***Action Alert***
Raw Milk Could be Legal in Canada with your Support
Raw milk advocates in Canada have created a petition to ask their government to legalize availability of raw milk. In the petition, they state facts about raw milk and conclude with their request.
“We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada, call upon the Minister of Health to Modernize and amend the Food and Drugs Act and the corresponding Food and Drug Regulations, to permit the legal sale of, and/or access to, raw (i.e. unpasteurized) milk and milk products through small scale certified herd share programs, or other such suitable arrangements, capable of managing any associated health risks in a responsible and reasonable manner.”
Currently, raw milk is completely illegal in Canada even if obtained through cowshares or herdshares. If this petition reaches 500 valid signatures of Canadians by its deadline on August 11, 2016, the petition will be presented in the House of Commons. Once presented, the government is required to respond within 45 days. Of course, we want to far exceed the minimum requirement.
1. Sign the petition https://petitions.parl.gc.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-289
2. Using email or social media, spread the word and ask others to sign it. Sample wording below.
Canadian citizens are petitioning their government to create meaningful dialogue about raw milk availability. Please sign this petition and ask others to do the same. You do not need to be a raw milk drinker or even a supporter to sign this petition. This is about our rights as citizens to choose the foods of our choice from the producer of our choice.
Thank you.
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Wouldn’t this be amazing to be able to drink a glass of raw milk in Canada because I choose to!!!!:)
I grew up on raw milk in Germany. Unpasteurized milk and cheese products are available in grocerie stores throughout Germany and the EU. It is not outlawed as it is here in Canada.
Please Canada let your citizens have the freedom to buy good wholesome unpasteurized milk.
Denise Vogt
Avoid the over regulation of food and support freedoms of individual to decide for themselves what goes in their bodies. Unpastuerised milk should be legal in Canada.
I certainly hope this happens. Many people want this raw product and should be able to acquire it. The government is over regulating the industry and the quota system forces many older farmers to sell out in order to pay off debt and retire and it prevents young farmers from entering into the industry at all because of the high costs. Let’s get back to basics.
Pasteurization kills the lactase in milk that enables people like me to digest milk and have to take dairy digestives to be able to tolerate it at all…
I grew up on raw milk from our own cow. My sibs and I have been very healthy all our lives.
As a Canadian I deserve the freedom to choose my preference of health care, food, drink and supplements.
What was the result of the above petition? Is it now legal to have certified herd share programs in Canada for Raw milk?
YES ! California is a haven. Europe. etc etc. why not Canada