What if urine isn’t a waste product? For centuries, it was considered a “golden elixir” for healing. Amandha Vollmer today describes the history and practice of urine therapy and how it has been used as a remedy over the centuries for resolving diseases, blood clots, infections, and skin issues. She discusses how to get over the “ick” factor, which she had to deal with when she was at one time skeptical of the practice. She also goes over its many benefits and how to get started incorporating it into your life, topically and internally.
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Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
.Urine therapy is an ancient healing protocol that goes by many names like Orin therapy, Shivambu, and Urotherapy. We go over its history, its benefits, and how to begin practicing it in your own life. This is episode 411 and our guest is a self-described, eclectic, holistic health practitioner. She describes in this episode how she went from being a skeptic of urine therapy to utilizing it regularly, both topically and internally.
Orin, as she calls it, is structured water that consists of stem cells, vitamins, and minerals. It’s a golden elixir for healing which has been used for centuries to heal diseases, dissolve blood clots, fight infections, and heal skin issues. She explains how urine isn’t waste, as it has long been regarded. She defines looping the practice of fasting from food and simply drinking all of one’s urine and its positive effects including autophagy and enhancing the healing of chronic diseases.
In short, our guest, Amandha Vollmer, walks a step-by-step through an Orin Therapy primer, describing in detail this unique individualized medicine that is free and available to us all. Before we dive into the conversation, we’ve got a freebie for you. We are giving away free journals. They’re back issues from 2018 or earlier. This content, just like raw milk, never spoils. It’s always good.
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Visit Amandha’s website: Yummy.Doctor, Yum Naturals, or HealingWithDMSO
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Welcome to the show, Amandha.
Thanks for having me.
How far back does urine therapy date as a protocol for improving one’s health? What proof is there that it has been used in the past?
We have a lot of documentation on urine therapy. Historians believe that it began in India and there is an ancient Sanskrit work called the Damar Tantra. It has very detailed information about the therapeutic practice of Shivambu, which is how it is entitled in India. It’s probably the earliest written record of the medical use of urine.
Historians believe that urine therapy began in India. Damar Tantra has very detailed information about the therapeutic practice of Shivambu. It’s probably the earliest written record of the medical use of urine.
The text does recommend ingesting the urine early in the morning prior to meditation. Some verses state that imbibing in urine can help someone to master their mind and their body, and some of the elements of nature. After years of urine therapy, that gets deeper. There’s another text called the Sushruta Samhita that expands on this topic and defines several different types of urine and ways of using urine. We have thousands of years of uses of urine from all sorts of things. We’re talking from tanning a hide to softening wool, to using it on the skin, to washing with it, to washing clothing with it, as well as using it for medicine.
Why do you think there is renewed interest in it?
A lot of people are tired of getting nowhere with their health. They go to the traditional doctor. They have specialists now for everything. At least here in Canada, there are a lot of wait lists for even seeing a specialist only to be told that something that they have, a medical condition is incurable, that they need to be on medication for life and they don’t want to. A lot of people are looking elsewhere for their health needs. They also want it to be something free or affordable and reasonable as far as being able to access the medicine. This is starting to get a little more notoriety and interest for a lot of those reasons.
I’ve interviewed Tommy John and Dr. Cassie Huckaby and others like them on this show who suggest healing doesn’t come from without, it comes from within. That’s exactly where urine therapy takes us.
It’s using your own cistern, your own internal waters, to heal yourself. It’s considered your own perfect medicine because it is of you. It has all the knowledge of you contained in the water, inside the memory of the structured water that you produce when you micturate, which is the fancy word for urinate. It’s very unique and individual. It’s not only internal but it’s individualized. The heart of medicine is getting to the root cause. Someone may present similarly on the outside, but the unique root cause in the solution is individual.
It’s almost like the structure of the urine or the Orin is a holographic image of ourselves.
There have been a lot of advances in understanding water. As we seem to be in an apocalypse, which means a revealing time, we’re seeing things that were once hidden. These are truths that were once hidden or history that was once hidden is coming to light. Some of that information is helping us understand our bodies better.
When we understand water and the layers of knowledge that water carries, we start to open up the knowledge of ourselves, this place we live in, and nature itself. One thing we have been learning is through pioneers like Dr. Emoto, but also forward thinkers like Veda Austin for example. We’re understanding that water is conscious.
It has its own living language and it has a sensitivity to it of imprinting everything that it comes in contact with. If that is so, which is what it seems to be. There are different types of water and different ways that the water behaves and structures itself based on what it comes in contact with. That means our own waters will have their own unique imprint, hologram, or fractal of knowledge and information that we are beginning to unlock.
