Itchiness. Indigestion. Digestive issues. Allergies. Asthma. Brain fog. Even food sensitivities. All of these could indicate that there is a parasite imbalance in the body. Laura Villanti, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and the founder of At Home with Wellness, helps guide you to determine how to test for parasites, the most effective protocols for eliminating them, and how to become a “bad host” for them.
Laura goes over, in detail, why not all parasite testing is accurate and which she recommends the most. She explains the role of parasites (yes, nature has a task for them) and how an imbalance can lead to trouble and what to do about it. She gets specific about how to avoid getting parasites in the first place, with simple tips, like thoroughly washing produce, maintaining a clean home, ingesting specific herbs, and also making sure that our beloved pets don’t accidentally transmit their parasites to us.
Visit Laura’s website: At Home with Wellness – https://athomewithwellness.com
For parasite testing go here:
Parasitology Center Inc. (PCI) – https://www.parasitetesting.com
Parawellness Research – https://parawellnessresearch.com
Klinghardt Autonom Response Testing – https://chunginstitute.com/autonomic-response-testing
Join the Weston A. Price Foundation email list – https://secure.westonaprice.org/CVWEB_WESTON/cgi-bin/memberdll.dll/openpage?wrp=customer_new_contact.htm
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.How can you tell if you have parasites? What are the symptoms and what are some effective protocols for eliminating them from the body and avoiding hosting them in the first place? This is episode 447 and our guest is Laura Villanti. She is the Founder of At Home With Wellness. She is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Certified GAPS Practitioner, and much more.
Laura goes over the many symptoms of an imbalance of parasites in the body, including digestive issues, constant itchiness, indigestion, allergies, asthma, eczema, and even food sensitivities. All of these could be a sign that parasites are in the body. She explains that testing for them isn’t always conclusive. She offers suggestions for the best way to determine if you have parasites or a parasite imbalance. She also reviews the role of parasites. Yes, nature uses them to clean up the garbage in our bodies to such an extent that some people even take a parasite by choice.
Finally, Laura explains how an imbalance can lead to trouble and what to do about it. She gets very specific about how to avoid being a good host to parasites. She offers simple tips like thoroughly washing produce, maintaining a clean home, ingesting specific herbs, and also making sure that our beloved pets don’t accidentally transmit their parasites to us.
Before we get into the conversation, I want to remind you that we have an email list that gives you a direct line of communication with the Weston A. Price Foundation. Join our email list to stay abreast of action alerts in your area along with important topics of interest related to food freedom, upcoming events, and much more. Censorship is real, so stay in touch with us directly. Click on the yellow button on our homepage to sign up.
Welcome to the show, Laura.
I’m so excited to be here and to share with everybody.
It was great to see you at the Wise Traditions Conference not too long ago. I knew when I saw your topic, I was like, “We have to have Laura on the show because we haven’t talked about parasites much.” I want to kick things off with a story. I think you told me a client came to you. She was 70-something and she had a rash on her arm. Talk to us about how you all discern that parasites had something to do with it and what the result was.
It was a small rash on the elbow. In the bigger picture of life, some of us would not even care. It would be like, “That’s nothing. Maybe it itches a bit, but let it be. She’s very astute, mindful, and works with some amazing functional medicine doctors, clinicians, and such. She’s very on top and aware, but nothing was addressing it. I did some of the Autonomic Response Testing. I worked on Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt’s protocol.
I was able to discern it was parasites that were creating this rash. Sometimes, they’d get worse. Maybe closer to the full moon and things like that. We did this work and the rash would go away. Maybe nine months later, she’s like, “Laura, the rash is back again.” I’m like, “We probably needed to continue that herbal protocol. We probably made a big change in the parasite load, but if it hadn’t been completed, we would correct it and update it. The neat thing is that she would deal with poison ivy. Many people deal with poison ivy, not everyone, but it created a pretty big histamine response that was pretty bothersome for her. Pretty much every year or a couple of times every year, she would go through poison ivy.
The great news is after addressing those parasites, she no longer responds to poison ivy in this manner at all. Our terrain is so interwoven and parasites absolutely increase histamine response. We’ll probably hit on that here at some point, but any histamine response from allergies, foods, environment, or anything. We got to consider parasites. That was pretty special because the reward was far greater than not having this little itchy rash.
I’ll even share this now since we’re on this story and it gets to the complexity of the issue. Testing is so hard to accurately find and assess for parasites. This same client had timing-wise, the functional medicine doctor knew of some better parasite testing and thought, “Let’s do it with you just to check.” It came back all clear.
