JOEL SALATIN is a third generation clean food farmer who has refined techniques for production of pastured animals that improve the quality of the land, provide healthy food for consumers and bring a fair return for farmers He is the author of four books on innovative farming and has been interviewed for numerous radio and television programs. His Shenandoah Valley farm was featured in National Geographic and Smithsonian Magazine.
MARK PURDEY is an organic dairy farmer from Somerset, UK, who resisted the order to spray his cattle with organophosphates for warble fly and went to court for a judicial review; he won and was exempted from using the spray. No cows born in his herd developed BSE (mad cow disease). He has contributed numerous articles on the subject of BSE to scientific journals in which he argues that mad cow disease is caused by organophosphate pesticides and toxic mineral overload, not by an infectious agent.
MIKE CALLICRATE is a rancher from northwest Kansas who has spoken out against consolidation in the beef industry. He has developed a unique beef processing system and “Ranch Direct” marketing program that provides high quality beef to consumers and fair profits to ranchers. In 1996, he testified before Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman’s 21-member concentration panel in Washington, D.C.
TOM COWAN, MD, is a physician in private practice, board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation and former vice-president of Physicians for Anthro-posophical Medicine. He uses the principles of traditional diets, along with herbs and anthroposophical medicines, in the treatment of illness and chronic disease.
JULIA ROSS, MA, is the author of the best-seller, The Diet Cure, which was chosen by among thousands of health-oriented books for its Tremendous Ten list of 1999. Currently the Executive Director of the Recovery Systems Clinic in Mill Valley, California, Ross has founded and directed six outpatient addiction and eating disorder treatment programs in the San Francisco Bay area. She holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology and is a licensed psychotherapist.
KRISPIN SULLIVAN, CN, studied nutrition at the University of Vermont and has been practicing nutrition since 1968. The “Nancy Drew of Nutrition,” Sullivan is a frequent lecturer and has a nationwide private practice. Visit her website at
MARY G. ENIG, PhD, an expert of world renown in the field of lipid chemistry, has brought scientific and media attention to the adverse health effects of trans fatty acids found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. She is a licensed nutritionist, vice-president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, fellow of the American College of Nutrition and president of the Maryland Nutritionists Association. She is the author of Know Your Fats, a primer on the biochemistry of dietary fats. Visit her website at
SALLY FALLON is the author of Nourishing Traditions and president of The Weston A. Price Foundation. Her interest in the subject of diet and human health began in the 1970s when she read Nutrition & Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price. Her experience in applying Dr. Price’s findings to the feeding of her own family, and her work with Dr. Mary Enig, led her to write Nourishing Traditions.
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