Jan 14-15
Aiken, SC: Rediscovering the Importance of Fats, A South Carolina Weston A. Price Conference with Sally Fallon Morell, Kim Rodriguez, RD, Gary McCown, DDS, and John Kule, MD. Cost is $55 until Jan 12, and $65 at the door. Conference cost includes a delicious hot nourishing traditions meal featuring South Carolina fare. Vendors – with Weston Price products and services will be available on 15th. For more information or to register search westonpricesc.com or Contact: 1280rebecca@wildblue.net (803) 649-4362.
Jan 15
Worcester, MA: NOFA-MASS Annual Winter Conference – Circles of Connection featuring Joel Salatin. Contact: www.nofamass.org/conferences/w2009/, jassy.bratko@nofamass.org, (978) 928-5646.
Jan 21-23
Saratoga Springs, NY: NOFA-NY Diggin’ Diversity annual conference. Contact: www.nofany.org/events/winter-conference, (585) 271-1979
Jan 22
Wisconsin: Sat., Jan. 22 @ 10 am or Sat., Feb. 19 @ 10 am THE ART OF HOME CHEESE MAKING All Supplies $69 – Plan to spend the day! Class ends @ 3 pm Held in Green Bay at Swanstone Gardens for more information see http://www.swanstonegardens.com/catalog/Swanstone4Web_Fall2010.pdf. To register call 920-866-9367
Jan 29
Wisconsin: Home Cheese Making (10am-4pm) Held at Kanyakumari in Milwuakee, WI. To register see http://www.kanyakumari.us
Jan 31
South Hampton Roads, VA: Chapter meeting and showing of Nourishing Our Children. Contact Ron Wilson bookman3@cox.net
Feb 3-5
State College, PA: Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) Farming for the Future. Contact: www.pasafarming.org/our-work/farming-for-the-future-conference, (814) 349-9856
Feb 4-6
San Francisco, CA: The Fourfold Path to Healing Conference, featuring Tom Cowan, MD, Sally Fallon Morell and Jaimen McMillan. Contact: (304) 724-3006, http://fourfoldhealing.com/conference/.
Feb 5
Fredericksburg, VA: WAPF Chapter Meeting at Headquarters Library in Cable Room
1201 Caroline
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 372-1144
Contact number 540-582-3219, suzicroes@gmail.com
Feb. 12
Boulder, CO: The Boulder chapter of the WAPF meets every other month on the second Saturday of the even months from 11am to 2pm. For 2011, those dates are Feb 12, Apr 9, Jun 11, Aug 13, Oct 8, Dec 10. Meeting begin with a WAPF-friendly potluck lunch from 11am to 12pm, introductions from vendors (one to three of them) from 11:45 to 12:15, a speaker on a topic from 12:15 to 1pm, and a food preparation demo from 1 to 2pm. The meetings are held in North Boulder. Please contact one of the leaders to be added to the yahoo group information list to be notified of the meetings and location.
Boulder Chapter Leader: Betsy Sheffield (720) 334-8774, betsy@fitrwellness.com
Feb 15
Big Rapids, MI: Big Rapids chapter meets at Stanwood. LeeAnn will be sharing experiments/successes/tips from her gardening, including seed selection, starting seedlings, soils, production, preservation, etc. As usual, other members will share WAP food projects they have been trying. Encouragement and information always abounds. Chapter contact: Bonnie Miesel – jmiesel869@gmail.com
Feb 18-19
Sioux Falls, South Dakota: The Oiling of America and Seminar on Traditional Diets by Sally Fallon Morell. Contact: WAPF.YanktonSD@gmail.com, (605) 661-8642.
Feb. 18-19
St. Joseph, MN: SFA’s 20th Annual Conference featuring Farming, Food & Fellowship, College of St. Benedict
Slow Money, millionaire model dairy farms, human health, seed swapping, agritourism, on-farm internships, farm business management, baking and brewing—where can you find all of these topics and more covered during one day? At the Sustainable Farming Association of Minnesota’s (SFA) Annual Conference, that’s where.
Speakers include Tim Wightman and Woody Tasch
Join SFA on Saturday, February 19 at the College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. for its 20th Annual Conference – The Routes of Sustainability: Farming, Food & Fellowship. For more information and to register visit www.sfa-mn.org or call 763-260-0209. Pre-registration is encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome.
Pre-conference activities are also happening in St. Joseph on Friday, February 18. The Land Stewardship Project is hosting a Farm Dreams workshop at Resurrection Lutheran Church from 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. SFA is holding The Taste of Sustainability 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at Alumnae Hall, College of St. Benedict.
