It’s challenging to discern fact from fiction these days—in terms of the virus, vaccines, and just about everything else. What’s really happening? Lori Gregory and Dr. Andy Wakefield discuss on this podcast how much our times resemble those of the fictitious novel “1984.” Their recent movie “1986: The Act” also touches on the topic of cover-ups, misinformation, and the problems related to the vaccine injury court established in 1986.
They talk about the importance of understanding the risks involved in vaccines and of trusting maternal intuition. They discuss how to distinguish fact from fiction in our surreal times. And they offer ideas for defending our health freedom at this critical juncture in history.
Listen to the episode here:
Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.Welcome to the show, Lori and Andy.
Thank you so much, Hilda. It’s such a pleasure to be here.
Hilda, it’s great to meet you in person. I’m very glad to be here.
We’re here for this Health Freedom Conference and we’ll get to that in a moment but I wanted to begin by asking you about 1986: The Act movie. I noticed in your logo, first it says 1984 and that’s crossed out and then it says 1986. What does that mean? What’s the symbolism behind that?
Andy had the idea of using that imagery because there’s so much parallelism between the story in 1984 and what we’re experiencing.
I wrote a book which predicted a totalitarian state where we did exactly as we were told or we perished if we deviated. Everything was aligned. The entire thing was constructed on a line.
Was that the book where they had slogans that they would repeat to indoctrinate people?
That’s right. War is peace. That’s where we are now. The government was right and the government could rewrite history. The history was erased and it was only what the government said the history was. That’s what we see now. We see the media and government infrastructure being abused, unhealthy relationships between the government and industry which characterizes the Nazi party. That’s what Nazism is and that is where we’re heading. We won’t get there because we’re going to stop it and that’s the purpose of the film, but you can see right across America and the world that people are standing up and saying no and we’re going to win it. There’s no question at all in my mind. We’re winning every day which is why they’re so angry and furious. Each article in the newspaper on the news is even more vehement in the lie, they’re losing and they don’t understand why they’re losing. They’re losing because what they’re doing is based upon a lie and we have the truth. That’s a simple fact.
What would you say that lie is, Andy or Lori?
There’s a series of lies but mentioning the slogans from 1984, we’ve seen these in this narrative for a while. Let’s go back to when direct-to-consumer advertising started for the pharmaceutical industry, “Ask your doctor.” How many times have we heard that? During SB-277 which was the Mandatory Vaccine Bill in California that was introduced in 2015, “Community immunity,” was another slogan that you see pushed and we’re living in a hashtag world anyway. It becomes a platform for these lies that are ingrained in our psyche from programming. That’s why they call it programming and television.
Some people would say they’re not lies because clearly, our doctors know more than we do and community immunity is what we’re shooting for. Let’s dive a little deeper. Where’s the lie?
A lie is the worst kind of lie. It’s self-deception. It starts with the vain and false assumption that we can overcome nature, adapt nature and we can change. For example, viruses or bacteria. We can mutate them in a laboratory, adapt them and exploit them for our own ends. We can have dominion over them and we can’t. When you make assumptions about natural processes like the evolution of viruses, their ability to re-emerge of something far more dangerous, and you try and exploit that in commercial or ostensibly public interests, then you are involved in the worst self-deception.
Time and time again, nature has taught us that you cannot do that. If you make one tiny change to the ecosystem of man’s interaction with viruses in order to produce a live attenuated vaccine or a Frankenstein vaccine against COVID-19, then nature will come back to haunt you in the biggest way. That is the most dangerous form of lie. It’s deceiving yourself as a scientist, as a health and public health official that you can do this.
The industry doesn’t care. The people who work in the industry are in it for a short-term gain. They want their bonus then they can get out. They can move on to another company. They don’t care about the longevity of Merck or anyone else. They’re interested in themselves. That makes them very dangerous because they don’t care how much damage they cause along the way, as long as they benefit or get out in time. That’s the worst form of lie. It’s that self-deception.
If I could add in another layer of censorship on top of that, look at the lie even in how data have been presented with regard to COVID. Look at the lies surrounding Imperial College and Ferguson’s data. He was the one that cried wolf on mad cow disease and yet he was the standard that we followed for shutting down the whole globe. There’s so much even embedded in the COVID narrative when you have censorship where the president of the United States is tweeting about the CDC’s latest data that show only 6% of the total COVID numbers died from COVID. That’s 9,210 people and then that tweet gets deleted. The president of the United States is getting censored with CDC data. There are so many.
