As a misguided response to the Coronavirus pandemic, some have suggested that if vaccines become available, they should be mandatory for all people.
It has also been suggested that everyone should be required to obtain a “digital certificate” to display their health and vaccination status.
Experimental vaccines are already in development and will be fast-tracked to licensure for global use. The vaccine developers have been given permission to rush their vaccines to market without testing in animals – and have also been given complete immunity if their vaccines cause harm. All previous coronavirus vaccines in vaccine trials have shown significant harmful side effects, and there is every reason to expect that a fast-tracked COVID vaccine would as well.
Vaccine tracking systems have been used to harass those who have chosen to delay or decline vaccines in the past. With the fear surrounding COVID, it is likely that you will not be allowed to go to work, use public transportation, etc. if you are not vaccinated. People who cannot afford to stay home because of the loss of income (or who don’t want to be trapped in their homes at the whim of the government) will be effectively forced to vaccinate, no matter what dangerous side effects they risk.
We can address disease issues, including COVID, without forcing people to accept high-risk vaccinations (while letting the companies that produce them walk away with massive profits and no liability).
Please act now!
Contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and urge them to OPPOSE any legislation that would force vaccination or tracking. You can look up who represents you at:
Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.
Sample script:
“Hi, my name is ____ and I live in (town). I am calling to ask Senator (or Representative) ____ to OPPOSE any legislation that would mandate vaccinations or tracking devices for COVID-19.
COVID vaccines are being fast-tracked and manufactures have been shielded from liability for any harm they may cause. People should not be forced to be vaccinated with a vaccine that could cause serious side effects, even death.
And while I support reducing the restrictions on Americans’ movements, that should not be limited to those people willing to be tracked by the government.
I urge you to do everything in your power to prevent mandatory vaccination and tracking.”
Talking Points:
Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2 or 3 talking points that are most important to you, and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.
- A healthy diet with lots of fat-soluble vitamins, preventive measures to boost people’s immune systems, the use of intravenous Vitamin C and zinc, and other measures can reduce the severity of the disease without side effects, and without destroying people’s civil rights.
- 2006 Federal legislation removed all civil liability from pharmaceutical companies for injuries and deaths caused by vaccines and drugs manufactured in response to declared public health emergencies, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
- On April 10, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced that the government is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus. In other words, the government is considering creating two classes of citizens – those who can move freely and those who cannot.
- On March 24, 2020, the Director of Division of Vital Statistics issued a COVID-19 memo informing doctors and coroners “a newly-introduced ICD code has been implemented to accurately capture mortality data for Coronavirus Disease 2019 on death certificates.” The memo stated, “ COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have or contributed to death.” No test or proof is necessary to label a death as COVID-19.
- Testing has been incredibly flawed for COVID-19, with reports of both false positives and false negatives. It is likely that many influenza or other respiratory illness patients are being counted as COVID-19 cases and deaths.
- A coronavirus vaccine will likely not be safe or effective, based on previous failed attempts to create coronavirus vaccines. Currently the WHO, National Institutes of Health, universities, and global pharmaceutical corporations are in development of over 50 experimental COVID-19 vaccines, which will guarantee big profits.
- Many of the new vaccines being created use DNA or mRNA technology which use a faster and less expensive technology. Neither DNA or mRNA vaccines have been tested in large-scale clinical trials. These new technology platforms have been used to develop experimental vaccines for SARS, MERS, and HIV, but so far, none have been proven effective and safe for humans.
- Immunization information systems and vaccine tracking systems are already being used for a range of interventions, including home visits, reminder and recall systems, which can be harassing for people who do not want these contacts. Any experimental vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 should be optional, and people’s decision on whether or not to vaccinate should remain private.
For more information on COVID-19 vaccines, check out these articles:
The “calls” might possibly become additionally helpful if they are “recorded” – at least noted as to which Congress members were contacted. However the overall direction that this “pandemic” appears to be moving in doesn’t seem to be fully addressed by this notice. Knowing about the ultra-control elements can be a first step that also needs some “sparking” for new creative options especially for all the freedom-loving American Individuals who would rather refuse the government services than to be subjugated to further oppressions. That is possibly the majority of the people – the majority who no longer believe in what the government is doing!
I will call on Monday! I’m so heartbroken about this turn of events and I deeply hope that we can defeat this.
It would be helpful to provide references to the statements, e.g. previous vaccines causing harm.
Agreed, and also re the statements that they will be mandatory, licensing will be fast-tracked, and that digital certificates will be required.
I agree with you Elaine. I definitely don’t want mandatory vaccines but we need to know where this author got his references so we can not only help convince ourselves but others we might want to pitch this info to.