Feb. 22
Two Rivers, WI: Tim Wightman, President of Farm-to-Consumer Foundation
Speaking on:
“National Trends for our Food Choices & Daily Questions related to Food and Animal Production and Nutrient Density”
6:30 PM at J. E. Hamilton Community House
Behringer Room
1710 West Park & 17th Streets
Two Rivers, WI. 54241
Additional parking on 18th street parking lot
Registration Required
Fee $20
Call 920-793-1900 or 920-973-0320 Or email: lynne.a.prucha@gmail.com
March 2
Wisconsin: Simple Living Series 2011 Traditional Food and Herb Program in Sheboygan, WI New and expanded series. One Saturday per month for 6 months with Linda Conroy and John Holzwart. Maple Sugaring, Basketry, Wild Food, Herbal Medicine, Gardening with Herbs, Putting up food and much more!
March 3
Carlsbad, CA: THE POWER OF THE PASTURE: Nutritional Benefits of Raw Milk and Beef from GrassFed Cows
Mark McAfee, grass dairy farmer and owner of Organic Pastures Dairy will present The 15 Things Pasteurization Destroys. Doug Lindamood, grass rancher and owner of SonRise Ranch will discuss the benefits of pastured beef.
There is no charge for this event and it is open to the public. Bring a friend!
Donations will go to the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund http://www.farmtoconsumer.org
For further information, please call 858.259.6000 or email info@biodynamicwellness.com
6:30 to 8:30 PM
Thursday, March 3rd
at the Carlsbad Library
1775 Dove Lane
Carlsbad 92011
March 5, April 2, May 7, June 25, July 9 and August 27
Wisconsin: We are expanding our ever popular Simple Living Series. This series offers participants the opportunity to learn and enhance a variety of time honored skills. Whether you are new to these skills or have been exploring them in depth you will discover tips and techniques that will inspire your creativity in these traditional arts. Explore various simple living skills with instruction as well as hands on experience. On our website is an outline of what we will cover and of course there will be many opportunities for spontaneous learning as we harvest and prepare a wide variety of plant related foods, medicines, baskets and much more! You will also enjoy Linda’s infamous meals for lunch, which will include whole and wild food! For more information see: http://moonwiseherbs.com/simple_living_series.htm
March 6
Are animal fats and proteins vital factors in our diets? Ms. Fallon will present reasons why, if Americans are to regain their health and vitality, there must be an emphasis on returning to organic farming, pasture-fed livestock and whole traditional foods, properly prepared. The resulting economy would be based on small scale organic production and food processing, rather than the current large-scale food processing conglomerates.
Our events are always free and open to all. Please join us!
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church, 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814
RSVP (to help us judge numbers attending):
Call Marney at (301) 652-0492 or e-mail forum@simplicity-matters.org.
Please include your phone number in your message.
March 10
Chester County, PA
The Chester County Chapter of the Weston A Price Foundation holds meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6-9 pm. We start with a pot luck dinner at 6:15 and a speaker, movie or demonstration at 7pm. Farmers selling their nutrient dense products are present, as well as occassional artisan vendors (cheese, herbs, ferments, etc.).
Meetings are conducted at the Kimberton Waldorf School.
Please contact Annmarie Cantrell for more information: ambutera@verizon.net
Upcoming meeting:
Thursday March 10th- 7 pm, Dr. Andrew Neville of the Clymer Healing Center will be discussing adrenal fatigue and nutrition.
March 13
Ojai, CA, & Santa Barbara, CA: Nutritional Benefits of Raw Milk
You bring your friends and we’ll bring the raw milk…
Come learn how to build and nourish your immune system through raw milk! Share the Secret is an exciting Raw Milk educational outreach program provided free to the public by Organic Pastures Dairy Company and its founder Mark McAfee.
Share the Secret combines
* Colorful Power-Point Presentation,
* Free Raw Milk Samples and
* High Energy Speaking….to enlighten and inform.
Armed with the truth and knowledge your health will never be the same again. Join the 50, 000 raw milk consumers in CA that have made this choice and never looked back.
Time/Date: 12:30pm, Sunday, March 13
Location: The Ojai Valley Community Church, Room 302, Leis Hall, 907 El Centro St., Ojai, CA 93023
RSVP please to WAPFVentura@gmail.com so Organic Pastures will know how much raw milk samples to bring to our event.
Time/Date: 4:00pm, Sunday, March 13
Location: Goleta Library, 500 North Fairview, Goleta 93117
RSVP please to WAPFSantaBarbara@gmail.com so Organic Pastures will know how much raw milk samples to bring to our event.
