“Good Vibrations” was the title of a song by a group called the Beach Boys from the 1970s. It was a catchy upbeat tune that instantly lifted your mood. But cultivating good vibrations when life can get overwhelming and depressing necessitates more than just a song. It requires internal and spiritual work to foster a healthy outlook and mindset. Biohacker Luke Storey, the host of the Life Stylist Podcast, is a motivational speaker and a kundalini yoga and meditation teacher. Today, he offers insights for developing good vibrations based on primal health and ancient spiritual practices that he’s applied in his own life.
Luke shares tools for dealing with negative emotions and crazy thoughts. He talks about what helps him deal with whatever life throws his way and how he cultivates true compassion and radical forgiveness. He also talks about how to handle vibrations/frequencies (such as non-native electromagnetic fields) that jeopardize our health on a number of levels.
Listen to the episode here:
Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
Good Vibrations was the title of a song by a group called The Beach Boys in the 1970s. It was a catchy, upbeat tune that instantly lifted your mood, but cultivating good vibrations when life can get overwhelming and even depressing necessitates more than just a song. Internal and spiritual work can help foster a healthy outlook and mindset, which is critical for our overall health. This is episode 283 and our guest is Luke Storey. Luke is a motivational speaker, Kundalini yoga and meditation teacher, a world-class biohacker, and the host of The Life Stylist Podcast.
Luke offers insights for developing good vibrations based on primal health and ancient spiritual practices that he’s applied in his own life. He focuses on a variety of tools for dealing with negative emotions and crazy thoughts. He talks about what helps him deal with whatever life throws his way and how he cultivates true compassion and radical forgiveness. He also talks about how to handle vibrations or frequencies that come from non-native electromagnetic fields that can be harmful to our health.
Before we get into it, I want to let you know that this show is our gift to you. We work hard to produce episodes that can help you live your healthiest, happiest and best life. If you enjoy it and want to give us a little gift in return, please rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts. We are nearly at 1,000 reviews and it would be so sweet if your review helped us cross that milestone before the end of 2020. Thank you in advance. Luke explains further why non-native frequencies disrupt our body’s vibration. He shares why he believes our environment is actually more critical to our health than our diet.
Welcome to the show, Luke.
Thank you. It is good to see you again, Hilda.
I’m excited to talk to you because we are in a world of stress, angst and anger. I’m more convinced that we can’t meet it on that level, that we need to change things around by responding to our circumstances and being proactive in love. What do you think of that?
If we want to affect change on the level of form and matter, that change must take place in the realm of consciousness first because it is the place from which all matter manifests. To affect matter with matter is a much slower way to go about effecting change, whereas affecting and transforming one’s own consciousness to a higher level of vibration or more accurately stated oscillation is a way to change in the outer world. This has been my journey for over two decades after having circumstances in my life that had manifested in the material physical realm that I could not overcome using force. For me, this is about accessing true power. It has the ability to change things that force cannot.
Talk to us about those things that were the problems that you couldn’t overcome with force. What were you referring to?
It culminated for me as an acute case of drug and alcohol addiction, which started when I was a young kid and went into my adolescent teen and then early twenties years. That’s a symptom of an underlying issue. Underneath that were unresolved emotional and physical trauma and abuse that I had suffered as a kid. Mental illness that could be heavy-handed for those that have been afflicted with quantifiable mental illnesses, such as bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. I would say, generally speaking, all of humankind suffers from mental illness at this point in our evolution. I can say in my own experience, there was a lot of mental illness in the form of suicidal ideation, chronic depression, underlining anxiety and emotional and mental unrest and all of those things culminated in my life in a feudal attempt to self-medicate as various addictions.
When I tried to overcome all of those problems that were all-encompassing and completely took over my life, I found all of my efforts to be ineffective when it came to forcing myself to change. Year after year, especially in those last couple of years in my twenties, every day I woke up, I was like, “This is going to be different. I got this. I’m going to do this. I’m going to change. I’m not going to be this way anymore,” and I couldn’t. It wasn’t until I went inside and started doing some deep shadow work and facing those things that were so painful to look at that ultimately led me into a spiritual path and a way of life that I’ve been living for a very long time. I was able to access the greater power that is accessible to all of us when we get out of the way.
When I say that using force to solve the world’s problems is ineffective, it’s equally, if not more ineffective, in trying to change your own problems. It’s in this cooperation with that universal power that some call God or a higher power source universe, whatever pervades our experience here, the thing I always say that turns an acorn into an oak tree. That’s ineffable. It can’t be explained. It can’t be described. It has to be experienced. When I began to experience that and avail myself to higher levels of consciousness and had a surrender experience, then those problems that were unsurmountable in and of myself using my own will and my own limited resources began to vanish one by one in a short period of time. That’s the formula that I still use now, including the formula that I used to overcome the challenges that we face collectively at this moment.
You said, “We can’t well change things outside of ourselves if we can’t even change them within ourselves.” We need to collaborate with that source, that energy, God, surrendering so that we can be transformed and be changed first ourselves and hopefully, the things around us.