Say that what a real supercomputer really is, isn’t ones and zeros. What if it is the knowledge of water? In the future, we have no need for the computer in the technical sense but perhaps we’ll remember that we were once very telepathic. We could communicate with our waters which are in the air around us, we breathe out of us, and evaporate from us. That influences what is around us in both directions. That was part of our communication and part of our way of understanding everything about who we are.
We had Veda Austin on the show. I want to invite the audience to go back and check out that episode about the intelligence of water, these very things you’re talking about. Let’s get back to the water within us or in therapy in particular, how we can start to apply it to help our bodies heal. What does Orin Therapy look like in practice?
There are many different methods to use it. First, there are studies or there is evidence and science done on urine. It’s not just we’re guessing or we’re making things out of thin air. We have repeatable clinical evidence of disease resolution using urine. We’ve had pharmaceutical companies in Japan and China extracting a valuable substance out of urine called urokinase, using it for a valuable foreign exchange, and exporting it to other countries.
This particular extract is useful for dissolving blood clots in lung disease. This is part of the extraction. You’re getting stem cells and using it for regenerative medicine, which is fascinating. There’s a lot of new knowledge about stem cells and different types of stem cell therapies. We also have a lot of books and case reports in books. For example, The Water of Life by Armstrong. We have a text called the Miracles of Urine Therapy by Dr. Mithal, an MD. We have Natural Benefits of Urine Therapy by Jagdish Bhurani and lots of studies.
For example, there was a mouse tumor study that showed significant tumor reduction using urine therapy compared to saline. There’s another great user guide called The Golden Fountain and that’s by van der Kroon and that was from 1998. That’s just a drop in the water of knowledge that we have showing proof and evidence that this is a healing substance.
I’ve read some of those texts and books. A simple way to get started might be the external application. Some people might already be using uric acid found in beauty products, which comes from urea.
Urea often was even used for grabbing estrogens and hormone substances from using horse urine, for example. Urea and ammonia both are organic solvents. They dissolve fats and other secretions, so they help with scars and the repair of skin tissue that’s maybe not laid down properly. Also, urea is ingested by our gut bacteria and produces glutamine.
It’s considered a neurotransmitter but it also is a support for healing the gut wall. One enzyme in the urine is called urokinase, which will cause vasodilation, and it can strengthen the bloodstream like a nitroglycerin approach. Also, melatonin is one of the hormones found in urine. Babies in the womb bathe in urine, drink it, and breathe it.
Even post-surgical fetal scars are healed by it. We know that there are stem cells as well. If you’re applying it topically, you’re getting a lot of the benefits of these compounds which are only between 3% and 4% of the waters because the salutes are a very small percentage. Mostly, it is water. People are worried about waste coming out or drug residue, but the percentages are very small of what is coming out.
That’s why we treat it almost like a homeopathic approach where we’re using a microdose or a small sample of what is happening in a curing-like approach, informing and telling the body the current state of the affairs of the health of the body. It will up-regulate the specific needs metabolically to get the job done of healing. That’s topical as well as internally helpful.
One of the ways a lot of people will come into urine is about the anti-aging benefits. Reversal of gray hair, reversal of wrinkles, scars, and discolorations. It’s helpful as well for brightening of the eyes. When I began it many years ago, I was apprehensive, which is totally natural. People have to understand it’s okay to be grossed out at first. It’s like your first response and it’s completely 100% natural. You’re going to feel that. I reflected on that. I realized that it was part of the programming of schooling and television that had made me grossed out by it.
Urine has anti-aging benefits like reversal of gray hair, wrinkles, scars, and discolorations.
Let’s be honest. When you go into a dirty toilet and it smells like urine, that’s not a pleasant experience. We have a lot of negative impressions around urine but understand that’s a perfectly natural feeling that you’re going to go through. The point is to address it, to own it, and then push through. I started to first rub it on my skin. That told me, it’s okay. That’s safe. I feel okay with it on my skin. I don’t feel grossed out.
The next step was putting one tiny drop of it on my lip. I didn’t even put it in my mouth. I just put it on my lips to see how I would feel. If I was still feeling grossed out or where my emotions were with it. Little by little, then I began to build confidence that it was okay and safe. It’s not gross, it’s on my skin. My skin didn’t do anything weird. I didn’t react.
To start to put a few drops in the mouth, I started with under the tongue, more like a homeopathic approach. It was having my own needs come up that overcame the majority of it. When I was in my early twenties, I got scabies, which is a mite. It was bad. It was all over me. I wasn’t getting relief with all the different other methods I was trying, which was also conventional.
