Daphne Olivier has a genetic pre-disposition to diabetes. Since she doesn’t have it (yet), she is doing all that is within her power to keep it that way. But she is not keeping her secrets to herself. She is a dietician and a certified diabetes educator who can help all of us understand it better, learn how to manage it with real food, and discover how to avoid it altogether, as she has done.
Daphne has a private nutrition practice in Louisiana where she has seen it all! She works with people with varying degrees of metabolic disorders including insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, types 1 and 2 diabetes, and polycystic ovarian syndrome. In today’s episode, she discusses strategies to recover health, including getting adequate sleep, avoiding stress, and eating less processed food.
Daphne’s private practice is called “My Food Coach” and in today’s show, she coaches all of us to adopt the “best lifestyle” to maintain and regain our health.
Dietician Daphne Olivier has a genetic pre-disposition to diabetes. Since she doesn’t have it (yet), she is doing all that is within her power to keep it that way. But she is not keeping her secrets to herself. She is a certified diabetes educator who can help all of us understand it better, learn how to manage it with real food, and discover how to avoid it altogether.
Daphne is well-suited to help others since she graduated magna cum laude from the University of Louisiana. She also has a private nutrition practice, My Food Coach, where she works with people with varying degrees of metabolic disorders including prediabetes, types 1 and 2 diabetes, and more.
In today’s conversation, Daphne touches on:
- how and why diabetes is on the rise
- how contracting diabetes is not part of the aging process
- the difference between Type I diabetes and Type II (Type I is an autoimmune disease. The body attacks the pancreas cells that make insulin. In Type II, the body produces insulin but cells can’t recognize it. Type II is most common today.)
- how more and more children are developing type II diabetes
- how to avoid and manage it: movement and exercise are one prong; eating right is another; lifestyle a third
- how sleep and stress are also factors that play a part in the development of the disease
- that insulin-resistance is the precursor to diabetes
- how avoiding diabetes is about adopting the “best lifestyle:” paying attention to food, movement, sleep, stress and how these affect your body
- why sleep is so critical and how to improve your sleep habits
- that the definition of diabetes is the body’s inability to manage blood sugar
- how for some, the blood sugar goes up and insulin doesn’t help bring blood sugar down
- how for others, blood sugar comes down too much
- the variety of diets people adhere to, in order to manage diabetes: low-carb, low-glycemic diet, paleo, primal, Wise Traditions, & keto diets
- how all meats, organ meats, non-starchy veggies, eggs, nuts, seeds are allowed
- why it’s important to be careful with fruits and some veggies
- the genetic component of diabetes
- how people monitor their blood sugar at home
- why people die from complications related to diabetes
- success stories of those who have managed it well and stories of those who do not
- the key to success is catching it early, along with perseverance & willingness to change
- how diabetes is progressive and silent (and a list of some symptoms through which it makes itself known: vision issues, blurred visions, tingling in fingers and toes, kidney issues, etc.
myfoodcoach.tv – Daphne’s website with online courses and resources (including a downloadable guide to managing diabetes with real food)
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