nourishing and can be added to many of your everyday meals to increase the nutrient density of your food. Fermented foods are made by a technique that relies on the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins. The results are delicious food that is beneficial to overall health.
- March 21: Home Cheese Making: Mozzarella, Feta and more!! Making cheese at home is easy and fun! Join us as we explore the lost art of home cheese making. We will create and sample several simple cheeses that can be cultivated at home including: Paneer (an East Indian staple), basic farm cheese (a hard cheese historically created on the small family farm), Chevre (a soft spread able goat cheese). Mozzarella and feta. After learning to make kefir, we will transform this fermented milk beverage into soft spread able cheese and a condiment that can be used in place of sour cream. You’ll also learn some cooking ideas for whey, an abundant by product of cheese making. Students can build on this introduction to create many varieties of cheese at home. Includes instruction, inspiration, samples, cheese to take home, recipes and a cheese culture to get you started.
March 21
London: Festival for Traditional Nutrition, The Camden Centre, Bidborough St, London WC1H 9AU, Doors open at 9am; event from 10am-6pm. Early bird price until January 31, 2010: £40. Sally Fallon Morell, Sir Julian Rose, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, and Dr. Barry Groves will speak. Click here for details.
March 21
Kent Island, MD: Screening of Fresh, the movie. Joel Salatin will be speaking along with Ana Sophia Joannes, the director. Event is from 2:30-6:30pm. $10 donation suggested. RSVP to replytofresh@gmail.com. For questions, contact Diane at (410) 643-3283.
March 22
Madison, WI: Weston Price Chapter Meeting, 7PM
Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St.
Carolyn Graff 608-221-8696 zgraff@charter.net
March 22, 6:30pm, Monday
Princeton, NJ: Tine and Niels Reeh, a husband and wife team of visiting scholars from Denmark, will share their secrets of Danish Sourdough making with us. NEW LOCATION: Whole Earth Center, 360 Nassau Street, Princeton NJ 08540. For more information see: www.wapfnj.org or join our yahoo group: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/traditionalfoodpreparation/.
March 27
Saturday, March 27, 2010, 7:00-9:00 PM, Subud Chelsea Center, 230 West 29th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues
Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, will speak about the safety, health, economic and legal issues surrounding milk. Learn why full-fat raw milk from grass-fed cows on pasture is nature’s safest and healthiest food, and the key to revitalizing small family farms and reclaiming our constitutional rights.
General Admission: $20
Weston A. Price Foundation or Traditional Nutrition Guild Member: $15
Space is limited. Pre-registration is strongly suggested
Credit card registration: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/97887
Please send payments by check (made out to Weston Price Foundation – NYC chapter)
to: Claudia Keel, One Union Square West Suite 309, New York, NY 10003
Sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation NYC
April 5
Columbia County, NY: Lecture by Dr. Ton Baars, professor of biodynamic agriculture at Kassel University in Germany. Production Factors in Raw Milk Quality and their Impact on Human Health
Dr. Baars will speak about his research on the effect of different farming systems and practices on the quality of raw milk, and the relation of these quality differences to asthma and atopic allergies in humans. What are the challenges for organic dairy farming?
Dr. Anthonie (Ton) Baars holds a masters degree in biology with a specialization in ecology from University of Utrecht and received his doctorate from Wageningen University. His nearly 30-year teaching career spans a diversity of topics in biodynamics – grassland, animal health and welfare, animal breeding, cheese processing and system development. The focus of his research at Kassel University include: milk quality and allergies, animal self-medication, biodynamic preparations, human decision making and biodynamic animal breeding.
For a list of Dr. Baars’ publications, see:
For more information, contact Malcolm Gardner, 518-828-1797, malcolm9@verizon.net
April 10
Madison, WI: Raw Milk Symposium registration $60, $10 early bird discount. Featured speakers include Sally Fallon Morell, Mark McAfee, Tim Wightman, Ted Beals, David Gumpert and others. See http://www.farmtoconsumerfoundation.org/rawmilksymposium/ for details or call (703) 208-FARM (3276).
April 13 to May 4
Orange County, CA: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE 101, from a “Wise Traditions” Perspective. We’ll be exploring subjects like the Principles of a Nourishing, Traditional Diet; the Beneficial Effects of Native Foods Eaten by Native Peoples; Cholesterol Myths & Facts; Soy, As Good or As Bad As Proclaimed?; Why Don’t Europeans Get Fat?; Nourishing Our Children, etc.
New class for 4 TUESDAYS, from April 13 to May 4, from 10-11:45 am, EVERYONE WELCOME, drop-in to any class or all of them, RSVP needed ONLY for babysitting, $10 1st pre-school child. Donation to church for the class. Babysit RSVP only (so we have enough sitters) to Marsha Youde, NTP healthylifestyle101@yahoo.com. If we have enough interest, classes will continue weekly after these 4 classes.
We will meet at the Center for Spiritual Living, 25782 Obrero St, Unit D, Mission Viejo, 92691. Phone 949.481.4040. DIRECTIONS TO CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING: From 5 Fwy in Mission Viejo, take Alicia Pkwy offramp, go East towardSaddleback Mountains, Left at Fabricante, Right at Obrero, Right into the last complex before getting to signal at Jeronimo (We R Fabrics is in same bldg), go to far end of bldg to The Center.
April 16
Winnsboro, TX: Farm Day featuring Sally Fallon Morell, Judith McGeary, Esq. and Peter Langsjoen, MD. Speaking portion of the event at Tinney Chapel United Methodist Church, 449 CR 4620, farm tour and vendors at Falster Farm and Miniature Cattle Ranch, 2112 CR 4778. Contact: Nancy Gail Falster (903) 629-3034, chef@southerngrace.biz.
