January 9
Johnstown, PA
A chapter meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9th, at 7:00 p.m., at Panera Bread, Richland Town Centre. Theresa Hutzel, D.C. will discuss how to attain the “Triad of Health” through nutrition and chiropractic.
Feb. 25
Jackson, WY
Raw milk class about the health benefits of raw milk and how to access it legally in Wyoming takes place at the JH Children’s Museum at 6pm.
Feb 26
Mequon, WI
The Magic of Bone Broth – Lecture/demonstration will be held at the Logemann center in Mequon, WI at 6100 W Mequon Rd, Mequon, WI 53092. Lecture will be at 7:30PM. Chapter leaders are Susan Wichman, and Bernie Rosen at wapfozwash@gmail.com.
March 11
Manchester-Glastonbury, CT
Seeking Health Through Real Food: What It Is & Where to Find It
The first meeting of the Manchester-Glastonbury chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation will be held on March 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Friends’ Room at the Welles-Turner Memorial Library, 2407 Main St. in Glastonbury. Watch videos introducing traditional diets promoted by the WAP Foundation and about the grass-fed movement. Learn about local resources. Contribute your ideas for future events and projects, and meet other like-minded folks over healthful & delicious refreshments. No charge, membership not required. Reservations appreciated but not mandatory: Sharon at sharonahern626@gmail.com or Anita at 860-997-7900.
March 21-23
Seattle, WA
7th Annual NTA Conference
The Nutritional Therapy Association is pleased to announce the 7th Annual Nutritional Therapy Association Conference. The conference will be open to Nutritional Therapy Practitioners, students of NTA and others with an interest in nutrition and alternative healthcare. This year’s theme Revisiting the Foundations of Health, will be addressed by presentations from nationally acclaimed speakers and local experts in the field of nutrition. The conference will take place March 21st, 22nd & 23rd, 2014 at the SeaTac Hilton Hotel and Conference Center in Seattle, WA.
Featured Speakers:
*Mark McAfee, CEO and founder of Organic Pastures Dairy
*Julie Mathews, author of Nourishing Hope
*Dr. Robert Blaich, author of Your Inner Pharmacy
*Tosca Reno, is the New York Times best-selling author of Your Best Body Now
*Dr. George Birnbach, founder of The New Patient Academy
*Nora Gedgaudas, author of the international best-selling book, Primal Body, Primal Mind
*Beverly Teter, PhD, MACN, CNS, is a research scientist
*Denise Minger, author of Death by Food Pyramid
and others
The Conference will be held at:
Hilton Seattle Airport
17620 International Blvd.
Seattle, WA 98188
For Reservations call 888-235-4465*
*Identify yourself as part of the NTA Group. Limited number of reduced rooms in block.
Registration Now Open:
General: $350
NTP: $325
NTA Student: $275
1 & 2 Day Passes Available
Call 800-918-9798 to register! Or click here to download a registration form.
March 26
Mequon, WI
What fats are best/ soaking and dehydrating nuts and seeds – Lecture/demonstration will be held at the Logemann center in Mequon, WI at 6100 W Mequon Rd, Mequon, WI 53092. Lecture will be at 7:30PM. Chapter leaders are Susan Wichman, and Bernie Rosen at wapfozwash@gmail.com.
April 21
San Diego, CA
Monday at 7:00 PM. Spring Chapter meeting
• Demonstration and discussion of continuous brew kombucha
• Know Your Farmer! Meet Don Axe of Valley View Urban Farm.
For more information – email: ntcrain@cox.net or phone: 619-659-0176
April 30
Mequon, WI
Making Kefir and yogurt/ Difference between and importance of prebiotics and probiotics – Lecture/demonstration will be held at the Logemann center in Mequon, WI at 6100 W Mequon Rd, Mequon, WI 53092. Lecture will be at 7:30PM. Chapter leaders are Susan Wichman, and Bernie Rosen at wapfozwash@gmail.com.
May 16-18
Plymouth, WI
Wild Plant Series: Food and Medicine in the Field and Forest with Moonwise Herbs. Join herbal and wild food educators Linda Conroy and John Holzwart for this informative, fun and hands on weekend. For more information see: http://moonwiseherbs.com/programs/wild-plant-series/
May 19
San Diego, CA
Let’s Talk About Cholesterol
Monday, May 19 at 6:30 PM.
