We seem to be rushing headlong into not only developing a coronavirus vaccine but mandating it worldwide. Is this a good idea? Dr. Andrew Wakefield, an expert in vaccines and director of the documentary “Vaxxed,” helps us step back and look at the big picture.
He explains how our growing understanding of the microbiome should influence the approach to this current crisis. He reviews why it’s been historically problematic to develop a vaccine against a particular virus. And he shares his concern that there are larger forces at play that may tip the balance on medical freedom and our ability to fight disease.
Visit the website of his last movie: https://vaxxedthemovie.com
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
This is episode 239. Our focus is on whether or not a vaccine against the Coronavirus is a good idea. We need to learn more about the history of vaccines developed against viruses, what’s at stake exactly, and what we might expect if we choose to get it or if we choose not to. Our guest is Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and he is going to answer these questions.
He is the doctor whose discoveries have opened up an entirely new perspective on childhood autism, the gut-brain link and vaccine safety. He has been studying the latter for some time. We turn to him because he is a man who is willing to speak the truth no matter the consequences. He’s something of a whistleblower in the medical industry. He is also an award-winning filmmaker who produced Vaxxed, and who has another film on the horizon.
A couple of fun notes before we begin the conversation. At the end of each episode, we are going to read your letters. Every Wise Traditions journal has letters to the editor with heartwarming stories and/or challenging perspectives. We are going to pick one letter a week to highlight on the show. Stick around to the very end of the episode, where you will hear some positivity to encourage you on your own health journey.
Here’s some more good news. We are hosting a giveaway. We reached the three million download mark with this show. We are thankful for you reading and sharing it. We are celebrating by a giveaway with an amazing prize package: an Alpaca Wise Traditions Vest worth over $125, a signed copy of Nourishing Traditions, and a cooking DVD featuring Sally Fallon Morell, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
This whole package is valued at over $200. To enter is super simple. Become a member for $40 or make a donation of any size. The deadline is May 1st, 2020 to be eligible to win. That’s it. Thank you so much. By joining in this giveaway, you are supporting the foundation’s important work of education, research, activism, and you keep our show going too.
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Welcome to Wise Traditions, Andy.
It’s great to be here. Thank you.
I’m curious to explore with you our relationship to microbes and how that has anything to do with our situation. Can you give us a little history?
It’s a fascinating story and one that I’ve studied for over 30 years of my professional career. It’s a question of perspective. When you go back to the time of Louis Pasteur, Fleming and people like this, you see in what they wrote that microbes, micro-organisms, even though they were poorly characterized at the time were perceived as enemies.
Pasteur wrote about these enemies in the hope that science would conquer the enemy. That was the perception at the time. You can understand it in a historical context when diseases like syphilis were rife. Neurosyphilis was a major problem. Battlefield gangrene was a major problem. Rheumatic fever was a huge problem. When antibiotics came along and dealt with those infections effectively, it reinforced the perception that they were indeed enemies.
How are things different now?
Now, we know better. Now, we live in an era of the microbiome. Now, we understand that while some of these micro-organisms may be harmful, many of them are essential to our survival. What’s emerging is that the health, consistency, makeup and well-being of the gut microbiome, in particular, is essential to everything that we do in terms of our metabolism, development and immune health. We’ve gone on to discover this gut-brain interaction to the extent that we now know that the microbiome influences our brain development, mood and personality.
No man is an island. We cannot exist on this earth without the health of our microbiome. We need to treat it with a great deal of respect.
No man is an island. We could not exist on this Earth without the health of our microbiome which, in terms of the numbers of organisms, exceeds our number of cells. We’ve now learned something different. What we need to do is treat that microbiome with a great deal of respect. This applies not only to organisms that we perceive now as being helpful and friendly, but those that are historically pathogens. We need to accord them a great deal of respect because if we do not, we will get into a difficult situation.