I want to talk to you about things that we may not be aware of that are lies because they are covered up. Most people who are consuming media and don’t stop to question it. They receive it and think, “That’s true. The president is crazy,” whatever it is. Let’s talk, for example, about polio. When I began a conversation about vaccines, people will often say to me, “Polio was eradicated by vaccines.” What can you say in response to that? I love the scene that you put in the movie, Andy. What about polio?
We got the same thing. What about polio? It’s almost as if that statement alone dismisses the entire argument. We don’t need to go any further. We put that right up front in the film. The husband is skeptical. He doesn’t follow his wife’s belief that there’s a problem with vaccines. He walks out of it and that’s it. We deal with that. Polio is a fascinating history. First of all, the catastrophe of The Cutter Incident is illustrated in the movie where they knew.
This is an important lesson and going forward for where we are now is the company, Cutter, in Berkley, California was 1 of 6 companies licensed to make the Salk vaccine. That’s the inactivated Salk vaccine. It should kill the virus, a dead virus that you’re injecting into children to elicit an immune response. That was the first vaccine. What a bizarre way to approach an infectious disease that is oral. We experienced oral exposure to the poliovirus naturally, and suddenly we’re injecting it into the skin and bypassing all of those immune systems.
Not only that, the company knew that they were injecting contaminated vaccines. They knew that some of their vaccines contained a highly violent virus that they had not killed, so they were directly injecting into children some live virus and that produce a catastrophe. It produced paralysis and death in many children. Those children who developed polio excreted the poliovirus and people who came into contact with them suffered an epidemic of polio as well with paralysis and death. It was complete shambles.
In that situation, we have a certain number of things that happen. One is that Julius Youngner, who worked with Salk in Pittsburgh, went to examine the Cutter Laboratory. He said, “This laboratory is a disgrace.” He wrote a letter to the laboratory saying he wanted them to shut down production. Salk said, “No, I’m the boss. They recognize my name. I’ll write the letter.” He never wrote the letter. Children were killed. Children died as a consequence because Salk, this hero of polio vaccination, never troubled to write the letter warning them that this production should be ceased then the government decided to lie.
There were six facilities producing the vaccine. It wasn’t the only Cutter that had the contaminated vaccine. Two others but they didn’t want to scare the public so they didn’t tell the public. They allowed those other two laboratories to go on producing contaminated polio vaccines. That was the inactivated vaccine. It was an example that was reiterated around the world and then we have in developing countries now under the generosity of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, we have oral polio vaccine.
This is now a live vaccine taken by mouth. How strange that we are using the virus itself to produce immunity and in one passage through a baby’s gut, it reverts to virulent poliovirus. Now we know that all outbreaks in developing countries of polio around the world now, and I read about one, we had Sudan and another country, are due to the vaccine. You will never eradicate the disease because it’s the vaccine itself that is causing the disease that is polio.
Aren’t they changing the name, Andy or they’re calling it Acute Transverse Myelitis or something like that?
They’re calling the condition in India where it’s produced the death or paralysis in up to 50,000 children the Vaccine-Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis. It’s a complete misnomer and it’s caused by the vaccine. The only difference between that condition that’s killing children in India now and historical natural polio is this one is twice as deadly as natural polio.
They’ll use that as an excuse to increase the polio vaccines or the rate of vaccination.
It’s mind-boggling when you stop and think about all that’s happening. Didn’t India kick the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation out because they saw this association between the vaccination and the occurrence of polio and their population?
They did. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation representatives had got themselves onto the regulatory board within India of vaccines. They were taken off that board in light of the events surrounding the polio vaccine. Where they are now whether they’ve been physically removed from India or not, I don’t know but they were removed from the decision-making process about the vaccines. Not least of which is because they had financial interests in those vaccines.
I’m not 100% sure, I need to check my facts but I believe that there was an HPV incident. Also, there were enough incidents around HPV in 2015 that were starting to trigger. It may have been a combination of factors, but I’ll have to double-check that.
Let’s go back because Andy was saying time and time again, there’s been this pattern where we have been misled or we’ve misunderstood how viruses and vaccinations work. Talk to us about the swine flu, which you also discuss in your movie.
Swine flu is another lesson that we should have learned from what happened with swine flu in ‘76 was one case in Fort Dix, New Jersey and the CDC said, “This is identical to the 1970 Spanish flu that killed millions of people worldwide. We’re going to vaccinate 95% of the country’s population. We’re going to rush a vaccine to market.” Where we heard those words, “We’re going to rush a vaccine to market, in the interests of the public.” There were three other cases. They were all at Fort Dix.