I did research and found this ancient Indian practice and thought, “I’m desperate at this point.” A lot of people will come into urine therapy simply because they don’t know what else to do and they need relief now. That was the case for my first real experience with it. I was in so much discomfort, I didn’t care. I collected my first morning urine, clean catch, midstream, and I bathed in it.
I stood in the bath as I was running the water and I rubbed it all over me. I focused on the areas that were bad. The urine was going into the water as well, and then I sat in that bath for about 40 minutes until it was cool, and then rinsed off. That was that. It healed my scabies, just that one experience with the urine.
I knew that this was something very powerful. Now, your mind will go, “That could have been a coincidence. It could have been the bathwater. It could have been the end of the mite cycle.” I could have explained it away. I forgot about it for a very long time. Over the last years that I’ve been practicing it is when I had to re-engage with it from a different perspective of internalizing it, which I hadn’t done at the beginning.
One of my experiences was with my daughter who had a wasp bite on her finger. She was screaming and very upset. I ran her off into the bushes and she cooperated. I had her urinate in my hand. I put a few drops in her mouth and washed the rest over her wasp bite. Within a few seconds, she stopped screaming, she felt better, and we started to walk back home. What was incredible is that the wasp bite didn’t even go into its full inflammation itch cycle. It almost didn’t exist anymore. It was like nothing had happened. That was my rekindling of the power of this substance. I began to research at that point and start to use these other therapies.
I do want to talk about the how-tos now in the second half of the program here. I understand probably from reading Armstrong’s book, although it might have been The Golden Fountain. They talk about, if you’re going to start taking it in more than a few drops under the tongue, to start with a clean catch of urine. Why is that important?
Urine is sterile when it’s in the kidneys. It’s considered a sterile substance. Once it comes out, it will pick up some of your own bacteria from the urinary tract. The ideal with clean catch is to reduce that amount. It’s almost like when you ferment something or when you’re going to bake bread, it’s not bacteria that will hurt you. It is your own. In fact, there’s a lot of therapies using aged or fermented urine as well. Some of this bacteria is necessary to get the ferment going. We’re trying to keep it clean, which means you’re going to start the stream, and then that first bit of urine is the washing part.
Urine is sterile when it’s in the kidneys. It’s considered a sterile substance. Once it comes out, it will pick up some of your bacteria from the urinary tract. The ideal with clean catch is to reduce that amount.
It sterilizes.
Yeah. You’re cleaning yourself by letting the urine run, and then you’re collecting midstream, and you’re finishing the last remainder into the toilet because, at the end of urine, you’ll get the majority of any sediment coming out. We usually want to reduce the hard sediments that may come from a variety of reasons. Not that it would hurt you, but this is being prudent.
We’re always trying to be as logical, prudent, and focused when we do certain therapies. I’ve ingested the entire stream as an example to see if it affected me negatively with no ill effect. I’ve used a full stream as well to do age urine with the sediment in it with no ill effect. I know that our own microbes are pleomorphic. They’re our own familiar, safe, knowledgeable internal supports, and they’re fine for us to ingest, especially at the levels in which we’re talking about, which is generally only a few ounces a day.
I’m curious. If a person’s body isn’t well, they’re sick. Let’s say their hormones are out of whack or they’re always anxious or what have you. What is it about that internal fluid that can help correct the imbalance, do you think?
We have a lot of effects that the urine will do. For one, there’s a diuretic effect. This is a natural washing or cleansing of the kidneys directly. It is very helpful if you do have kidney disease or UTI. This can be used because it’s going to help increase your urine output. There’s a cleansing effect on the body as well where it is increasing its ability to upcycle waste removal from the major organs mainly due to the fact that it has a metabolic effect.
It’s assisting hormone balancing. This then gets all the cellular communication happening better in the body. That’s naturally going to help both endogenous and exogenous waste from being removed. We have a structured water effect. If you’ve learned about Gerald Pollack’s work at all, we have what’s called easy water, exclusion zone water.
We have this hexagonal structured exclusion zone water that urine helps to build inside of us. This is the battery of our cell. We have H3O2-structured water, and then we have H2O as what people think water is. We have a mesh network that acts like a mobile gel. When this is set up in the body, everything can increase. Its healing capacity goes way up, the electron transfers go way up, and the mitochondria work better. All of your electrical aspects in the body are now able to upregulate and work faster. The structuring water aspect alone is massive healing.