What happened as a consequence of our belief, and these are the words that were used by public health physicians at the time, is that antibiotics were a miracle. Of course, historically, that was a justifiable perception. Nature does not standstill. Nature evolves at an extraordinarily high rate with great efficiency because it is geared up to survive and prevail. Through our injudicious use of antibiotics, we created a plethora of microbes that are now highly dangerous, antibiotic-resistant, and are causing what public health officials now describe as the end of modern medicine, a post-antibiotic apocalypse. These are their words.
What you’re saying makes sense. I understand that we have been overusing antibiotics and even the medical community is recognizing that. You said that we need to give even bad pathogens the respect they deserve. What do you mean by that? What does that look like?
I’ll give you an example. We’ve now entered into the same arena with vaccines, for example, against viruses that we had with antibiotics. Indeed, vaccines are across the board. We’re now seeing the emergence of bacterial pertussis strains that are resistant to the pertussis vaccine immunity and measles strains that are resistant to the immunity induced by the vaccine strain. We never saw this before.
In the face of intensive vaccination, we have pushed these organisms to mutate. That is what we do. We create a genetic selection pressure, they mutate, and they develop a resistance to the immunity induced by the vaccine. We’re seeing strains of measles emerging in the world that are resistant to the immunity created by the vaccine, whatever that is, and that is caused by vaccination.
We’re creating a potential nightmare because we are creating strains of these viruses to which man has no immunity. We are going to behave potentially as what is described as virgin soil population. We’ve never seen this infection before. That would be the worst-case scenario. We’re back to where we started potentially.
Are you referring to what I’ve heard called superbugs?
Absolutely. This is a term in common parlance for bugs that are resistant to whatever medical interventions or preventions by vaccines that we might try and throw at them. They have been created as a direct consequence of the injudicious use of these things. Also, the failure of scientists and public health officials to recognize that we create that genetic selection pressure by the way in which we use these interventions.

In other words, what we thought could save us and which at first seemed like something of a miracle cure is now harming us and is causing a ripple effect of consequences that we might not have predicted.
That is right. If you offend nature, if you make small changes to biological systems, ecosystems, nature will exact a huge price and it won’t always do it immediately. It will be delayed. You will see the consequences reaped in generations to come potentially but it will happen.
“What’s next?” is the question. What is the medical community looking to do? What is your perspective on it? Is it different? What do you think we should do next?
The response of the medical community is one that the medical community responds with when it has no answers. It increasingly recognizes the discourse of the situation. Certainly, in the upper echelons of public health and the pharmaceutical companies, they recognize that they have created this problem even though they don’t wish to discuss it.
As ever, with medicine, the recommendation is to take more, double the dose. We’re now seeing booster doses of MMR and it doesn’t work. Any immunity that’s induced by those booster doses is short-lived and exacerbates the problem. There is no answer. I’m sure that within the R&D facilities of pharmaceutical companies involved in vaccine development, there is a great deal of interest in developing novel forms of viral vaccines but they are terrifying.
The proposed COVID vaccine and RNA-based vaccine that has never been used in humans before is a terrifying concept for many of us, but here it is being put into humans without any proper safety testing at all. It brings in that whole issue that is a pity of contemporaneous relevance and it’s alarming. The people who have created this problem have no answers to it.
This gives me and everyone pause. The problem is we are alarmed and terrified by the virus, and we are looking for a vaccine to help us out. Some of us even see the vaccine as our only hope. I take it you would disagree with that.
I would disagree totally. Firstly, there is the intrinsic issue of the vaccine per se. You’re using a vaccine strategy that’s never been used before. People have tried for many years to develop a vaccine for the common cold virus and the Coronavirus and failed. Therefore, it seems to be an exquisitely difficult problem to deal with.
Our experience of these untried and untested vaccines that are rushed into the market is not a good one at all. What’s illustrated in the new film that I’m finishing is the problem with the swine flu vaccine in the late 1970s. Not only was the virus circulating but it’s not what the CDC said it was. It was not like the killer swine flu of 1917.
The vaccine was dangerous. It was rushed to market just as we’re seeing now. What we witnessed was paralysis and death as a consequence of the vaccine. The cure was infinitely worse than whatever it was intended to treat. History is repeating itself, and they hope that no one will remember that or be reminded of that history as they rush towards the market in these circumstances.