Supreme court mentions that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”
Vaccine induced disease in the Cutter Incident
Even notorious vaccine advocate Paul Offit says:
“If you’re going to be testing this in otherwise healthy people who are very, very unlikely to die from this infection, you better make sure it’s safe. So you want those regulations in place. An example is the dengue vaccine. When it was tested in Latin America and Philippines, it was found to actually increase your risk of dengue shock syndrome. Children who were less than 9 years of age, who had never been exposed to the virus before, were actually more likely to be hurt by the vaccine than helped by it. Now, you only knew that from doing large clinical trials with tens of thousands of people.”
As far as herd immunity, in order to to protect a population from a contagious disease, 95% of the population would need to be immunized by a 100% effective vaccine. However, the effectiveness of pneumococcal, flu, and coronavirus-type vaccines are way below the 100% mark. In fact, recent pneumococcal and flu vaccines have been shown to be only 15% effective, and coronavirus-type vaccines for SARS and MERS can’t even be licensed because of safety concerns. Therefore, social obligation and herd immunity arguments are invalid for these types of diseases.
Vaccine ineffectiveness
Pneumococcal vaccine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5302444/
Flu vaccine: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/flu-vaccine-effectiveness-in-2017-to-2018-season
Coronvirus-type safety concerns (disease enhancement):
SARS vaccine: https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/193/5/685/877553
MERS vaccine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6290032/
These are all respiratory type diseases, just like so-called COVID-19. From these precedents, it should be obvious that any COVID-19 vaccine will be ineffective and unsafe.
Apparently the Supreme Court Didn’t Say Vaccines are Unavoidably Unsafe:
Yes they did I read it myself!
Please go read it carefully and stop spreading lies!
I too read the Supreme Courts ruling. To my reading, they did not say that they’re unavoidably unsafe.
It seemed like Scalia was reciting the arguments of the plaintiffs as part of responding to their concerns. In that recitation he did use the words “unavoidably unsafe” because the plaintiff’s were asserting vaccines were “unavoidably unsafe”. The Supreme Court did not seem to legally define Vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe” by speaking in that manner.
Quite honestly, Scalia’s response is very hard to read. So hard I’m not confident in my own reading of what he wrote and I have spent countless hours reading through legislation. If you know of someone who goes into detail explaining Scalia’s response, please provide a reference to it.
However, I will say it is discouraging that you devolved so readily to accusing another person of spreading lies, and calls me to question how well you actually investigate something before you form conclusions. You’ve got a bias that seems to antagonize the truth.
“Hi, my name is Debra Lattuca and I live in Clarence NY ). I am asking Senator to OPPOSE any legislation that would mandate vaccinations or tracking devices for COVID-19.
COVID vaccines are being fast-tracked and manufactures have been shielded from liability for any harm they may cause. People should not be forced to be vaccinated with a vaccine that could cause serious side effects, even death.
And while I support reducing the restrictions on Americans’ movements, that should not be limited to those people willing to be tracked by the government.
I urge you to do everything in your power to prevent mandatory vaccination and tracking.”
A coronavirus vaccine will likely not be safe or affective, based on previous failed attempts to create coronavirus vaccines. Currently the WHO, National Institutes of Health, universities, and global pharmaceutical corporations are in development of over 50 experimental COVID-19 vaccines, which will guarantee big profits.
Many of the new vaccines being created use DNA or mRNA technology which use a faster and less expensive technology. Neither DNA or mRNA vaccines have been tested in large-scale clinical trials. These new technology platforms have been used to develop experimental vaccines for SARS, MERS, and HIV, but so far, none have been proven effective and safe for humans.
I am against mandatory vaccines! Bill Gates is evil & is involved in genocide. I will NOT take the vaccines!
Dr. Joseph Mercola has a lot of great info about vaccines. His website is a huge source for great facts. Mercola.com
Can you find one for those of us subscribers that live in Canada? Totally agree with this and want it stopped before it’s too late.
I am a health care worker and I will not be a guinea pig for this vaccination. These vaccinations usually have mercury in them and I am not going to compromise my immune system. I left some calls to my senator and Rep.
Different vaccination shots have canine kidney cells, eggs, fermeldahide, monkey cell, serums, and possibly aborted human fetus cells. I would think that Vegans and Vegetarians would totally be against having these shots since its not much different from consuming animal cell/eggs. Plus GMO veggies have animal cells in them too. Here is the official CDC government ingredient webpage
I am against mandated vaccines. We should teach people how to boost their immune system naturally instead of injecting unsafe chemicals into our bodies!!
This is a violation of human rights!!
Olive leaf extract and food grade hydrogen peroxide in a nasal spray there in case there’s something with your lungs.
The government should not have the right to force any American to inject something in their body that they’re opposed to!!!
I’m against a mandatory vaccine Its violating our human rights our privacy and our own health!This is in legal!!!!!!We should all get together and not accept this forced vaccination!!
What about an alternative to a vaccine so people have a choice, or could use both?Please see MediEgg.com and help us deliver this alternative. John Hare