It’s the radiation of our consciousness. We transmit the level of consciousness that we’ve been able to cultivate and arrive at. Every human being has the potential for truly angelic high states of expression and felt experience, but we’re also encumbered by the ego and encumbered by the instincts of the animal body that we all occupy. We’re living in this world of duality where we have these lower drives to punish others, to see others as separate, to incriminate others, and categorize others in this self-identification. It keeps us separated from who we are and who other people are. To me, it’s about identifying the nature of our true identity as a spirit that’s embodied. As we can start to build a relationship with ourselves on that deep, more universally valid and true level, it enables us to raise our vibration and our level of consciousness so that everything we touch in our lives tends to radiate at that same level.
The example you could use is the day where you wake up and you’re pissed off at the world. This happens to me sometimes. Still, you get dressed and wake up. I’m just like, “I am pissed at everything.” Thankfully, to me, this happened much less, but I still get a taste of it and I go, “I remember when I used to live like this every day.” It’s that day where you wake up irritable and maybe you didn’t sleep well and you’re overwhelmed by stress in your life. Your problems are all you can think about at that moment. You set about your day, you’re doing errands, you’re out in the world interacting with people and you’ll notice that everyone you run into is a complete jerk.
You start to think that that’s the way the world is, but what it is it’s a projection of energy and that I’m in tune or harmonizing with that frequency of energy in the world. It’s not that the world needs to change. It’s that the energy that I bring to the world needs to change in my own consciousness and take that same day in a parallel universe where you wake up feeling full of joy, peace, fulfillment and purpose. You go out in that same world and every cashier and everyone you run into at the gas station and everything you do is filled with cooperation, ease and flow. It’s not that the world has changed. It’s just that the world that I’m creating through how I perceive the world and the energy I bring to the world has in fact changed it.
As within so without is a way to be phrased in biblical terms. I’m not a biblical scholar by any means or even a bonafide Christian per se, but I do like to draw universal truths from all of these various traditions and some of them stick. One that I’ve always loved is that the change we want to see in our outer experience, whether that’s our immediate family, our community, our city, our state, our country, the world, etc. That change has to begin within because if we’re not able to face and heal our own shadow sides of those things that are uncomfortable, that we don’t want to look at and face to heal, we’re likely to spend much of our time projecting our wounds, our trauma and our hangups onto other people in the world. We blame them for the very things that we’re guilty of that we’re trying to avoid healing.
Have you ever heard that phrase like, “When I point the finger at you, there are three fingers are pointing back at me?” I get exactly what you’re saying and I’m tracking with you because I’ve been vibing high a lot of days and feeling like I’m going to bring love light, and warmth to the world, but then sometimes even when I’m at that level of consciousness, I run into situations or people that make me feel like, “I’m dragged down again and I feel combative.” Maybe that’s what you’re saying. There’s a part of us that there’s still that duality going on. There’s a part of us that reduces down to that primal state. I want to vibe high. For people who are like, “I don’t even know what they’re talking about,” let’s get specific. What do you do, Luke Storey? When you go out, you started your day with meditation. You’re feeling good. Suddenly, you see a sign or a person that you completely disagree with and they start arguing with you. How do you manage that internal desire to fight instead of love?
It’s by the same means. It’s in building a practice where I don’t fight within myself. That’s where all battles begin is within oneself, where we’re at war with our own thoughts and with our own feelings. Approaching my day, in the beginning, is important for me. I’m not always perfect at this, but you indicated meditation. I start every day with some form of meditation. On a good day, if I’m at home, I get to take an ice bath at the end of this whole morning routine, which would take us three hours to explain because it is three hours to do. I got done at noon with my whole thing. It was a slow day, but it’s tricky. I think when somebody hears the word surrender, I’m walking through the world from a position of surrender, one would hear passivity. One would hear that you’re not being proactive, you’re not contributing, you’re lazy, you’re allowing people to walk on you, you’re a doormat, that you don’t stand up for yourself or stand up for others.
For me, surrender is the beginning of asserting one’s own power. Surrender begins and stopping the arguing within my own mind with myself. As I wake up and I get what I perceive to be a frustrating email or I’m experiencing overwhelm, or the world’s just happening too fast, or I go on Twitter and I see all those people that I hate and they’re wrong and I’m right. Where that starts is in my own mind and is quitting the argument within myself. As I’m able to find forgiveness and compassion for myself, there I go, my humanity is showing again. I’m sticking to those addictive negative thoughts about myself and my life and the way that I’m perceiving my experience. As I go and interact with others, that built-in level of acceptance and compassion for their humanity is inherent to that interaction because I’ve already cultivated that within myself. I’ve woken up going, “Luke, look at this thing you screwed up.” I look at myself and I go, “I totally didn’t meet that deadline.” Acknowledged, forgiven and it all starts within my own awareness of my own humanity, frailty and fallibility.
