Current restrictions and mandates and the advent of health passports and more—are de-stabilizing. The media emphasizes COVID case loads, variants, and the need to get injections and boosters. What is really at play and who’s behind the fear-mongering? What is the end game? This is episode 336 and our guest today is Dr. David Martin. David is the author of “Lizards Eat Butterflies” and the Founder and Chairman of M-CAM Inc.
Today he discusses the state of emergency we find ourselves in, the push for vaccination, and how to protect health freedom. In this conversation, David helps us connect the dots about censorship, mind control, and criminal activity. He also notes what we can do to turn things around and maintain a positive outlook in these times.
Visit his website: davidmartin.world
Check out our website: westonaprice.org
Register for our Wise Traditions conference.
Check out our sponsors: Primal Pastures, Cold Plunge, Optimal Carnivore
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
Credit restrictions and mandates, the advent of health passports and more, make the world feel like a very uncertain place. The media emphasizes COVID caseloads, variants and the need to get injections and boosters but what is at play with what’s going on? Who’s behind the fear-mongering? What is the end game? This is Episode 336. Our guest is Dr. David Martin. David is the author of Lizards Eat Butterflies and the Founder and Chairman of M-CAM Inc. David has a unique grasp on current events and great ideas about how to respond to them.
This is the second of our COVID track series. We discuss the state of emergency we find ourselves in, the push for vaccination, and how to protect our health freedom. In this conversation, David helps us connect the dots about censorship, mind control and criminal activity. David also notes what we can do to turn things around and maintain a positive outlook in these times.
David reveals a startling quote from Peter Daszak, the President of the EcoHealth Alliance. That quote points to profit as one of the main drivers behind our current situation.
Before we get going, I want to invite you to the Wise Traditions Conference outside of Dallas, Texas. David Martin will be there, as well as many other amazing speakers and hundreds of friends that you haven’t met yet. Join us and prepare to be nourished in every way. Go to WiseTraditions.org to register. I hope to see you there.
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Visit the website TheColdPlunge.com and place your order. Use the code WISE for $111 off on your order.
Optimal Carnivore, Go to Amazon.com/optimalcarnivore and use the code WESTON10 to save 10% on all products.
It is illegal to promote something that is intended to treat, diagnose, or cure a disease when you do not have at least two independent peer-reviewed medical studies that prove the claim you’re making.
Visit his website: DavidMartin.world
Check out our website: WestonAPrice.org
Register for our Wise Traditions Conference.
Check out our sponsors: Primal Pastures, Cold Plunge, Optimal Carnivore
Welcome to the show, David.
It’s great to be here again, Hilda. It’s good to see you.
I feel like the world has turned upside down and most of us are left spinning. We’re asking ourselves, does anybody have the license plate number of the truck that hit us? This state of emergency that was instated sometime in 2020 is still in effect. Is that right?
Yes, it is. In fact, Xavier Becerra, the new Biden administration’s Director of the Department of Health and Human Services decided to re-up it. The great news is there are no criteria. The cool thing is there are no criteria in the law that says that something has to be met. In case readers were paying attention, there was another state of emergency that was also re-declared. Did you know that?
No. Was that a worldwide one?
No. It’s the one that’s been declared quite a while. Oddly enough, it’s a state of emergency to not surprisingly help facilitate an experimental vaccine but this one is the state of emergency of the opioid crisis. If people go and look at the actual declared states of emergency, what you’ll find is that we have COVID, but we have had an ongoing state of emergency for the opioid crisis for quite some time. That was re-upped as well. The good news is we’ve got two states of emergency going.

I know everybody would want to feel better about this. Moderna has an experimental vaccine that they’ve patented on a vaccine for opioid addiction. The cool thing is, as weird as this sounds, we have a EUA outstanding for opioid addiction. There you go. Two states of emergency, one that you didn’t know about and another one that you wish that you hadn’t heard about but now I’ve told you. We’re in the middle of Oz. It’s more of Wonderland, where you go down through the rabbit hole and you come out the other end. The crazy one is Tony Fauci is the Queen of Hearts.
This is the thing. As long as there is a state of emergency, then these injections that they’re promoting, the lockdowns, all these restrictions and health passes, all of this can be justified?
Let’s be clear. It can’t be justified because it’s criminal. Criminal actions can never be justified. More importantly, it’s illegal because as you well know that under the Federal Trade Commission Act and under is equivalent in every state, it is illegal to promote something that is intended to treat, diagnose or cure a disease when you do not have at least two independent peer-reviewed medical studies that prove the claim you’re making.