It so happened that she was scheduled to see me a week after that. Lo and behold, the same person one week later, sure enough, I found parasites. This simple tiny example that has some good timing of it shows us how hard it is to find them and yet, they can be there. We can physically see them, but then systemically, they are inflaming us, hence, our response to poison ivy. This is a small example yet a great view of why we are challenged.
I have so many questions, but let me start with this. How did you first become aware of Dr. Klinghardt’s protocol and what does it involve?
It was years ago that I first learned of Dr. Klinghardt. I followed his work during that time. A few years ago, I trained with another person who was using his protocol. On March 1st, 2020, I got to train in person with Dr. Klinghardt. Since then, I have been in weekly training and advanced training with several doctors who also do this advanced functional assessment of the autonomic nervous system. It’s between the testing methodology and the test items we have to even look for parasites.
Is that why you’re testing was more accurate than the other testing your client went through, for example?
Correct. Do we want to talk a little bit about testing right now?
Yes, because we’re on it. Let’s just go for it.
I shared a presentation at the Wise Traditions Conference that I hope people would take away after that 1 hour and 15 minutes session. Even though they are so prevalent, the last thing we should do or should not do is encourage our loved ones to ask for a stool test to see if we have parasites. It’s because the common stool test that is used will miss at least 80% of the time. That means that person then could go years on this false negative information without considering parasites because they got one test that showed it was negative.

Dr. Klinghardt’s methodology is what I highly recommend for the most accurate way and also because to address parasites, we have to also know about heavy metal status, other toxins status, and other things that can impede the flow and function in the body. For sure, any Klinghardt-trained practitioner would be excellent and many of them can also do testing for people remotely. After that, I would say live blood cell analysis could be used even though it’s so hard to find somebody who does live blood cell analysis. There are a couple of other organizations. One is called Parasitology Center Inc. or PCI. Another one is Parasite Wellness. Those two have far better data responses.
Those are great resources. Thank you.
That is what I’d recommend for testing, but a far and above is the Klinghardt Autonomic Response Testing.
A simple stool test may not reveal all. You said that most of the time, it doesn’t. That’s good to know. You mentioned your client came to you with a little rash. What are some of the other symptoms that we might have an imbalance or many parasites in our system?
It’s the gut. Everything from indigestion to pain. Pain that moves around the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which leads to bloat and challenges sometimes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for many people. We want to consider parasites there. Anything in the gut, autoimmunity of the gut, and autoimmunity in general. Also, our lung health. If we have any lung issues like cough, we wheeze. We have asthma and allergies of any type, food sensitivities of any type, or dairy sensitivity in particular.
If you’re dairy-sensitive, it would be wise to consider the role that parasites may have in altering your gut microbiome and thus, your ability to digest dairy. The brain can absolutely be impacted by headaches and brain fog. Every organ can be impacted. The liver is commonly impacted. The biliary function or the flow of bile gets impeded because parasites easily nest within that bile duct or even the pancreatic bile duct. It can then affect our blood sugar.

Liver health can be greatly affected. Our eyes, our ears, our nose, or our sinuses. Many of us deal with sinus issues. A little congestion, stuffiness, or even after we eat a certain food. It’s like, “The sinuses filled up,” and the next thing you know, you got a headache that is getting bigger. Those may be some friends living up there in the sinuses instead of saying, “It’s wheat. It’s corn. It’s dairy. I can’t digest that because my sinuses are filled and my head explodes here.” Also, our skin. Our skin in every way. If we have any skin issues like eczema or rashes of any type, consider. The brain, also seizures, moods, emotions, and our thinking. We can have very delusional thinking as a result of parasites and even certain parasites.
Practically, every aspect of our lives can be affected. How are we getting these parasitic infections? Some people think we get parasites when traveling overseas. Let’s dispel that myth and tell us where and how we might be exposed to parasites.
I would agree that probably years ago, that was quite true. Traveling overseas or an area where there are these parasites we’re not familiar with. Our terrain doesn’t know what to do with, but we have traveled so much more in the last many years and every decade since then. People are living in multiple places. Many years ago, we were not getting food from around the world for our dinner table. Now, we can have food from around the world. We go out for lunch, dinner, and tomorrow. The food has shifted.
