My Inner Critic Loves Aluminum: The Everyday Hidden Psychological Consequences of Vaccine Adjuvants (eBook)
By Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND
Although the scientific and medical communities seem to have barely noticed, not only is evidence of aluminum toxicity nothing new but it continues to pile up. The connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease has been known for years. Dr. Christopher Exley in the UK has studied aluminum extensively and states emphatically that if there is no aluminum exposure, there is no Alzheimer’s.
Aluminum exposure is not a minor problem affecting only a few. Almost everybody, even the health-conscious, is exposed. As Dr. Louisa Williams points out, aluminum is in cookware, fast food, nutritional supplements, conventional cosmetics and hair products, antiperspirants, sunscreens, tanning lotions and prescription and over-the-counter drugs (especially antacids and buffered aspirin). Exposure also occurs through injections from allergy treatments and vaccines. And while ingested aluminum may be blocked in most cases by a healthy immune system, injected aluminum is a different story. Williams explains in some detail how injecting aluminum in a vaccine can bypass or even hijack the immune system for a ride into the brain.
This book looks more deeply at the consequences of aluminum exposure that we don’t hear about very often. It goes beyond physical and mental damage. Many people are plagued by negative thinking—that “inner critic” that constantly tells them they are failures; they can’t do anything right; they are lazy; and so on. While this often starts with harsh parents who are hypercritical of their children, Williams explains that when aluminum and other neurotoxins are embedded in a developing brain, every harsh and judgmental experience in a young child’s life is imprinted even more deeply. The result is an overdeveloped inner critic and a chronic negative thought pattern that is constantly fueled by aluminum.
I’m sure new and different ideas like this will meet with the usual skepticism, intolerance and demands to be more scientific. Most of the time that really means “stop thinking outside the box.” Stop disagreeing with the corporate narrative.
Buried in the notes of this book is a paragraph that is so good I will quote it in its entirety: “Last time I checked the NIH hadn’t knocked on my door and offered me, or any of my colleagues, a grant to research the effects of naturopathic medicine. Unfortunately, their largesse is reserved for the drug companies and universities, and only then for the purposes of determining the benefits of various pharmaceutical medications.
Excuse the sarcasm, but it gets tiring being the butt of what I have termed the ‘double rape.’ That is, first of all governmental agencies, universities, and conventional medicine rarely fund research to study the effects of natural supplements, remedies and diets. But then, to add insult to injury, these same groups turn around and constantly demonize in the media supplement companies as well as holistic doctors and practitioners as ‘not being scientific’.”
This cuts to the core of the problem with what passes as modern “science.” The system is rigged to keep us inside the box. Don’t go outside the box or someone might get hurt. We are so fragile now that big tech must protect us from anything outside the box or anything that strays from the official narrative. Personally, I would recommend not listening to the people who say these kinds of things. They are not really thinking—that’s just the aluminum talking.
We’ve come a long way since the dark ages of censorship and book-burning. We’re much more sophisticated at it now. Isn’t that great? My sarcastic thumb is UP for this book.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2021
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