About Organic Pastures
In 2000 Organic Pastures in Fresno became California’s first raw milk dairy with certified organic pasture land and is one of the few remaining family-owned and operated dairies in California. Organic Pastures Dairy invented and built the first and only mobile dairy barn of its kind in North America. Only organic green pasture and approved naturopathic methods are used to feed and care for the cows. Watch Mark demonstrate how his mobile dairy barn makes his organic milk completely pasture-based on this Youtube clip:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdYQPdpaae
March 15
Big Rapids, MI: The Big Rapids Chapter (meeting March 15 at 6:30PM in Stanwood at the Free Methodist Church activity room) will incorporate three demonstrations: Sourdough Bread with a Latvian spin, Bucket Bread, and Kimchi. Those in attendance love to share information, experiments, and encouragement. Contact person: Bonnie at 231-823-8002
March 18th,19th and 20th
Wisconsin: 4th Annual Traditional Food Weekend: The Culture of Food March 18th,19th and 20th 2011 (10am-4pm each day) Join us for one, two or all three of these offerings!” For more information and/or to register see: http://moonwiseherbs.com/traditional_foods_weekend.htm
March 18, 2011 Fermented Beverages: Beer, Wine, Soda Making and more! Join Linda and John for this fun and inspiring day. Learn how easy it is to make beer, wine, meade and soda in your own kitchen. Learning the basics participants will leave feeling confident in making their own beverages at home. Discussions about influencing your beverages with herbs for promoting health will be included. Each person will leave with a bottle that we cork together as well as a soda culture to get you started.
March 19, 2011 You are What you Eat! Soup Broths and Fermentation for Health. Learn to promote health through these time honored food preservation practices. Broths and stocks as well as fermentation have been around since the beginning of time. Stocks are simple and nourishing and can be added to many of your everyday meals to increase the nutrient density of your food. Fermented foods are made by a technique that relies on the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins. The results are delicious food that is beneficial to overall health. Join us for this fun day as we learn hands on to make a wide variety of stocks as well as fermented foods and beverages that can be easily crafted in your own kitchen. Participants will be treated to a hearty soup and lacto-fermented lunch, recipes, inspiration and sour dough starter to take home.
March 20, 2011 Home Cheese Making: Mozzarella, Feta and more!! Making cheese at home is easy and fun! Join us as we explore the lost art of home cheese making. We will create and sample several simple cheeses that can be cultivated at home including: Paneer (an East Indian staple), basic farm cheese (a hard cheese historically created on the small family farm), Chevre (a soft spread able goat cheese). Mozzarella and feta. After learning to make kefir, we will transform this fermented milk beverage into soft spread able cheese and a condiment that can be used in place of sour cream. You’ll also learn some cooking ideas for whey, an abundant by product of cheese making. Students can build on this introduction to create many varieties of cheese at home. Includes instruction, inspiration, samples, cheese to take home, recipes and a cheese culture to get you started
March 26
London, England: Wise Traditions London 2011, Festival for Traditional Nutrition
Speakers include Kaayla Daniel, PhD, Tom Cowan, MD, Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, Barry Groves, PhD, Sir Julian Rose, Zoë Harcombe, BA, MA, and Graham Harvey. There will be a film preview of The Moo Man.
For more details, click here.
Contact Philip Ridley for more information on (01962) 620910 or wisetraditions.uk@gmail.com
March 26
Denver, CO: Denver Colorado Chapter meets every other month at the Jefferson Unitarian Church. Our next scheduled meeting is March 26th and is our largest event of the year. We are hosting the Raw Milk Association of Colorado (RMAC) annual meeting. There is a panel discussion that is not to be missed! At this event we also have many more vendors than usual, with farmers coming in from all over the state. In addition to the RMAC panel, we are hosting Annette Presley, co-author of the book “The Liberation Diet”. Annette will speak for an hour about a nutrient dense diet and sign books. For more information or to be added to our mailing list contact Eric at WAPFDenver@gmail.com
April 9
Boulder, CO: The Boulder chapter of the WAPF meets every other month on the second Saturday of the even months from 11am to 2pm. For 2011, those dates are Feb 12, Apr 9, Jun 11, Aug 13, Oct 8, Dec 10. Meeting begin with a WAPF-friendly potluck lunch from 11am to 12pm, introductions from vendors (one to three of them) from 11:45 to 12:15, a speaker on a topic from 12:15 to 1pm, and a food preparation demo from 1 to 2pm. The meetings are held in North Boulder. Please contact one of the leaders to be added to the yahoo group information list to be notified of the meetings and location.