Whether it’s face masks, social distancing or restrictions on where children can go or anything else, there is literally no evidentiary standard to meet the Federal Trade Commission Act requirements. Every single governor, public health officer, and school district is violating federal and state law every time they do it.
There is zero, not a single court in the land, US attorney, Department of Justice official, FBI agent, attorney general, not anyone is holding up the law. We are living in Chicago in the ‘20s and it’s the middle of the Capone era. You can walk outside and somebody could drive by in their giant Lincoln, and blast you with a Tommy gun. It’s that weird.
I’ve heard that some sheriffs are standing on the side of protecting the citizens in a way that none of these other officials that you named are.
There are tons of people who are doing I don’t know what it is. It’s a bit of grasping at the straws. It’s something that in some people’s minds is better than nothing. The fact of the matter is there are a number of sheriffs. I’ve had a number of interactions with Sheriff John Mack and other fabulous and wonderful people who are doing the level best that they can. The problem is that we need prosecutorial and actual judicial access.
A sheriff can do a lot of things to not enforce a stupid regulation or not serve certain warrants and other things. There are things that they can do. Unfortunately, sheriffs are not given the opportunity. Even though they could be involved in the opportunity, they’ve chosen not to be for whatever reason. The reporting of and then the ultimate indictment for criminal actions is something that’s part of the justice system.
Unfortunately, the sheriffs don’t have access to that any more than we do. The courts were bought a long time ago. Justice Sotomayor showed us that the Supreme Court is not equal justice under the law. It’s favored justice to defer and essentially stipulate the existence of a thing that doesn’t exist. This is lawlessness and sad. From the standpoint of a lot of people who sit there going, “I don’t even know why a person like Dave Martin opens his mouth anymore,” because all I’m doing is saying the same thing. The fact of the matter is every time I go on record, there’s another record that the system that we call our democracy is not working.
If this is lawlessness, Chicago back in the day, what recourse do we have as individuals at this time to protect our health freedom?
It’s not okay to stand in front of weapon whether it’s delivered through a gun or delivered through a syringe. Do not do it.
The objective reality is I feel like Nancy Reagan, “Just say no.” The fact of the matter is there are no organizations that are under duress. By that, I mean physical restraint, tying you to a chair and forcing you to do anything. That’s a bridge that so far is too far to cross. Tragically, most of the people who are subjecting themselves to the injections are doing so under threat, not under the law.
I’m sympathetic because I’m a human being and feeling like there’s a lot of pressure. At some point, you’re tired of fighting. I get all that. The fact of the matter is injecting yourself with a lethal pathogen is a bad idea, period. There’s no job, cruise, flight, trip, nothing that is worth being the guinea pig on a trial that was never conducted lawfully, had an independent institutional review board and independent safety and efficacy review by an IRB. We don’t have a legal clinical trial of any of these injections yet.
There hasn’t been a single legal trial performed in the United States under the 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.20, 23 and 24. Still, people are saying, “I have to because my employer said,” whatever else. The answer is no. You do not have to. If ultimately there are actions taken, whether it’s terminating a job or not having your kid allowed to go to school or whatever it is, each one of these is criminal actions being done by criminal organizations. One day, you have redress but that day is not now. It’s not likely in the near future because we don’t have any court that’s willing to enforce the law.
You’ve packed a lot into that little moment there. I’m processing it but I’m also trying to go back to the regular person on the street who might think, “I don’t know about all the legal recourse I have but I do know this. People I know who’ve gotten the injection have still gotten sick.” It doesn’t even do what the ad says, which is it’s safe and effective. I even heard someone on NPR saying, “The vaccine prevents death.” I thought, “That’s a lot of hyperbole right there.”
Remember that using their standard, which is criminal anyhow so why don’t we use it? This is not a vaccine. This is a stimulation of a pathogen creator. What you get injected with are instructions for your body to make a foreign pathogen. That pathogen happens to be a protein, which is a foreign protein and the instructions are for your body to make it. You hope that your body then attacks the thing your body made. That’s what we’re calling this thing.
It’s a bioweapon. It needs to be called what it is. It’s a synthetic and chimeric bioweapon. You are being shot and it would be analogous to going out in Western. Think of yourself in a Western movie like a John Wayne Western movie. Think of yourself going out seeing a gunfight going on and stepping in the way of a bullet to test whether your blood clots. That’d be a dumb idea.
