Have you gotten the COVID-19 shot? Are you concerned about shedding? Today’s podcast offers some glimmers of hope and practical suggestions. Dr. Louisa Williams is the author of “Radical Medicine,” and she is a specialist in environmental medicine and detoxification. Today, she offers advice on how to detox from the COVID-19 shot and shedding.
She recommends the use of activated charcoal for both, in light of its history as an antidote to poison. She goes into detail about the problem with graphene oxide (a metal found in the shots that is very damaging to the body) and how it interacts with 4G and 5G radiation. Louisa offers insights to inform and guide us, based on her practice and personal experience.
Visit Louisa’s website here: louisawilliamsnd.com
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.For those who’ve gotten the COVID-19 injection, the topic of this episode offers a glimmer of hope for those who want to protect themselves from shedding. It also offers some practical suggestions. This is Episode 373. Our guest is Dr. Louisa Williams. Louisa is a specialist in environmental medicine and detoxification. She is the author of Radical Medicine.
Louisa talks frankly about what we are going through and what to do about it. As a holistic doctor, she offers sound suggestions, in particular about how to detox from the COVID-19 shot and subsequent shedding. She recommends, for example, using activated charcoal, which has historically been used as an antidote for poisoning. She discusses how long we might keep our distance from someone who has gotten an injection and why she advises avoiding close contact for a period of time.
She also gets specific in discussing what she’s seen in her own practice related to graphene oxide, a metal found in the shots that are damaging to the body, and how nanoparticles like graphene oxide interact with 4G and 5G radiation. Louisa tells a lot of stories along the way to inform and guide us based on her practice and personal experience.
Before we dive into the conversation, I want to invite you to become a member of the Weston A Price Foundation. If you are not a member yet, why not? It comes with perks like the monthly exclusive wise conversations that we hold with guests and experts and also a quarterly copy of our Wise Traditions Journal. Plus, you get the joy of supporting the important work we do, of education, research, and activism. You can join us now for only $30 a year. Every time I say that, I can’t get over how low that number is. You use the code POD10 so that you get $10 off.
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Welcome to the show, Louisa.
Thank you, Hilda. Thanks for having me.
I want to cut to the chase. People have been asking us for a while here at the foundation, “What about shedding? How do we avoid shedding? We are not getting the jab but other people are.” Talk to us about what you know about shedding. Has anybody done any research on this?
I do want to apologize to those who are reading and are going to ask, “Where is the research on shedding from vaccines or transmission from these mRNA shots?” There’s hardly anything on this. First of all, if you look at the money, the NIH, Fauci’s NIAID, the FDA or the CDC, how would that benefit them to have a research study on the shedding of the toxicity? They don’t even believe this is toxic. You are not going to have any universities or any research labs doing research on this. I wanted to start with there’s shedding from a vaccine and a transmission from the mRNA. There are two types of COVID shots we have in the US, the Johnson & Johnson shot, which is like a regular vaccine.
It’s the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 wrapped in adenovirus. Adenovirus is the supper common cold like rhinovirus, runny nose, stuffy nose, 200 or more of those. That’s the transmission of the vector that is used to hide the spike protein and of his SARS-CoV-2 and then injected into a person. That’s a vaccine, Johnson & Johnson. We can call that a vaccine. The Moderna and Pfizer, as you know, the messenger RNA shots, are not typical vaccines. Those are experimental genetic therapy and genetic modulation.
They have coding for generating spike proteins in the patient’s body after it’s injected. There are two different types. I wanted to mention this, the history of viral shedding. It’s unbelievable that there’s hardly any research on this at all. People can now google. It hasn’t been censored or banned, unlike so many other things. The famous study of the poor man who paralyzed his child in 1979, who got the polio vaccine, is a famous study. He became paraplegic, changing his baby’s diapers.
The father of the child got it and didn’t even get the vaccine or the shot.