Boulder Chapter Leader: Betsy Sheffield (720) 334-8774, betsy@fitrwellness.com
April 13
Bend, OR: Weston A Price Foundation – Bend Chapter
Join us for a great community of like-minded individuals seeking optimal
nutrition & well-being, for educational experiences and absolutely amazing
Come to our Monthly Chapter Meeting, WAPF Dinner & Educational Movie at
Common Table Restaurant, Downtown Bend.
Weston A Price Bend Chapter Dinner & A Movie: April 13th at Common Table
Get More
WAPF-approved Dinner served at 5:30pm
Movie begins around 6:30 – Vote for the movie of your choice when you
– Creamy Garlic Ham Hock White Bean Soup
– Caramelized Sweet Pork Belly Wrapped in lettuce with Fermented
Vegetables and Smoked Paprika Chili Roasted Yams
– Rich Coconut Chocolate Tart (Dairy-free option available)
Regular Meal: $17
Childrens Meal: $8
Last time we sold out completely by 6pm, pre-purchase of your meal tickets
is strongly recommended! Follow the link below…
Register Now<http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=htntlqdab&oeidk=a07e3lj59x3d58af90d>
April 15
Northampton, MA: Nourishing Foods Potluck at 6 pm at the home of Lundy Bancroft at 18 Mt. Laurel Path, which is at Pathways Co-Housing, in Northampton, MA
Friends, neighbors, children, and/or relatives are welcome!What is traditional food? Its not margarine, spam, or twinkies.Check out this article for more info…. http://www.westonaprice.org/abcs-of-nutrition/161-characteristics-of-traditional-dietsHope to see you all there!
May 5
Orlando, FL: FDA Town Hall Discussion
The director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiologic Health, which oversees the regulation of mercury dental amalgam, will seek public input on issues of interest. Please let them know that mercury dental amalgam should be restricted or banned.
May 7
Purcellville, VA: Fields of Athenry Farm
38082 Snickersville Turnpike
Purcellville, VA 20132
Our “Farm to Community Health Outreach Series” presents – A very special Mother’s Day Treat…
Dr. Lolin Hilgartner offers her perspective on
“Women’s Cardiovascular Health” — Good Fats/Bad Fats
Dr. Hilgartner is a chiropractic physician with extensive training in clinical nutrition, functional medicine, and functional endocrinology. She is the Loudoun County WAPF chapter leader and will be a presenter at the 2011 Weston A. Price Conference this November.
A Mother’s Brunch prepared by Chef Gordon Wicks will be offered for those attending the presentation
Chef Wicks has graced the kitchen of some of our area’s finest restaurants including The Inn at Little Washington and Red Fox Inn. He will be preparing a wonderful meal using some of Fields of Athenry’s finest products.
Event is Free to All Moms!
Saturday, May 7th
Our Farm and Farm Shop will be open from 11-6:30pm for all to Enjoy!
So bring the entire family out to take advantage of a farm hike down by the creek, watch a horse jumping exhibition, or even bottle feed a baby lamb! Grilled lunches will be available for purchase. So come out and enjoy an amazing family day and celebrate your special Mom!
May 14th
with Chris Masterjohn, nutrition expert and researcher, noted for uncovering the actions of vitamin K2
Saturday 6-8 pm
First Ukrainian Church 206 E. 11th St Manhattan
Early registration highly recommended to ensure your seat!
Throughout the ages, humans have passed down the dietary wisdom allowing each generation to flourish with vital health. Traditional peoples valued not only plant foods, but also many fats and animal foods that have largely disappeared from the American diet. Foods such as egg yolks, shellfish, coconut, butter, offal and marrow-bones have played important roles within traditional societies in promoting robust skeletal and dental health, energy, happiness and fertility.
Join us as Chris Masterjohn talks about these traditions and how modern science now confirms their wisdom, demonstrating that these foods contain vital vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients difficult to obtain from other foods. He will show how they act together to promote vibrant health and why these ancient and sacred foods need to return to their rightful place in the modern menu.