Potluck WAPF-style snacks and showing of the full-length video
$tatin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up
For more information – email: ntcrain@cox.net or phone: 619-659-0176
May 29
Mequon, WI
Fermenting vegetables 101 – Lecture/demonstration will be held at the Logemann center in Mequon, WI at 6100 W Mequon Rd, Mequon, WI 53092. Lecture will be at 7:30PM. Chapter leaders are Susan Wichman, and Bernie Rosen at wapfozwash@gmail.com.
June 6-8
Mukwonago, WI
3rd Annual Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference
The Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference is the largest Herbal Conference in the
Midwest and is the only Herbal Conference in this region that focuses on
Women’s Health. The conference offers a kids camp and teen track in addition to
the workshops for women. The conference offers 40+ workshops, preconference
intensives, movie screenings, evening entertainment and much more!
Featured Speakers include Herbalists and Authors: Tieriona LowDog, MD and Lisa Ganora
Special Guests: Robin Rose Bennett, Gail Faith Edwards, Eaglesong, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Linda Conroy and many more!
The conference includes special preconference workshops, that offer participants an opportunity to deepen their connection to women’s wellness, herbal wisdom and plant knowledge.It also includes a kids camp, teen spiral and entertainment with The Calamity Janes
To register or get more information, see the
Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference Website:
www.midwestwomensherbal.com or call 920-452-4372
July 11-20
Plymouth, WI
8th Annual Residential Women’s Herbal/Earthways Apprenticeship Program This residential apprenticeship is a unique opportunity for women to hear the call of the wild and to listen to their own deep wisdom. We will connect deeply with ourselves, the earth, herbal green allies and all that is. Women will have the opportunity to experience living close to the earth while incorporating herbs and wild foods into their daily life. We will create a community of that encourages, inspires and challenges us to look to the mother earth. plant sisters and all that is, for deep healing and wisdom. This program is an authentic apprenticeship where participants are offered support on their own personal journey and encouraged, supported and challenged to journey to their depths. For more information http://www.moonwiseherbs.com/herbal-apprenticeship-program/residential-apprenticeship-program/
July 12
Chester County, PA
Chester County WAPF local chapter event featuring “Nourishing Traditional Diets: The Key to Vibrant Health” by Sally Fallon Morell. Contact: Annmarie Cantrell, ambutera@verizon.net.
July 23
Afton, VA
“Wise Traditions: Nutrient-Dense Foods and Biological Farming,” sponsored by the Nelson County Farmers Market Cooperative, featuring Sally Fallon Morell and Gary Scott.
Contact: rockfishcc@gmail.com.
August 14-17
Rock Island, WI
7th Annual Women’s Herbal Trip to Rock Island, WI Join herbalist and wildcrafter Linda Conroy for this amazing journey on a primitive island located off of the tip of Door County peninsula in Lake Michigan. Cars and even bikes are not allowed on the 912-acre island,making for an experience unlike any other. There are 10 miles of hiking trails, including a one-mile interpretive trail and 5,000 feet of beach. This herbal intensive will offer an opportunity to connect deeply with the plants on this remote island. Participants will hike the island, commune with green allies, learn about herbal medicine as well as wild food and enjoy camping right along the lake. http://www.moonwiseherbs.com/rock-island-trip/
August 14
White Bear Lake Area, MN
The second Thursday of every month beginning in August from 6:30-8:00
there will be a chapter meeting held at the home of Diane Smith, White Bear Lake Area chapter leader –
3973 Woodview Drive
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
dianesmith204@hotmail.com or (651) 428-3462 – email or call with questions
no need to rsvp – come when you can
September 11
White Bear Lake Area, MN
The second Thursday of every month beginning in August from 6:30-8:00
there will be a chapter meeting held at the home of Diane Smith, White Bear Lake Area chapter leader –
3973 Woodview Drive
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
dianesmith204@hotmail.com or (651) 428-3462 – email or call with questions
no need to rsvp – come when you can
September 19-21
Plymouth, WI
(Friday evening 6pm-Sunday 4pm) Wild Plant Series: Food and Medicine in the Field and Forest with Moonwise Herbs. Join herbal and wild food educators Linda Conroy and John Holzwart for this informative, fun and hands on weekend. For more information see: http://moonwiseherbs.com/programs/wild-plant-series/
September 20-21
Southbridge, MA
Wise Traditions Regional Conference
Sept 25-27
Shelburne, VT
The Vermont Traditional Foods and Health Symposium featuring Kim Schuette, Suzy Harris, Nora Gedgaudas, Brenden Kelly, Aviva Romm, Ben Greenfield and Jeff Leach. Contact: www.shelburnefarms.org/calendar/event/the-vermont-traditional-foods-and-health-symposium-1, Tre McCarney 802-985-8686 ext. 381.