April 17, 10:30-2:30
North Andover, MA: Intestinal Recovery with Sharon Kane. Sponsored by the Andover Chapter WAPF. North Parish Church, 190 Academy Road. $80 if paid before April 5; $90 after April 5. Demonstrations and discussions of properly preparing grains, fermented foods, and how detoxification works, with clear, complete handouts including all recipes. Tasty and highly digestible lunch included. For further information, contact Liz Anderson at wapandover@comcast.net.
April 17-18
Tyler, TX: eTX Natural Wellness Expo featuring Sally Fallon Morell, Doug Kaufmann, Robert Scott Bell and Jordan Rubin. Contact: Wellness productions (903) 882-4325, wellnessproductions@gmail.com, www.AttendTheExpo.com.
April 23
Chestertown, MD: Nourishing Traditional Diets for the 21st Century by Sally Fallon Morell. Contact: Bill Schindler, Assistant Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology (410) 778-8993, wschindler2@washcoll.edu.
April 23
Northern Westchester, NY: Grains, Gluten, and the Gut. Learn the secrets our ancestors knew to make all grains easier to digest. 7:30 PM at the coffee shop at Borders in Mount Kisko. Contact beth.rordam.tse@gmail.com.
April 26
Madison, WI: Weston Price Chapter Meeting, 7PM
Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Carolyn Graff 608-221-8696 zgraff@charter.net, http://my.madison.com/Groups/Madison_WAPF
April 27
Chico, CA: Announcing a free cooking class from Chico Butte Valley Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter! What: Chico Nourishing Our Children Class – A Journey Into Real Food When: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Through Tuesday June 1st, 2010 6:30-8:30 PM Where: Mathews Cafe 1600 Mangrove Ave Suite 175 Chico, CA 95926. If you are unable to attend the class or would like extra information, a study guide and audio book are available for download from www.nourishingourchildren.org. . Learn more here: http://www.meetup.com/Chico-ButteValleyWAPFChapter/calendar/13178218/
April 28
New York, NY: Meet the Radical Homemakers! 6:30PM to 8:30PM. Join Just Food and the Weston A. Price Foundation NYC for a special presentation and book signing to celebrate the release of “Radical Homemakers: Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture,” by Shannon Hayes, upstate New York farmer, author and radical homemaker. Shannon will tell the story of pioneering men and women who are redefining feminism and the good life by reclaiming control of home and hearth.
Event at 114 West 47th Street, First floor auditorium (between 6th and 7th Avenues) New York, New York. Tickets are $10 for admission and $25 for admission and a signed copy of “Radical Homemakers.” Pre-registration is required due to building security. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Reception and book signing to follow presentation Tickets can be purchased at http://www.nycharities.org/events/EventLevels.aspx?ETID=1287. For more information go to: www.justfood.org
May 15-16
Austin, TX: Nourishing Traditions: Challenging Politically Correct Nutrition by Sally Fallon Morell. Registration is available through the website www.theaustincentre.com or by calling 1-800-998-6687 or emailing spcentex2@aol.com. Cost for health care professionals is $175, with CEUs $200. Cost for all other is $125, with CEUs, $150. Location: The Austin Center, 3809 South Second Street, Suite A 100, Austin, TX 78704, 512-440-1010.
May 20
Ontario, Canada: Hamilton Chapter meeting Potluck dinner and ‘Nourishing our Children’ presentation. 6-9pm 510 Mohawk Road West Please see www.nourishinghamilton.blogspot.com for details.
May 21-23
Minnetonka, MN: Minnesota Chiropractic Association Annual Convention featuring Sally Fallon Morell and Dr. Jeanne Ohm. Contact: (800) 864-3769, jnelson@mnchiro.com.
May 24
Madison, WI: Weston Price Chapter Meeting, 7PM
Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Carolyn Graff 608-221-8696 zgraff@charter.net, http://my.madison.com/Groups/Madison_WAPF
May 29
Oakland, CA: WAPF May Potluck” 6:30PM
Wiley Rogers will present on two topics: one part about Raw Oakland Honey Collective and bees as a beekeeper himself (www.citysown.org), and the other about Planting Justice (www.plantingjustice.org) the food justice non-profit he works for. Both are pretty unusual models of urban agriculture. ((he will also have some available pints of honey to sell from his hives.))”. Click below to visit Evite for more information about the event and also to RSVP.
May 4 – June 8
Nevada City, CA: Nourishing Traditions Cooking Class Series. If you are new to Nourishing Traditions or if you need a “little boost”, Shan Kendall will be doing another series of her Nourishing Traditions Cooking Classes on Tuesday evenings May 4 through June 8, 2010. Location: In the Kitchen in Nevada City, CA .
There are 6 classes in the series, covering everything from bone broths, to preparing grains and seeds, making sauerkraut, dairy cultures, brewing up her famous ginger & fir tip ales and lots more.
Please contact Shan at 530/478-5628 or daveshanken@juno.com to receive a flyer or to register for the classes.
If you’re not near Nevada City, CA, ask about Shan’s DVD set, Preparing Traditional Nourishment – a 5-disc set of the Cooking Class Series with a bonus CD including recipes and other resource materials. This set is also a great resource for Chapter leaders who want to teach cooking/nutrition classes.
May 11,18,25 and June 1
Orange County, CA: Weekly CLASSES TO START IN MISSION VIEJO: HEALTHY LIFESTYLE 101, from a “Wise Traditions” Perspective. We’ll be exploring subjects like the Principles of a Nourishing, Traditional Diet; the Beneficial Effects of Native Foods Eaten by Native Peoples; Cholesterol Myths & Facts; Soy, As Good or As Bad As Proclaimed?; Why Don’t Europeans Get Fat?; Nourishing Our Children, etc.