Nature doesn’t stand still. It evolves at an extraordinarily high rate with great efficiency because it is geared up to survive and prevail.
I do not think a vaccine is an answer. I’m much more inclined to believe that natural herd immunity is an answer. Those who are resistant to this infection, be it young people and healthy people, should be exposed to the infection, should get it, and should develop natural herd immunity. Those who are susceptible, the elderly, and those with comorbid conditions should be protected and isolated for a period of time so that natural herd immunity can develop.
What we’re seeing in Sweden as an example is this strategy, no lockdown, and an attempt to let this play itself out as most respiratory pathogens do. What we see now that the numbers are emerging is that this disease is no worse in terms of its mortality than the quoted figures for seasonal influenza in this country. Why are we in this extraordinary situation?
I remember when Fauci said on a newscast that he didn’t want the population to develop herd immunity. I’m told that he said that because he doesn’t want to see the fallout of all of the deaths. We’ve heard that in Ecuador, many people are dying that they have run out of coffins. They need to use cardboard boxes or something. He doesn’t want people to get out because no matter how strong and virile they may seem, they may end up dying, and nobody wants a lot of deaths on their watch.
I disagree with Tony Fauci on many levels. The data that is emerging from other countries is infinitely difficult to interpret when you have a situation as we have in this country where deaths in people who are Coronavirus positive or have Coronavirus-like disease, the doctors are being told to label those as Coronavirus deaths when many of them may not be.
We’re in a situation where influenza mortality is grossly inflated by the government because they’ve labeled any flu-like illness an influenza death. They’ve created a nightmare in terms of data. What are we to believe? We do not know because definitions have been changed or adapted to suit government policy.
If you want to persuade a population to get a flu vaccine, for example, you will inflate the number of flu deaths by causing any respiratory illness leading to flu an influenza death. That is the circumstances in which we find ourselves and where we are headed with Coronavirus as well. The data are implausible and difficult to interpret, particularly when you’re comparing one country with another.
I hear you, and there is a lot of confusion about the numbers. How many deaths are COVID-related? Are doctors being coerced to label deaths as COVID-related even if it was unrelated? It’s hard to know what’s going on exactly. I hear you saying something between the lines and I want to ask you about it. Are you implying that the numbers are being inflated purposely to frighten us and to move us toward mandatory vaccination?
There is a clear agenda to not only create a vaccine. Bill Gates has said it himself many times that we will only return to normality, worldwide, when all seven billion people have been vaccinated. That is his dream and intention. What’s extraordinary to me and must be extraordinary to many of your readers is that one man by virtue of his wealth alone is in a position to dictate global health policy and personal health choice.
To me, that is extraordinary. A man with zero qualifications in this field, that is an extraordinary situation. People need to wake up to what is going on. There is an effort to push the vaccine agenda, and this won’t just be the Coronavirus vaccine. I’m not going to speculate on that. Whatever the origin is, it is being used to leverage worldwide, cradle to grave, mandatory vaccination for all recommended vaccines not just the Coronavirus vaccine.
Some people might say, “I want the vaccine. I want my children vaccinated. I’m not afraid of this push because it’s probably our best bet for protecting our health right now.” That’s fine if they want to do that. Do you think our own right to make this choice is at risk right now?
Our freedom has never been more at risk in the history of the world. You’re right, if those vaccines are available, then it is entirely your choice. Go ahead. I wish you the very best of luck. Having studied vaccines intensively for over 30 years, I would not take that choice. A choice is essential particularly in determining healthcare choices and what goes into the bodies of you and your children. We should be extremely alarmed about the dramatic attempt, the draconian attempt to take away health freedoms in the interests of the pharmaceutical industry.

The pharmaceutical industry and the vaccine manufacturers own the media and the politicians. They have immense influence. They are extraordinarily powerful. They are writing public health policies state by state in this country and they are trying to take it away. The only people standing between the vulnerable child and the pharmaceutical industry are the parents. They’re trying to remove the parents from that equation by removing parental choice, removing exemptions, and minimizing medical exemptions. Also, taking away philosophical and religious exemptions and making it difficult to do anything but bend to their will. They then own you and the population. That is their agenda.
