Last week Senator Diane Feinstein introduced a bill titled “The U.S. Air Travel Public Safety Act,” which would negatively impact millions of Americans who travel on domestic flights.
S. 2888 would require that all passengers provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, unless they can either produce proof of a negative test within the previous 3 days or provide proof of recovery from a SARS-CoV-2 infection within the past 90 days.
The bill states that testing will be governed by the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Human Health Services will develop “vaccination standards.”
Nowhere in the bill does it say that one dose of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine or two doses of Moderna or Pfizer’s vaccines will be sufficient. A never-ending stream of booster shots could be required if Human Health Services so chooses.
Talking points, which explain more about the problems with vaccine mandates, are below the Take Action section.
Contact your U.S. Senators and urge them to OPPOSE S.2888.
You can find who represents you at: https://www.senate.gov/
Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.
Sample script:
“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Senator (or Representative) ______ to oppose S. 2888, which would put heavy restrictions on passengers for domestic air travel.
The bill seeks to coerce people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by making it difficult to travel without the shots – even though the vaccines are causing numerous serious side effects.
To date, COVID vaccines have caused over 550,000 adverse reactions and over 6,000 deaths in the U.S. These vaccines have reportedly caused more injury and death than all other vaccines combined.
Even though the bill allows for testing in lieu of vaccination, that option can be extremely inconvenient. Testing takes time, costs money, and can result in false positives that would unnecessarily block people’s travel. It is one thing to require testing when someone is planning a long international flight; it is a very different thing to require such testing for every short domestic flight.
Vaccine mandates are contrary to the concept of informed consent for medical procedures.
I urge _______ to oppose S. 2888 and to allow people to continue traveling without significant barriers intended to undermine their freedom to choose whether or not to be injected with the COVID shot.”
Be sure to explain why this issue is important to you. You may wish to use a couple of the talking points below. Don’t copy all of them – just use them as ideas to help structure your own message.
TALKING POINTS for calls and emails:
- Share why this is personal to you. Would your job be put at risk if you had to submit to regular testing for air travel? Are you simply against government mandates that affect your bodily autonomy?
- One of the most basic human rights is that of bodily autonomy, as recognized by the Nuremburg Code. Ethical medicine requires prior, completely voluntary and fully informed consent.
- All of these vaccine mandates and testing requirements are a slippery slope. Who’s to say what it means to be fully vaccinated? Will one booster shot suffice? For how long? Tests can be difficult to obtain in a short time frame. What if someone has to travel without notice or has a short turn around time in their itinerary? What if they get a false positive?
- Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm. Each of us may respond differently as we have different medical histories, genes, epigenetics, and microbiomes.
- COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and providers are shielded from liability through the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, or PREP Act. The only option for compensating people injured by COVID-19 vaccines is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation program (CICP). Only eight percent of all petitioners since 2010 have been awarded compensation through the CICP. No legal or medial expert fees are covered, no pain and suffering is awarded, lost wages are capped at $50,000, and there is no judicial appeal. In other words, the victims will be severely undercompensated while the pharmaceutical companies get rich.
- COVID-19 vaccines carry the risk of injury and death for some so there has to be informed consent and the right to refuse the vaccine without penalty. As of September 17th, there had already been 559,462 COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and 6,756 COVID-19 vaccine deaths in the U.S. reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html
The bill also adds a vague section that would require the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to review data on the transmission of COVID–19 in health care settings and among health care personnel, and develop and make recommendations for COVID–19 vaccine use.
The bill text is not yet posted, but should be soon at: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/2888/text
You can read Senator Feinstein’s press release here: https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?id=09C19B4C-EB81-4CD1-B793-486B573EA1D1
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It is the “vaccinated” that are the most dangerous, as they could get a blood clot at any time. this includes pilots. Please look at the facts. Also, the “vaccinated” shed spike proteins. The rest have natural immunity by now. THE PCR TESTS TELL NOTHING; THE INVENTOR HIMSELF HAS MAKE A PUBLIC STATEMENT THAT THEY ARE NOT CAPABLE OF DIAGNOSING THE PRESENCE OF COVID.
We have teachers and administrators in school districts that have been so used to taking orders and being threatened if they don’t follow the orders that they are totally indoctrinated and brainwashed into being good little followers of whoever gives them an order from above. We have to stand up against the communist who are trying to take Control of our children through the schools. I’m here in Los Angeles and welcome people to come together Announce we’re taking our rights and liberties and we’re not giving them up For anything. Get yourselves in shape of people it’s the only thing that saves you from being sick and dying from it. These shots are killing people and natural immunity lasts forever just about. I keep hearing that we are actually in a war right now so every chance you get speak up for freedom and liberty and your own 95% protective immune system against a 99.97% survival bowl flu.