New class for 4 TUESDAYS, from April 13 to May 4, from 10-11:45 am, EVERYONE WELCOME, drop-in to any class or all of them, RSVP needed ONLY for babysitting, $10 1st pre-school child. Donation to church for the class. Babysit RSVP only (so we have enough sitters) to Marsha Youde, NTP healthylifestyle101@yahoo.com. If we have enough interest, classes will continue weekly after these 4 classes.
We will meet at the Center for Spiritual Living, 25782 Obrero St, Unit D, Mission Viejo, 92691. Phone 949.481.4040. DIRECTIONS TO CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING: From 5 Fwy in Mission Viejo, take Alicia Pkwy offramp, go East towardSaddleback Mountains, Left at Fabricante, Right at Obrero, Right into the last complex before getting to signal at Jeronimo (We R Fabrics is in same bldg), go to far end of bldg to The Center.
June 5
Kenmore, WA: The Oiling of America by Sally Fallon at the Bastyr University Herb Fair. Contact: (425) 823-1300, www.bastyr.edu
June 6
Kenmore, WA: Seminar on Nourishing Traditional Diets by Sally Fallon Morell, sponsored by Bastyr University. View flyer. Contact (425) 602-3152, continuinged@bastyr.edu, www.bastyr.edu/continuinged
June 12
Marin County, CA: Nourishing Traditional Diets for Healthy Babies, by Sally Fallon Morell at Olney Hall, College of Marin: Contact: anitaoffice@sbcglobal.net, (415) 380-8448. View flyer.
June 26
Manhattan, NY: Nourishing Wisdom: The Fertility, Pregnancy and Nursing Diet and Baby’s First Foods
Saturday, June 26, 2010, 2:00-5:00 pm Location: 93 St. Mark’s Place, 2nd Floor (use buzzer for ROC), Manhattan Scaling scale donation: $10-20*
Throughout history, humans have prized certain foods that were known to provided the special nourishment needed for creating — and raising — healthy children. In this workshop, Weston A. Price Foundation Brooklyn chapter leaders Hannah Springer and Angela Davis, will discuss what these traditional foods are and why they are of vital importance for fertility, pregnancy, lactation, and feeding babies. They will cover the pioneering work of Dr. Weston A. Price, his study of healthy traditional communities, and the underlying factors in a variety of traditional diets that conferred fertility, beauty, strength, and freedom from disease. Come learn how you can transition to a way of eating that will help maximize your chances of conceiving a healthy baby, how to eat for the growing child within you, which foods will increase the nutritional value and volume of breast milk, and which foods to emphasize when transitioning your little one to solids.
*Proceeds will benefit the Nourishing Our Children-NYC Chapter and help us spread the word to families, schools and communities.
June 28
Madison, WI: Weston Price Chapter Meeting, 7PM
Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Carolyn Graff 608-221-8696 zgraff@charter.net, http://my.madison.com/Groups/Madison_WAPF
July 10
New York, NY: Eating for Fertility, Pregnancy & Nursing
Saturday, July 10, 2:00-4:30pm
TRS Professional Suites
44 East 32nd Street, 11th Floor (“6” train to 33rd Street) New York, NY
Fee: $25
Planning to have a baby soon? Already pregnant? New mom? More than any other time in your life, it’s crucial to be conscious about what you eat. Eating real foods that are unprocessed, whole and traditional is the key to nourishing your body for conception, pregnancy and nursing. In this workshop, Angela Davis and Hannah Springer, Holistic Nutrition Coaches and co-founders of Wise Ways Cooking School, will discuss what traditional foods are and why they are for vital for fertility, pregnancy, lactation, and feeding babies. They will cover the pioneering work of Dr. Weston A. Price, his study of healthy traditional communities, and the underlying factors in a variety of traditional diets that conferred fertility, beauty, strength, and freedom from disease. Come learn how you can transition to a way of eating that will help maximize your chances of conceiving a healthy baby, nurture your baby’s growth and brain development, and support optimal nutrition for nursing. Register at: http://wisewayscookingschool.com/registration
For more information: Angela@wisewayscookingschool.com
July 12-August 2, 2010
Coon Valley, WI: Women’s Herbal Earthways Residential Apprenticeship Program. This residential apprenticeship is a unique opportunity for women to hear the call of the wild. We will connect deeply with ourselves and develop a connection with herbal green allies. Participants will have the opportunity to experience living close to the earth while incorporating herbs as well as wild and whole foods into their daily life. We will create a community of women that encourage, inspire and challenge each other to look to the mother earth and plant sisters for deep healing and wisdom. This program is an authentic apprenticeship where participants are offered support on their own personal journey and encouraged, supported and challenged to journey to their depths. For information see www.moonwiseherbs.com
July 17
Viroqua, WI: Herbs for Health and Nourishment Viroqua
Working with herbs in your own backyard is fun and empowering. Join herbalist and wild crafter Linda Conroy for this inspiring day of plant alchemy. This day will be spent identifying and harvesting food as well as healing plants that are all around us. Participants will have the opportunity to harvest as well as learn methods for preparing herbs for food and medicine. We will learn to make wild salads, dressings, infused oils, salves, herbal tinctures, infusions and much more! A whole and wild food lunch, some of which we prepare together, will be included. For more information see: http://driftlessfolkschool.org/courses/herbs-for-health-and-nourishment-a-day-of-plant-alchemy
July 17
New York, NY: Timeless Principles of Infant & Child Nutrition
Saturday, July 17, 2:00-4:30pm
TRS Professional Suites
44 East 32nd Street, 11th Floor (“6” train to 33rd Street)
New York, NY
Fee: $25
Should I feed my baby rice cereal? Organic “puffs?” Juice? What about Cheerios, cow’s milk, soy, and wheat? When can I introduce meats? Is raw milk safe for my child? What about food allergies? Iron supplements? Does organic matter??