We can get these parasites absolutely through food. It is not just pork. It’s not just raw meat of any type. It’s not just your fish. Certainly, sushi, which is raw fish, could have some, but also, believe it or not, our fruits and vegetables. That innocent, amazing salad that we should be eating could be harboring some because of the soil it was grown on. Also, pets. Many years ago to now, do we have far more house pets? I don’t even know that statistic, but it’s got to be a thousandfold increase.
They said we have more pets in the US than children now.
Again, that’s a huge reason. Compared to many years ago, this is a big deal. Those house pets like cats or dogs are licking us. They are on our bedding. They lick children and babies. Within a family, we will often share them as well. Caregivers sneezing or if somebody sneezes and you’re around them, it could be a transmission thing. Also, look at the food and your water. Whether it’s your well water, but believe it or not, public water can have them as well.
They’re everywhere, but they certainly must have a role besides messing our health up. What is their role in the ecosystem of life?
They do have an amazing role and in a controlled manner, they can be very beneficial for us. They come in to help clean up our garbage. The amount of toxins we have in us now compared to many years ago is far greater, and maybe let me use one of them like the mercury silver amalgam filling. I don’t know how many years ago. Many of us could have had some of them in our mouths.
Parasites can be very beneficial for humans in a controlled manner. They come in to help clean up our garbage.
Heavy metals are dangerous and toxic. We weren’t to have mercury in our bodies. There are other metals that we may be taking in through our water supply, our occupation, and how we’re working. These toxins and even infections of many types. The parasites will take those in and hold on to them. They can hold many times their weight in these toxins. It is protecting us.
This sounds good, except if our toxin load is a lot and our parasitic load is a lot. We then feed them a lot of carbohydrates, sugar, processed foods, and other things and increase the growth of the parasites. It then becomes way out of balance. What started as a good little protective mechanism becomes uncontrollable and then we develop symptoms. Whether lung, brain, heart, liver health, or skin. We get rashes. We develop food sensitivities and allergies. It goes out of control.
In a super-regulated form, there are some people that will take in a worm by choice. They’ll take in a whipworm and it can be used because parasites greatly affect our immune system modulation, the Th1 and Th2 arms of the immune system. Parasitic overgrowth will throw us into a Th2 dominant, but if we take one little whipworm, it comes in lives in us. It does some immune system modulation.
For some people with Crohn’s or colitis, it can manage their immune system or their gut for six months by downregulating, managing this, and managing that. They take a pill. It kills it. They excrete it and then they take one more in so that one stays as is. That is a way it could get used but the other way is the way it’s living in all of us. It starts out beneficial for us, but due to our constant and increased load of toxins, it has overgrown and become unmanageable. It also has become a stressor.
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Visit Laura’s website: At Home With Wellness
For parasite testing go here: Parasitology Center Inc. (PCI)
Klinghardt Autonom Response Testing
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I feel like many of us may be walking around with a parasitical imbalance and simply unaware of it. Would it be smart for us to do some cleanse, having heard what we’ve heard now?
A parasite cleanse sounds like a great thing, but there are about twenty different buts. For example, I said that they hold on to our toxins, which is pretty genius. If we don’t know what our toxins are and we take an approach, we’re going to go after these parasites, we then start killing the parasites and it’s loaded with a ton of mercury or other heavy metals. If we didn’t have something in place that was doing the work to clean that up, those metals would be released to something not as wise because the parasite solution was a wise protector.
Maybe that goes to the brain, the eyes, the lungs, or other tissues like the skin where you develop eczema, etc. That’s one. Another one is our digestion. Our bowels need to be working beautifully because if we’re going to move out any toxin load, we have to have our bowels beautifully moving. There’s one small yet big reason why we may not just want to start with that. We need amazing bile flow and liver health before doing a parasite cleanse.
A huge caution would be anyone with any chronic health condition or cancer, autoimmunity, or Lyme. I would work with someone skilled in assessing what’s the total tax and burden you’re working with. How do we get started offloading those toxins? How do we support your own energy so that you can detoxify it? It takes energy to detoxify.
Something I did not share is how they could affect us. Cancer. You can even go up on the CDC website and there is some understanding of the role of parasites and cancer. A couple of times, it’s been found a tumor here in the brain only to learn it was a parasitic mass or a tumor in the liver or the lung or ovaries only to learn it’s a parasitic mass. We have more to discover and learn about parasites than we know at this point.
How did you get interested in the subject, Laura?
I would say through my clinical testing using Autonomic Response Testing. I would see it. It’s far more relevant and prevalent than we know. The other interesting thing is it can impede your healing from far bigger issues. Lyme is pretty prevalent now. It’s a big deal to recover from Lyme for some, but it’s also very true. We need to address parasites before we’re going to have good potential to address Lyme.