As I interact with people in the world and I observe people on social media that aren’t doing things in a way that I believe they should be doing them, there’s inherent forgiveness there that all human folly is part of the experience and that each and every person no matter how depraved or evil they might appear to be, are always doing the best they can. They’re doing things according to what they believe to be the best decision in any given time, just as I am. Every time I’ve ever made a mistake in my life, I was doing my very best. I’ve had to pay for some of those mistakes. I believe in justice, consequences, and law and order and all of those things, but there’s a way to operate in the world where you acknowledge mistakes. You acknowledge that there are disagreements, but you can remove blame from your experience so that I don’t have to blame myself for my transgressions or mistakes because I make them constantly and I don’t have to blame others.
That doesn’t mean that I condone the behavior of others that I don’t agree with. I’m able to maintain my own integrity. I might reject people’s ideas or behavior or someone from my life entirely, but I can do so without a sense of blame and condemnation. When I accept that there are things in my way of thinking or behavior that I don’t feel good about, there’s a difference between a decent sense of regret and a shameful feeling about who I am. I can give you a very real authentic example. Years ago, I quit smoking cigarettes. I did pretty well for a while. Someone then gave me a Cuban cigar and I thought, “I could get away with that as long as it’s not a cigarette.”

I smoked that one cigar and I got immediately addicted to cigars. There were another four years of being addicted to cigars until I finally quit that. I then realized I have to go cold turkey on all nicotine. A couple of months ago, I was in Costa Rica in a ceremony. Part of the ceremony included the smoking of the sacred tobacco. I did that for a few nights and I was okay. I thought, “As long as I’m using tobacco intentionally, it’s not addictive.” I came back home and went to a party. Someone gave me a cigar. I smoked a cigar the next day and everything was fine. I thought, “I can occasionally smoke cigars.” A couple of weeks later, I’m at the cigar store and I’m there every day.
Now, I’m smoking cigars much more than I would like to according to my budget and my physical health. Here I am, supposedly a health expert in biohacker and I’ve found myself addicted to nicotine again. I feel like crap about it. If I don’t have the awareness, I’ll kick myself in the butt and be like, “You idiot. You’re supposed to be this inspiring person that helps people with their health. You’ve overcome all these other addictions and challenges. What a loser you are.” It’s not about denial of the reality that I habituated something into my life that I would rather not be there. It’s about squarely facing that and being honest with myself and observing that and being aware of that from a place of responsibility where I take responsibility. No one made me pick up that cigar. No one’s making me run to the cigar store every couple of days and spend $100 which is ridiculous and dumb, especially now.
I don’t blame anyone else, but I also don’t blame myself. There’s an inherent compassion to that and that compassion allows me to be free of that sense of guilt and shame about who I am. It’s a reminder that, “You’re human and you have these nicotine receptors in your brain.” Everyone knows we have cannabinoid receptors. We have opiate receptors. We’re wired through evolution to some of us more than others to find these particular molecules very sticky and habit forming. I’m one of those people that has and what a wonderful thing to be aware of. I can now acknowledge, “This is becoming a bit of a problem. This is something that I would rather not have in my life in the capacity that it is in the way that I’m doing it.”
From that place of self-awareness and self-honesty, I can move toward a solution. When I observe others and different habits of thought and behavior that they have that I judge and condemn and shame them for, I can see, “Like me, they’re human too. They can’t help from being a social media troll or whatever their pathology happens to play out as.” Rather than judging that, I can have compassion for it. Also, in some cases, rejected and not choose to participate in whatever their behavior is. Circling back, to me, the work begins within. Oftentimes, the well-meaning folly of people that are involved in social activism, they’re doing it from a place because they care and they love. It’s also easy to fall into the trap of projecting onto others what you believe their behavior should be without really looking at your own.
I always look at Twitter as the cesspool of all social media when it comes to this stuff, but it’s addictive and it’s irresistible. It’s also the way that I will sometimes be informed about what’s going on with the world. I think like, “God, if everyone, Twitter would heal their relationships with their ancestors, with their lineage and with their immediate family. Forgive the person that abused you when you were a kid, forgive your brother-in-law that you have a resentment toward, forgive your parents for being crappy parents and knowing they did their best.”
It’s like all the change we want to see out in the world begins within and with the own microcosm of our thoughts and feelings in our interpersonal relationships. I think if many of us took responsibility for our own lives, we would find that we would be able to be more effective in the outer world. In fact, if more people were doing that at large, we would have less problems fundamentally in terms of our society and our culture as one human race. It’s the projection of unhealed trauma that causes all of the strife and separation between people in my observation.
That’s accurate. The other thing that comes to my mind is the problem with social media is we’re not interacting face-to-face. People say things on these platforms that they would never say if they were right in front of you because there’s a sense of anonymity. They can act out their old patterns and people are going to be like, “You’re right.” A million likes or whatever and it’s a back and forth that gets us nowhere. I wish there were more positive encounters.
What I’ve tried to start doing, and it’s not having a good effect, but I thought, “I’ll toss in a little thought that is different than others to show that people can think differently.” I always get jumped on. That’s when some of the bad stuff happens to me or I feel provoked. I own that, but I know there’s some growing I have to do. I also try to breathe and practice compassion. That’s why I wanted to ask you next, Luke. You have your morning routine and I want to hear about what some of those things are that you do to set you on the right course in addition to meditation. What are things that you would do to practice compassion toward another?
