Homeopathy has been used to treat health crises in the past. It can help today too. Anke Zimmermann is a professional homeopath and former naturopathic physician with 30 years of clinical experience. Today she discusses how homeopathy may be a tool for preventing the covid sickness and for detoxing, post-injection. She covers what remedies she’s used for patients who’ve gotten a covid vaccine. And she offers suggestions for remedies to shore up the body’s resilience, overall.
Visit her website: ankezimmermann.net.
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Episode Transcript
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Is there any way to detox after getting a COVID-19 shot? This is episode 337 and our guest is Anke Zimmermann. She is a professional homeopath and a former naturopathic physician with 30 years of clinical experience. For years, her practice has focused on children with developmental and behavioral challenges. She also has a special interest in vaccine and medication injuries.
This is the third episode of our COVID-19 track. We discuss the ins and outs of homeopathy and how it may help those who have chosen to get the COVID-19 “vaccine.” She talks about homeopathy, its history, how it works and why it’s been maligned. We also discuss how it can be used in this time of COVID-19, both preventatively and as a tool for detoxing after getting the injection.
Before we get into the conversation, I want to let you know that censorship is real. We need a direct line of communication, so join our email list to stay abreast of action alerts in your area along with important topics of interest, food, freedom, upcoming events and more. Click on the yellow button on the homepage of our website to sign up. That’s WestonAPrice.org.
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Now, for a letter to the editor from a recent journal. Judith from Switzerland has this to say, “My room at the Swiss farming school where I’ve been staying is right across the hall from a woman in her 40s or 50s who is extremely sensitive to EMFs. I had no clue and I did WhatsApp with my husband in the US at 5:00 AM and 8:00 AM. I heard the girl leave, thinking she was going to work. I wanted to meet her because I heard she tests apartments and houses for EMF emissions. We met and we had a very long talk about exposure.”
Homeopathy is not a unified profession.
“She explained that she had left because such exposure ‘rips her out of her socks.’ She goes barefoot whenever possible and on Sundays, she enjoys going to a lake on the other side of Bern. She explained when growing up that she had had a lot of health issues. I’m guessing her immune system was not the best and perhaps this is why she is so sensitive. She tells me that 5G is not nearly as bad as all the gadgets we have.”
“She agrees that 5G is bad but 4G is just as bad, only different. She explains that the worst exposure is our own doing. She sleeps on a mattress on the floor, no box-spring with metal coils and she uses the Swiss shield cloth on one window and on her feather blanket to help shield her while she sleeps. I bought an EMF tester from Germany and will do my best to make others aware of the dangers.”
Judith, thank you for making us aware. We are doing our best as well to get the word out through our journals and show. If you’d like to get the show’s journal quarterly, all you have to do is become a member. It’s only $40 a year. We can give you the offer of $30 a year using the podcast discount code WTPOD for $10 off your membership. You will get the quarterly journal and that includes all kinds of information that will benefit you and your loved ones. That’s it. Thank you so much for reading. Stay well. Hasta pronto.
Welcome to the show, Anke.
Thank you so much for having me.
We have had a long standing relationship and friendship between you and your work in homeopathy and the foundation. It’s high time that we have you on, especially because what’s on everyone’s mind is if there is any possibility to help ourselves once we’ve taken the shot and I’m referring to the COVID-19 vaccines that are in the market. What do you have to say to them? Is there any possible way to detox or help ourselves?
The answer is a cautious yes. The problem with these so-called vaccines, which we call the jabs, is that we don’t know what the long-term consequences will be. I have had some clients and colleagues of mine. I’ve canvassed a number of my colleagues who encountered clients who had adverse reactions after the COVID-19 shots. I spoke to one of my clients who had a mini-stroke after the vaccine. She was fully aware of the potential drawbacks of these vaccines but she and her husband live in a different country and they wanted to travel.
As far as they were concerned, they wouldn’t be able to travel without the shots, so they decided to take them. I prepped them to the best of my knowledge and both of them had immediate adverse events after the vaccination. I prepped them with a homeopathic remedy made from the specific vaccine that they were going to get, which was the Pfizer shot.
There’s a pharmacy in the US that can prepare any substance into a homeopathic remedy. They have remedies made from every vaccine known to man, medications and anything else you can imagine, like radiation remedies. Her husband developed chest pain almost immediately after the shots and was very quickly relieved with the homeopathic remedy made from the Pfizer jab. She developed intense arm pain, which was also relieved but then subsequently developed a mini-stroke, unfortunately. She shared this with me.