Even with the most perfect protocol for Lyme, unless we have done the work to properly assess and address parasites, Lyme healing is a struggle. Hopefully, anyone who was reading this with Lyme could hopefully be a major insight for you. If you’ve tried ten phenomenal protocols and worked with ten phenomenal clinicians and you’re still not moving forward, this could be it. It’s because we miss this and our testing, so we can miss it in treating it because nobody knows how to treat it.
Speaking of not knowing, what if we don’t have any pressing symptoms? What percentage of the population do you suspect is walking around with parasites?
I guess the CDC, as such, would say 70% to 80% probably have some parasites in them. Let’s say we were to take that list that I had given from gut health, food sensitivities, allergies, seasonal allergies, and lung health. If anybody has any gut health, lung, or brain issues like anxiety, depression, headaches, or mood, anyone who has sinus or skin issues, even if we did those five questions, many people would say, “Yes to two of them. Yes to five of them. Yes to one of them.” I think 90% of people would say yes to at least one of those.
Short of seeing a practitioner, is there something else we can do? You said it probably might not be well advised to take on a cleanse on your own because you might get rid of something you need. I guess I’m thinking of some friends who do constant coffee enemas and are like, “All these things come out.” I’m like, “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I don’t know.
As someone doing a coffee enema, they’re already doing a few other things right for themselves. Let me back up to what your question was and here’s where I’ll start. There’s something all of us can be doing so that we are not as good as the host because that’s what the issue is. The goal is for us not to be good hosts and to support ourselves with gut healing. What does that mean? It could mean taking out the foods that are inflammatory that are difficult to digest.
You take out those foods that are inflammatory, and all of a sudden, your immune system, which is 80% in the gut, is like, “Thanks for giving me a holiday. This is so much easier.” Fifty percent of that immune power can now be spent on doing housekeeping, cleaning, and addressing infections or maybe moving out some of that metal. Switching to a gut-healing diet means you start by taking out inflammatory foods. Also, eat a properly prepared nutrient-dense diet that the Weston A. Price Foundation has been promoting for years. That’s already a step in the right direction.

Take out those foods that you know you’re sensitive to. If you eat some dairy and you produce some eczema, you’re feeding the bugs. You know that because you’re like, “I ate it and now I’ve got an eczema patch.” Also, start supporting your liver health by improving better bile. There’s plenty of food to do this. You can use coffee enemas to do this. You correct your hydration. You can start to do some work to support heavy metals leaving the body and eat more fiber. Eat your vegetables.
The nutrient-dense, properly prepared food diet. Eat those vegetables and have that fiber. All these things have nutrition that’s wisdom and the body knows how to move out toxins. Our challenge is different than many years ago. We now have a high toxin load, and we’ve got equipment, intelligence, and availability in the body to move out this much because we’ve loaded it up with other stuff. We have more toxins. We’re putting our immune system into triple overtime work and it doesn’t get it done.
We see the stuff come out of her skin or our brain. We’re tired, foggy, or a little angry, or something like that. Those are some steps we can take to be a bad host. Also, sushi. The ginger and wasabi that comes with it is not a decoration. Even hot peppers are very anti-parasitic. If you eat them, you’re like, “I could kill anything in it.” Wasabi could help address if there are parasites in that fish. Ginger is very anti-parasitic.
There’s no shock there as to why wasabi and ginger are sitting right there with your sushi. They aid digestion as well. Also, wash your produce and your hands well. Even cleanliness within the home and the bathrooms. Good microbiome and probiotic-rich foods. Yogurt is amazing. You digested an amazing thing that is anti-parasitic because it supports the gut microbiome.
Laura tells us another story of someone who was able to determine that they had parasites or what their symptoms were and then what happened next?
I would want to share about the client. She’s in her early 30s. She’s dealt with anxiety, fatigue, and a little bit of skin stuff for many years, but these days, great fatigue and brain fog. That’s really what she needed help with. She also had some digestive issues. The truth is she has a lot of Lyme. Even in doing good work, taking the smallest of steps, and supporting her with the parasites that we were aware of, she was not able to make progress. We even implemented the herbal protocol for Lyme, but her body was saying, “No, I can’t take this.” The detox was too much for her.