The good news is your blood probably would clot but the idea of putting yourself in front of a bullet is a bad idea. The problem is we’re not having the right conversations. We’re pretending like we’re debating on whether or not philosophically, we agree with organic versus non-organic healthcare. That’s not the question. This is an engineered pathogen. This is something that was engineered intentionally to attack human lung epithelial cells and vascular cells.
This was invented by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, patented in 2002. This is a weapon. If we started talking about it the proper way, we would not be having conversations about, “I think it’s probably okay.” It’s not okay to stand in front of a weapon. I don’t care whether it’s delivered through a gun or a syringe. Do not do it.
For even more proof for the skeptic, looking at the numbers, it has not prevented cases from going up. It hasn’t changed that arc. As a matter of fact, the arc has gone up and even some of the most vaccinated nations on the Earth.
It’s not just in the vaccinated nations. There was a report published by the Department of Defense Veterans Affairs where it showed that 71% of hospitalizations in those over the age of 65 were either duly vaccinated or duly vaccinated plus booster. Remember this is supposed to prevent illness, hospitalization and severe injury. Of those, over 60% were in ICU. It wasn’t just hospitalizations. It was severe hospitalization. It turns out that the vaccine population is in the Veterans Affairs database.
This is not Dave going out on a limb. This is not theirs. This is not adverse event reporting. This is the Veterans Administration’s own clinical data. Seventy-one percent of the over 65 that got double vaccinated were in fact the ones that were in the hospital. You can’t even make the argument that this lessens the severity of disease because the vast majority of people who are occupying emergency rooms and ICUs are vaccinated people.

That’s not what they’re saying on the news. They’re saying it’s the pandemic of the unvaccinated. That’s their little phrase.
This is probably the most ludicrous point in human history where allegedly the reason why people who are protected against the disease are more at risk is because the people who are allegedly unprotected are creating the risk. Here’s the tiny problem with the theory. I don’t know if you saw it but it’s a very sad story here in Virginia. A fifth-grade girl reportedly died of COVID. Here’s the funny thing about the story. By the way, there’s nothing funny about a fifth-grader dying. I’m not saying there’s anything funny about her death, but CNN is reporting it as a COVID death where this perfectly healthy young girl went from being perfectly fine.
Five days later, dead of COVID but in their actual story, they point out that she had a negative PCR test. She had no radiographic evidence of any of the COVID radiographic symptoms. She died in five days from being perfectly healthy to dead. CNN is saying that her parents are advocating that people wear masks and get injections for the disease that allegedly killed their daughter.
Here’s the tiny problem. In their own report, they say no positive PCR test and no radiographic evidence of COVID but they’re manufacturing a horribly tragic story into having two mask-wearing parents, by the way, both vaccinated, talking about the death of their young girl. They’re using it like, “Everybody should get vaccinated.”
I sat there going, “Your own story falsifies the story. Your daughter died.” That’s a true and sad thing. That’s a tragedy for all of us. The fact that you are monetizing it as propaganda is defiling the honor of the young lady that died. This whole game of the fear pornography that is going around where people are trying desperately to make every death another moment of, “I wish I would have. They wish they would have.” The fact of the matter is this injection does not work.
What about the new ones? What about Novavax? Apparently, that’s not the same mRNA technology.
That one you can feel better about because Bill Gates is more directly funding it. That one I’m sure is going to have no bugs like Microsoft Office has no bugs. I wouldn’t worry about anything because my history with Microsoft is there’s never been anything wrong with anything that he’s ever built. It was funny unsolicited, Hilda.
I got a phone call from the vice provost of one of America’s leading medical institutions, a West Coast institution. She had heard a couple of my interviews. She called me and said, “I’ve got to tell you something. I am the head of the Institutional Review Board. When we got word that there was going to be a vaccine developed and it was going to be an mRNA vaccine, the director of the Vivarium, which is the animal research center at this particular medical university came and was thrilled.”
He reportedly was looking forward to how much wonderful money the federal government was going to spend on safety studies on this vaccine. She said that they had a conversation and then nothing. The next thing they got was a human protocol. She said, “This is strange. I was expecting an animal protocol.” The first thing that you would do in traditional drug development is you would have an animal study to show safety and efficacy before you do anything in humans.
