Florida HB 825 would allow pharmacists to administer flu vaccines to children seven years or older, a dangerous practice.
This creates significant risks for children. Pharmacists are not qualified to recognize or handle serious adverse reactions, nor are they likely to have full knowledge of patient or family history. How many people will assume the flu vaccine must be safe if a pharmacist is allowed to give it, only to have an adverse reaction?
Additionally, there is nothing in this bill that requires the pharmacist to get consent from the parent. What happens if a relative brings the child in for a flu vaccine, in ignorance of the reasons the parents believe that the vaccine is too risky for their child?
Contact your Florida state legislators and ask them to OPPPOSE HB 825. You can find out who represents you at: https://www.flsenate.gov/Senators/Find
Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.
Sample script:
“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Representative ____ to OPPOSE HB 825.
I oppose this bill because young children need to be in a doctor’s care for medical procedures. Flu vaccines may have serious side effects, which pharmacists are not qualified to recognize or treat.
It is reckless to allow pharmacists to administer vaccines, especially when they do not have access to a person’s medical history.
I urge _______ to oppose this bill.”
Be sure to explain why this issue is important to you. You may wish to use a couple of the talking points below. Don’t copy all of them – just use them as ideas to help structure your own message.
TALKING POINTS for calls and emails:
- When pharmacists are allowed to vaccinate, it diminishes the doctor/patient relationship.
- HB 825 does not require parental consent, creating a loophole for avoiding this normal requirement.
- Federal law recognizes vaccines kill and disable some recipients. These risks depend on a person’s medical history and family history. Pharmacists do not have knowledge of, nor the time to learn about, a person’s medical history. This is dangerous.
- Allowing pharmacists to vaccinate without access to a person’s medical records means that person may receive unintended or duplicate vaccines.
- Moderate reactions reported after influenza vaccines include fever, local reactions (pain, redness, swelling at the site of the injection), headache, fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, joint and muscle pain, and nausea. Serious vaccine complications include brain inflammation and neurological damage, convulsions, Bell’s palsy, limb paralysis, neuropathy, shock, wheezing/asthma and other breathing problems, and death. Influenza vaccinations can cause Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), a painful and disabling immune and neurological disorder of the peripheral nervous system that can cause temporary or permanent paralysis and death.
- For the 2018–2019 flu vaccine, CDC scientists reported the flu shot’s effectiveness rate to be about average (47 percent), but when a tougher strain of influenza virus emerged, it was found to be virtually worthless. In fact, the estimated 9 percent effectiveness for that strain dragged the overall effectiveness rate for the season down to 29 percent.
- The flu vaccine is the most compensated for vaccine in the U.S., harming and killing more people than all the other vaccines combined. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/
- It is estimated that 80% of flu-like illness reported during the “flu season” is not caused by influenza. http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/52/suppl_1/S75.long
- Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm. Pharmacists are not equipped to recognize, nor handle serious adverse reactions.
- The US Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe” and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The US government has paid out nearly $4 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination. Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death, additionally, no one knows in advance who will be harmed by a vaccine. It is careless to permit pharmacists to administer a product that carries such risks.
View HB 825 here: http://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2020/825/ByVersion
To read more about the dangers of flu vaccines click here: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/the-flu-shot-unsafe-ineffective-and-not-necessary/
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Injecting deadly chemicals into a human is the most dangerous thing there is next to perscription drugs ! Stop the madness n teach healthy eating n band gmos in good water air let good be ur medicine ! Do the research please!
Agree this bill obviously originated from big Pharma for the express purpose of making money this bill so endangers children and would call it criminal n