It was the oral polio vaccine at the time. He was a stockbroker. He lost his job and wife. He’s paralyzed. It ruined his life. He sued for fourteen years for the ability to sue the doctor that should have informed him of the possible risk. Again, this risk of transmission or shedding, which isn’t known about at all. This was the oral polio vaccine, Dr. Sabin’s oral polio vaccine with a killed or weakened live polio virus. They say it’s killed or weakened. It can’t transmit. It did. He became paralyzed.
I also want to highlight the great Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center. We love Barbara Loe Fisher. She is the only one I can see that’s written an excellent paper. She wrote a position paper, 42 pages on the emerging risk of live virus and virus-vectored vaccines. Vaccine strain virus, infection shedding, and transmission.
Everybody should look that up again because it’s an excellent position white paper on this subject. She talks about these weakened viruses and the MMR, the chicken pox, another varicella virus, shingles, same as chicken pox, and flu shots. Those are all attenuated, dead viruses. Now we have the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. If you google vaccine shedding from the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, any research, if somebody wants to know, “Maybe I should avoid my husband for two weeks,” or something like that.
Viruses are cell wall-deficient bacteria.
On the first two pages are all of it on the Google site, with no scientific basis. It wasn’t a live virus if it’s killed. Again, to the great Barbara Loe Fisher, if you go to Page 12 of her research study, that reveals the fact that sometimes the weakened and killed live virus can mutate and regain virulence as it did with this poor man with the polio vaccine to his baby. It can now with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
We not only have the possibility of potential viral shedding from the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, because we know viruses mutate. Secondly, we also have the transmission from the Pfizer and the Moderna mRNA experimental genetic shot. In March of 2022, a Stanford study said that those mRNA and spike antigens can last up to two months. In Sweden, as you probably know, they found that the RNA does convert to DNA.
Yes, I did hear about that but also, to be clear, Louisa, the Weston A Price Foundation believes that what we are calling viruses may be another part of the cell exosomes that are actually helpers. It is possible that we are still getting some toxins shared by a person who’s gotten the jab. We are not discounting that possibility but we might differ on this point about viruses. That’s all I’m saying.
I have another completely different history of viruses. Viruses are cell wall deficient bacteria, in my opinion. I’m coming from the late 1800s and early 1900s when all that information about dental focal infections was around. They were treating so-called viral infections in cattle or people. These early pioneers in focal infections with antibacterial, anti-strep shots because they are basically saying there’s no such thing as viruses.
It’s all confusing because many microbiologists say you can’t tell the difference between a cell wall-deficient bacteria and why does it get cell wall-deficient because it’s becoming resistant. In the hospital, MRSA, you get Methicillin-Resistant Strains and can die. The stealth bacteria become like viruses because they don’t have a cell wall. Our immune system and antibiotics don’t recognize them.
Who knows about these different pleomorphic strains of microbes and what all is occurring, and how they are changing in these experimental labs? The big overriding thing in my experience is that graphene oxide is the worst thing. I don’t see patients often fresh and juicy. In fact, I can’t think of hardly any that got a shot because they are not my patient. I do see patients that regret the shot a month ago, six months ago or a year ago but I don’t see them right after a shot. I don’t find in my energetic testing, despite the viral spike protein as the major issue.
It’s graphene oxide.
Like Dr. Ricardo Delgado Martin in Spain has been teaching. He’s getting the Pfizer and Moderna vials. He has been getting the mask, the PCR test, and analyzed at the university and finding that it’s loaded with graphene oxide.
What is graphene oxide for those of us who are unfamiliar with it?
It’s a metal that’s a charged nanoparticle. It’s wrapped up in a gel, and it’s injected. They can argue its benefit in a vaccine or a shot because they can put whatever they are calling this coding inside of that and injecting it into the body. They can say they are protecting that mRNA viral molecule because it usually is a fragile molecule, and it would get degraded quickly. How they can argue about the graphene oxide being in a mask, those little blue and white masks people get at drug stores or PCR, or the antibody testing, I don’t know how they can do that.

It’s because there’s no justification for it.