Let’s face it: transitioning to solid foods is a time of exploration, conflicting information, trial-and-error, and just plain confusion. It’s time to go way beyond the conventional wisdom and learn what your baby really needs to be healthy and well, what she can digest at these early stages, and what she needs for proper growth, steady development, and a strong immune system. Angela Davis and Hannah Springer, Holistic Nutrition Coaches and co-founders of Wise Ways Cooking School, will cover the principles of child nutrition discovered by Weston A. Price in his study of healthy traditional communities, and will offer guidance on how to prepare your child for a balanced, varied traditional-foods diet, while preventing and addressing issues like food allergies, frequent infections, digestive problems, and pickiness. This workshop is a must for new parents, parents-to-be, and parents of toddlers. Register at: http://wisewayscookingschool.com/registration For more information: Hannah@WiseWaysCookingSchool.com.
July 18
London, England: Fermentation Festival. Sandor Ellix Katz is presenting an all day workshop in London (Kensington) on fermented (super raw) foods and drinks. Contact Philip on philridley@hotmail.com or 02076821093 to purchase tickets over the phone or for any questions you may have.
Sandor wrote the book “Wild Fermentation” for which Sally Fallon wrote the Foreward. You can read more about him on his blog and you can also read the Thumbs Up Review given it by Weston A Price Foundation.
Lunch is being provided by Cultured Probiotics to include include their range of fermented vegetables. Lunch will be GAPS friendly.
10-11:15 Welcome; what is fermentation?; benefits of fermentation; basic concepts.
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-12:45 Fermenting milk & grains: yogurt, kefir, using whey; soaking and sprouting grains; sourdough
12:45-1:45 Lunch (provided by Cultured Probiotics)
1:45-3: Tonic & alcoholic beverages: kombucha, water kefir, lacto-fermented sodas & mead.
3-5: Workshops demonstrating fermentation techniques with smaller groups circulating around demonstration tables staffed by Sandor Katz and Cultured Probiotics.
For more details, see the full listing: http://www.meetup.com/westonaprice-london/calendar/13048159/
July 26
Madison, WI: Weston Price Chapter Meeting, 7 PM
Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Carolyn Graff 608-221-8696 zgraff@charter.net, http://my.madison.com/Groups/Madison_WAPF
July 31
Viroqua, WI: Introduction to Home Cheese Making – Join cheese maker and whole food cook Linda Conroy and find out how simple it is to make cheese in your own kitchen. This introduction will offer an opportunity to explore this lost art. We will create and sample several simple cheeses that can be cultivated at home. For more information see: http://driftlessfolkschool.org/courses/intro-to-cheese-making
July 31
Indianapolis, IN: Real Milk Dairy Tour, 8 AM to 8 PM
Tour will consist of a charter bus tour departing Indianapolis at 8am and heading to the Swiss Connection in Clay City, IN and to Rhodes Family Farm in Newberry, IN.
Ticket Price: $45 per person
To purchase a ticket, please go to www.brownpapertickets.com
Event title. Real Milk Dairy Tour
Price includes
Charter Bus Transportation Cost
Two (2) Small Dairy Farm Tours
Cheese & Charcuterie Tasting
Raw Milk Production Handbook by Tim Wightman or
Safe Handling Consumers Guide by Peggy Beals, RN
Milk discussion on the Bus Ride
Optional cost could include a box lunch or picnic lunch from Goose the
Market and food items for sale at the farms. (ex. cheese)
Things to Bring
Picnic Lunch (or purchase optional box lunch)
Table Setting (plates, bowls, cups, silverware, napkins)
Lawn Chair or Picnic Blanket
Rain Gear?
Pick Up Location
Sun King Brewing Company
135 N College Ave
A project of Slow Food Indy and Indianapolis Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation
For more details, contact Mark Cox (317-331-0166) or jedi4life23@hotmail.com
August 1
Viroqua, WI: More Cheese Making! From Curd to Press – This is the class you have been waiting for. We will make several varieties of hard cheese including cheddar and gouda as well as a mold ripened goat cheese. The goal is for participants to experience a variety of techniques for crafting aged cheese. Both the art and the science will be presented, testing acid levels as well as developing a relationship with the curd. We will explore pressing as well as aging options for the home producer. Includes instruction, recipes to get you started and of course samples! For more information see: http://driftlessfolkschool.org/courses/more-cheese-making-from-curd-to-press
August 2-6
Takoma Park, MD: It’s All About REAL Food: Cooking, Art and Music in Celebration of Healthy Eating! Summer Cooking Camp for Children ages 9-12 years (mature 8s and just-turned 13s welcome!)
Monday-Friday, August 2-6, 2010, 9am-3pm at the Ritchie Avenue Cultural Center, Takoma Park, MD
Join Monica Corrado, REAL food chef and holistic nutrition educator, Honorary Board Member WAPF, and award-winning musician and visual artist Rachel Cross for their second annual summer cooking camp for children. The children will learn all about REAL food and healthy eating through the food they cook, the art they create and the songs they write, sing, record and perform. *Note: This camp meets and exceeds all state of Maryland educational standards for children ages 9-12.
$375 plus $25 materials fee per child. Sibling and group discounts available.
