Produced, written, and directed by Steve Kroschel
The old-fashioned custom of maintaining close contact with the earth is gaining new interest. A group of people in Haines, Alaska, have been experimenting and getting positive health results. There are many anecdotal accounts of health improvements. A firefighter who had back pain for twenty years is now pain-free. A friend who snored explosively now sleeps quietly through the night.
Some experimental results with cut flowers put in water show that the ones that are connected to ground by wire last longer than ungrounded flowers. Lab tests revealed that red blood cells move faster when grounded than ungrounded.
The theory is that not just our bodies but all living things work more efficiently and inflammation is reduced when electrically grounded to the earth. These observations have caught the interest of well-known alternative health professionals like Dr. Mercola and Dr. Stephen Sinatra, who appear in the movie. Also making an appearance are former astronauts Edgar Mitchell and Charlie Duke.
The viewer is treated to many spectacular scenes of Alaska which give the film great visual appeal. Watchers can decide for themselves what to think of the idea but I don’t find it surprising that regular contact with the earth we come from is good for us. The thumb is UP.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Summer 2014
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