The first blog I did was Mitigating COVID Swab Tests because I have these two gals. I don’t know if you saw that. They’ve got a Q-tip up their nose with charcoal. Two young gals in their twenties want to go to the Austin Music Festivals. Of course, they are in their twenties. They want to go to these things. They had to get a PCR test. I would test them afterward, and they were injured. That swab has got graphene oxide in it, and you put it up to your nose. You’ve heard of people when they get that nasal test, and they say it’s not just little. It’s a big jab up that nose. It goes into the nose brain, olfactory brain, a bulb, and then into the rest of the brain and transmits throughout.
Even if you didn’t get vaccinated, if you are a poor university student or somebody working at a job that has to get tested once a week, it’s an incredible amount. My solution to that was to quickly find a bathroom, bring some Q-tips, rub the Q-tip in some activated charcoal, put it up to your nose for a minute or two in the bathroom, and then take it out, blow your nose, take 1 or 2 charcoals right away. Do that again that day and the next day, and mitigate as fast as possible.
Louisa, some people have been testing weekly for months.
It’s terrible.
They are still getting graphene oxide in their system.
All the time. Graphene oxide has been known to give the same symptoms as supposed COVID-19 loss of taste and smell. Hilda, what has been horrifying is I noticed here that 90 million Americans received expanded coverage of 4G and 5G. Did you see that?
I’ve heard that. Yes.
They include me into it. I came home at the end of January 2022 from a luncheon and felt it. I don’t have telephone poles down the street with 5G possible but the expanded 4G and 5G coverage from Austin, Round Rock, and Georgetown along this I-35 highway is intense. The graphene oxide gets activated with the 5G. It’s a charged particle. The first of 2022, we are all getting happy about, “The mask mandates are reducing, and the shutdowns are reducing.” Ninety million Americans, that’s over 1/4 of the United States, get blasted with this 5G, which also causes these same types of symptoms.
I interviewed Beverly Rubik. Beverly was saying that the symptoms of radiation poisoning are quite similar to the symptoms of COVID, lending some credence to what you are saying. The other thing is, it’s almost as if the graphene oxide is serving to make us more like little antennas for these waves.
Graphene oxide gets activated with the 5G. It’s a charged particle.
Antennas for this microwave radiation, little computer chips. It sounds like sci-fi, and you sound shrill and unscientific when you say these things because it literally sounds like, “Come on.” It’s ridiculous. Literally, that could be the plan, is a lot more control of the human population that way through the 4G and 5G.
Louisa, you are not the only one saying this. You mentioned Dr. Delgado from Spain but there are others who are starting to sound the alarm that the graphene oxide does interact with the 4G and 5G in such a way that it’s going to make us more not only susceptible to sickness but easy victims of control.
Bobby Kennedy won his lawsuit against the FCC in August of 2021. The FCC asserted that 5G is safe for children, and they didn’t win. They lost because it’s not safe for children or us as children. The 5G does so much damage to the brain. Many of the symptoms are fatigue and memory loss. I have noticed it since the end of January 2022. I have been freaking out.
I love this house. I thought I will live here forever. I am doing what Dr. Delgado Martin is suggesting. I’m moving from my dream house to the country, more to the Texas Hill Country, away from anything. Especially with a little acreage so I can protect against the Wi-Fi, which was okay before January 2022 but it’s not okay now with the increased strength.
Have you been able to measure it or are you feeling it in your body?
Both. I energetically test it. I also have a pretty decent meter that biologists suggest. In my house, I am at moderate-high and sometimes extreme. I’m wired. I don’t have Wi-Fi. I know better than that.
Carlo, a man who collaborated on the Generation Zapped movie, was suggesting that we should all be able to adapt. In other words, you are a healthy person, and I’m a healthy person. Can’t we just manage this new load of radiation?
In a horrifying and happy way, I have adapted. It’s scaring me. This happened at the end of January 2022. February, I was freaking out like, “What am I going to do?” Like a rat caught in a trap, and then it got a little better in March. April, I’ve got my meter. It’s the same readings but I have adapted. If you asked me, yes, my head is a little full. There’s a little pressure but I have adapted.