She asked, “Where is the safety data from the animal trials?” The quote was, “You are approving this. We’re going straight to humans.” This is the institutional review board at one of America’s top ten medical universities. When I pointed out that there was no legal Institutional Review Board meeting, she took issue with it and was calling me to take issue with it.
We have become the consumer republic not the civic republic. The problem that leads to is a world in which corporate interests are the ones dictating the future.
I said, “Let me give you what the law is. It’s 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.20, 23 and 24. Did any of these conditions get meet?” She goes, “Not only do they not get met but let me tell you this story.” She relayed to me the story of a willful act of homicide. This is not some sort of accidental thing. The decision to go straight to humans was a willful act to kill humans.
How can this be, David? It’s very hard to wrap my head around this because we have such faith in the medical system and our leaders to look out for public health. It’s very hard to believe that someone’s purposely trying to hurt the human race.
As long as we’ve been organized in whatever tribes, populations or nations that we’ve done, we’ve always had a view of there is the approved and privileged class and then there’s everybody else. The tragedy is if we go back to the mid-1700s and we sit back and ask the question, “How did we get this so wrong?” For example, the American experiment, if we go back and look at the writings of Madison, Monroe, George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, Tocqueville and others, we hear about this great human experiment. What we’re going to do is see what happens if we get rid of monarchs, popes, kings and all of those crazy anachronistic things. We turn this into a republic by, for and of the people. We start this thing.
The problem is that in 1776, another document, equally important and almost totally undiscussed was also published, which is Adam Smith’s book called The Wealth of Nations. The problem with that book is it created a new anonymous class, which was the class of the industrialist. If we examine what the American experiment was, it was a coup where business interests decided to take advantage of a populous movement towards democracy and independence.
We look at the Civil War and the establishment of the life insurance and banking cabal at the turn of the 1900s. In 1910 and 1911, remember that the citizens of the United States still had a convening voice that got things like the Pujo Committee and others to investigate the inappropriate relationships with the banking industry, insurance and all this kind of stuff.
We got things like the Glass-Steagall Act and laws changed. The problem is that we’ve now had a generation and a half. This is your and my parent’s generation, the Baby Boom post-World War II generation, who have been complacently living in a world in which the satiation of consumption, getting stuff has replaced the sense of civic responsibility and duty. We’ve been in the business of houses, cars, credit cards, purchase this, purchase that, purchase something else. We have become the consumer republic, not the civic republic.
The problem that it leads to is that it leads to a world in which corporate interests are the ones dictating the future. We left the world of democracy when we allowed campaign finance donations to be pharma eclipsing big oil, banking, finance and insurance. We let this happen and we’re sitting there going, “We don’t like the world that’s manifest.” When campaign finance was being discussed that this was the point. How many of us cared? Not enough. We made the mess we’re in. We’ve got to own the mess we’re in.
I remember you’re saying before too that it’s like we’re in a new kind of war.
It is. This is a high-class war. You and I are sitting here in a conversation. We’re not having French or British troops quartered in our house. We’re not whispering. As suffering goes, this is upscale suffering. The danger of upscale suffering is it’s more insidious. You don’t know how much harm is happening when you’re not immediately confronted by the things that are egregiously going on. The minute you find the person who is injured, who has been killed, whose parent died or whoever else, right after getting the injection, all of a sudden starts feeling like a war because there are bodies.
For the majority of us, we’re still one step removed from it. It’s not on our doorstep. We still feel like it’s a power grab by despotic governors, public health officials or presidents or whatever else. We still almost don’t quite think that it’s quite how bad it is. The problem is it’s worse than that and we’re not paying attention.
You said, “Here we are talking freely, which is true,” but there’s also a lot of censorship. Some people are not immediately confronted with what’s happening because it’s being kept from them.

There’s a very interesting Massachusetts court decision that happened very early in COVID. Unfortunately, the Massachusetts court ruled in error because they made the assumption that social media is a proxy for the freedom of assembly and speech. The judge can be forgiven because up until the Spring of 2020, the idea that you would be de-platformed from Facebook or YouTube was remote.
The idea that there would be no, and I don’t mean a little bit, I mean no press coverage at all of the facts that Peter Daszak in 2015 said that he needed and I’m quoting him now, “The public to accept the medical countermeasures such as a pan Coronavirus vaccine. We need the media to create the hype and use the hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.” That statement made by Peter Daszak in 2015 was printed on the 6th of February of 2016 and published in the National Academy of Sciences Proceedings. This is not some slouch heard on a tabloid in a grocery store.