In one of the next visits, I’m like, “Let’s look so closely here because I knew EMF was a factor stressing her and new parasites. We focused on that. Even though I’ve had some of these conversations, I had to have them again with more focus because I was like, “I’m confident we’re not able to implement the Lyme protocol the way we want because of the parasitic load. The parasitic load is very tied to EMF exposure.
Even though she’d been turning her phone off at night, her spouse hadn’t and they share the same bed. There’s the EMF exposure. We share parasites between partners and even within a whole household. We have to be aware of that. I took time in that session to test her own phone. Even with some EMF protection next to her, where is she with her phone?
I tested that and saw the stress load that EMF brought to her body. I said, “This is where we need to focus.” Your phone is off. Your husband’s phone is off. It’s not there. Your Wi-Fi is off. Her husband had been dealing with some rashes, so he needs to address his parasites, too. Her EMF support needed to be a little closer to her. She went home. A week later, she connected and she said, “I’m releasing so many parasites now.”
The wisdom of the story is that parasites thrive in an EMF-strong environment. Back to the question about even prevalence and such? Far greater than many years ago, did any of us have a cell phone many years ago? No. Do we all have a cell phone now? Sure. Some people have a couple of devices. For success, the EMF stress impeded even the same great protocol. The more burdened we are with infections and toxins, the more EMF stress we will have. It becomes a chicken or the egg and how are we going to make progress? It’s layers.
The more burdened we are with infections and toxins, the more EMF stress we will have.
You talked about cleaning up our homes literally, keeping them clean, and being aware of that. It means in terms of the EMFs, too. People can get kill switches. They turn off their Wi-Fi at night or there’s even protective paint or certain fabrics where you can reduce your EMF load. Moving out of the city is a good idea, too. Since we’re talking about solutions, I wanted to ask you, “Does Dr. Klinghardt’s protocol include some herbal mixes? If so, what are the herbs that are helpful?
Yes, there are several different herbs that can be used. In Dr. Klinghardt’s Autonomic Response Test, it is not only able to discern what the stressors are but equally, the testing discerns exactly the right protocol to address what is being seen. We can herbs and let’s say there are 5, 6, 7, or 8 great herbs and very popular herbs, but maybe two of those are a homerun for that person. Three others could be good and three don’t do anything for that person.
I’ll give you some names of some herbs that are good. Black walnut is amazing, olive leaf, and vidanga. There is one that I feel great pretty much for most people and that is Mimosa pudica. It is lovely to help move out biofilms because they are prevalent. Mimosa is superb there. Anything with garlic is very good. You could take that even with food. Also, wormwood. The name is Artemisia. It is excellent and exceptional as well. Also, Berberine. Those are probably the herbs I would mention. There are a couple of other things I can mention that aren’t so many herbs that could be exceptional. Do you want me to go to the topic of biofilms and rope worms?
I’m debating because we sometimes do a minisode and I feel like that might be good for the minisode. We can have that on the website for members because our time is getting shorter.
Let us save that for a minisode because it’s an important part of even parasites, but it’s a whole different realm.
Just to get at the nugget. I think you were about to say that a certain mix of herbs may be helpful for one person in a household, for example, but not necessarily for another because we do have bio-individuality. We can’t just throw all these herbs and hope for the best.
It’s so true. Even the dosing that one would need can be different than the other one. Also, the ability for one to take the herb compared to the other one. Someone else is like, “I took it. My stomach’s fine.” Another person took it and they’re like, “I can’t take that.” There is that going for it.
That’s helpful to know. Laura, what would you say to the skeptic who thinks, “Laura Villanti sees parasites everywhere? She’s exaggerating about their prevalence now.”
I would go back to the symptoms because it doesn’t matter. If you feel fine as who you are, then that’s great because that’s all we need to be, but if you’re like, “My brain is foggy, and I don’t like that,” or, “My skin itches. I itch all the time. This is driving me crazy,” or, “My stomach hurts after most meals. This is uncomfortable. I spend a lot of my day thinking about my stomach hurting.”
Also, it’s like, “My lung capacity is not so great. I love to take walks, but I’m winded,” or, “I can’t go hike with my family because I’m winded.” Look at your symptoms. Your lungs, liver, heart, your brain, skin, and gut. Are there symptoms? That’s what you want to look at because that’s what motivates us any day to take care of ourselves.
I have two final questions to ask you. One is, do you have some key wisdom about parasites to share?