That’s what people do. I’m a little dumber than I used to be. I will be talking to a girlfriend, have a little glass of wine, and more often than not, I will say, “What was I talking about?” I’m aware of it. If you can afford to get out of the city or these places and what you do is go to the internet and google Verizon coverage map or A&T but the Verizon is easiest. Go to the Verizon coverage map link, and put in your ZIP code.
If you are orange and red, that is a problem. You won’t flight in pink. You can still be out in the country. You can still put a dish or a satellite 10 or 20 feet from your home. You can put a coaxial cable underground in your home. You can put an ethernet cord as soon as it gets into the home and put it to your router, and get wired internet. You can still live in the country and be on the internet and emailing people.

Even people who don’t necessarily buy into the concerns you’ve cited about graphene oxide and its interaction with 5G and 4G would still serve them well to move away from these hotspots.
Yes, if they do any study on the 5G. The trouble is the information is so suppressed but go to Bobby Kennedy’s website. We have information on our website, Wise Tradition’s website on 5G and 4G and all the damage it does.
Coming up, Louisa explains why it is more critical than ever to eat a healthy Wise Traditions type diet. She shares strategies and supplements that help us protect ourselves against radiation and cell damage in our increasingly toxic world.
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We’ve planted or presented the problem in the fact that there are graphene oxide and toxins in these shots, both the mRNA and the viral vector vaccines are troubling. I love the practical advice you gave for the girls who were going to get tested from the PCR to get the charcoal in their noses and take the activated charcoal. What can we do if we believe there’s someone around us who has gotten the jab to avoid getting a toxic load from them?
It depends. I have been talking to husbands and wives for a few years now. It gets awfully awkward when I avoid that person for 2 or 3 weeks. If you possibly can, I would. These are serious times. I remember Bobby Kennedy was doing a talk. It was at our conference and he was saying, “Think about a nurse. The nurse was saying, ‘Should I quit my job?’” Bobby said, “Normally, I would say no because you need to work. In these times of revolution, yes.” I’m paraphrasing. What I’m saying is these are serious times. This is war. You need to let your spouse know that it’s not okay to have Wi-Fi in the house and for them to get vaccinated.
If they do, you are not going to sleep in their same bed for at least 2 to 3 weeks. The biggest treatment that I have found that works is activated bamboo charcoal or any charcoal but the activated bamboo is the best. That charcoal has been around since Hippocrates 400 BC, and 1500 BC. It’s amazing. It’s an antidote for poisoning. It’s fantastic. If someone, for example, is forced to get the vaccine, I will have them take it orally but also put a little paste or rub it on the injection site. After ten minutes, take it off and then put it on again. It’s the same thing you do for a snake bite.
If you are in the wild and bitten by a snake and the way to the hospital, you have some charcoal in your pack, and you might want to make a little paste of the charcoal. You want to put it on the bite, wait 10 minutes, wash it off, do it again, wait 10 minutes, wash it off. The charcoal has been for everything. It binds viruses, bacteria, and fungus. It’s for toxic metals, toxic chemicals, and snake bites. It’s the same thing you do for snake bites.
Is it the most intense time of transmission when they have just gotten the jab? In other words, you said, stay away for 2 to 3 weeks but it doesn’t have to be 2 to 3 months, or does it?
In my small experience, it’s like EMS. Distance makes a difference. If your neighbor is 400 feet away and has Wi-Fi, that’s better than 20 feet away. It’s the same thing with the shot. I was talking to my neighbor one morning. I had been talking to him for about ten minutes. It was about 11:00 in the morning. I was standing about 2 or 3 feet away from him. He said something about, “I got my booster this morning. I jumped away from it.” I said, “You did what?” He’s a straight guy. He doesn’t know anything about holistic medicine. He was shocked. My buddy and I went inside and tested that day, 2 feet away from him.
Beverly Rubik also talked to me about how this graphene oxide and the spike proteins can travel in the air through the breath. I didn’t even shake his hand or anything. I had to take six ABCs that day. That’s what I energetically tested for being that close to somebody who had just gotten a booster. Most of the time, the protocol, if you are around somebody, go to a luncheon, come home, have an intuition about it, you take 1 or 2 ABC capsules when you get home. That helps mitigate any graphene oxide that you’ve received, which is usually being transmitted.