He made that statement and not a single public media outlet has ever reported the public statement that he made where he said, “We need the media to create the hype. We need to use the hype to our advantage. Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.” This is the guy who during exactly that same period was sending money from the United States through EcoHealth Alliance to Wuhan Institute of Virology to do gain of function research on the Coronavirus. That’s the same guy and not one media outlet has ever reported on what I said.
I hope this gets out there. Even so, I have this feeling that people are so indoctrinated by the media hype that they can’t even make room in their heads for something that will shift their paradigm to see more clearly what’s happening.
I have said many times and unfortunately, I’m a broken record but I’m going to keep being a broken record about this. That’s even a bad analogy because people don’t even know what a record is. I am a broken record and it’s going to be that way for the rest of time. What I’m going to keep saying is that until Fauci is in cuffs, literally the perp walks, I don’t think you can break through exactly your point, Hilda. Mind control is so complete that unless we show them to be the criminal felons that they are, we don’t have a chance.
We remember this when we were kids. Oftentimes, we’ll make a bad decision. When confronted with the evidence of a bad decision, what we do is dig in. We get more militant about the rightness of our wrongness. We dig in more. That’s exactly what’s happening. Nobody wanted this vaccine. Nobody woke up one day going, “I can’t wait for the next vaccine.” What happened was there was a perceived need that was allegedly created.
Once the perceived need was overwhelming, the lie was if you get an injection, you get to take your mask off. We found out very quickly that that didn’t work. If you get the injection, you don’t get sick, and that didn’t work. If you get the injection, you can move about freely. That didn’t work. Every one of the deal points has been pulled out immediately when the next thing happens. I have not seen anybody go, “We got it wrong. You’re going to get the injection but the masks and the restrictions on movement are still on. You can’t go visit your family is still on.” There is no framework in reality to engage, which makes a logical or rational engagement impossible.
The media hype continues. Did you hear that Disney+ is putting out a documentary that lifts up Fauci so that he’s this knight in shining armor here to save the day?
Anthony Fauci has murdered more people in public office than probably any other American outside of the Department of Defense. When you add up all the deaths from his HIV experiments and vaccine obsession, there is no question that he has murdered more people than he has saved. That’s an absolute statement. The empirical evidence is nothing but clear there. Since 1984 on his watch, we have had an increase in allergic conditions and infectious diseases among the American population.
This is a guy who’s supposed to be the director of the National Institute for Allergy Infectious Disease. Here’s the problem. He got the job. What nobody seemed to tell him was this is not about making more allergies and infectious diseases. It’s about eliminating them. He’s had $191 billion go through his fingers. On that watch, he has increased allergic reactions, infectious disease, the killing and maiming of people in the name of his obsession with vaccines.
When confronted with the evidence of a bad decision, what we do is dig in. We get more militant about the rightness of our wrongness.
Is there any hope for any kind of trial and justice?
You are looking at the single most relentless American and for that matter person in the world who is calling for either US attorneys, attorneys general or the FBI to have anybody who will take this accountability to actual action. The fact of the matter is law enforcement is required to do this. This cannot be done by a civilian action and a civilian court. I have been meeting with and sending information to US attorneys and attorneys general.
I’ve had a number of people who have been doing that on their own as well because I’ve put all the materials together for people to share. The good news is I got a letter from a lovely person in the mail, old school, double stamped, big envelope. In that envelope, I received a photocopy of the response that this individual got back from the attorney general of the state of Connecticut saying that they had made a case file. It’s a public case file.
He sent them to all 50 AGs and he got one response. The one response he got was from the state of Connecticut. I have sent it to the AGs, US attorneys and Office of Inspector General for HHS. I’ve done all sorts of things. The fact of the matter is so far, there’s not a single entity that’s taking it seriously. You know me. You met me on a very cold day in January. I am as persistent then as now. This matters because humanity’s at stake. I’m going to keep doing it.
I also remember what you said to me on that cold day in January when I did say, “I feel like the world is upside down.” You said, “We’re going to turn it around.” What are some of the things that give you hope in light of what you told me?
I wrote a whole book, Lizards Eat Butterflies. In it, I explained why I despise the notion of hope because it suggests that there is a better future than there is the present. My view is that the present is always the best because it is what we have. What I know is that you and I didn’t meet each other before the 6th of January and we have. What I know is that the fellowship I have with amazing people who are standing up and learning to find their voice, stand for what they hold as their truth, beliefs, passions and views of the world, whether it’s metaphysical, cosmological or personal. I have seen this emboldened a number of people who did not have a voice before.