That is the sum total number of cases of H1N1 swine flu. It was not the same as the 1917 virus. They got it completely wrong. The vaccine was rushed through production. The insurance company said, “We’re not indemnifying you for this. This vaccine has never been proven to be safe.” The companies went to the government and said, “If you want the public to have this vaccine, we want you to indemnify us. Take all responsibility for damage and death that’s done.” Ironically, there was an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease or bacterial disease that had nothing whatsoever to do with swine flu. What it led to is the American public because of the media thinking, “Here it comes. The deadly swine flu, we’re all going to die.”
The vaccine was given indemnity by the government. Congress immediately gave indemnity. That was the first blood in the water for vaccine makers getting indemnity. That’s all they needed was one taste. Once they realized that they could use fear to coerce Congress into giving them liability protection for vaccines, it was open season. That led to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which gave them liability protection for all vaccines recommended by the CDC on that childhood schedule. They realized at that point, they could use fear as a marketing tool to get them indemnity, to have a mandatory market with no liability. All they could do is make a vast profit and that is exactly what they did.
Do you want to add something, Lori?
There’s so much happening right now in our country. Moms are feeling the pressure of homeschooling their children, not necessarily by choice. The question of not only childhood vaccine safety but now this operation web speed, rush to market, no liability combination with the threat of mandates. The reason the movie is so important is it gives that historical perspective. Andy, you’ve done a tremendous job providing a document for history. The film is a documentation and gives a historical perspective of exactly where we are.
That is precisely why lawmakers especially need to see this film but everybody. We’re seeing incredible demand for the film globally. We have ticket sales that are in countries that I’ve never heard of before, but there aren’t enough informed people about the history of the process and what we’re seeing. That’s why I urge everyone to go see the film that it is live. We’ve been asked, “When is it dropping?” It’s dropped. You can watch it. It’s at It’s streamable and purchasable for download and we’re doing pre-order DVDs.
I’m so pleased to hear about this demand worldwide, but I’m also concerned about those who want to continue on with their eyes closed who will not see the film because they’re convinced that the vaccine companies and the government have our best interests at heart. Can we do anything about that? Can we turn the tide?
There are not enough Americans seeing this film. The choir has seen the film but we need to get outside of the church. The film needs to be seen by our entire nation. We are the ones who decide policy because we choose the lawmakers and we need to engage in the political process which people are starting to do. There’s been so much destruction, upheaval, many fascist policies emerging and the threat of fascist policies including vaccine mandates that this film is a great way to get involved. Americans need to engage in seeing the movie. We don’t have enough numbers. We know that when people find out, for example, the simple fact that vaccine makers have no liability. The majority of Americans don’t even know that truth. We need to know this as a nation. We need to understand because we set policy for the whole planet. Other countries follow America.
What I wanted to do is go back to, and this is the crux of 1986: The Act, that was the act that established the National Vaccine Injury Court. To date, billions have been paid out to families who have suffered from vaccine injury or death but nobody knows about that. Andy, do you want to add something to it?
There is another element to the story that’s important. It’s one that you at the Weston Price Foundation have recognized for a very long time, but it’s one that people underestimate to their enormous costs. That is what the film is about. It’s the power of maternal intuition. It’s about innate knowledge that there is a problem. It’s not ignoring the science, it’s deferring to the science. It’s a mother having her first child somewhat late in life saying, “I know there’s a problem with this. I don’t know what it is, but I am going to get to the bottom of it. I’m going to read science. I’m going to read the law. I’m going to read every single thing I can get my hands on. I’m going to do my due diligence because this matters to me.”
Dragging her initially reluctant husband on that path with her to the point where he becomes even more vehement about the issue. I see this so many times. This is about ancient wisdom that is the reason for our survival. Mothers, women collectively and individually need to start recognizing that power and taking back the internal authority and not deferring to the man in the white coat or Tony Fauci standing behind a podium telling us how we’re going to live our lives or live or die our lives in Washington.
That’s important. It’s not an emotional argument, it’s a survival imperative and we ignore it at our peril. That is the most important. The other thing that people need to understand as we come to a crucial time in the country’s history and coming up to this election is you need to decide how you’re going to vote. For years, I had been an observer of American politics. I’ve not participated in the American political scene because I’ve not been entitled to but I’ve watched. I’ve come to the simple realization that this is under our control.
If you want mandatory vaccination for your children, the government to take control of your decision-making process, take control of your child, own your child and you, and you will say what will go into your bodies, that’s fine. I don’t care about your past political affiliations or who you side with, it’s irrelevant. For the next campaign or election, you vote for your children. Which leaders are going to look after the interests of your children over and above those of the pharmaceutical industry who are paying their lobbyists to persuade you to mandate their vaccines?
