The Wisconsin State Legislature is considering two bad vaccines bills – one that would eliminate philosophical objection to vaccines and another that would allow minors to consent to vaccination.
A.B. 248 and its companion bill S.B. 262 would eliminate exemptions to vaccination for personal conviction. Parents would be forced to vaccinate their children with the full schedule, unless they qualified for a notoriously difficult-to-get medical exemption, in order for their children to go to school– a basic right.
A.B. 863 would allow minors 16 and older to get vaccinated without parental knowledge or consent. This bill goes further than many similar bills, by allowing minors to consent to any vaccines, not just those for sexually transmitted diseases.
Under A.B. 863, a minor can receive a vaccine if they “request” it. However, given the prevailing – incorrect – belief among health care professionals that vaccines pose no risk, they often push people into vaccinating using coercive tactics. Health care providers should never be permitted to coerce impressionable minor children into a medical procedure – especially one that can cause injury or even death – behind their parent’s backs.
Contact your Wisconsin State legislators and ask them to oppose A.B. 248/ S.B. 262 and A.B. 863.
You can look up who represents you: https://legis.wisconsin.gov/About/Contact
Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes. You can combine both topics into one call, or – to keep it simpler for the staff – make two short calls.
Sample script for A.B. 248/ S.B. 262:
“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Representative (or Senator)____ to oppose A.B. 248 (or S.B. 262), which would remove personal belief exemptions to vaccination for children in school and daycare.
Include a brief explanation of why this is important to YOU.
The Wisconsin vaccination rate is approximately 96% for the 7 vaccines surveyed by the CDC. The existing philosophical exemptions are not harming the overall vaccination rates.
Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death, and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm.
Parents need to be able to make informed choices about their children’s care based on their specific situation, not forced to forgo educating their children because they have concerns about the risks that some or all of the vaccines pose to their child.
I urge Representative _____ to oppose A.B. 248 (or… I urge Senator ____ to oppose S.B. 262).”
Sample script for A.B. 863:
“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Representative_____ to oppose A.B. 863.
I oppose any legislation that would allow minors to consent to vaccines without parental consent.
As recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court, vaccines are pharmaceutical products that carry risk of injury or death. It is irresponsible to allow children to make medical decisions that may injure or kill them without the knowledge of their parents.
The U.S. Federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has awarded over 4 billion dollars to vaccine victims. And the true numbers of injuries are undoubtedly much higher, since it is estimated that two out of three plaintiffs are turned away, and a government study found that less than 1 percent of all vaccine injuries are ever reported in the first place.
Minor children may not be aware of family medical histories, or even their own young childhood history of vaccine reactions, which would be relevant to deciding if a particular vaccine’s risks outweigh the benefits.
I urge Representative_______ to oppose this bill.
You may wish to use a couple of the talking points below. Don’t copy all of them – just use them as ideas to help structure your own message.
TALKING POINTS for calls and emails:
- It is immoral for the government to force a person to inject a pharmaceutical product into their body, since any medical procedure carries a risk of injury.
- The Wisconsin vaccination rate is approximately 96% for the 7 vaccines surveyed by the CDC. The existing philosophical exemption has not decreased rates and should be left intact. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/wr/mm6640a3.htm
- Share a personal story, if you have relevant experience. Do you have a vaccine-injured child, and you weren’t told about the risks before vaccinating or were pressured into vaccinating despite your concerns about the risks? Do you have family members with medical conditions that would be relevant to assessing the risks, and your child doesn’t know the details?
- By consenting to a vaccine, a child is also consenting a shortened statute of limitations for any claim of injury under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – presumably with little or no understanding of what that means. It is also much less likely vaccine reactions will be recognized and connected to the vaccine by a child on their own and filed with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
- The CDC’s recommended childhood vaccine schedule includes 69 doses of 16 different vaccines. These vaccines contain toxic ingredients including mercury, aluminum, foreign DNA and proteins, MSG, Polysorbate 80, squalene oil and formaldehyde.
- As recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court – and evidenced by the $4 billion that has been paid by the federal government to victims – vaccines can injure and kill an individual. Parents need to be able to make informed choices about their children’s care based on their specific situation, not forced to choose between educating and vaccinating their child.
- The idea that unvaccinated individuals pose a health risk to others is unsupported in the medical literature. In fact, vaccinated individuals can pose greater risk to public health due to a process known as shedding. Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards. https://www.westonaprice.org/studies-show-that-vaccinated-individuals-spread-disease/
- Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm. Vaccine ingredients vary, but may contain a variety of toxic ingredients including but not limited to; mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, cells from fetuses, cells from monkey kidneys, chicken egg proteins, gelatin, and viruses. http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm
- There are hundreds of new vaccines in development including some of the following in clinical trials: HIV, herpes, E. coli, dengue fever, avian influenza, smallpox, tuberculosis, typhoid, norovirus, cholera, smoking cessation, syphilis, and gonorrhea. If vaccine manufactures and others who profit from forced vaccination convince legislators to take away our right to delay or decline a vaccine now, what will our future look like?
- Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. The vaccine manufactures reap all the profits from vaccines, without having to pay for any of the injuries or harm.
View A.B. A.B. 248 and S.B. 262 here: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2019/related/proposals/sb262
View A.B. 863 here: http://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2019/related/proposals/ab863
If you want to learn more about other vaccine bills being considered in Wisconsin visit: The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) https://nvicadvocacy.org/members/Home.aspx
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It is extremely wrong to ignore parental consent. Let parents be parents.
My sister n law child died because of vaccine.
She was healthy baby until her first series of shots became invalid and died at age 19 due to having a vent couldn’t move.