Chris Masterjohn is currently pursuing a PhD in Nutritional Sciences with a concentration in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition at the University of Connecticut. Chris has published three peer-reviewed research papers, indexed on PubMed, and is a frequent contributor to WAPF Wise Traditions Journal and Blog as well as his own blog, Cholesterol-And-Health.com
Join us as Chris Masterjohn shares about this wisdom of traditional societies and the confirmation by modern science
$15 general admission, $20 general + (with shopping guide), $10 Weston A. Price Foundation/TNG members & Natural Gourmet students
$20 at the door
register for tickets <http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/172203>
for more info or to register off-line: claudia@wprice-nyc.org
May 15th
East Village, Manhattan, NY
Sunday 10:30-1:30 free Traditional Foods Swap
The first! Come Fall we hope to have regular swaps but your input in our first will help in our planning & Traditional Foods Workshop series with special guests
El Sol Brillante Garden E 12th (Ave A & B) East Village, Manhattan
Do you have extra Kombucha, Kvass, Broth, fermented veggies? Do you have a special dish you make with traditional foods? Would you like to lessen your kitchen time? Bring a traditional food you make to swap with another.
Plus many great mini-workshops on traditional foods!
Contact us for the workshop line-up including: meade making, easy and diverse fermented drinks, special vegetable fermenting methods, pickling food waste (including diary meat & bones) for fertilizer, making Pro-biotic all purpose cleansers and more!
For more info and to rsvp : claudia@wprice-nyc.org
May 18-20
Prague, Czech Republic: Symposium on Raw Milk as part of the First International Conference on Organic Food Qualtity and Health Research, featuring Michael Schmidt, Ted Beals, MD, and Professor Dr. Ton Baars. Contact: baars@uni-kassel.de, www.fqh2011.org.
May 21-22
Purcellville, VA, Fields of Athenry Farm
38082 Snickersville Turnpike
Purcellville, VA 20132
2011 Loudoun County Spring Farm Tour
Fields of Athnery will be part of this year’s Spring Farm Tour Saturday May 21st and Sunday May 22nd where Loudoun County’s farms and wineries are open to visitors to buy spring seedlings and plants, greet baby animals, tour wineries, learn how food gets from the farm to the table, and much more. Event is free.
Fields of Athenry Farm and Shop will be open 10am-6:30pm on Saturday and 10am-4pm on Sunday.
Saturday, May 21st, we will be grilling up lunch along with sweet tea, homemade sangria, and local wines for purchase. Rock and Roll with us to Woven Green – www.wovengreenmusic.com! Bring your picnic blankets to chill, relax, let the kids run, and most of all have fun! Horse jumping is a fun festive part of our special farm events! Don’t forget your camera – our baby lambs cannot wait to ham it up with all the kids! Coolers are also a must!
May 20-21
New Bedford, MA: Applications of Biological Medicine
Led by Frank Pleus, M.D., D.D.S., O.M.F.S. and Dirk Eckhardt, D, M.D., Paracelsus Clinic, Switzerland, Bradford Harding, M.D. and Margaret McMorrow, L.Ac. M.S., Progressive Medicine Clinic, CT at the Waypoint Conference Center, New Bedford, MA.
Lecture Topics: Principles and Fundamentals of Biological Medicine and Dentistry, North American Applications of Biological Medicine. Workshops: Detoxification Protocols, Pleomorphism, Dark field, Whole Body Dentistry Approaches to Patients, Muscle Testing, EMF / RF Effects on Health, Interpreting Panoramic X-rays, Meridian Thinking, Protocols for Intestinal Up Building and Milieu Change, Diagnostics and Therapies of Biological Medicine in North America.
May 22
New Bedford, MA: The Pleo-Sanum “Power 10 Package”: Clinical Applications
Led by Bradford Harding, M.D., Progressive Medicine Clinic, CT at the Waypoint Conference Center in New Bedford, MA.
Lecture Topics: Effective uses of the New “Power 10 Package” for acute and chronic care remedies. Learning to implement these keystone Pleo-Sanum products in chronic inflammatory, rheumatic and infection conditions.
For more information and registration please contact: Biological Medicine Network, Marion, MA; Ph.: 508.748.0816; Fax: 508.748.1976; info@biologicalmedicinenetwork.org or www.biologicalmedicinenetwork.org.
June 1-5
Washington State: 9th Annual Herbal and Seaweed Trip June 1-5, 2011 Harvest Seaweed and Herbs in The Pacific Northwest on Lopez Island in the Beautiful San Juan Islands, Washington State June 1-3, 2011 Land Plants: Herbal Medicine, Herbal Nourishment June 3-5, 2011 Seaweed and Shell Fish: Nourishment from the SeaFor registration and more information see: http://www.moonwiseherbs.com/seaweed.htm
June 11
Boulder, CO: The Boulder chapter of the WAPF meets every other month on the second Saturday of the even months from 11am to 2pm. For 2011, those dates are Feb 12, Apr 9, Jun 11, Aug 13, Oct 8, Dec 10. Meeting begin with a WAPF-friendly potluck lunch from 11am to 12pm, introductions from vendors (one to three of them) from 11:45 to 12:15, a speaker on a topic from 12:15 to 1pm, and a food preparation demo from 1 to 2pm. The meetings are held in North Boulder. Please contact one of the leaders to be added to the yahoo group information list to be notified of the meetings and location.
