All the Places to Love
Book by Patricia MacLachlan
Mike Wimmer, Illustrator
HarperCollins (Ages: 2-7)
This picture book encompasses the beauty and simplicity of family life on a farm. It begins with the birth of the first child. The grandmother holds him, wrapped in a cloth made from the wool of their sheep. The illustrations are breathtaking and highlight the beauty of living in the country. The firstborn child grows up helping his grandfather on the farm, picking blueberries with his mother, and playing with the farm animals and wildlife. Time passes, and the next child is born, starting the cycle all over again. MacLachlan draws the reader into the story, making one long to just be and to relish the simple wonders of everyday life. “Where else can the soft sound of cows chewing make all the difference in the world?”
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2022
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Julie says
This truly is a book that warms the heart, by the same author who wrote “Sarah, Plain and Tall”