For me, it is about practicing present moment awareness and living life from the perspective of observing the phenomenon, not only within my own thoughts and feelings first, but then the phenomena of my opinion about what’s happening in the world and what’s happening in an interaction or my judgment about someone else. An analogy could be and it’s probably not a good one because it has an implication of violence, but sometimes you have to be disciplined with thought. I think that I’m a sniper that’s sitting on a hill observing my consciousness for thoughts that are harmful to me or other people, negative thoughts and energy. As I watched those thoughts as I go through my life, I woke up and I walked through my living room and I went, “God, I hate that chair. Why isn’t someone fix that thing?” It’s a negative thought that’s not constructive. Starting with a lot of years of meditation and building that practice of staying embodied and grounded.
When I say embodied, being present in my body, my feelings where my hands are sitting, living life as a meditation, living life as a prayer, rather than having meditation and prayer as some set aside practice that I do to get ready to go live my life. How can I take that position and that level of awareness into my waking state and my interactions? I am starting with my thoughts, my feelings, monitoring that, policing them, but self-regulating and being aware then in interactions with other people, I see the same thing. I’ll notice that I have such a beautiful relationship with my girlfriend. It’s like no romantic relationship I’ve ever had because she has her own path and practices, but the purpose of each of our lives is ascension and having a continued spiritual awakening.
She’s done a lot of work on herself and faced all of her past and her shadow and I’m doing that and I’ve done that myself. For example, let’s say I’m in the home here and she does something that annoys me. We don’t get in fights because each of us sees the thought, usually. No one’s perfect. Things slip by and I’m sure we will fight someday and it’ll be fine, but I’ll see the thought that’s like, “Why did she do that? That’s annoying.” I’ll see the thought within my own consciousness, using my awareness and being present before it even has the opportunity to manifest into saying something mean and unnecessary to her that’s going to cause conflict or caused something minute in our relationship to escalate to a problem.
It’s like going back within and facing my own addiction to negative emotions, negative thoughts and addressing those and taking responsibility for those first. When it comes to the point of an interaction with someone else, I can see myself being triggered by something they’ve said or done and take responsibility for that. Own it and deal with it on my end before it even has to be brought up to them. This is the case with my lovely girlfriend, Alison, and in most cases, before I even say the thing that I think I want to say, I realized it was my own trip. There was no mistake made on the part of the other and therefore, no forgiveness is even needed because they’re being human and they’re doing the best they can.
It’s likely that whatever I was triggered by or bothered by is due to my perception of what they said or did more so than in reality and actuality what they said and did. In other words, it’s the stories that my mind creates about my life and the people in my life that caused me pain, not those people and what they do. It’s all a game of perception and it starts with that inner awareness of having that still and calm place that I do my best to stay tethered to throughout my day. I blow this constantly, but over time, I get better and better at it where the spiritual practices and building that self-awareness is no longer relegated as like, “That’s when I’m doing my spiritual stuff.” It’s like, “No, all of life is the spiritual stuff. That’s all it is. That’s the whole point of the whole thing.”
What you’re saying resonates with my own experience and understanding that as much as I want to fix other people, what needs to be aligned is something within me. I’m responsible for myself, my thoughts, my actions and they’re emanating from my heart. Doing some deep work is important. I want to pivot and talk about external forces that have nothing to do with people necessarily. What I’m talking about Luke are non-native electromagnetic frequencies. The reason I want to talk about it is this. I don’t think people realize that this energy around us can affect how we feel. We might think, “I’m human. That’s why I’m irritated with my spouse.” When in actuality, there is an electric field around us. It’s not native and it’s interfering with how my body feels and vibes. What do you think about that?
You’re you hit my passion spot there. I’ll try to summarize that and get back to the EMF issue. The way I look at all human pathology, whether it be physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, can all be traced back to our disconnection from the natural world, which has been going on essentially. I’m sure you’re well aware of this basically through domestication, which happened roughly around the time of the agricultural revolution. When we started to be sedentary, we formed city-states. There were military and police states that formed out of that.
There was ownership of livestock, ownership of women, ownership of land. This is when it got real squirrely. We started growing food that normally we wouldn’t be able to eat in mass grain seeds, etc. It’s the whole paleolithic path, but what people often miss makes logical sense to look, “We veered off from our natural diet, our natural way of life, our natural connection to one another living as Hunter-gatherer people.” It’s not only in the food and in a sedentary lifestyle that’s made us sick. It’s that we’ve changed the entire magnetic field of the planet first through the advent of electricity, which I’m grateful for. That’s how we’re communicating. I love having lights on when it’s dark in the room and the ability to create daytime when it’s night using lights and things like that. At every stage of electrification of the planet, when the electricity went inside our homes in the US and our homes are wired with 60 hertz.