Boulder Chapter Leader: Betsy Sheffield (720) 334-8774, betsy@fitrwellness.com
June 18
Purcellville, VA, Fields of Athenry Farm
Our “Farm to Community Health Outreach Series” presents –
Sally Fallon Morell
Ms. Fallon Morell will brilliantly present on whole food nutrition with special tips for Dad in honor of Father’s Day! This is an opportunity of a lifetime.
Immediately followed by a lavish Farm to Table dinner prepared by:
Chef Pedro Matamoros
Of 8407 Kitchen Bar
Silver Spring, MD
Event Pricing:
$35 per adult until June 1st
$45 per adult June 1st thru June 17th
$55 per adult at the door
(Children 12 and under are $7 until June 1, $12 June 1-17, and $15 at the door)
Live entertainment provided by Woven Green!
Our Farm and Farm Shop will be open from 11-6:30pm for all to enjoy! Bring your coolers!
38082 Snickersville Turnpike
Purcellville, VA 20132
June 22
Simi Valley, CA: Showing of Farmageddon – see http://wapfsimi.blogspot.com/
July 16
Viroqua, WI: Introduction to Home Cheese Making with Linda Conroy
Join cheese maker and whole food cook Linda Conroy and find out how simple it is to make cheese in your own kitchen. This introduction will offer an opportunity to explore this lost art. We will create and sample several simple cheeses that can be cultivated at home. We will make cultured butter, feta cheese, mozzarella and several varieties of soft cheese. After learning to make kefir, we will transform this fermented milk beverage into soft spreadable cheese and a soft condiment that can be used in place of sour cream. You’ll also learn some cooking ideas for whey, a byproduct of cheese making. Students can build on this introduction to create many varieties of cheese at home. Includes: samples, cheese to take home, recipes and a cheese culture to get you started.
Course Fee: $60
Supply Fee: $15
For more information see: http://driftlessfolkschool.org/courses/intro-to-cheese-making
July 17
Viroqua, WI: More Cheese Making! From Curd to Press with Linda Conroy
This is the class you have been waiting for! We will make several varieties of hard cheese including cheddar and gouda as well as a mold ripened goat cheese. The goal is for participants to experience a variety of techniques for crafting aged cheese. Both the art and the science will be presented, testing acid levels as well as developing a relationship with the curd. We will explore pressing as well as aging options for the home producer. Includes instruction, recipes to get you started and of course samples!
Course Fee: $60
Supply Fee: $15
For more information see: http://driftlessfolkschool.org/courses/more-cheese-making-from-curd-to-press
July 20-August 10
Coon Valley, Wisconsin: 5th Annual Women’s Herbal Apprenticeship Program Held in Coon Valley, Wi
What you will discover in this program: Ways to incorporate herbs and wild edibles into daily life. Skills for Identifying, harvesting and using local wild herbs. Techniques for growing herbs for food and medicine How to create optimum nutrition with traditional food preparation Harvesting and preparing wild foodHome Cheese makingFermentation How to make and use herbal remedies Herbs for particular body systems Approaches to connecting with the natural world. A personal materia medica Skills and confidence in sorting through health care options and how to be an advocate for healing An understanding of health with a focus on seasonal cycles and patterns Life enhancing communication skills The Wise Healer within Traditons of Healing/The Seven RiversCommunicating with plants/Plant Spirit Medicine Experience with the birth/life/death cycle Mystery And much more!!! For more information see: http://moonwiseherbs.com/herbalapprenticeshipresidential.htm
Email: info@nofasummerconference.org
Call: 978-355-2853
Aug. 13
Boulder, CO: The Boulder chapter of the WAPF meets every other month on the second Saturday of the even months from 11am to 2pm. For 2011, those dates are Feb 12, Apr 9, Jun 11, Aug 13, Oct 8, Dec 10. Meeting begin with a WAPF-friendly potluck lunch from 11am to 12pm, introductions from vendors (one to three of them) from 11:45 to 12:15, a speaker on a topic from 12:15 to 1pm, and a food preparation demo from 1 to 2pm. The meetings are held in North Boulder. Please contact one of the leaders to be added to the yahoo group information list to be notified of the meetings and location.