Send checks made out to Monica Corrado, to PO Box 5451, Takoma Park, MD 20913. For more information, contact Monica Corrado: 240.988.9312 or www.simplybeingwell.com
August 7-8
Vashon Island, WA:> Home Cheese Making Weekend, Hands on Learning K-JO Farm, Vashon Island, WA, August 7 and 8, 2010 (9am – 4pm each day). Spend the weekend making cheese on a working goat farm and CSA. The food will be local, the company will be inspiring and the learning will be rich. There will be time for visiting the goats and touring the farm. http://www.kjofarm.com/calendar/14272
August 13-15
Amherst, MA: NOFA-Mass Summer Conference featuring Dr. Fernando Funes, Sally Fallon Morell and over 200 workshops. Contact: info@nofasummerconference.org, (860) 684-0551. See flier.
August 23
Madison, WI: Weston Price Chapter Meeting, 7 PM
Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Carolyn Graff 608-221-8696 zgraff@charter.net, http://my.madison.com/Groups/Madison_WAPF
September 3
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. Planning Committee meets at the Nyack Library
September 4th
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. Meet RWAP at the Suffern Farmers Market Table (our first market September 25th, Saturday- RWAP MONTHLY MEET Topic: “Real Food” Lesson 1 of an education series. The critically acclaimed documentary “FRESH” will be presented and a wholesome nutritious snack will be served. 10:30am-1:00pm, Private home in Upper Nyack, NY
September 11
9:00-11:00 AM SEPTEMBER 11, 2010
This presentation will explore the foundational nutritional principles Weston A. Price DDS discovered during his extensive travels around the world in the 1930’s. This program will demonstrate that many traditional foods now considered unhealthy are, in fact, vital for the growth and intellectual development of our children. NOURISHING OUR CHILDREN intends to help parents see the facts behind the spin, so that the decisions they make about the food they buy is not determined by commercials, labels or lobby groups, but rather by timeless dietary principles.
A lunch will be provided by Sustainable Farming Association. Free will donations accepted for the meal. Any questions contact Al & Shari Wagner, SE MN Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leaders. alw@dmbroadband.com
September 11-12
Massachusetts Raw Milk Dairy Days: Ten dairies in Massachusetts will hold open houses on September 11-12 to showcase the farms that provide safe, healthy raw milk to thousands of customers. Visitors to the farms will be treated to tours, milking demonstrations, and lessons on proper management of healthy dairy animals. See a full list of farms, including details and directions, at http://www.nofamass.org/programs/organicdairy/pdfs/2010rawmilkidairydays.pdf, or email winton@nofamass.org. Participating farms include: Chase Hill Farm, Warwick Cricket Creek Farm, Williamstown Eastleigh Farm, Framingham Farmstead at Mine Brook, Charlemont The Herb Hill Micro-Dairy, Andover Lyons Brook Farm, Westport Oake Knoll Ayrshires, Foxboro Robinson Farm, Hardwick Sidehill Farm, Ashfield Upinngil Farm, Gill.
September 12
Nevada City: The Vegetarian Myth: Food and Sustainability
You’ve heard that veganism is good for:
v Animals
v The planet
v Your health
and the answer to feeding the hungry world. Come hear author and ex-vegan Lierre Keith tell it her way! She will challenge everything you thought you knew about food politics. –
September 12 at 7pm – United Methodist Church – Community room on left side – 533 Broad Street, Nevada City 95959 Sponsored by the Church and Society Committee of the Nevada City United Methodist Church and the local Gold Country Chapter of The Weston A. Price Foundation©
September 25
Fort Lauderdale, FL: BM Organics presents: *Our Path to Healing–One Couple’s Health and Wellness Story* with Farm Fresh Food Tasting September 25, 2010, 2:00pm
Five years ago, married couple Kimberly and Keith Hartke each faced a health crisis. Keith was diagnosed pre-diabetic and at risk for heart disease. Kimberly had serious chronic joint pain, and the only option was a surgery, which she was too young to have. Determined to face and overcome these challenges, they were plunged into an exciting journey of discovery and personal change.
Come hear Keith and Kimberly’s dramatic testimony, and learn more about the vital work of the nutrition education non-profit, Weston A. Price Foundation. No matter what health challenge you face, there is hope. Please bring a friend!
Kimberly’s Bio: As Publicist for the nutrition education non-profit, Weston A. Price Foundation, Kimberly Hartke handles media relations, government relations, social media on behalf of the 13,000 member organization. Kimberly also blogs about nutrition and natural health on her personal blog, http://hartkeisonline.com. Her blog brings the many voices of the local foods movement to the rest of the world, via the internet. So far this year, over 123,000 unique visitors from 174 countries read her blog about raw milk, real food and home remedies. She is also a cowshare owner and raw milk activist.
Location: BM Organics (Directly behind Albertson’s Supermarket at intersection of Commercial Blvd. and Dixie Highway) 4861 North Dixie Highway, Store 2 Fort Lauderdale, FL store phone 954-533-3282, ask for Dr. Paola Weber or Charles Weber
No RSVP necessary. Children are welcome, they will be able to watch a children’s video in our kids area.
The event is FREE, if you would like to contribute a nourishing traditions dish or beverage, you are welcome to do so.
September 25
Laurel, MD: “Nutritional Support for Chemical Sensitivity,” free lecture by Sally Fallon Morell. Hosted by the Chemical Sensitivity Disorders Association, 2:00-4:45 p.m. Maryland City Library, 3501 Russett Common, Laurel, MD. It is necessary that attendees do not wear fragrance, including personal care products such as scented soaps, mouthwash, aftershave or deodorants, or clothing washed with scented detergents or dried with dryer sheets. Contact: Lawrence Plumlee, laplumlee@pol.net.