These are piercing words. I’m wondering, aren’t there people in the pharmaceutical industry who are like, “We believe in vaccines, we believe this is the best thing for people?” I can’t imagine that everyone in the industry is thinking, “They want to control and manipulate us to do their will.”
There are people who may believe that. Their belief is fine. They’re entitled to that belief. Do not force your belief on me. Do not tell me what I have got to do. I’m perfectly capable of researching this and establishing to my own level of satisfaction whether this is something I want to do or do for my children or not. Do not take away my health choice.
We’ve experienced throughout history when health choice has been taken away and when we have pushed or forced medical procedures onto people whether it’s sterilization or experimentation in prison camps, we realized that this does not work. It has never worked. It has a terrible history and it will fail again. You cannot force people to make medical decisions against their will.
Isn’t there an old law or principle that’s supposed to guide all of our medical decisions? Do you know what I’m talking about?
It’s called The Hippocratic Oath. I don’t think it was Hippocrates who coined the term but it was, “First do no harm. Primum non nocere.” That is something by which doctors should live and conduct themselves professionally. The first thing they do is no harm. Vaccines do harm. Therefore, people need to be fully informed. In the end, it is all based upon fully informed consent. People need all the information and then they need to be free to make up their own minds whether they wish to do something like to be vaccinated or not.
We know that you’ve studied vaccines extensively. Let’s go back to the discussion about the microbiome. What does the latest research say about the relationship between vaccines and the gut?
Firstly, there has been a dearth of science done in this field because when we link MMR vaccine through the parent’s stories to gut injury and brain injury, and therefore establish this gut-brain access of disease and the potential role of the vaccine in there, then people were punished for doing this research. What happened to me was used as an example to other doctors, other scientists to say, “If you get involved in this, this is what will happen to you.”
Interesting research has been done that shows, for example, that the immune response to vaccines is dependent. To some extent, it depends on the health of our microbiome. Gut bacteria are influencing the way in which we respond to vaccines, which in itself is an interesting observation. It’s fair to say that in the field of developmental disorders and autism, there is now extensive evidence.
The most consistent finding, in fact, in autism research other than the epidemic is that there is a gut-brain link, and that is interesting. We would have been far further ahead in that research had we had the pressure not been put on people not to do it. In terms of vaccines and the gut microbiome, we are still in the early days of our understanding.
What about the microbiome and this virus?
I’ve been busy with this new film that I’ve not been focused on this. I did see a paper from France looking at the possibility that what we are seeing here is that the virus is working indirectly as a respiratory pathogen, as a respiratory causing agent by infecting or influencing gut bacteria. It’s the immune response that is generated as a consequence of that interaction with gut bacteria that is leading to an auto-immune type reaction in the lung.
From ERs to researchers are saying that this is not a classic respiratory pathogen. It’s not producing pneumonia or pneumonitis in the way that we expect infectious agents to do. As a consequence, using ventilation in the way that we use it for pneumonia is not helping and may be harming patients. It’s working indirectly by causing an immune reaction and fibrosis or scarring in the lung in those patients who get it severely rather than a direct effect. That is interesting. Once this film is done, I will spend some more time researching that.
Speaking about your film, what drove you to put it out? What’s it about exactly?
If you make small changes to biological systems and ecosystems, nature will exact a huge price.
This is my third film. The film has been an extraordinarily effective way of communicating with a wide number of people. The first thing you do is entertain people and the second thing you do is educate them. If you can get them entertained, get them sitting forward in their seats, and you can appeal to people who historically wouldn’t have entertained the subject or looked at it or had a peripheral interest in it, if you can create an entertaining film that informs them, then you can get to a lot of people. My film did exactly that. It reached millions worldwide. It changed the entire debate about the safety of vaccines.