That is so disheartening on many levels for this couple but it also makes one wonder how helpful is the homeopathic remedy going to be either before or after?
Her arm pain was relieved very quickly with the remedy but then she still developed a mini-stroke. However, she’s quite well-versed in homeopathy. We’ve been working together to recover her two children, who both have autism from vaccines. They are both severely vaccine-injured. They also had antibiotics and everything else. In the process, she has gained a real education in homeopathy and she understood the symptoms that she developed with the mini-stroke corresponded to a remedy made from a particular snake venom, Lachesis Mutus, which very quickly relieved her symptoms. She’s fine. She recovered.
Talk about what homeopathy is because some people may be unfamiliar with it and I’d like to give them a little background on it.
Homeopathy is a very complex system of natural healing and medicine, which was founded about centuries ago in Germany. It’s based on some very different principles compared to allopathic medicine. Homeopathy comes from the Greek words homeo, meaning similar and pathos, meaning suffering. It means similar suffering. The two main principles in homeopathy are like cures and the minimum dose. Like cures like refers to the idea that a substance that can cause specific symptoms in a healthy person can be used in homeopathic form to relieve similar symptoms.
It’s like what I’ve heard the poison can be the medicine.
You’ve heard of the hair of the dog that bit you, a drink in the morning after when you have a hangover, desensitization to allergies or even to some extent vaccination. In all of those cases, the amount you’re giving is a very small amount. Homeopathy is based on that as a principle, that something that can make somebody sick can be used when it is prepared in a homeopathic form, which is done by sequential dilution and agitation usually to the point that there are no molecules from the original substance left.
At least no molecules were able to be detected.
Yes, as far as we know. There’s a lot of debate around how it works. We don’t know exactly how it works and we could talk about that one for hours but let’s say it’s an energetic information type of effect rather than a biochemical effect. It can’t be a biochemical effect because we use super high potencies. There’s no way to have molecules left.
This reminds me of the work of the Japanese doctor, Emoto, who has done many studies of the effect of energy or even the spoken word on water. When people spoke kind and loving words to water, you could examine under a microscope the structure. It was beautiful and harmonious with geometric patterns. Water responded beautifully to the word spoken. Water that is spoken to differently, in an unkind way or with negativity, has a chaotic structure. In a way, homeopathy is maybe an energy healing on a level that’s still difficult for us to quantify.
There has to be a certain amount of evidence to make a medical claim that you can cure a certain condition.
Quantify is a good word because it probably has to do with quantum physics and entanglement. To keep it on the water science, we know that water does respond with Dr. Emoto’s work and it can store information. We also know that there are 25 different phases of water. I only was aware of three. Frozen, liquid and gaseous but there are way more different phases and has many interesting properties. It has probably something to do with the water, resonance, quantum and entanglement.
In the homeopathic community, when did it start realizing, “Maybe we can even help when it comes to these shots or injections?”
Like cures like is the main effect but there’s also something we call same-cure-same, which means that if you were exposed to a certain toxic substance, let’s say arsenic, if you take a homeopathic preparation of arsenic, which technically doesn’t contain any molecules, so it’s the homeopathic information on arsenic in some way, it helps the body to eliminate arsenic.This is being done in India and Pakistan on a fairly large scale because they have a lot of trouble with arsenic-contaminated groundwater and water. Hundreds of millions of people in these areas are suffering arsenic poisoning from the water. There’s some interesting research looking at this and the government in India is using homeopathic arsenic to help people in these areas.
How does that lead us to where we are with the jab?
I have been using homeopathic remedies made from vaccines as well as homeopathic remedies made from various chemicals, medications and so on for the last years to help my patients because it was not until then that I realized they were available. This is all fairly new stuff. The homeopathic profession is not a unified profession. I used to be a hardcore classical homeopath, meaning, you give a remedy for the entire symptoms of that particular person. I became aware of this other way of treating, which is also known as Isopathy or Tautopathy other than homeopathy, because we were doing the same cures same, not like cures like.
The very same compounds would be in the homeopathic remedy.
Many people around the world and I’m not the only one, were already working with homeopathic remedies made from vaccines to help people with vaccine injuries. I see people like that every day because that’s my special interest. It’s a sad thing in a way because there are so many of them.
What results have you seen, Anke?