September 27
Madison, WI: Weston Price Chapter Meeting, 7 PM
Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Carolyn Graff 608-221-8696 zgraff@charter.net, http://my.madison.com/Groups/Madison_WAPF
September 30-October 3
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. Biodynamic Conference in Chestnut Ridge, NY, WAPF will have a table and speaker http://www.biodynamics.com. RWAP reps will be present.
October 14
Health Effects of Dietary Saturated Fatty Acids, 8.30 am – 5.00 pm
Wayne State University, Undergraduate Library Bernath Auditorium, 5155 Gullen Mall, Detroit, MI 48202.
Hosted By Department of Nutrition and Food Science
Reducing saturated fats in food. Review of the effects of stearic acid. Saturated fatty acids and low-carb diets. Dietary fats and Human Health. The case for and against stearic acid. Dietary fat in weight loss. Is a SFA intake of <7% calories desirable or feasible. Evolution of the USDA’s Nutrition Evidence Library. History of the Dietary Guidelines in relation to Saturated Fat
To attend the Symposium please e-mail Debbie Zebari
Hotel reservations – Hotels near Wayne State University <http://hotels.tripzen.com/Detroit/deals/v1?adguid=00000000000000000105002DB30007F7&network=googlesearch&creative=0104010CF44C5AC795A6A528056EF743&gclid=CMif26KllKQCFZQz5wodNzj-JQ&do=www.google.com>
Preregistration required Complimentary registration , parking, refreshments and lunch – restricted to first 200 registrants
courtesy of Educational Grants from American Palm Oil Council; Committee for a Healthy Nation; Department of Nutrition and Food Science; Loders Croklaan; Metabolism Society; Smart Balance, Wayne State University; Weston A. Price Foundation
For additional information please email aa0987@wayne.edu
Symposium Website:
October 17th- 6:30pm-8:30pm
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. RWAP members Dr. Arlene Kahn and Dr. Eric Goldman, DC will present at Holistic Moms of Rockland Meeting in Chestnut Ridge, NY (open to the public)
October 19
North Andover, Mass. The Andover Chapter of WAPF will host a meeting at the North Parish Church, in the chapel, 190 Academy Road, North Andover 01845. Subject: Soaking seeds, nuts and grains. 7-9pm. The church is large, entrance is at side of building, on Great Pond Road. Chapel is in the basement level, at the back of the building. Free of charge. For more info.: http://wapandover.blogspot.com/
October 21-24
Reston, VA: Freedom for Family Wellness Conference
Connect, Collaborate and Expand at this Enlightening Summit for Leaders in the Vitalistic Movement
Here is a wonderful opportunity to hear Dr. Joseph Mercola, Bruce Lipton, PhD and other notable alternative health and wellness speakers. They will all be in Reston, VA in October for a big conference which is open to the public.
Weston A. Price Foundation will have a booth at the conference!
Check out the website below for more details!
October 23
Basking Ridge, NJ: Natural Living Conference, Raising Healthy Kids 8 AM – 4 PM
Workshops on holistic pediatrics, natural, non-toxic homes, treating cough, cold and flu and balanced living. Keynote speaker is Sally Fallon Morell speaking on Nutrition for Healthy Kids. Register at register.holisticmoms.org.
October 23
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. WAPF representative Sally Fallon to speak at The 7th Annual National Holistic Moms Conference in NJ http://www.holisticmoms.org
October 24
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. Sunday-, RWAP MONTHLY MEET Kombucha making demo along and discussion of other fermented beverages. Hosted by Member Linda, Certified Health Coach & RWAP co-leader. Private home in Upper Nyack 12:00pm-2:00pm
October 25
Madison, WI: Weston Price Chapter Meeting, 7 PM
Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Carolyn Graff 608-221-8696 zgraff@charter.net, http://my.madison.com/Groups/Madison_WAPF
October 28
The Lehigh Valley Chapter of the WAPF: Liberation Wellness
On Thursday, 10/28/10, Kevin Brown and Maureen Diaz, will speak about “Liberation Wellness” at the United Steelworkers Hall, 53 East Lehigh Street (just north of the New Street/Fahy Bridge), Bethlehem. Doors open at 6:30pm. The presentation begins at 7. Free admission (donations welcome).
Kevin will talk about his groundbreaking nutrition plan that has proven to help many people become truly healthy and maintain normal weight. Maureen will walk us through implementing Liberation Wellness/Weston A. Price principles in our daily lives, providing “many helpful tips, solutions, and ideas about how to transform your life into one of vibrant health.”
Local producers may bring grass-fed, organic, and/or biodynamic products for sampling or sale. Attendees can check out the produce tables before and after the presentation (bring your coolers!). Books & videos will also be available. Ample on-site parking: the parking lot is accessible from Center St (at the equivalent of 315 Center St if you’re googling). Sponsored by the Lehigh Valley Chapter of The Weston A Price Foundation, a nonprofit organization.”
November 1
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details – Nyack Farmer’s Market booth- volunteers needed!
November 9
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. Tuesday- MOVIE CHAT with RWAP. Come join us for a film of “The Whole Truth About Milk (Raw v.s. Pasteurized)” Discussion to Follow. 7pm in the lower conference room at the Nyack Library.
SAVE THE DATE!November 12-15: Wise Traditions 2010, our 11th annual conference, will be held in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Details to come. |
November 16
North Andover, Mass: The Andover Chapter of WAPF will host a meeting at the North Parish Church, 190 Academy Road, North Andover 01845. Subject: Cod liver oil – history, discussion, tasting. Presenter: John Delmino of Traditional Health First. 7-9pm. The church is large, entrance is at side of building, on Great Pond Road. Free of charge, but donations gratefully accepted to cover cost of space. For more info.: http//www.wapandover.blogspot.com ;
November 21
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. Sunday-RWAP MONTHLY MEET. 2-4:30pm “Making Dairy Products At Home”. Hosted by Member CJ as she shares her experience in a food demonstration making kefir, butter, yogurt, and mayo. Upper Nyack private residence.