I was keen to make the film. The story is at the heart of everything we’re going through now, mandatory vaccination, increased numbers of vaccinations in children worldwide, cradle to grave vaccination, pregnancy to grave vaccination, approaches to COVID. Also, the sheer wealth accumulation and the power of those who have benefited from vaccination policy, the pharmaceutical industry being first amongst them.
It’s a story of The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that Ronald Reagan signed into law in 1986, which gave a measure of liability protection to the pharmaceutical industry for the damage done by their vaccines and latterly complete blanket protection from immunity. They cannot be sued in any court in the land by parents of the child damaged by a vaccine. Many people don’t know this. Many politicians don’t know it.
Joe Biden said in the presidential candidacy debate, “Imagine if I got up here and say that we give indemnity to the pharmaceutical industry.” A note to Joe, that is exactly what we do. It was one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation ever to be passed, not because it was not well-intended certainly by those parents who supported it and not because it was not set out in a way that had they followed the letter of the law, it would have been fair, efficient, generous. It’s because the industry and agencies didn’t want it to work, the CDC, the FDA, it was systematically corrupted from the beginning.
This is a story of how the Act came into being. If people think they know what happened, they don’t. It’s an extraordinary story of the most terrible fraud and corruption that has been exposed through discovery documents that have never seen the light of day. It’s about how once passed, the Act was systematically corrupted by the agencies of the government who are instructed by statute to follow the letter of the law handed dreadful damage done to children as a consequence. It’s an astonishing tale. I thought I knew the origins but I had no idea.
Of course, the consequences, both intended and unintended, and the power of the industry to influence every aspect of our lives is first and foremost amongst those. Therefore, what we are experiencing now is playing out. It is our third act if you like. The final part of this film looks at what is happening contemporaneously in the context of the history of vaccination policy in this country.
Bringing it to now makes me think of Bill Gates and how he wants to experiment with developing this Coronavirus. I understand he wants indemnity from other nations. In other words, he wants to be able to promote it without any liability and not to pay if anyone gets injured or killed from it.
He said, “We need this vaccine. Everybody should get it. Nobody should have any choice, but we’ll need indemnity. Thank you very much.” He has made it quite clear that he wants 7 billion people vaccinated and that nobody should be exempt. Indeed, that is going to need to be a liability.
Coming up, Andy talks about why even pro-vaccine advocates suggest that we move forward with extreme caution as we look to develop a Coronavirus vaccine. He also offers his ideas on what we can do to protect our health freedom and help others understand exactly what’s at stake.
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The big danger and the big worry about this vaccine and one of the reasons that others even those who are ardent pro-vaccinologists have been concerned about is that you may get a vaccine, you may receive the vaccine, and you may develop immunity to the infection. You may seem fine. You may not have an adverse reaction. When you’re re-exposed to that same virus, a year later, two years later, your immune system overreacts, and it produces a severe form of the disease which can be fatal.
This was seen with the attempts to produce a SARS vaccine. This was seen with the experimental respiratory syncytial virus vaccine that was given to children. It’s called immune priming or pathogenic priming that the immune system is set up by the vaccine to produce an exaggerated and dangerous immune response down the line. We must be careful of that because that is highly likely with any Coronavirus vaccine. If that happens, if you’re running safety studies for 2 or 3 weeks, you will never see it. You will not see it until people are re-exposed to that infection a year later or so.
With this, we’re seeing in the mass dengue fever vaccination in the far east, Indonesia, Philippines, or somewhere more like that. Millions of children were given a vaccine that it appears the pharmaceutical company knew was problematic in this respect. When they had got the dengue fever vaccine, when they were re-exposed to dengue fever, many of them died and many of them remain susceptible to severe dengue fever seemingly for the rest of their lives. The vaccine was withdrawn, but it should never have been allowed on the market in the first place. This is not without historical precedent. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is a fact and this is why even people like Paul Offit are saying, “We must be careful about a Coronavirus vaccine,” but not Bill Gates.
You cannot force people to make medical choices and decisions against their will.
