There’s no doubt that we rely heavily in the day-to-day on our devices for entertainment and connection: we seek out wifi, work on our laptops, watch Netflix on our Apple TV, and scroll through Facebook and YouTube on our cellphones right before bed. We like having those phones handy, carrying them in our pant or shirt pocket, or tucking them into our sports bra when going on a run. Maybe we rarely question the safety of these gadgets because we can’t imagine life without them. However, it is clearly time to stop and take notice.
Today, we examine the consequences to our constant exposure to emissions from technology. What types of radiation are we exposed to? What risks do they pose to our health? And how can we mitigate the damage they might cause? Daniel DeBaun informs us about the dangers of electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) and radio frequencies (RFs). Daniel is an internationally-recognized expert in EMF radiation, EMF shielding, and EMF-related health issues with a special focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones. Not only does he educate us about the hazards of radiation but he gives us simple tips for minimizing our exposure and protecting our health.
Go to Daniel’s website, Defendershield.com, to learn more.
Highlights of the discussion include:
- How a personal experience led to Daniel’s research and his book
- How few products are on the market to protect us from technology radiation even though there is a lot of research showing the risk of radiation exposure
- Why the public is uninformed about these risks
- How prevalent the technologies have grown in the past 10-15 years. (Today, 98% of the world has cellphones, compared to only 33% in 2005.)
- How it is very clear in scientific literature that radiation is harmful.
- How radiation exposure affects men (sperm counts) and women (tumor growth)
- How these devices interfere with the natural evolution of our body parts
- How electromagnetic radiation is a thermal-emitting heat, and how our laptops and cellphones are heating and altering our bodies at a cellular level
- How we really do understand a lot about the impacts of exposure to radiation
- How RF (Radio Frequency radiation) doesn’t exist in nature; it’s only man-made
- How wifi is virtually everywhere, even in our own homes
- How these technologies literally make you weak; how they alter our DNA and lead to oxidative stress
- How chemical and radiation-sensitivity is a real condition
- The problem with having wifi available in every corner of the world
- Why Daniel calls EMF and RF exposure “the bees in the room”
- How the World Health Organization considers RF signals a 2B carcinogenic.
- What the BioInitiative is doing to educate the public on this issue
- How the National Toxicology Program (a division of the Federal Government) created an epidemiological study that found a 2-13% increase of frontal lobe and heart cancer related to excess exposure to cellphone transmitters
- What the FCC (Federal Communications Comission) is doing about the problem
- Why we have difficulty acknowledging and accepting the reality of technology’s dangers
- How the signal of a cellphone is like the radiation of a microwave oven
- Steps to take to minimize exposure
- The importance of protecting our children
Daniel’s website
Daniel’s book
Government report from BioInitiative
National toxicology program
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