First-ever Rogue Food Conference, innovative solutions to over-regulation in the food and farming space
January 25th, 2020
Marriott Hotel at the Cincinnati International Airport, Hebron, Kentucky
Use code WAPF20 to get $20 off the normal ticket price ($89 instead of $109), includes two real food meals (breakfast and lunch).
Snag your seat here: https://roguefoodconference. com/blog/registration/
Does your lack of food choice bother you? Then come see
us, Joel Salatin and others at the one-day Rogue Food
Here’s more about the conference from
Joel Salatin himself:
For the few
of you who are unfamiliar with food regulations, be assured that the time has
come in this country, unfortunately, where circumventing the law is more doable
than complying with the law. Price, availability and safety all hinge on
consumer choice in the marketplace. Right now, consumers do not have freedom of
food choice. But numerous innovative folks have figured out loop holes to gain
neighbor access to food options.
So it is with extreme pleasures and
gratitude that I can announce this 2020 ROGUE FOOD
CONFERENCE, which will explore and publicize the numerous
work-arounds within our heavily regulated food space.
We’ll hear from
people who sell pet food. Some have created a food church. Some operate under a
non-public co-op country club arrangement. These schemes are highly creative,
hated by the food police and loved by people who, as consenting adults,
gratefully enjoy the empowerment of food choice freedom. When people lament the
deplorable state of American food (we lead the world in junk food) too often
their only solution is more regulation, from nutrition labeling laws to food
temperature requirements to licensing plans.
But another alternative
exists: it’s called freedom. We’ve tried top down regulatory oversight to change
the food system, only to see it become nutrient deficient, sugar laden and
sterile. It’s time to try a bottom up approach with some freedom instead of
I hope everyone comes.
To learn more, go to www.roguefoodconference.com
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The first reading of the title of this event felt exciting to me! Also liked having the thought that “it’s about time there was a public conference that featured food freedom”. Then (if you can relate to astrology) my Mercury (rational, objective, intellectual mind plus the drive to articulate) in Virgo (health, conservative, cautious, detailed, discriminating, recognizes the flaws and need for adjustment) wondered what definition of “rogue:” was actually being applied here. If the message about this conference is intended for all the public then getting clear about this definition will likely be important since there are a number of definitions and most of them are not going to be highly esteemed by many individuals. In any case I would like to know which definition is being applied here.
Re: “food freedom” (and especially about the intent of this event in regards to freedom and America’s food) – I am imagining that real freedom is at the very heart, soul and spirit of this conference. If that’s true then I have the same spirit! I have been building with the same intent for over the past two decades. One of the attractions that I had for becoming a member of WAPF early in 2000 (as well as a Chapter leader) was the great breadth toward the all-inclusiveness of food by foundation’s inclusion of “wise traditions in farming”. This inclusion is naturally a vital one for the sake of food freedom today and it has also been vital for all American freedom if one looks closely at American history.
However, the education system that exists today (and going back to the beginning of what was originally known as “the United States”) has always had its own perspective on American history, freedom, the “general welfare” and related subject matters. “Through federal action, education has been encouraged and financially supported from the first Northwest Ordinance in 1787.”[1] The problem with this financial support can most readily be seen with a look into the compelled compliance with Federal government mandates. A deeper peeling of that onion will reveal something rotten at the core that also began in 1787 in the secret convention where the new Federal government was designed.
Dr. Ed Rivera is the lead professor at the Organic Laws Institute. He is one of the very few attorneys who has accomplished a through in-depth investigative research into the four Organic Laws as a “progressive” whole which resulted in a four-fold perspective necessary to understand “The Constitution” within the overall context of all four Organic Laws. The result of this perspective is a more vigorous and robust realization of freedom that is truly greater than what the education system that exists today teaches. This greater freedom needs to be known and very well understood by all those who attend this conference because this greater freedom is just what is required to restore our genuine self-government which is the only form of government that acknowledges our absolute, Unalienable Rights to our Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness! “Food freedom” however it may be defined is part of our “Unalienable Rights” however all these terms need to be fully understood and contrasted with the definitions presented by government, not only through its tentacles reaching into every public school but into every department, agency, office of government.
It’s not just about food! All the issues regarding “food freedom” (as well as “Real Organic” and extending a multitude of concerns throughout the whole of commerce concerning “real food” and every other related issue) can be traced back to the reason why the American people united themselves and together declared war against the tyranny of the King for all the particulars listed in the Declaration of Independence – our very first Organic Law, the most truly American Law which was never repealed! Under this Law the Colonies evolved themselves from estates to States. Once again schools do not teach this American history, the perspective of the four Orgainc Laws and the continuation of true self-government that was established before George Washington was elected President of “The United States of America” on the one hand yet whispered a barely audible oath as President of the “United States” on the other hand. Did you notice the difference? ……… The difference is the difference in Lawful jurisdiction and every farmer and every food freedom lover must know this difference to fully obtain all the freedom they wish to have. Do you want to know more about “the difference”? ……… Let’s talk about that!
[1] https://www.lwv.org/role-federal-government-public-education-historical-perspectives