He’s not saying that. Andy, this is all heavy. I want to get practical for our readers. I know a lot of us have friends and family who are going to be first in line to get that vaccine. They believe everything they’ve heard on the media and everything they’ve been told that this vaccine is our only hope, that we can’t have mass gatherings until we’re all vaccinated, and that we can return to normal. Do you have any tools or tactics for presenting this information for communicating it to our friends and family?
Yes, I do. How do you educate people about this? There is no excuse for people not to be educated. When I got involved in this, there was little information. Now there is an abundance of information. How do you sort out what is real and what isn’t? This is what the film is about. I’m not pushing the film. The film was designed to answer your question. It is the discovery of a couple, a husband and wife. She’s pregnant later in life, her first baby. It’s their journey, their voyage of discovery of this issue. It is how they go down the rabbit hole against resistance.
What about polio? What about smallpox? Resistance within the family, how do they answer this question for themselves? They do the research. When they do the research, they come to their own conclusions. That’s not the starting point. The reason for doing this is because they are us. We can do this as well. There is no excuse not to do it. In fact, it is mandatory that everybody gets educated because these decisions are so far-reaching not just for our family but for the survival of mankind as a whole.
With that in mind, the approach I’ve taken is to make a film that does exactly what you’re asking, the issue that you’re addressing. Sit down and watch this, and then take the initiative and get more informed. If at the end of that process you decide that you want to get vaccinated, that’s fine. Take that decision not from a position of ignorance but from a position of knowledge. At least you can reconcile your decision on the basis of due diligence. That would be my recommendation. That was the purpose and reason the film was made in the way it has been made to carry that message that we too can do this. It is within our power.
Andy, it is difficult to change our paradigm and our worldview. In other words, it’s much easier to go with the flow and believe everything you’ve heard all your life, phrases like, “Safe and effective,” and other mantras like that.
It is but people must appreciate that we are, in Neo-Darwinian terms, the defining moment in human evolution. What’s happening now in the vaccination policy globally will determine who lives and who dies, who reproduces and who doesn’t reproduce, what elements of the population survive and which don’t. That’s where we are. That’s how big this decision is. It’s not one to be undertaken lightly.
If you are frightened, if you are prepared to be a supplicant, if you’re prepared to roll over in the face of what you watch on CNN, which is owned by the pharmaceutical industry, if that’s what your position is, then you will make your decisions accordingly. I wish you the best of luck. I’m not trying to persuade you as to which decision you should take other than to get informed. It is such a big issue. If you decide to be scared, if you decide to buy into the narrative fed to you by Big Brother, then you will live or die accordingly.
Let’s speak to those who are like, “No, that’s not me. I’ve done my research. I know what my rights are. I want to defend my medical freedom.” What advice would you have for those folks?
It’s straightforward. In the longer term, it requires a great deal more consideration of the issues at hand. I present this not from a political perspective. This is irrespective of your historical political affiliations. The Democrats have made it quite clear that they are in favor of federal vaccine mandates. It’s now at the state level. Those states that have taken away parental rights have been Democratic states. The Democrats are wholly in favor of removing medical exemptions. By and large, the Republicans are against it. This was seen right up the way up to the White House as well.
We are in a situation where the bulk of the decision we take in terms of how we cast our vote will determine whether we move towards mass mandatory vaccination, which, no doubt, would include a Coronavirus vaccine, or whether we encourage and cherish individual choice. I’m not going to try and persuade people how they should vote. That is the choice. This is the dichotomy. There is no middle ground. That is where we are. It’s a stated case of the Democrats’ Healthy People 2020 that there will be a move towards the global policy of the World Health Organization’s strategy of mandatory vaccination across the board. There you have it.
In the short-term, the process that leads to that decision will be decided early on in the election. Beyond that, people need to run for office. Those who are concerned about health freedoms need to go forward. No talent needs to be identified and pushed to the state level because these decisions are taken at the state level about vaccine mandates for example. People who cherish their health freedoms need to be encouraged to run for office.
Thank you for that answer. Andy, what about people in other countries, people in other places?