With wireless technology starting out with military radar then into cellular technology, etc. Everything being wireless. All of this “smart technology” that our homes are wired with. We’ve deviated so far from the path of our natural way of life. Many people don’t realize that we are bioelectric beans, this meat suit that we’re using for 80,000 years, whatever we happen to be lucky enough to live through. It’s an electric body. You’re right, that everything in our environment is non-native. Meaning, it’s an alien frequency or an alien source of energy that has been manipulated by humankind in order to facilitate technological evolution and convenience comes with the price. In the realm of biohacking and health, which I’m into because I like to feel great and vital and I want to be as healthy as I can for as long as I can, it’s been a couple of decades since I’ve been into this stuff that so many people get hung up on what you should be eating and should you be paleo, carnivore, vegan or vegetarian.
To me, unless you’re eating the main offenders, let’s take seed oils, PUFAs, aspartame, MSG, GMOs, glyphosate and all pesticides. If you’re eating organic food of any kind and drinking water that doesn’t have fluoride and other chemicals in it, to me, you’re good on the food. As long as you’re not eating poison and drinking poison, you’re winning. The thing that many people don’t realize is how deleterious these various forms of radiation in our environment are not only because they’re dangerous in and of themselves, but they’re stacked on one another. There are many different types of EMF living environments where we work, play, and make our homes. It is inundated with these fields, especially people like myself living in an urban area.
I live in Los Angeles. I’m been trying to escape for years. It’s not going very well, but I live in a Canyon at least with much lower EMF. This becomes a reality for people is when you hire a building biologist to come into your home with $20,000 to $30,000 worth of equipment and they know how to read it. They can show you scientifically unequivocally in a non-tinfoil hat kind of way, the levels of various radiation inside your living area. It is shocking. When you start to look at some of the scientifically proven and valid side effects of radiation, exposure of various types, you can see that not only do many of them lead to various disabilities physically, but also your mood and how you feel emotionally and the kind of thoughts you have. When it comes to the physical realm of health, EMF is the thing I’m most passionate about and the biggest advocate for. In fact, I created an online course. It’s called the EMF Home Safety Masterclass, which you can find at Lukestorey.com/emfmasterclass. I could have done an online class about a million things, but I chose to do that because it’s the thing that I find that is difficult to understand and to fix. Based on the feedback I get from people that listen to my podcast and follow my stuff on social media, the awareness is growing, but people still don’t know how to deal with it.
That’s what I wanted to ask you, not to give away everything that’s in your masterclass. Tell us at least two things that you do personally in your home to reduce your exposure to non-native electromagnetic frequency.
I’m happy to give away everything. The course is over five hours of content now at this point. It’s quite robust. It’s only $149 for anyone reading. I’m not trying to get rich off an EMF course. It’s not part of my brand, per se, but I happened to shoot a bunch of footage and was like, “This is useful to people.” I’ve morphed it into a class. The thing I’d recommend for people is to avoid the confusion. There’s a hierarchy of steps. To me, the first step is to stop guessing, save up some money, hire a building biologist or an EMF specialist to come into your house and do a complete analysis, a home assessment as it’s called. The bulk of my course is showing how valid professional assessment is conducted so this way, you know what you’re dealing with.

A lot of people go to spend a lot of money on all these different EMF devices. Some of them work, some of them don’t. They’re shielding paint and curtains. There are all kinds of things you can do in your home, especially your bedroom, in your kid’s room to make it safe. In my experience, there’s a lot of guesswork that is going to cost you to waste your time and energy. Also, the limbic system stress response of freaking out about EMF before you know what’s going on. For example, in the last apartment I lived in, I never had an assessment done and I installed a couple of great EMF products in the home that harmonizes the energetic field, scalar wave devices and etc.
I knew that they were helping, but when I was living there, I got sick. I couldn’t figure out what it was. It was for three years. I’m this biohacker guy, but I don’t know anyone in the world except maybe Dave Asprey or Ben Greenfield that does more things than I do for my health. I’ve been into this stuff for a long time and here I am sick. Eventually, by fate, it was like a gift from God. I discovered I was living under these two massive cell towers. They were pointed right at my bedroom. I’m very EMFs sensitive. Unfortunately, I’m cursed with that particular sensitivity, energetically. I immediately moved out and when I moved into this home, the reason I chose it is because I didn’t get a cell signal here.
I was so paranoid of being by cell towers. I drove up and down the street. I’m in an area called Laurel Canyon. There are less EMFs generally because I’m in a Canyon. I couldn’t see any cell towers nearby. My cell phone didn’t work here. I was like, “I’ll take it.” Meanwhile, I have Brian Hoyer, who’s a great building biologist. Brian came in and did an assessment of my house. He’s like, “You’re right.” The RF or Radio Frequencies aren’t bad here because you’re in a Canyon, but the wiring in your house is done totally off code. You have a magnetic field in your bedroom that is off the charts and probably way worse than having cell service in your house. I could have moved in this house with a cheap little Amazon RF meter and been like, “Cool, I’m good to go,” and know that every night I’m bathing in this horrible magnetic field and dirty electricity from bad wiring in the house.
Going back to my advice and the hierarchy of steps to take, the first thing is to have someone who is a professional come in your house and test it. You might find that things are not as bad as you thought they were. A lot of people will see a smart meter on the side of their house or their neighbor’s house, or there’s a cell tower nearby and they think it’s a 5G tower. They’re freaking out having all this anxiety and living under this cortisol and adrenaline response that’s as bad for you as having an EMF in your house probably. People have their homes tested and they’re not that bad at all.