Isn’t the president who’s running for re-election also behind Operation Warp Speed? Isn’t he saying the faster we get this vaccine out, the better? How do we know that he’s not going to turn around and mandate vaccines or his party?
We don’t. At the moment, we’ve done a lot of work on investigating this and how the American people feel about this. There is Operation Warp Speed and they are producing this vaccine at warp speed in order to offset all of the concerns or the fears that have been generated through Fauci, the media, and all the pressure that he’s got from politicians and public health advisors. He doesn’t know anything about vaccines. He’s not an epidemiologist, virologist or public health official. He is entirely dependent on the people who are giving him the advice.
The advice is, “Let’s get this vaccine out because people want it.” That’s number one. Warp Speed exists. Also, in view of the PREP Act, they have no liability. That’s not something he put into position. It was there. The PREP Act means the drug companies have no liability. Therefore, the position that he needs to take and he has taken in the past is that this vaccine is for only those who want it. He said this explicitly. There can be no vaccine mandate for COVID-19 because we’ve rushed this to market. Because we’ve cattail safety studies and there’s no liability, there can be no vaccine mandate.
Nobody should be forced to have this vaccine. It’s for those who want it. That’s the position that he should take and he should state explicitly, not historically. He should restate his position explicitly. We know that if he does that, then a lot of people are going to say, “This is my issue. Health freedom is my issue. I’m going to vote on a single-issue basis because if we go the other way, then we’re going to have mandatory vaccination.” We’re already seeing that in the state of Virginia. They’re going to have mandatory COVID vaccination for everybody.
Is that what we want? We discover right in the middle of a trial that someone has developed transverse myelitis. It’s one of the most severe complications that you can have from a vaccine. It showed up in a trial. They had to stop the trial. They’ve restarted it in the UK but not in America. That is a very severe adverse reaction. It is a recognized vaccine reaction. It is on the table of vaccine injuries. They can’t deny that in that healthy person, that vaccine exposure did not cause that transverse myelitis. We saw this with polio and swine flu vaccine, transverse myelitis and death.
That’s what we will see with this vaccine. As far as I’m concerned, if I was in that trial and I was awaiting the placebo, I would say, “Thank you very much. I changed my mind.” That’s the way it’s going to go. The next one in line is the Moderna Vaccine. That’s the one in the trials that had a very high rate of serious and moderate adverse reactions in the healthiest people they could find. That was in the high dose vaccine. What are they going to find when they give the high dose vaccine to elderly people which is what they’re going to have to give because the elderly needs a higher dose to produce an immune response? We’re going to see a very high rate of adverse reactions in those. Would I be part of that? Do I want that vaccine? No, I don’t. That’s why over 50% of Americans are now saying, “This vaccine isn’t for us.” That’s the way this thing is going.
I also want to point out that historically, the Red Team’s Platform has always been bodily autonomy. When we look across the country and the state mandates, it has been divided down party lines. Blue team is pushing it, the red team is voting against it. When we see things like President Trump talking about convalescent plasma and Remdesivir, that is code for you’re going to have choices. That’s much more than we’ve ever seen from the blue team who are funded by the pharmaceutical companies.
The Weston Price Foundation is apolitical, but we’ll put this out because these are your opinions. We respect you both. Andy, you mentioned health freedom and that voting is one way in which we can move closer to where we want that autonomy that Lori was referencing. What other things can we do as individuals that might change our collective future?
We need to recognize, as you have for a long time, that health is innate. Our health is embedded in what we eat, what we ingest and what we put into our bodies. The healthier the food that we ingest, the healthier we’re going to be. We need to look after ourselves. We need to take charge of our own destiny and health. We can do that. Do not become a puppet to the man in the white coat to medicine, making you ill and then trying to give you drugs to make you better. It’s not going to work.
I come from that position. I have learned that lesson very painfully. Tony Fauci himself has realized it. He’s taking vitamin C and vitamin D. The man is telling us we need to wait for the vaccine that’s going to save us all. That’s the message. The principal message is that the body has a remarkable ability to protect itself, to prevent disease and then to recover from problems should they arise. We need to defer to that, understand and protect our own health. Take charge. Don’t hand that responsibility over to someone else who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. That’s one of the most important messages.
As part of that, don’t take your doctor’s word for it. Go watch The Act. Learn the truth. Don’t be afraid to know the truth. The truth will set you free. Understand the history and where we’ve come from. We cannot know where we’re going if we don’t know where we’ve been. We know this is a challenging topic. There are families that have had food fights at Thanksgiving over this topic. We know it can be radioactive. We understand people get very polarized. The goal is to move to a place of being able to have the conversation so that we can talk about it.