We’re seeing a global uprising against mandatory vaccination. I’ve toured and filmed in Europe, Poland, Italy, France and Germany. The feeling is very much the same. You’re seeing the influence of the pharmaceutical industry throughout Europe doing the same thing, pushing mandatory vaccination and using governments to do it. Persuading the governments through whatever means they can to push mandatory vaccination. America is no different in many ways from the rest of the world. If we can change things here, it will have a knock-on effect elsewhere. This is why I see America as being key to resolving this issue favorably.
When is your movie coming out?
The movie is due to air on the 21st of May. I’m hoping that despite everything that’s going on and trying to finish the film remotely, which was never been done before in this way, that we will be able to hit that deadline. We’re confident that we will. Our intention is to launch on a new platform called Sphir.io. It’s a new platform that cannot be censored. It is blockchain encrypted. It is intended to serve as a platform for this community. It’s going to be a hybrid of Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. It will be an important part of the future of social media.
I think so too. There have been a lot of censorship already on interviews on YouTube and Vimeo. I want to ask you one final question. If the reader could do one thing to protect or improve their health at this time, what would you recommend that they do?
To mothers, and I’ve said this many times, the most important thing you have is your maternal instinct. We are here on this Earth because of maternal instinct, not because of public health, doctors, drugs or vaccines. We’re here because mothers know their children. They know when they’re well and when they’re ill. They have an instinct that has been cultivated for millions of years and it has served you well.
Please, trust your instinct. Trust that little voice inside you because it is a key to the survival of your children and yourself. It is an extraordinarily powerful thing. People have allowed that instinct to be usurped by the man in the white coat to be taken away, “I’m the doctor. I know best.” No, you don’t. Mothers know their children better than anyone. I would urge you, particularly mothers. It’s fascinating and I’ve observed it time and time again. I would trust that instinct.

Thank you for your time, Andy, and this conversation. We look forward to connecting with you again. We look forward to seeing your movie as well.
If you decide to get vaccinated, it’s absolutely fine. But take that decision not from a position of ignorance, but a position of knowledge.
Thank you.
Our guest was Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Visit his website, VaxxedTheMovie.com. You can find me at HolisticHilda.com and on Instagram, @HolisticHilda. Here is the letter you’ve been waiting for from our spring 2020 journal. Remember that the journal is free to all members. If you join our giveaway, for example, you’ll get a journal every quarter.
Here is the letter, “Raw milk saved my life. I am very pleased to be able to give my testimony for raw milk. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with diverticulitis. After reading about the options I actually had, which were horrible, tearing out half my intestines, I did all the research I could to find out how to heal my gut. I knew my doctor’s advice would end up in endless pill taking, and I didn’t want to go that route.
Where I live, small dairy farms have sprung up on the outskirts of town. After getting on a waiting list, I finally was called to pick up my fresh, raw milk. I had to travel 20 miles to get it, but it was well worth it. In the initial stage of recovery, I drank mostly raw milk and organic beef bone broth, hardly any solids for about six weeks. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
By the two-month mark, my intestines relaxed and I was able to take in some pureed foods. I stayed on a strict diet avoiding my intolerant and allergenic foods, for a couple of years actually. Now, I feel great. When I start feeling like my bowels are upset in any way, I know that I’m not drinking enough raw cow’s milk.
The short and the long of it, raw milk is liquid gold. It healed my guts. It helps me beat the blues in the winter seasonal depression, and gives me a glow that causes people to say, “You look great. What are you doing?” I cannot say enough about the superfood that God has given mankind for nourishment. We do indeed live in a land flowing with milk and honey. Go find it.” That is a letter from Theresa in Washington State. Thank you for that, Theresa. Thanks to you for reading. Stay well and see you next time.

Important Links:
- Vaxxed
- Sphir.io
- HolisticHilda.com
- @HolisticHilda – Instagram
- Nourishing Traditions
- AncestralSupplements.com
- Cancer and The New Biology of Water
- It’s All in Your Mouth
- The Metabolic Approach To Cancer
- The Invisible Rainbow
- ChelseaGreen.com
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