November 22
Madison, WI: Weston Price Chapter Meeting, 7 PM
Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Carolyn Graff 608-221-8696 zgraff@charter.net, http://my.madison.com/Groups/Madison_WAPF
December 4,5
Driftwood, Texas: Join Amanda Love, The Barefoot Cook, for the next Nourishing Foods Nutrition and Cooking Workshop
Learn how to make delicious dishes out of nourishing, local, seasonal, organic, fresh, nutrient dense ingredients.
In this workshop, we will focus on fall and winter seasonal foods to keep us warm, nourished and healthy during this cool weather season.*
*Learn how to make:*
~ Homemade Bone Broths, Soups and Stews
~ Slow-cooked Pasture Raised Meats, Wild Game & Fish
~ Simple and Delicious Sauces to enhance your meals
~ Seasonal Vegetables
~ Probiotic, Enzyme Rich Foods like Cultured Vegetables, Kombucha, Beet
Kvass, Ginger Sodas, Kefir and more
~ Cultured Dairy: Kefir, Yogurt, Whey, Creme Fraische, Homemade Cheese,
alternative milks for culturing
~ Grains, Beans, Nuts and Seeds: how to properly prepare them for optimal
digestion and taste; sprouting / soaking / souring grains; tips on a gluten
free diet
~ Fat and Salt: get the scoop on which fats heal and which ones kill; the
real story behind salt and why you need it.
*Additional Topics Covered Include:*
~ Principles of healthy diets discovered by Dr. Weston A. Price www.westonaprice.org
~ Which foods nourished & sustained our ancestors for centuries vs. those that lead to disease
~ SOL Food Cooking – Cooking w/ Seasonal, Organic, Local Ingredients
~ Raw vs Pasteurized milk
~ Obtaining your optimal weight with satisfying and delicious food
~ The importance of gut health and good digestion
~ Staple ingredients to have on hand in your kitchen to easily prepare
healthy and delicious meals
~ Sustainable shopping tips and resources to support our local economy and
*Includes a delicious, organic, seasonal lunch prepared by Amanda Love.*
Cost: $275 early reg before Nov 20th; $325 regular registration price (includes lunch)
Bring a friend or partner and get $25 off registration!
To register or for more information, please contact:
1-800-250-4718 or 512-422-8279
December 8
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. Wednesday – MOVIE CHAT with RWAP.. Come join us for a film Nourishing Traditional Diets – The Key to Vibrant Health. A discussion willfollow.7pm in the lower conference room at the Nyack Library.
December 11
Fort Lauderdale, Florida: “The Raw Milk Revolution: What Does It Mean and Where Is It Headed?”
David Gumpert, Author
Lecture and Booksigning
Location: BM Organics
4861 N. Dixie HWY, Store 2
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334
(located off Commercial Blvd. and Dixie Hwy, directly behind the Albertson’s Supermarket)
Store Phone: 954 533-3282
Date: Dec. 11, 2010
Time: 2 p.m.
Journalist, David Gumpert and The Complete Patient <http://www.thecompletepatient.com/> blog he writes are documenting the history of the modern comeback of a traditional food–raw milk.
His book, “The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind American Emerging Battle Over Food Rights,” chronicles the contemporary battle over food freedom of choice and raw dairy.
Copies of the book will for sale, and a booksigning will be before and after the talk.
We will also have Keith and Kimberly Hartke with us again, Kimberly is publicist for the Weston A. Price Foundation and blogs about raw milk at Hartkeisonline.com. She will share a raw milk healing story from deep in her family’s history and introduce David.
December 12
Central IL: The next Central IL Weston A. Price chapter meeting/potluck will take place on December 12, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. and will feature guest speaker Debra Katchen, M.D., CHom who practices homeopathy in Monmouth, IL. For more information contact Kate Potter at 309-362-2117 or email potter_kate@hotmail.com.
December 18
Nyack, New York (Rockland County): Rockland County Chapter of WAPF. Most meetings are located in and around Nyack, New York (Rockland County) call 845-418-4WAP for details. RWAP MONTHLY MEET 3:30-5:30pm,. “Making Bread” a food demo of gluten free and wholesome homemade easy breads. Hosted by Member Laura at a private residence in West Nyack.
Joneen says
Thumbs up! (For the review!)
Excellent and thorough review, thank you!! I’m only sorry I didn’t see this before I bought the book! smilies/sad.gif However, at least I didn’t waste the energy trying to read it yet though. I really appreciate how thorough you were, very in-depth. I really enjoyed her first book, and since I trusted her as an author, I picked up this second one without a thought. Guess I’ll know better for next time. Thanks again!!
Lorette C. Luzajic says
I’m shocked and surprised that this foundation gave a thumbs down to Nina Planck, despite all the reasons you mentioned. You can bet that Nina’s cheerful assurances go a lot further to help “real” people transition to a healthier diet than detailed, confusing diatribes that even scientists can barely follow. There is not one SAD eater who will suddenly overnight adopt perfect nutrition and source every bite from the top farms. Intimidating sugar addicts or low fat advocates with “perfection” instead of reasonable change is not only unrealistic, but it does a disservice.
Vegans can and will and do have children. It’s better for some to adopt some fish and meat, because NONE are going to “wait” many “years” to repair from the “nutritional wasteland.” Babies are born all the time the world over into imperfect circumstances and not even the Weston A. Price foundation can change that.