I had a friend of mine called me for a referral to an EMF specialist. He was so scared that his house was going to be an EMF cesspool. He has the guy come out and scan it. I think as he’s facing the ocean, he only had one wall that was exposed to some EMFs. He had to shield one wall and he probably spent like $2,000 in his house is pretty much an EMFs sanctuary. He’s lucky. The street he lives on is out of the path of the cell towers and he’s doing okay. The first thing is the assessment. The next thing is you want to put your WiFi router on a timer so that it goes off when you’re sleeping. At least when your body’s in that parasympathetic rest and digest place, that at least then you’re not being hammered by those EMFs.
The WiFi is one of the worst, even better if you can get rid of your WiFi altogether and hire someone to come in and run ethernet all over your house. You can run your phone. You can run all your devices on ethernet cables. It is a little bit of a pain in the butt and probably not worth doing if you’re renting, but in this home right here, it’s a lease. I don’t want to tear the hole in every wall apart and install ethernet, but I do have my computer hard-wired. I only keep WiFi on when it’s needed. That’s a thing that you can do it too. Lastly, I would say is when it comes to your devices, these are some of the worst sources of EMF because when it comes to EMF, it has to do with the type of EMF, but all types are worse in closer proximity. If you have a cell tower two miles away, that’s infinitely better than if there’s one outside your house.
It’s all about distance and even the distance of your WiFi router. It’s also about the distance you keep your phone from you when you’re using it. I have mine now on my desk and I’ve habituated myself to set my phone as far away from me as possible. When I do choose to use my phone or my laptop, I use these protective devices that at least limit the amount of radiation they emit. There are two brands. One is called DefenderShield. They make a great phone cover or a phone case and a laptop shield. There’s another company called HARAPad. They make a cool laptop cover that goes over where your risks set on top of it. While you’re using the keyboard, your hands aren’t being fried except your fingers.
Using your cell phone, put it in a protective case that limits the RF. Also, always use a speakerphone or air tube headphones. We’re being mindful about keeping your devices as far away from you as possible. Whenever you can keeping them on airplane mode and this is something I’ve also just habituated myself to my phone is. If it’s ever on my body, it’s on airplane mode. If I’m waiting for some notification, then I’ll have it in the DefenderShield case and having the signal part of the transmitter on the phone facing away from the body. Those are a couple of great tips. Lastly, there’s a company called Lambs. Their site is GetLambs.com. They make 5G proof underwear. I’m wearing it. They’re high quality, well-made cotton.
They’re not made of tinfoil or anything. They’ve made t-shirts and they have a beanie and things like that. I like to wear EMF-proof clothing, especially undergarments because it doesn’t look weird. No one knows you’re wearing it. You can still dress appropriately according to your style, social and work activities and whatnot. The EMF clothing, the protection for your devices, keeping them far away, WiFi on a router, hiring someone to come in and assess your home. Once you do have your home assessed, start with the bedroom. That’s the number one place. At least while you’re sleeping, you can truly recuperate, detox, and heal your body from the stresses of living your life, and also your kid’s room.
One thing I would like to add for the parents out there and this isn’t to shame you at all, but many people are unaware that wireless baby monitors are one of the worst offenders when it comes to EMF. People are using them with the intention of monitoring their babies to keep their baby safe and in fact, causing their kid a lot of harm by the radiation levels emitted by baby monitors. There are safe EMF-friendly baby monitors out there. I would highly recommend anyone with a kid that’s unaware of that. No shame, you didn’t know, now you know. They do exist and there are ways to keep track of your baby in the other room without frying them by basically having a router next to their head, which is what it’s like and anything wireless. When I had my home tested and this is all in my EMF course. We show all of these, Sonos speakers, the Dyson heater, your Nest temperature controller, any “smart technology” in your house, the doorbell thing that you have that wireless goes to your phone
All wireless stuff in your house is causing radiation. When you get someone with a meter in there, it’s shocking to see how your whole house has been turned into a microwave oven by these things that we do for our convenience when it’s possible to go back in time and rehabilitate yourself to when you had to get up off your butt and go turn on the heater or whatever it is. Think about limiting the amount of Bluetooth-enabled and WiFi-enabled devices. For me, anytime I can turn off my phone, there’s no need to have WiFi cell service and Bluetooth on your phone either. Choose one. Usually, when I’m at home, I have my phone on WiFi and everything else has turned off. That makes your phone much less dangerous in terms of radiation.
Being mindful of all the different wireless devices we have and trying to eliminate them as much as possible. The very last thing is there are some great devices that you can put in your home that don’t block EMF per se because people don’t realize if you block EMF, then nothing works. There’s a device called the Somavedic. I have one and there’s another technology called Blushield out of New Zealand. These are devices that don’t block EMF, but they emanate a harmonic field. The Blushield makes scalar waves. The Somavedic uses precious and semi-precious stones and they emit a field that harmonizes your environment so that your biological energy system finds and attunes to that frequency rather than attuning to the frequencies of 2.4 gigahertz or whatever other radiation you might have in your house. I find those to be helpful. If you add those on to a shielded bedroom and you try to get rid of the EMF in your house and then install those, you’re winning.