The film gives you a way to do that. It also gives you an opportunity. You can purchase the film and send it to someone so that they can watch it. Let us have the conversation for you by showing this wonderful couple who’ve been trying to conceive and they finally find out they’re expecting, they go down the rabbit hole, and they educate us on precisely what our history is, the true, painful history. The other thing that you can do, you can text to 474747. Text to that number and you will receive a link from us on how we can connect.
We’re getting many requests, Hilda. I love Weston Price. I have to say, you guys saved me years ago by teaching me how to eat properly when I didn’t have that background. It’s been amazing. I love what you’re doing. Your work is so powerful. We would love your audience to connect with us because we’re getting this request from all over, “What can we do? How can we get involved?” If you text to 474747, you’ll connect with Team 1986. We’re not asking for money. We’re not going to sell your name and your email address. We’re going to start to share ways that you can engage so that we can become that one issue voting block and we can get involved.
You mentioned that people are afraid of the truth and they’re also afraid of this virus. How do you think that fear is driving us?
For one thing, the moms. There’s this term I’d never heard of before, the rage moms. They’re calling us rage moms, moms around the country who are at the pressure point. They’re trying to work, being forced to homeschool now because their kids are having to distance learn, to do the laundry, to cook the meals, walk the dog and grocery shop. We’re overwhelmed trying to navigate all of this. The fear is their children aren’t going to be able to go back to school until there’s a vaccine. If you’re living in California under Governor Newsom, that’s the battle cry. Governor Newsom, who is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, which the media never seems to talk about.
It’s not something the mainstream media talks about. He’s saber-rattling that children will not be allowed to go back to school until there’s a vaccine. Moms, even if they vaccinate their children, are terrified of this and rightfully so. There’s reason to be terrified. The best that I can offer is to go watch the film and educate yourself. I would almost call it a Master’s level education, a vaccine policy, the understanding of the corruption, the collusion that got us to where we are. You need to know these facts. If a product doesn’t have liability in the marketplace, it removes the incentive to make quality safe products because we don’t have any liability for these products in our market. There’s reason to be a suspect.
Bringing your question and Lori’s point about the past, the importance of the past is bringing it back to George Orwell. George Orwell wrote in 1984, “Those who control the present, control the past.” In other words, those in power now, be the social media, politicians, mainstream media, they rewrite the past. They allow us to see the past that they want us to see and nothing else. He went on to say, “Those who control the past, control the future.” If we want to control the future, we must go back and understand the past and take control of the past, the true past, ourselves. Only in that way can we control the future.
I want to ask you the question I often pose at the end of the show, which might seem unrelated.
It’s your James Lipton moment.
If the audience could do one thing to improve their health or you would say one thing to move toward health freedom, you pick, what would you recommend that they do, one step that they can take?
When the DVD is available and you can pre-order, go buy ten DVDs. Take them by hand to your lawmakers and start a conversation.
Thank you, Andy and Lori, for your time. I’m excited to get this into people’s hands, their ears and their consciousness, so that we can spread this word and live for health and freedom. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much, Hilda. It’s such a pleasure.
Thank you, Hilda.
About Andy Wakefield
Andy Wakefield As a doctor in London during the 80’s, Andy J. Wakefield, was a pioneer in the study of the gut/brain connection in modern medicine. After publishing hundreds of clinical studies with renown, he was caught at the center of controversy when his 1997 Lancet study suggested that further scientific review should be performed on the safety of MMR, based on his investigations into the link between unusual patterns of measles exposure and inflammatory bowel disease. He has since dedicated his life to researching and educating the world on his discoveries.
He is a best-selling author and film producer. He recently launched 7th Chakra Films making documentary films that share whistleblower stories and recently launched his 3rd Film: 1986: The Act.
About Lori Gregory
Lori Gregory With an extensive background as a business consultant in entertainment and investor relations, Lori Martin Gregory is the CEO of 7th Chakra Films and Producer of “1986: The Act.” She holds degrees in Journalism & Broadcasting from MSU, Denver and a MBA from Boston University. Gregory combines the unique past experiences as both producer and marketer in Los Angeles entertainment industry, with healthcare strategist and advisor, science, and political policymaking.
She is passionate about truth and transparency in science, and began publishing The Mom Street Journal in 2008. She is the CEO of 7th Chakra Films and produced the new release: 1986: The Act.
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