Is ABC another term for activated charcoal?

Activated Bamboo Charcoal. That’s the brand I use because I like the wildcrafted and activated bamboo charcoal. You come home, take charcoal, and then the general chronic protocol is 1 or 2 caps, 2 to 3 nights a week for a long time. For those people that have been vaccinated, yes, because they say this spike protein, the graphene oxide, or all these things that are contributing to the body are self-generating. They are charged particles. You want to start binding.
They call it adsorbing because it’s a charged situation where the charcoal, which is negatively charged, is binding to the positively charged toxins. It’s a beautiful thing with graphene oxide because it’s a charged particle. It’s definitely being bound. I have seen a lot of results with people on this protocol of the activated charcoal for quite a while.
Is all of this happening in the bloodstream or other cells of the body?
Every cell in the body. What’s scary is that I have never gotten a vaccine. I never wore a mask. Lucky for me, I was in Texas. I had a little bandana and pulled it up if I had to if somebody complained. Otherwise, I never wore a mask. I never got a PCR test. I never got that jab up my nose. I test for graphene oxide at times, especially with this new 4G and 5G coverage in my frontal cortex with my energetic testing. I test for it. I am taking that charcoal intermittently as needed. If you do energetic testing, it’s great because you can test for when to take it and how much to take. Some people want to take it every night.
I say, “No. You want to detox and then rest.” Take it Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However, for example, I got a patient from San Francisco, a healthy young guy, truly injured, hard copy data from vaccines. He took two Pfizer in 2020, and then he took a Moderna booster in December 2021. His IL-4, interleukin 4, interleukin 10, all these cytokines had five of them positive. He had aphasia. He couldn’t speak well. He had trouble walking, all of these things.
Now he’s done a ton of work and come to see me. His treatment was number one, to get the constitutional homeopathic remedy to do everything we can deeply to turn him around and also to take the activated charcoal 1 every night for 3 weeks. He did need to hit it hard. Everybody is different. He was truly injured from these shots.
I asked someone and said, “How many of these shots are you going to get?” They were like, “As many as they tell us to. We don’t think they are bad.” This was the person’s response. What might they see happen if they keep going and this graphene oxide keeps accumulating in their system?
I don’t even know, Hilda. Was this someone that’s a friend of yours?
Not a close friend. It’s not like we hang out every week. They are afraid of me because I haven’t gotten vaccinated.
We are like, “Right back at you. If you are double-masked and have been vaccinated and boosted, you keep your distance for me too because I’m going to go home and take some charcoal when I’m around you.” It is a Civil War now, isn’t it? It is so sad. I moved home to Austin in 2017 from California, thank God. That was providential to be with my good friends. A few of them are not holistic. I’ve got to say, we are not talking very much anymore. It’s hard to communicate.
It’s wise to wait until people show interest, and if they don’t show interest, definitely don’t force it on them because it’s got to be when they’re ready.
Honestly, speaking of energy, Louisa, I don’t want to be afraid of the people who’ve gotten the jab. I feel like they need more hugs than anybody else. It’s almost like they are turning more into a blend of human and AI, Artificial Intelligence. They are getting these things in there. They are not thinking properly. They are not emoting the same way. It’s a little startling. I feel like the last thing I want to do is abandon them. What would you do if you were surrounded by these people yourself?
I look for new friends. I hate to be so blunt. I have tried. I’m a holistic doctor, and I’m not getting any respect from some of my non-holistic friends. I have tried to tell him this or that or, “Can I send you this? Can I send you that?” They are not listening to me. We are on different battlefronts now. I hate to be that way but we are. I don’t know what to do with them. Bobby Kennedy said, “Use the more Socratic method and question them about how do they feel about this because they are not listening to us at all.” Maybe that will work but when they don’t listen, I don’t know what to do.
