This is an important episode on a very controversial topic. Producer Del Bigtree gives the back story on how he got involved in the making of the movie “Vaxxed.” Some call the movie “anti-vaccine” but its focus is on Dr. William Thompson, the whistleblower at the Center for Disease Control who exposed the manipulation of the results of a study on one vaccine: the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella).
Some question the motives of the key players in this explosive story–Brian Hooker, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Thompson. But Bigtree calls into question the motives of those trying to silence him (and others) who want to help parents make informed decisions when it comes to vaccinations.
All critical thinkers will welcome the information he brings, and the passion with which he presents it. He touches on California’s SB 277 law, which restricts parental rights, by mandating vaccinations for children to attend school, making no allowances for exemptions. He discusses the CDC’s goal, called “Healthy People 2020,” that is pushing for 100% compliance with the adult vaccination schedule.
With his movie, and in this interview, Bigtree’s goal is to alert Americans to the threats to their civil liberties, and to motivate them to advocate for their own health and the health of their children.
This is an important episode on a very controversial topic. Producer Del Bigtree gives the back story on how he got involved in the making of the movie “Vaxxed.” Some call the movie “anti-vaccine” but its focus is on Dr. William Thompson, the whistleblower at the Center for Disease Control who exposed the manipulation of the results of a study on one vaccine: the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella).
Some question the motives of the key players in this explosive story—Brian Hooker, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and Dr. Thompson. But Bigtree calls into question the motives of those trying to silence him (and others) who want to help parents make informed decisions when it comes to vaccinations.
In this episode, Del discusses:
- his work on “Doctors” and “The Dr. Phil Show”
- how he got involved in the project “Vaxxed”
- his concern about the scientific fraud – the cover-up at the CDC – and why it was hidden from the public for 10 years
- how the story broke and his shock at how no major networks or newspapers covered the story
- how SB 277 a California law was pushed through (no exemptions to the vaccination schedule allowed for school-aged children)
- the difference between news and propaganda
- how he connected with Dr. Andrew Wakefield
- his concern over corruption at the CDC and the related media cover up (pharmaceutical industry’s influence = the largest lobby in Washington – the ratio is 2 to 1 over oil & gas)
- 1986 vaccine compensation act allows for parents of vaccine-injured children to seek compensation from the government (pharmaceutical companies are not liable for damages)
- some 3.8 billion dollars are paid out every year to compensate families
- side note: you can’t sue for vaccine damages, but you can for drugs (which is why vaccines are a better bet for pharmaceutical companies and why they are pushing to get more approved for use)
- why vaccines are forced on us (clearly the agenda is not the health of our children)
- the CDC’s push for “Healthy people 2020” – 100% compliance of adult vaccination schedule
- how the media is being influenced by the drug companies–notice all the pharma ads on during news breaks and how CNN is sponsored primarily by Merck, for example
- how the study in the CDC was prompted from the UK b/c Dr. Andrew Wakefield (working in the UK) found a relationship (not conclusive) between vaccines/autism (he was actually studying the link between digestive issues and autism but he came across this)
- how the CDC was ordered by congress to do a study on the vaccine schedule/timing to see if it was a factor in the likelihood of developing autism
- how the study was conducted on a group of 3000 children in Georgia
- the result was a statistically significant increase rate in autism in African American boys, in particular
- how the timing affected all children
- the focus on “isolated autism” (children who were healthy to start with and had no signs of illness before being vaccinated). In this case, children of every race were 7x more likely to develop autism if they received their vaccines on time
- how Dr. Thompson (the whistleblower) stands by what he said in a statement (he said that he wasn’t anti-vaccine, but that he was concerned about the safety of vaccines and the ethics of the study)
- how Thompson has met with Congressman Bill Posey of Florida and that when Bigtree spoke with Posey, Posey said that the film is accurate and reflects what Thompson had told him
- Parents need to be able to have a say on what their children are given
Vaxxed.com – info on the movie and action points for activism
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