The Coronavirus so-called vaccines are not technically vaccines in a conventional way. They have components in some ways similar to vaccines, but vaccines normally contain the weakened or killed microorganism or part of the microorganism, as well as a bunch of chemicals like stabilizers and preservatives, sometimes aluminum to create more of an immune response. It’s a complex mixture of different things.If somebody has an adverse reaction or develops various health problems after vaccination, we don’t know which ingredient in that cocktail they reacted to. However, if we make a remedy from the entire mixture, there’s a chance that whatever they reacted to is in there in homeopathic form and now tells the body to get rid of it and to reset itself. That technically or theoretically could work similarly with the Coronavirus jabs.
You are blowing my mind because I didn’t know that this specialty was a thing. Either before, as you mentioned with that couple, that you could try to anticipate and prep the patient or after.
When we’re prepping them, we give them before and then after for several days to offset the adverse effects from this cocktail. I have the ingredient list of the Pfizer vaccine. There’s mRNA or messenger RNA, which is not a normal RNA. It’s a synthetic RNA and then there are lipids. These lipids are (4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate). It’s known to be toxic. It has a toxicity profile.
That’s not the only thing that’s in there. We have these lipids in there. Then there is poorly ethylene glycol, which is antifreeze and there’s something called N,N-Di(tetradecyl)acetamide and a whole bunch of others like phosphocholine, monobasic potassium phosphate and sucrose. It’s a whole bunch of different things. When somebody develops an adverse reaction, we don’t know which of these substances they might’ve reacted to.
When you give the homeopathic version of the vaccine, there is a chance and in terms of reports from my colleagues and my own experience, it seems to be helpful for immediate reactions such as chest pain, shortness of breath, some neurological symptoms and arm pain, which is to some extent normal when you’ve got a vaccination. We don’t know what the long-term responses will be because these particular vaccines have a whole other issue. They teach our own body to produce the toxic part of the Coronavirus, which is the spike protein.
People are then producing billions of these spike proteins and as we already know, there are a lot of casualties which are related to clotting, in particular, blood vessel problems and neurological issues, which are likely the direct result of the toxicity of the spike protein. Then the question is, what can we do about that? There is a homeopathic remedy made from spike protein. It’s quite interesting. There is hope. There’s no way of knowing for sure what will happen and how much these things might help but they have the potential to help.
You have a particular interest in this field of addressing those who are dealing with the fallout from a jab, even if it’s another kind or this one in particular but how many groups across the nation and the world are focused on this specialty? If someone reading is like, “I want to pursue this,” where should they go?
Homeopathy can be used as a treatment and be used to help prevent disease, particularly epidemics and infectious disease.
It’s hard to say. I am trained at something called CEASE therapy. It was my opening into the world of using homeopathic preparations made from vaccines, medications and the like. It was this huge game-changer for me because I was always interested in autism from when I finished naturopathic college years ago. I always had a fairly large practice of children with behavioral and developmental issues.
Smits, a medical doctor from Holland, developed this protocol which is an integrated protocol using different kinds of homeopathy, including this detox of like same cures same homeopathy plus various supplements, repackaged it into a nice system and gave it a name. Unfortunately, the name then created controversy because it seems to imply that autism can be cured. CEASE stands for Complete Elimination of Autism Spectrum Expression and they came on fire because of that.
Some people were teaching this CEASE therapy system and there’s also a CEASE therapy website that anybody can look up. Google Tinus Smits CEASE Therapy or find a CEASE therapy practitioner and then it will come up. A whole bunch of people and I used to be listed on there who took the training but I’m not on that anymore. Many of us are not listed anymore because various regulatory bodies have prohibited us from being listed on there.
That is because it seems to pose a threat to the status quo.
It seems to make a claim in a way. To make a medical claim that you can cure a certain condition, there has to be a certain amount of evidence. There’s a whole other issue around what is allowed to be said like curing anything that’s almost only allowed by drugs, even though they’re not cured most of the time. That’s a whole different topic.
Let’s get back to the point of how do you find somebody who can do this work. You can take a look at the CEASE website. People who are listed on there will have at least minimum training in how to do these kinds of things but there will be many others including myself, who are not listed on there. You can look at your local homeopathic practitioners and find out. You might have to contact someone or look at their websites to see if they do Isotherapy or detox therapy.
The people doing Isotherapy are more in the same cures same as opposed to like cures like but are there also homeopathic approaches in the classical sense that may be of help to detox from any kinds of shot?