Oct 4-5
Victoria, BC, Canada
Nourishing Traditional Diets weekend featuring Sally Fallon Morell at Pacific Rim College. Contact: http://www.pacificrimcollege.com/workshops/event/nourishing-traditions/, thoward@pacificrimcllege.ca.
October 9
White Bear Lake Area, MN
The second Thursday of every month beginning in August from 6:30-8:00
there will be a chapter meeting held at the home of Diane Smith, White Bear Lake Area chapter leader –
3973 Woodview Drive
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
dianesmith204@hotmail.com or (651) 428-3462 – email or call with questions
no need to rsvp – come when you can
October 11
Broomfield, CO
Seeds of Doubt Conference – Omni Interlocken Resort
8:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M.
Latest research on GMOs and their impact on our health and environment
To register – www.seedsofdoubtconference.com
October 29
Mequon, WI
We have a meeting/event coming up for our Ozaukee/Washington counties chapter in Wisconsin. Topic: Why grains are spooky… Wednesday, Oct 29 at 7:30PM at Logemann Community Center at 6100 West Mequon Rd in Mequon, WI 53092. RSVP to ozwashwapf@gmail.com.
November 7-10
Indianapolis, IN
Wise Traditions Main Conference
November 13
White Bear Lake Area, MN
The second Thursday of every month beginning in August from 6:30-8:00
there will be a chapter meeting held at the home of Diane Smith, White Bear Lake Area chapter leader –
3973 Woodview Drive
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
dianesmith204@hotmail.com or (651) 428-3462 – email or call with questions
no need to rsvp – come when you can
November 14
State College, PA
The Penn State University Veterinary Extension Group is hosting a Raw Milk Workshop in cooperation with the Raw Milk Institute.
The production and sale of raw milk are controversial topics, while at the same time there appears to be a growing interest in raw milk consumption. To help dairy producers, regulators, and other agricultural industry professionals understand rational,science-based food safety principles that can help create a solid foundation for the growing raw-milk movement, the Penn State Veterinary Extension Team and the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) are co-hosting an all-day workshop on November 14th at the Ramada Inn, in State College, PA.
Speakers at the workshop include two of RAWMI’s board members—Dr. Cat Berge and Mark McAfee—as well as raw milk dairy producer Edwin Shank of The Family Cow. Dr. Ernest Hovingh, a veterinarian, field investigator, and researcher at Penn State will also be presenting findings from a recent project conducted with 40 permitted raw milk producers in Pennsylvania.
Session topics include: Protecting Your Herd from Disease; The Bad Bugs: Who, How, What, and Where?; In-House Milk Microbiology 101; Keeping Raw Milk Safe and Hygienic; and A View from the Trenches: A Personal Journey Learning about Raw Milk Safety.
Conference registration fees, which include a hot lunch, are $35 for producers licensed to sell raw milk in Pennsylvania, and $70 for all others. More information and registration is available at http://extension.psu.edu/raw-milk, or by calling 877-489-1398 toll free.
WAPF Calendar 2014
Santa Fe, NM
Carbon Economy Series featuring Sally Fallon Morell and others. Contact: www.carboneconomyseries.com.CANCELLED
Dec 5-7
Nashville, TN
Tennessee Local Food Summit at Vanderbils University’s Health and Wellness division, featuring Jeff Poppen. Steven M. Johnson, DC and Raechel Nicol. Contact: www.tnlocalfood.com.
December 11
White Bear Lake Area, MN
The second Thursday of every month beginning in August from 6:30-8:00
there will be a chapter meeting held at the home of Diane Smith, White Bear Lake Area chapter leader –
3973 Woodview Drive
Vadnais Heights, MN 55127
dianesmith204@hotmail.com or (651) 428-3462 – email or call with questions
no need to rsvp – come when you can
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