I listen to my question and my friend’s response. I was like, “How many are you going to get?” “As many as they tell us to.” I was aghast because if the person is that convinced, there’s nothing we can do. Except, unfortunately, wait until the consequences do start to appear. In which case, they may come back to you or me saying, “Help. What do I do?”
I don’t want to sound so cold but as a holistic doctor, I probably learned this even more than you have. Years ago, we come home and tell our mother, sister or parents, “Do you want to try this vitamin D?” All the decades of trying to get friends and family onboard. Many times, not being heard but actually being insulted. You get to a point where if you are talking to someone and they are listening and somebody new and they are like, “Tell me about that,” I am all ready to talk to them, send them info, send them research studies, papers, etc. If somebody is not willing to listen, I respect myself enough nowadays to not waste my breath a lot because it’s hard on us.
It’s wise to wait until people show interest. If they don’t show interest, definitely don’t force it on them because it’s got to be when they are ready. I also wanted to ask you, you’ve mentioned the activated bamboo charcoal. I’ve heard about bentonite clay and other grounding minerals and nutrients. Are there others you would recommend that we should start to take?
Bentonite clay is a binder. It didn’t test as well for me as the charcoal. It’s not on my protocol now. I used to use it years ago. I don’t use it so much. I do energetic testing. My matrix reflex testing is a little bit particular and sensitive. When things don’t test well for me, they don’t get on my protocol, even though they would benefit a lot of people. For example, Dr. Delgado Martin says, “Take a lot of antioxidants, a lot of vitamin C, NAC, and glutathione,” which he’s completely right.
In my case, I like the MSM sulfur, which is a precursor to glutathione in the liver. That’s more natural. I like natural vitamin C. I like to take supplements that aren’t pharmaceutically isolated, manufactured. On my list, for example, for the chronic recommendations or the Wise Traditions diet, you’ve got to add here more strictly than possible. Now is not the time to be lax about horrible vegetable oils or even your primary food allergy.
Be strict and careful. The Quinton, it’s actually quanton in France. The sea plasma minerals, those tests are great for me. The pure radiance C vitamins. Pan energy, and my enzymes from Europe test well. The Russian algae. The EMU oil, our walkabout EMU oil. The fermented Cod liver oil, I like getting my A and D from that. Many people are taking the synthetic, more isolated pharmaceutically made A and D. It doesn’t test well clinically or energetically. We do everything that we’ve always said to do in our Wise Traditions protocol but I’ve added the activated charcoal like crazy right after a vaccine or a shot. If the person was forced to get it, I suggest Ledum Palustre.
I have a blog called Don’t Get Shamed and Blamed. In there, there’s an acute recommendation PDF and there’s a chronic recommendation PDF. Ledum is for bites and stings and literally helps to remove the poison from that. Ledum Palustre 200C that’s the most classic remedy for a vaccine or shot injury. If that doesn’t work, silica would come second, trust, sylycia or silica. Speaking of my blog. I have a vaccinosis blog, which is vaccinosis protocol on my blog. That has been there for years.
Vaccinosis is the term coined in the 1800s by homeopaths because they quickly recognized the damage that smallpox vaccines were doing, and which has been proven in the research. There has been cancer on the ipsilateral breast from smallpox vaccines in cancer right at the site, even though they are saying smallpox and polio cure all these things.

It was hygiene that made such a difference but I don’t have the charcoal on my protocol because one could argue that charcoal may be binding the attenuated viruses and bacteria too much and negate the vaccine. I don’t have it on there. I only have it on my Don’t Get Shamed and Blamed blog for the people that had to get the shot and are trying their damnedest to mitigate the damage.
You were using imagery earlier about being in a war and the battlefield. Louisa, do you foresee issues with more “variants” and things coming down the pike or at least more injections being pushed or promoted?
I was thinking one of the good things about this whole plandemic monstrosity is that before 2020, think of all the people in our country and around the world that thought vaccines were great and gave their children all 72 vaccines from 0 to 18. The silver lining is that such a large majority of the population is realizing, “These vaccines aren’t what we learned about.”