Boulder Chapter Leader: Betsy Sheffield (720) 334-8774, betsy@fitrwellness.com
August 15
Milton, WA: Screening of The Vanishing Bees Movie!
For more detail, contact Trish Carty trishmcarty@gmail.com
August 18-21
Rock Island, Wisconsin: 5th Annual Women’s Herbal Intensive Rock Island, Wisconsin August 18-21, 2011
Some things you may discover during this long weekend: Ways to incorporate plants into daily life for food and medicine. Skills for Identifying, harvesting and using local wild herbs. Approaches to creating optimal nourishment. Cooking with Herbs for Health Nourishment and Fun!How to make and use herbal remedies Approaches to connecting with the natural world. An understanding of health with a focus on seasonal cycles and patterns Life enhancing communication skills The Wise Healer within Communicating with plantsThe beauty of spending time with a group of women (and occasional challenge)MysteryAnd much more!!! For more information see: http://moonwiseherbs.com/rockisland.htm
August 24
Grass Valley, CA: Farmageddon the Movie
Back By Popular Demand
Second Showing in Grass Valley, CA
PLEASE JOIN US. If you saw it on Aug 2, come see it again for free if you
bring 2 friends with you.
Back By Popular Demand
August 24th, 2011
Reception: 6 pm to 7pm
Farmageddon The Movie: 7 to 8:30 pm
8:30 Local Food Freedom Action Plan
Mark McAfee, Organic Pastures Raw Dairy
Location: Vets Hall 255 South Auburn St, Grass Valley, 95945
Tickets available at the door
September 10, 11
Massachusetts: Massachusetts Raw Milk Dairy Days
Eleven Massachusetts dairies that sell raw milk will open up their farms for tours and other activities on Saturday, September 10 and Sunday, September 11. Visit your local dairy and learn why raw milk tastes so good and why it’s so good for you! Meet your farmers and their cows and get to know where your food comes from. See http://www.nofamass.org/programs/organicdairy/dairyday11.php for a list of dairies and schedule, or email winton@nofamass.org
September 17
Purcellville, VA: Fields of Athenry Farm
Our “Farm to Community Health Outreach Series” presents –
Tara Rayburn
The Healthy Habit Coach
Mom-on-a-Mission And Author of “Essential Gluten Free Recipes”
“The Healthy Lunchbox… What’s in your Lunchbox?”
“The Essential First Aid Kit”
Event Pricing:
$10 per adult advance registration/$15 per adult at the door
(Children 8 and under are free/Children over 8 are $5)
Tara Rayburn is the Healthy Habit Coach, an author, dynamic speaker, Chi-To-Be Master, Weston A. Price Chapter Leader & 2011 Conference Presenter, Young Living Essential Oils distributor and a Mom-on-a-Mission! Her mission is to share knowledge, experience and resources and help others live healthy “Pro-Active” lives by tapping into their own intuition. She empowers individuals and teaches them that health is truly an accumulation of our daily habits.
Tara will be flying in from Las Vegas for a special presentation at the Farm on how to pack a healthy and nutrient rich lunch and snack for all of us on the run! She will also share great advice on how to send your child to school with a truly healthy lunch that will be the envy of all their friends! You will learn how to build and use an Essential First Aid kit. Come on out and see how good farm food and essential oils have eliminated frequent doctor’s visits, asthma, allerigies, colds, and the like from our family. This is an event that you don’t want to miss!
Our Farm Shop will also be open the day of the event from 11am-6:30pm and we will be sampling some of our amazing meats and fine products for those attending this very special event!
September 17
Denver, CO: Chapter Meeting 10am-1pm. Doors open at 10:00, announcements and pot luck lunch start at 11:00. At 12:00 we have a local guest speaker on permaculture. Contact WAPFDenver@gmail.com for more information.
September 17 – October 29
Eugene, OR: “Foundations of Health” Class Series
Come join our fall classes.
Experience delicious foods that wake up your genetic memory using the dietary wisdom of our ancestors.
Learn about the pioneering nutritional research of Dr. Weston A. Price. What he discovered teaches us the foundations of a healthy diet.
Each class includes delicious samples, demonstrations and a booklet of recipes and information.
September 17th – The Foundation
October 1st – Cultured Foods
October 15th – Vital Fats
October 29th – Healthy Grains
For more information see: http://krautpounder.com/Newsletters
Sep 23-24
Friday evening September 23 and all day September 24, 2011
WHERE – North Florida:
Lighthouse Christian Center
772 SR 51 N
Mayo, Florida 32066
Call Dennis & Alicia Stoltzfoos to pre-register or for more info thisisdennis@winstream.net or 386-776-2770.
