AB 1604 reverses via Emergency legislation “eight words” buried deeply in the secretly and newly passed AB 1735. AB 1735 was a “stealth sneak attack” and acts as a technical ban on California Raw Milk. Please attend if at all possible. If not call your assemblymen and demand passage of AB 1604.
For an excellent report, see http://www.fresnobee.com/business/story/322785.html.
Please call the members of the assembly Agriculture Committee right away and demand passage of AB 1604.
For names and phone numbers, see: http://www.organicpastures.com/ag-assembly-info.htm.
SECOND ACTION TO TAKE (California WAPF members)
Come to the hearing tomorrow, Wednesday! The hearing for AB 1604 will be at the California State Capitol in Sacramento CA at 1:00 PM in room 4202. See www.organicpastures.com for the most recent announcements.
- Please wear your favorite raw milk tee shirt and bring the kids or friends. We want to jam pack the hearing room with raw milk supporters. There is room for 400 so please attend. Get their early-by noon at the latest!! This is a hard earned day for raw milk.
- Bring your testimonial letters and a 30 second statement of how raw milk has changed your life.
- DO NOT BRING BANNERS, they will not be permitted into the capitol. Make sure you bring nothing that you cannot take on an aircraft. Wear your raw milk statement.
- We will provide bright yellow I LOVE RAW MILK Pins to wear.
- Bring a picture of your family holding your favorite raw milk products.
PLEASE NOTE: We have had discussions with the conventional dairy community and they are concerned that we will be bashing Pasteurized Milk at the hearings. We have assured them that we will not. This is about our choice in raw milk not about anything negative against pasteurized milk. We do not need nor want the entire “California Happy Cows…GOT MILK” political action system to be against us and AB 1604. We need their support or at least neutrality. We have told the dairy community that we will bash soymilk instead. On this we have consensus!!
SOYMILK is for Bio-Diesel not for kids!!
Yogurt and raw milk is for kids!!
Lets keep our message extremely positive. We have support from most everyone. Even pasteurized organic dairymen are testifying in favor of AB 1604. Remember….we have the truth and the science on our side. Let’s make friends on Wednesday. We will not do that by giving pasteurized milk a “black eye”. This is about the politics of food freedom and food choices.
We have one goal on Wednesday at high noon….
Protect raw milk as a food choice for California!
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