What I see is a number of people who are starting to find their voice, their ability to stand and take a step, whether it’s in public office, meeting or forum. This is the beautiful humanity that is emerging. This is not a suck-up because this is our interview. It’s women who are leading this way more than the men. It is women who are out there on the front lines. It’s your voice. It’s The Weston Price Foundation. There’s a whole bunch of women who are taking a stronger stand than most men. I respect that.
We need to take a pause and reflect on the fact that we haven’t had a period in our history since suffrage certainly where we have had more women who are unwilling to let this one go. I have dear friends like Reinette Senum out in Nevada City, California, who simply will not be cowed into submission. You have these wonderful people who are finding a place within them that is a place of power, strength, voice, an articulate view, a critical eye and the capacity to have public discourse. What I find is that’s exactly what we needed.
We live in a world where we are being cheapened in the social narrative. We’re being told to think of the distinction between men and women as something that gets blurred. What I love about this is the women of substance and the women of character are saying, “Do not diminish us. We are standing.” What I see is a great awakening of the power of real women to have the voice that they probably always needed to have and very few people were listening to it.
I don’t know how you cannot be enthusiastic about a future that includes more powerful voices where people who from a social standpoint, we might have expected to be a little more demure and in the shadows are coming out being strong and very vocal. This is the best time to be alive. We’re all here for this reason. I’m stubborn. I’m going to keep making these comments and pushing on this thing. At some point, I know that we’ll reach critical mass.
This is a transformative time. I’ve experienced it as you’ve alluded to. We all have. It’s the pressure. It’s like, “Are we going to crumble or are we going to shine like a diamond?”
It’s cliché to say this but how many times have we heard the metaphor of the reed that bends but is not broken? We have bent. There have been challenges, disappointments and so forth but genuinely, the quality of the human that is arising is a quality of a human that has been tested and found adequate to stand. I love that. It’s beautiful.

It’s encouraging to hear these words and be reminded of them. Even though we are living them, there are times when the pressure does feel like a lot but it is drying out something beautiful for all of humanity. It’s a beautiful thing to behold. I want to ask you the final question I often pose at the end. If the reader could do one thing to improve and safeguard their health, what would you recommend that they do?
One less genetically modified anything. Pick whatever it is. I don’t care whether it’s at the grocery store, the Farmer’s Market or where it is. Nature is beautiful. It breathes and dances. It’s elegant. It goes through cycles. It has its emergent, generative, maturation and rejuvenation phase. It goes through these beautiful cycles and it invites us to dance in those cycles with us. The more we have the capacity to select carefully, that which is in harmony with nature, whatever it is. It can start simple. If it’s in a cardboard box that has a plastic insert, walk away from it.
It’s very simple things because what we need to understand is that the long game here is to redefine what life is. In that, we are going to manufacture an industrialized experience that synthesizes life. The answer is that’s not life. That is industrial production. The simple thing you can do is choose one less thing that’s been modified by the hand of humanity and step back into enjoying the flavor, taste, texture, bruises, little blemishes, and all of the things that make the magic of nature magic. Unwrap your world and eat what nature provided.
We’ll do that. That goes along with the Weston Price Foundation. Our heartbeat is whole real foods and everything that nourishes you best, and that includes conversations like this one. Thank you so much, David.
You are most welcome. I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Our guest was Dr. David Martin. Visit his website, DavidMartin.world for more. You can find me at HolisticHilda.com. Now for our review from Apple Podcasts. Gratitude from Moms in the Garden, they simply said, “Very grateful for this thoughtful perspective.” You are welcome Moms in the Garden. You too are invited to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. Click on ratings and review. Give us a bunch of stars and tell us what you think of the show. We read these and are so thankful for your support. Thank you so much for reading. Stay well, my friend. Hasta Pronto.
About David Martin

Important Links:
- Lizards Eat Butterflies
- M-CAM Inc
- WiseTraditions.org
- Primal Pastures
- EcoHealth Alliance
- Cold Plunge
- Optimal Carnivore
- Amazon.com/optimalcarnivore
- Apple Podcasts – Wise Traditions
- David Martin
- The Wealth of Nations
- HolisticHilda.com
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