I feel like we’ve come full circle because we were talking about vibrations and mindfulness at the beginning. We come back around to that too when we’ve been talking about EMF, which is cool to me because we are spiritual beings, but we’re also physical beings. We need to be aware of our surroundings and what’s happening on the inside as well. I want to ask you two more questions as we start to wrap up, Luke. Tell us one of your morning hacks because you said that it takes three hours. Tell us one that maybe helps you vibrate properly during the day.
That’s one of the advantages and disadvantages of working from home and working for yourself is you have the luxury to do that, but then you also have to pay the price when you don’t get your work done, meet your deadlines and deliverables.
I can relate.
I’ll always do some type of meditation for many years. I did Vedic meditation, which is on the natch, no accouterment, no props, just you, your breath, stillness, repeating a mantra silently and effortlessly in your head. I still use that meditation at times, but because of the people that I meet, having my podcasts and things that I discover along the way, I’ve found some other ways to enhance that meditation. Oftentimes, I’ll use a technology called NuCalm. This is a neuroacoustic technology, similar, but much more effective than something like binaural beats. It’s a brainwave entrainment technology that you listen to. I am using that. Also, there’s a great device that I like called Apollo Neuro, which is a little bracelet that physically vibrates different frequencies that do different things to your nervous system. It was created by a neuroscientist named Dr. David Rabin, who’s been a guest on my podcast. He’s a psychiatrist and he’s my shrink also.
After our podcast, I was like, “I need your help from time to time,” but the Apollo is cool because there’s a bunch of patents on it and a lot of clinical research into it. When you put it on like, “What’s this thing going to do?” It does relax you or energize you depending on the setting. I’ll stack some of those different modalities and go into a deep, relaxed parasympathetic meditation of some sort. Some days, I’ll do that in my hyperbaric oxygen chamber, which is what I did. I woke up being a little bit of brain fog and not completely sharp. I knew we had this interview so I did that routine in there. I also love Joe Dispenza’s Guided Meditations. I’m a huge fan of his work. I’m doing a more intentional heart-brain coherence meditations, where you’re not just going into the void aimlessly and hanging out there, but going into the void or the quantum realm. Using your intention and your will to manifest different states of feeling and thinking that you want to continue throughout your day.
Another part of the morning routine too aside from whatever meditation practice I happened to choose that day is, I’ll also do red light therapy. I have a device called Joovv. You stand naked in front of the red light, which is essentially most of the things I do are harnessing things that exist in nature and amplifying them. Red light is present at dusk and dawn. It’s difficult for many of us to get up at dusk and dawn and get enough of that exposure. The red light is a concentration and an amplification of that. I’ll do that while I’m standing on my vibration plate to move the lymphatic and move the energy in the body. I’ll inhale my molecular hydrogen gas while I’m standing there usually after the oxygen.
The oxygen oxidizes you and the hydrogen is an antioxidant. It’s reversing the negative impact because there is a bit of negative impact from hyperbaric. I’m undoing that doing the red light vibrating, do some yoga, and some pushups on the via plate in front of the red light. I’ll take my ice bath. If someone wants to see how to make a nice bath, Ben Greenfield, I gave him my plans for my homemade ice bath. If you search Luke Storey Ice Bath, you’ll see Ben’s post on it. It’s in his book Boundless. I took a chest freezer from Sears and had it fashioned into an ice bath. I keep that at around 36 to 40 degrees and I’ll get in there for 5 or 10 minutes. That’s the last thing of the morning routine. Out of the ice bath, I’ll work out. I’ll do some resistance training and throw some kettlebells around. Once that’s done, I’m ready to work. You can see it’s easy for that. It could all be done in twenty minutes because you stack a bunch of stuff at once. That’s what I like to do rather than if each modality is a twenty minutes treatment or whatever, I’ll stack as many as I can within that one session or sit in front of the bio charger, which is a PEMF, a noble gas, photonic energy device, which is pretty crazy.
All of that can be done within 30 to 60 minutes or so sometimes. I take my time with it and waste time. I am doing that as a morning routine is pretty intense. By the time I sit down at my desk, I’m ready to rock and roll. For people that don’t want to spend money on a bunch of devices like that or that can’t do it for whatever reason, waking up, watching the sunrise, doing some breath work, meditating and at least taking a cold shower, you can encapsulate almost all the stuff I described. It all has to do with going back to our evolutionary way of waking up. We would have been cold. We would have seen the sunrise. Depending on where we were from on the planet, we would have done some type of breath exercise or breathwork or some movement, whether it be yoga or something else.