I did want to ask you, as we segue here, if you could offer one bit of advice, what one thing might you recommend for the reader to do to improve their health?
I am sold on this activated charcoal. You can get it at the drug store and the health food store. I like the activated bamboo charcoal wildcrafted. I have it on my site but to take it 2 to 3 nights a week before bed in this environment we have now where the graphene if you get changed from the clerk at Walgreens, you are receiving graphene oxide. You are getting it everywhere. We are getting it less. We can get well but in this environment, you must protect yourself because it’s a toxic poison in the air, on the skin, everywhere.
I even talk about it. It’s also good for food poisoning. If you have food poisoning, you take it orally. You also rub some black charcoal on your belly. If you have a left sore hip joint, rub some charcoal on that left hip. Within seconds, often, the pain reduces. There are all kinds of benefits to it. It’s great to have in your emergency kit.
Thank you so much for all of your time and your wonderful advice. I appreciate you.
Thank you, Hilda. I appreciate it. I will be seeing you at the conference in Knoxville.
I’m looking forward to it.
Me, too.
Our guest was Dr. Louisa Williams. Go to her website for a number of resources, LouisaWilliamsND.com. You can find me at HolisticHilda.com. For a review from Apple Podcasts, this one comes from Wisdom Gatherer. “Thank you for providing well-rounded and well-researched knowledge as well as information. I appreciate being empowered to think for myself rather than regurgitating what someone else tells me. Thank you.”
Wisdom Gatherer, you are so welcome. We have a great time putting the show out for you and gathering the information that we all need. If you would like to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, you are welcome to do so. Give us as many stars as you like. Maybe we will give you a shout-out in a future episode. Thank you so much for reading, my friends. Stay well. Remember that all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.
About Dr. Louisa Williams
Louisa Williams initially studied psychology at the University of Texas where she received a Bachelor’s degree, and later obtained her Master’s at Purdue University. Increasingly drawn to the mind-body aspect of healing, she attended Texas Chiropractic College and graduated cum laude in 1984. After moving to the Northwest and establishing the Seattle Health Clinic that specialized in environmental medicine and detoxification, she enrolled as a student at the naturopathic medical school and graduated in 1990. Dr. Williams later practiced in Marin County, California for 18 years where she wrote the book Radical Medicine. She returned to her home state in 2017 and currently practices in the Texas Hill Country far away from 5G!
Dr. Williams specializes in homeopathy—both constitutional and acute, biological dentistry including mercury amalgam detox, cavitation surgery, and malocclusions; the diagnosis and treatment of chronic focal infections (dental, tonsil, sinus, scars); the identification of primary food sensitivities; the prescription of natural non-pharmaceutically-derived supplementation; and counseling patients on the principles of the Wise Traditions diet.
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- Beverly Rubik – Past Episode
- Verizon coverage map
- SerenityFarmBread.com
- Amazon.com/optimalcarnivore
- Don’t Get Shamed and Blamed – Louisa Williams Blog
- Vaccinosis – Louisa Williams Blog
- HolisticHilda.com
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Hi! It’s mentioned in a couple podcast episodes that you can “hardwire” your home. BUT when I called my internet provider and asked them about this, they claimed that I would need to pay 3 or 4 times the monthly amount in order to do so. Is there something I am missing here? Any tips for how to get your home hard wired? Do these people who have their homes hard wired experience this increase in monthly payment? Or do they just have one Ethernet connection and alternate for the tv and the computer as needed? Thanks for all of your help!
Another great interview! Homeopathy is a health area I need to look into and stock up on some remedies before govt health officials close the door on this proven “safe and effective” alternative to the white coats pushing health destructive drugs and vaccines.
Also have to say THANKS A BUNCH for providing transcripts for those of us who prefer reading to listening. I copy and save or make hard copies of many of these transcripts for future reference.
And to you, Hilda, THANKS ANOTHER BUNCH for providing this fabulous resource for WAPF readers. So much of what you bring to us is practical and simple – like today’s CHARCOAL remedy.