Absolutely. My client who had this mini-stroke afterward was aware enough to select the remedy Lachesis Mutus, which is a remedy made from particular snake venom. In homeopathy, we have approximately 8,500 different single remedies and the list is growing all the time. Many of these remedies are made from plants and then some are made from animal substances. For example, different snake venoms.
Homeopathic remedies are often made from naturally fairly poisonous substances. Arsenic is pretty poisonous. You can kill somebody with arsenic but in homeopathy, it’s a terrific remedy for all sorts of problems, including food poisoning. If you go to Mexico, you don’t want to go without the arsenicum album. Montezuma’s Revenge has nothing on you if you have arsenicum in you. Like kills like.
This whole field generally has been maligned and sidelined by mainstream conventional medicine.
In the early part of the 19th century, somewhere around 1907, the American Medical Association was founded with the express intent to “squelch the scorch of homeopathy.” It came from Germany originally. It transferred to the US and became very popular. The doctors had amazing results with homeopathy, particularly in epidemics, interestingly, where they had various epidemics like cholera and flu. The homeopathic physicians lost very few patients and the allopathic physicians lost lots.
At the time, there were three different streams of medicine in the US. Allopathic medicine, which is based on chemical drugs. Allos means against and those are usually medications used against. We know antibiotics, antidepressants and antihypertensive. It is countering the symptoms, mostly suppressing symptoms and not healing.
Then there was homeopathy, which is like cures like. A completely different philosophy and then there was also general naturopathic medicine, which back in those days was focused on diet, hygiene and hydrotherapy, meaning the application of hot and cold water. It is also quite helpful. Those were the three mainstreams at the time that was popular but the homeopath ended up being so successful that a whole bunch of allopathic medical doctors committed suicide because they were losing patients and couldn’t pay the bills.
The American Medical Association was founded in association with a ton of money from the Rockefeller Family and they’re still at it, as we all know. Over some time, they more or less managed to shut down the homeopathic colleges. Forbade allopathic physicians to work with homeopathic ones and little by little more or less eliminated homeopathy until roughly in 1970 or so. At which point, homeopathy made a rebirth in North America as a result of a Greek homeopath named George Vithoulkas, who came over to teach and then it went from there. He’s still teaching.
This is making me think about where we’re at during this time of worldwide concern about this pandemic. It seems to me that when people say, “Trust the science,” they still are looking mostly to allopathic medicine. They’re not considering other possibilities.
It’s a real virus. I believe it was exposed to gain-of-function experiments, so it was a manipulated virus. Nevertheless, homeopathy would have and has in some countries could have been used and it was used as a prophylactic. Homeopathy cannot only be used as a treatment but it can also be used to help prevent disease, particularly epidemics and infectious disease. There’s a 200-year history of homeopathic remedies being used to prevent epidemics and infectious diseases.
Which are the homeopathic remedies recommended to prevent COVID-19, if it is indeed a virus?
Things are never completely simple. To use homeopathic remedies to prevent or ameliorate infectious diseases, there are two different ways of doing it. Number one, you can make a remedy from the infection itself and give it to people. It’s like making a vaccination minus the actual stuff that you’re injecting and all the chemicals. You don’t have to inject it.
You can make a remedy, let’s say from a flu virus. Homeopathic pharmacies do it every year and it’s like a prophylactic that can reduce your risk of getting flus and/or reduce the symptoms. It’s similar to a vaccination. The goal is very similar but the mechanism is different. The other way of doing it is something called the genus epidemicus, which means you can use remedies that normally help to treat a certain infection preventatively. With the Coronavirus disease, there have been a handful of different remedies that have been shown fairly helpful for many people that develop the disease.
Not everybody who got the coronavirus disease has the same symptoms. Some people have very mild symptoms or might have cold and flu symptoms. Others end up with full-on collapse.
It depends on what the symptoms are. Not everybody who gets Coronavirus disease has the same symptoms. Some people have very mild symptoms, some might just have cold and flu symptoms. Others end up with full-on collapsed, can’t breathe, can’t get any oxygen, and so on, so they would need very different remedies.
However, some people and I have helped some of my clients with this, have used, let’s say, a set of 3 or 4 different remedies plus maybe the nosode. It is a remedy made from the actual infectious organism to reduce the risk of people getting the Coronavirus. There’s research that’s been done using the Coronavirus nosode. The numbers are unfortunately not that large. We don’t have millions of people doing it but the research that has been done has shown a benefit.
You’re a little hesitant to name off this and that remedy because every person is different.