Pets, be aware. We have so many more household pets. They’re testing is more accurate than human testing, number one. Number two, they need parasite cleansing twice a year. If they’re living in your home, be assured you don’t want them to have parasites and pass them to you. Wisdom about pets and more motivation to eat well, why take care of ourselves, and why have great digestion? It’s because if we have those things, we will likely be less of a good host to them. The list could go on. I could say you wash your vegetables and eat foods that are anti-parasitic. The list could go on and on, but I think there is a lot of non-awareness around pets.
By having better knowledge about taking care of ourselves and our household pets, we will likely be less of a good host to parasites.
I want to post you, Laura, that question that I love to pose at the end. If the reader had one thing that they could do to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
I would say this can support even the topic that we’re on of parasites, but it supports everything. Become very EMF-aware. Electromagnetic frequency radiation is a stressor for all of us. Some of us can handle it just fine. We’re like, “I’m fine. I sleep fine. I think fine. I’m not fatigued if I’m out in these settings,” or any of that thing, but yet we all have some stress from it.

The more overall stressors we have, the more EMF is a problem. If we have any health issues at all, much less chronic, then we must become very EMF aware. Make sure to have that phone in airplane mode or off when we’re sleeping. Also, have the Wi-Fi off and the phones not in the room. These are simple things. It doesn’t cost anything and makes a major impact. I would say becoming EMF-aware.
That is wonderful advice to end on. Thank you so much for your time, Laura.
I’m so happy to be here and share.
Our guest in this episode was Laura Villanti. You can visit her website, At Home With Wellness, to learn more. Now, for a letter to the editor from a recent Wise Traditions Journal. Steve and Julie from Montana had this to say. “We lived in Nevada for a number of years and Ken Hardy was our chapter leader there. I am writing this in memory of him. Ken was a friend, teacher, mentor, and resource. We are stunned and heartbroken about his passing.”
“We still cannot believe he is gone. I feel rather lost because I cannot imagine not being able to contact him and pick his brain. I just cannot process it. A few years ago, I read a book that greatly affected my life and set me on this journey of learning real medicine, nutrition, and wellness. Right after reading the book, I discovered the Weston A. Price Foundation. Ken and Rosemary were the chapter leaders in our area.”
“I called and left a message and when Ken called me back, we spoke for an hour. I was so eager for information and Ken loves to teach. We hit it off right off the bat. Steve and I met him in person shortly after and we have all been friends since. Ken was a lifetime learner. He was so incredibly generous with his knowledge and information. He was also tireless in doing all he could to provide good food, healthy natural medicine resources, and so many other things. He represented the foundation and its values as well. He truly lived it.”
“They say when a person passes, an entire library of knowledge, wisdom, and information is lost. That is particularly true where Ken is concerned. He was one of the most intelligent and well-read people I’ve ever met. We are so incredibly grateful to have known him for so long. It has been a privilege. We truly feel that the Lord led us to Ken and we hope we were a blessing to him as he sure was to us.” That’s a letter from Steve and Julie in Montana.
Thank you so much, Steve and Julie, for your letter. Ken sounds like he was a wonderful soul. You, too, can contribute to the journal by writing a letter to the editor on the topic of your choice by writing us at Info@WestonAPrice.org and putting Letter to the Editor on the subject line so we can consider including your story or your testimonial in an upcoming journal. Thank you so much for reading, my friend. Stay well and remember to keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Laura Villanti
Laura Villanti has been teaching and inspiring others with food as medicine for over twenty years. She started her practice, At Home With Wellness (AtHomeWithWellness.com) in 2011 to help individuals find their vibrant health with tools that they can employ from their home—whether in the kitchen, garden or otherwise—in addition to helping individuals feel at home (meaning comfortable and confident) with their path to healing.
Laura is a functional nutritional therapy practitioner, certified GAPS practitioner, allergy release technique practitioner, and bio-individual nutrition practitioner. She has studied for several years with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt and his autonomic response testing protocol. Through the use of the advanced functional assessment of the autonomic nervous system she has gained great insight into the magnitude and complexity of parasites, in addition to Lyme, viruses, retroviruses, heavy metals, toxicity, jaw infections and scars and how to find and address these root causes that are preventing clients from finding their healing – even if they have been searching without success for decades. She is also a WAPF chapter co-leader for Rochester, New York.
Important Links
- At Home With Wellness
- Pluck Pure
- Eat Pluck
- Optimal Carnivore
- Wise Traditions Conference
- Parasitology Center Inc.
- Parasite Wellness
- Klinghardt Autonomic Response Testing
- Holistic Hilda
- Info@WestonAPrice.org
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Great information thanks. What would the protocol be for pets?