I think this review was very meanspirited and elitist. The last thing Weston followers want is to become an elitist, disdainful cult like vegans, who spend all their time criticizing others who aren’t vegetarian enough. Vegans exclude the imperfect and refuse differences of priority and judge others constantly with their bizarre sense of morality. We should be the opposite, a support system to procure more information, change, and real food.
Nina successfully brings better food to a wide audience, helping people adopt and grow new habits and thirst for new information. It’s incredibly small to discredit a whole book of enthusiastic life-changing information over her years as a vegan or store bought milk. In fact, I’ve never had the pleasure of buying raw milk since the only place I can get it in my area is by a long drive in a car, and I don’t believe in cars. In fact, I’m “team Paleo” and we don’t believe in eating grains at all, but we don’t shun either Sally Fallon or Nina Planck for encouraging whole grains soaked. After all, we don’t want people without access or money for meat to starve to death. My diet is imperfect, but since finding Sally’s cookbook the changes I’ve made have helped cure a whole host of autoimmune disorders, and I’m not going to obsess or cry over spilled milk.
dandeliongirl says
I loved this book!
Like Lorette, I too am shocked that this got a thumbs down review! I think this book is an excellent book for those transitioning from the typical American diet. I’ve given Nourishing Traditions to friends and they’ve been overwhelmed by it and found it to read like a textbook. Real Food for Mother and Baby was a breath of fresh air for me! I wholeheartedly support the Weston A. Price message but let’s face it, it can be a very hard way to eat in our culture, especially if you can’t afford pastured beef and raw cheeses! We have been able to change a LOT in our diet since reading Nourishing Traditions but it took one step at a time.
You have to remember what the effects of stress do on the body too. When I try to eat strictly by the WAPF guidelines I tend to get very stressed. So, I’ve done what I can and don’t fret the rest. That’s the kind of attitude that Nina Planck has cultivated too and I greatly appreciate that.
This review did seem rather mean-spirited and judgmental. Let’s have a little grace for people and celebrate each small step that they’re able to make for better health. Nina’s book is a good book and I would recommend it to any pregnant mom! As they get used to eating ‘real food’ then they can be introduced to the more labor intensive WAP guidelines.
Allison says
This is a fantastic book
This is a great book in terms of information and readability. I don’t like how reviewer Czapp points to author’s Nina Planck’s body and c-section birth as evidence of her nutrition advice being unsound. With this kind of flawed and hurtful reasoning, what would Czapp say about WAPF founder Sally Fallon’s not being able to breastfeed successfully? Besides, Nina Planck later went on the have TWIN vaginal births and nursed successfully. Go Nina!
Barbara Brown says
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
Thank you for your hard work. I use your site daily to find the latest information on all the topics you cover. Please let me know if I can help you in any way. Barbara Brown 503-282-6463
Maria Elena says
For strong advocates of the Weston A. Price Diet, I can see how this book doesn’t satisfy. However, I thought this book was an excellent resource! Like others have said, WAPF can be extremely overwhelming for the novice or typical American. Nina’s approach is easy to understand and so accessible. I gave this book to my sister when she became pregnant and I think it helped her tremendously in improving her diet. Had I given her Nourishing Traditions she probably wouldn’t have even read it. I love Nourishing Traditions and use it all the time, but it has definitely been a long road in getting me there and I thank Nina Plank for even getting me on that road. I think her books Real Food What to Eat and Why & Real Food for Mother and Baby are great introductions to WAPF, not to mention the latter is one of the only mother/ baby food books out there that addresses traditional diets.
lizi says
i agree with some of the other comments and also the author of the review. the review is a bit harsh and comes off elitist at times. i think that nina planck’s real-world conversion to traditional foods echoes that of many of us. i know i did’t go from low-fat yoplait and store bought salad dressings to WAPF type diet over night! it has been over 6 years since i first read nourishing traditions and i am still making baby steps in some areas (like organ meat), so i identify with the planck in that regard.
but i do agree with the review, that these shortcomings do have consequences in our child-bearing and nursing years. consequences that cannot always be shrugged off or cheerfully dismissed as planck seems to do when she’s “given it her best shot”. i don’t think the review went too far in pointing to these dietary pitfalls as possibly leading to a c-section. it is obvious, and the reviewer did not have to draw that correlation. and as painful as it is for us to admit, in our culture where c-section rates are closer to 50%, it bears being questioned. why does a seemingly healthy woman still end up with a c-section? of course we may not always know, but sometimes there are factors that could certainly contribute.
i think there is still something positive to be said for the book, though. the transition to a WAPF style diet is staggering when you are starting from a SAD, or even the standard american “healthy” diet of low-fat, high carb, processed foods. but i have to agree with the reviewer that nina planck falls short of implementing the diet in many ways not only during her pregnancy but also in feeding her baby/toddler. to think of her travelling all over the place at the expense of her baby’s critical stage of development and establishing eating habits that will last a lifetime boggles my mind and saddens me.
in that way, the author really does not embrace the slow WAPF lifestyle.
i really think we do need a more lay-friendly book to introduce WAPF to expecant parents or families, one that is not overwhelming, not totally hostile to vegetarianism, and easy to follow and make better food choices, even if it is baby steps at a time.
Tania says
I too am suprised that this one got a thumbs down. It doesn’t describe the ‘ideal’ diet, but it has great info for moms who know nothing about traditional foods. I am indebted to this book as I pulled it off the library shelf during my first pregnncy. It was the first time I had ever heard of any alternative diet to the SAD low fat soy filled diet promoted widely.
This book got me buying pastured eggs, grassfed beef, and making broth. It took me a while but now 1.5 years later I have read a lot more on WAP, and we are making great strides towards a traditional diet… but only b/c I first came across this book!