Registrations also at the door.
$60 Preregistration
$70 at the door
Sally Fallon Morell is Author of Nourishing Traditions cookbook and editor of the quarterly called Wise Traditions. You will not find a health seminar anywhere for any price that is as packed with such life-giving information, a PERFECT blend of science and common sense. Also the all-day seminar on the 24nd will have a line up of exhibitors well worth the price of admission. If you have been searching for the truth about nutrition, your search is over. Be sure to attend this life-changing events.
In her seminar she will stimulate you to revisit the importance of traditional foods and proper preparation techniques in human diets and to reexamine the many myths about saturated fats and cholesterol. Her work is based upon Dr. Weston Prices studies of 14 people groups in the 1930s and what contributed to their vibrant health. Go to www.westonaprice.org to learn more. If you want to learn how to be healthier or have healthy children your search is over. Attend this seminar and you will NEVER be the same again.
Oct. 5
Culver City, CA: What’s all the fuss about (raw) milk?
And why is the FDA saying you don’t have the right to choose what you eat?
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
The Multipurpose Room, Veteran’s Memorial Complex
4117 Overland Ave., Culver City CA 90230
6 – 9:30 pm
The nationwide demand for raw dairy products has been steadily increasing, despite the fact that strict regulations can make it difficult to find. At the same time, more small dairy farms and private buying clubs around the country (including California) are being raided and harassed, sometimes at gunpoint. Why? How has something as basic as milk become the focal point of political passions?
Rarely seen in one city at the same time, the evening’s speakers are on the leading edge of the raw milk wave. Gain a greater understanding of the issues, the politics, and the ways that raw dairy is influencing a national discussion on food rights. Don’t miss this very special event!
Mark McAfee
Owner, Organic Pastures Dairy
Fresno, California
The skinny on raw milk
David Gumpert
Author, The Raw Milk Revolution
Blogger, thecompletepatient.com
The politics of raw dairy
Max Kane
Raw milk activist
Updates from the front
Suggested donation $15
Proceeds will be divided between the local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Rawesome Community Defense Fund. Event sponsored by Wise Traditions, a local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and The Raw Milk Institute
Oct. 8
Boulder, CO: The Boulder chapter of the WAPF meets every other month on the second Saturday of the even months from 11am to 2pm. For 2011, those dates are Feb 12, Apr 9, Jun 11, Aug 13, Oct 8, Dec 10. Meeting begin with a WAPF-friendly potluck lunch from 11am to 12pm, introductions from vendors (one to three of them) from 11:45 to 12:15, a speaker on a topic from 12:15 to 1pm, and a food preparation demo from 1 to 2pm. The meetings are held in North Boulder. Please contact one of the leaders to be added to the yahoo group information list to be notified of the meetings and location.
Boulder Chapter Leader: Betsy Sheffield (720) 334-8774, betsy@fitrwellness.com
Oct. 14-16
Black Mountain, NC: The 7th Annual Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference takes place on October 14-16, 2011 at beautiful Lake Eden in Black Mountain, NC with special guest and author Brooke Medicine Eagle. A weekend for women to learn, connect, and deepen into the Wise Woman Tradition, earth-based healing, local wisdom, and deep nourishment. More than 35 teachers and 70 classes. sewisewomen.com. 877-SEWOMEN.
Oct 22-23
Arlington, VA: Take Back Your Health Conference at the Crustal Gateway Marriott, featuring Dr. Felix Liao and Sally Fallon Morell. Contact: www.takebackyourhealthconference.com.
Dec 6-10
Columbus, OH: Acres USA annual conference. Contact: http://www.acresusa.com/events/events.htm
Dec 10
Boulder, CO: The Boulder chapter of the WAPF meets every other month on the second Saturday of the even months from 11am to 2pm. For 2011, those dates are Feb 12, Apr 9, Jun 11, Aug 13, Oct 8, Dec 10. Meeting begin with a WAPF-friendly potluck lunch from 11am to 12pm, introductions from vendors (one to three of them) from 11:45 to 12:15, a speaker on a topic from 12:15 to 1pm, and a food preparation demo from 1 to 2pm. The meetings are held in North Boulder. Please contact one of the leaders to be added to the yahoo group information list to be notified of the meetings and location.
Boulder Chapter Leader: Betsy Sheffield (720) 334-8774, betsy@fitrwellness.com” data-mce-href=”mailto:betsy@fitrwellness.com“>betsy@fitrwellness.com
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