It’s not like, “Take this and this.” It’s not exactly like that. However, I can tell you the top remedies. That’s not a secret. Arsenicum album, which is homeopathic arsenic. Gelsemium sempervirens, it’s a commonly used remedy for many kinds of flus. Eupatorium Perfoliatum, also a common remedy used for flu symptoms. Bryonia alba and then there is Camphora, which is used more for collapsed states.
These four are probably our top contenders. They are commonly used remedies for regular flu and colds. The Coronavirus is a cold virus. Therefore, it’s not a big stretch of the imagination to use remedies that we normally would use during cold and flu season that they would have the potential to help people in terms of treating or managing Coronavirus and also potentially prevention.
Let’s go back to the people who, for one reason or another, have gotten the injection, whether they felt forced to or compelled to by family members. Would they turn to these same remedies to detox or not?
No. Ideally, they would work with somebody like, “Why do they want to detox this? Do they have symptoms? What are their symptoms?” In homeopathy, you’re always treating the individual and their unique pattern of whatever their vital force is expressing so their unique symptoms. What symptoms are we worried about?
I have a few friends whose spouses have gotten the injection and I don’t think they have any soreness in the arm or chest pain. There are no obvious symptoms but I think both the individuals and their spouses are concerned about the long-term effects and things that may not have even shown up yet.
Nobody knows. I don’t have the answer and we don’t have the answer at this point. With that being said, based on other chemicals, other medications and other vaccinations that my colleagues and I have experienced, we would consider the homeopathic remedies made from the vaccines. If somebody would come to me and say, “I had the Moderna shot three months ago. I’ve had chronic menstrual irregularities and headaches ever since.”One of the first remedies I might give them might be a remedy made from the Moderna product and then there are other remedies that have also been shown to be somewhat helpful. There’s another remedy which a brilliant young colleague of mine invented sometime ago. It’s called Sarcodes Sanguinea. It’s a homeopathic remedy made from an unusual parasitic flower called the Bloodroot. He found it helpful and I did too. I had a client whose husband had the jab and then she developed symptoms within a couple of days after.
Probably, it was because he was shedding spike protein and this was another issue with the shedding. She called me and I gave her several things to try. I had the Coronavirus nosode in the office at the time. I gave her some of that and the Sarcodes Sanguinea. At the time, I didn’t have any of the vaccine remedies available.She tried both and I gave her some recommendations for some supplements as well. I gave spike protein to her but that didn’t help much. The Coronavirus nosode didn’t do anything. She developed mostly breast pain and enlarged and congested lymph nodes in her armpits but as soon as she took the Sarcodes Sanguinea, that started to go down. That remedy has the potential to be helpful probably for people affected by shedding.
A lot of experts we’ve spoken to offline have said that it’s too early to tell about the shedding but anecdotally, there have been people around those who’ve gotten the jab that has experienced strange problems with their menstruation or disruption of different functions and even fertility. Some say there’s nothing to it and others say more study needs to be done but you’ve connected with some individuals who’ve had these issues.
One of my dear colleagues has successfully used the nosode. That’s the remedy made from the virus itself to help women with menstrual problems and irregularities after.
We’ve talked to Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andy Kaufman and they say the virus has yet to be isolated. I’m wondering how they could make treatment from a virus that hasn’t been quite identified, according to some.
There’s some disagreement between scientists and doctors as to whether or not there is a virus or there isn’t the virus. Maybe it has more to do with what we define as a virus because we know that there are actual patents going back for Coronaviruses for years. I’m not sure myself but it’s probably a semisynthetic virus like with the mRNA. It’s not a normal mRNA. It’s semisynthetic or partially synthetic, so they can make a synthetic kind of virus.
I know what you’re talking about because I believe Dr. David Martin, who we’ve had on the show, said that there was a patent on this technology and that he does believe it’s being used as a bioweapon, which can sound to some like incendiary language but he believes he has documentation. Every reader should do the deep digging, whether it’s defined by a homeopath or someone who can help near you. Get to the bottom of what’s happening because this is too important to ignore.
Ultimately, the proof is in the pudding. In this lab I’m working with, their product was made from a sick Chinese patient who supposedly had Coronavirus but they made it from the sputum. It could have been just any old cold or flu. Remember, homeopathy is based on the idea of similar. It doesn’t have to be same cures same. We have like cures like and same cures same. If you have a remedy that’s made from the sputum of somebody who has some very bad cold or flu with those kinds of symptoms, who knows what’s in there?