I always tell people, when it comes to all the biohacking technology and all that stuff, it doesn’t take money to be healthy or happy. It helps. It’s fun to play with all these toys, but it’s about using your breath, using your intention and getting in your heart. Communicating with your higher power, having time to do a little spiritual reading, getting in touch with your higher self, who you are and setting your mind. All of that is more powerful than any device or machine or technology. I just happened to be a geek and I experimenting with all this stuff. A lot of it is props and it’s fun stuff to play with. Some of it is powerful and effective. Red light therapy is efficacious for a lot of different things. It’s scientifically valid and proven. Can you have a healthy, happy life and not use red light therapy? Watch the sunrise. Do some breath work, pray to whoever you pray to get your mind. You’re going to have a great life doing it that way too.

You’re reading my mind because I was going to say, “That’s a lot of stuff.” We don’t need all that stuff necessarily to connect to nature, to restore our breath, get connected with ourselves and all this. It reminds me too of an episode we did with Ben Greenfield called Mimicking Ancestral Living. He was like, “You can sit in the ice bath or you can go jump in a creek.” He was giving an example of how we can do it more naturally. It’s so true. I want to ask you the question I often pose at the end. If the readers could only do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
Build a relationship with your creator, with the God of your understanding. I truly believe that the entire purpose of every human life is we have this opportunity to experience separation from source and we’re embodied. Our mother gives birth to us and we immediately experienced duality. We experienced separation. We experienced existential aloneness. The name of the game is all about exercising and celebrating our freewill as an autonomous single entity, while at the same, dissolving the delusion that there is separateness. The cosmic joke of the universe is thinking that there is such thing as free will because on one level there’s not. On one level, there is a universal benevolent, loving and ultimately intelligent omniscient force at play in the universe of which we are a part. We’re given this illusion of separateness so that we can evolve as a soul.
The evolution of that soul ultimately arrives us back at the same destination as a connection to God. I think for all emotional health, mental health, and even physical healing, fundamentally, the most powerful thing each of us can do is to seek a spiritual way of life, according to our understanding and preferences. I don’t think that there’s a right way to do it, a right deity to believe in or belief system or religion or practice. The right way is your way. It’s the way that makes sense to you. It’s a way that you can be diligent and stay committed to elevating your consciousness and taking responsibility for your own life. Developing not a belief in a higher power, but faith in a higher power. Belief is when you think something’s going to happen for you. Faith is when you know something is going to happen for you.
There has never been in recorded history any side effects of having too much faith. The more faith we have, the more we celebrate the joys in life. The more faith we have, the more we’re able to withstand life’s many challenges. What life is about is facing challenges and changing the way that we look at them. For me, the way that I changed the way I look at life’s challenges is by knowing that there is a plan and having faith that plan is vastly infinitely more intelligent than any plan I have come up with myself.
This is reassuring to hear at a time when we’re all facing a number of challenges. Thank you for the time that you gave us and all this food for thought. I appreciate it, Luke.
Thank you.

About Luke Storey
Luke Storey is a motivational speaker, kundalini yoga and meditation teacher, world-class biohacker, host of The Life Stylist Podcast, and founder of the world’s premier online fashion school for stylists, School of Style which he founded in 2008. Luke’s spent the past twenty-three years developing and refining the ultimate wellness lifestyle, based on the most transformative principles of primal health and ancient spiritual practices, while at the same time embracing the most cutting-edge natural healing and consciousness-expanding technologies. He has tenaciously applied the results of his field research and used them to not only completely transform his own life but also the lives of thousands of fans and followers through his various media channels and speaking engagements.
Important Links:
- Luke Storey
- The Life Stylist Podcast
- Apple Podcasts – Wise Traditions
- Lukestorey.com/emfmasterclass
- DefenderShield
- GetLambs.com
- Somavedic
- Blushield
- NuCalm
- Apollo Neuro
- Guided Meditations – Joe Dispenza
- Joovv
- Boundless
- Mimicking Ancestral Living – Previous episode
You might have become EMF sensitive from living under 2 cell towers for too long. The same thing happened to me where I was living with transmitters aimed at my window. I moved to a new “better” apartment. In the summer when everyone switched on their air conditioners, the magnetic field in the building flew off the charts.
“EMF protective” garments seem questionable to me because metal is a superconductor, attracting radiation. These garments all use tiny metal fibers embedded in fabric, from what I have seen.
Also I have regrettably not been able to find any evidence of “radioprotective” gadgets actually doing anything. When they really work, then the gadgets they are protecting you from will also not have any wireless capability. And is there any evidence at all that the stones are anything more than a placebo? Because I searched and couldn’t find any.
I’ve had the most success going wired again and simply staying as far away from radiation sources as reasonably possible. But I still suffer from severe insomnia and other EMF effects, so it’s not enough. Not a day goes by when I don’t long for a deep forest to live in, at least long enough to get myself in tune and recover. G-d made the natural world perfect for our health; I wish it were within reach. Simulations cannot compare to the real thing.
EMF-sensitive people are not important enough to society for them to stunt technological progress just so that we can survive. G-d’s natural world is stolen from me every day. I did not give permission for my body to be bombarded with all this unnatural radiation.
That being said, we must not spend too much time thinking about it. Don’t block it out or fail to give consideration to the entire problem. But then we must move on and enjoy life and find a place of perfect peace the rest of the time, to the best of our ability.