Maybe it’s not the virus itself. Maybe it’s something else that’s in there that is somehow helpful to people that get it. We don’t know. I think there is a virus and the virus was genetically manipulated, added to and exposed to gain-of-function experiments. There is a ton of research on gain-of-function. Why wouldn’t it be? It makes sense and it came from Wuhan. Dr. Fauci’s hands are all over that. He funneled money down there. It’s a logical and sequential train of thought in my mind that gain-of-function was happening. Somehow it got out on purpose or by accident and here is where we are.
I love that you are on the solution side, helping so many people and sharing what you know.
We have two different problems. We have people that are still getting the Coronavirus disease, some of them get very sick and die, even though it’s a certain population. All things considered, it’s a relatively small number but the big problem is what’s going to happen with the after effects of these vaccines? Unfortunately, we don’t know for sure but homeopathy may have more of a solution than many other options. Time will tell.
Let’s say, they develop certain conditions afterward. We don’t know what’s going to happen in years. Depending on who you’re talking to, what other people and I in the field are expecting is a great deal of autoimmune disease and neurological disorders. Neurological disorders, I have a lot of experience with that because my main area is children with autism and similar kinds of challenges. They have neurologically changed, altered, impaired, damaged or whatever word you want to use. What I do know is that homeopathy helps them and usually, they need a sequence of remedies.
They need remedies that are constitutional remedies for them, meaning they’re helping them overall, as they are unique little human beings. We need remedies that have more of a miasmatic influence, meaning remedies that have to deal with strengthening the underlying weakness that made them more susceptible to the effect of the vaccines. We have remedies made from the vaccines. Using this combination of approaches is probably going to be helpful. We don’t know because we’re not there but, in my opinion, it has the potential and it’s something I would say people should look into.
Nobody else is showing any potential. In other words, allopathic medicine isn’t offering any solutions. They might not even think there’s a problem but those of us in the alternative health space recognize that when you mess with the body’s natural balance and inject things into the bloodstream, especially new technology, all bets are off.
That is the problem and we just don’t know what the long-term effects will be. Do you know Chris Shaw from UBC? You might want him on your show. He’s an interesting man. He’s a professor of Ophthalmology at the University of British Columbia but he’s done some interesting research on aluminum adjuvants in vaccines and neurological disorders.
He’s doing a research study looking at the shedding of spike protein, potentially. What they’re doing is they’re vaccinating animals, according to a similar schedule as they’re doing with the humans with these vaccines and then they have unvaccinated ones in a cage next to them. They’re going to see what happens to the unvaccinated ones.
I want to talk to that man. That sounds interesting. I want to wrap up because this has been wonderful and it’s given us food for thought. We might not have all the answers but there are some promising possibilities in what you’ve shared. In general, you’ve been a practitioner and seen all kinds of conditions and people with different health concerns. If the audience could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
Getting the vitamin D levels into an optimal range.
How would they go about that?
You have to be tested. You can get tested on your own. There is an organization and they’re located in the US. It’s called GrassrootsHealth and they sell vitamin D test kits. You can do one at-home test kit. It’s a few drops of blood, put them on a little piece of paper that they send you and you send it back to them. They analyze it for you and they’ll tell you how much vitamin D is in your bloodstream. 150 is perfect if you’re a Canadian and 60 is perfect if you’re American.
They’ve done study after study saying those with low vitamin D levels are most susceptible to COVID.
They’re much more susceptible to cardiovascular disease and cancer. Getting your vitamin D level into the optimal range, you can almost reduce your risk of cancer by 70% to 90%.
Homeopathy may have more of a solution than many other options. Only time will tell.
This conversation has been very uplifting. Thank you so much, Anke. I’m grateful.
About Anke Zimmermann
Anke Zimmermann is a professional homeopath and former naturopathic physician with 30 years of clinical experience. Her practice is focused on children with developmental and behavioral challenges, including autism, ADHD, OCD, sensory processing disorders, anxiety, aggression and more.
In conjunction with this she has a special interest in vaccine and medication injuries. Anke works and lives in beautiful Sooke on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.
Important Links:
- HolisticHilda.com
- Tinus Smits CEASE Therapy
- Dr. Tom Cowan – Previous episode
- Dr. Andy Kaufman – Previous episode
- Dr. David Martin – Previous episode
- GrassrootsHealth
Diana S. says
Wow! Great article and info. Thank you so much.