We’ve had Gerald Pollack on the show before and I’m trying to get him again because this topic of the fourth phase of water and structured water is so important for our bodies to function properly in a time when non-native electromagnetic frequencies are drying our bodies out.
If you’re at the forefront of the leading knowledge of where we’re at, it’s understanding the fourth phase of water, structured water, and how our bodies works from a cellular level. A lot of the cell biology we’ve been taught is also incorrect. We’re on a paradigm shift of our science now. If anyone is interested in a new subject, this would be a very fascinating one for them to learn.
Again, even if you’re not interested in urine, just understanding that water can be structured to become medicine for you is something that can help your knowledge, but also your health. I want to say that we have a blood plasma effect as well to consider because plasma is like the straw-colored extract of blood that we spin out. It’s like the fluid in which the red blood cells and the other cells are bathing in.
We do have a plasma bolstering that’s given to us when we ingest the urine. It’s supporting the blood itself through the plasma because the kidneys are filtering our plasma and we are getting aspects of the plasma back into our system which is going to upregulate all of the different healing aspects of our own blood. It’s blood support as well. I wanted to mention that.
Coming up, Amandha shares some cautions to consider when beginning to incorporate Orin therapy. She goes over what fasting can add to the practice.
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Amandha, you’ve given a strong case for considering using Orin either topically or internally, but you mentioned a few ounces. I do know someone who is doing what they call looping. Continually throughout the day as they urinate, they are ingesting some. Is that well-advised if you’re well, or is there a point at which it’s too much?
As all things with fasting, which is what looping is, it is a urine fast where you aren’t eating food necessarily. You are ingesting your full day’s clean catch urine. Whatever you’re creating, you’re drinking back into your system to the point where you usually don’t even drink much water because all of the water coming from your urine. It has a massive cleansing effect.
It’s used usually in severe cases of cancer or other major organ diseases. You’re upregulating all systems to get a specific job done that’s not going to be concentrated on the metabolic breakdown of your food, creating stool, and the focus on the gut. It’s now focused on metabolism. Also, it will increase autophagy. Your own stem cell supports are running around eating other things which we can get from water fasting.
One of the understandings of this type of fast is that your body wants to find food elsewhere because it is not coming from your gut. It’s searching elsewhere for other types of inputs for energy. Therefore, it’s more likely to go after debris. It’s quite a transformative process to do looping because it’s resting those organs that are always working. It is helping your metabolism and your hormones to balance and structuring your water.
This is a high intensity healing process. You put yourself into healing mode. When you do any type of fast, you should be resting, meditating, gentle stretching, going out in nature, grounding, being introspective, not running around working, and being stressed generally. It is for people who want to focus on something that they’re stuck with their health journey. They don’t want to take things externally. They don’t want to eat a lot of food. They don’t want to do juicing. They don’t want to do things that might cost a lot of money. This is a wonderful way to heal some severe chronic diseases.
Are there any circumstances under which it is not recommended to ingest Orin?
When you’re on certain drugs, the doses usually need to be lowered. For example, hypertension medication and thyroid medication. You will need to go gently. In some of these medications, you don’t need a lot of that medication to create an effect in the body. A good percentage, about 30% of any drug you take will be found in the urine hole non-metabolized.
You’ll then have some metabolites in the urine as well that have been broken down. You’ll be re-ingesting some of the live medicine or the active medicine that will be metabolized by the body. I do counsel people who are trying to come off some of these drugs. I caution them to use one of their morning doses of urine as a drug dose.
They would have to alter their own drug dosages accordingly, so they don’t overmedicate themselves. That would be one thing to be very aware of, but the good news is then you can start to easily come down off the medication without having too much of a jarring effect or withdrawal effect. It also seems to support the healing of the condition itself. Therefore, it’s serving multiple purposes here.
You do have to be careful when you’re in severe kidney disease where you’re spilling proteins. Heavy proteins are coming out into the urine. You don’t want to be ingesting that urine without letting it settle and skimming off the top. You don’t want to ingest any heavy protein back into the system that the body’s trying to get rid of, which is a waste of the kidney system.
Sometimes during your menses for women, if there’s over blood, a lot of women don’t like to ingest it. You can, but generally, you want to let things settle out with the kidney disease and skim off the top, but you still will have blood cells floating around in there. It’s not going to hurt you, but a lot of women prefer to abstain during their menses time.
The other considerations are during pregnancy to not ingest. You don’t want to fast and loop when you’re pregnant. I hope that’s pretty self-evident. You have to be careful not to detox heavily when you’re pregnant or nursing. Think of Orin as an upregulation of your detox. You must be very careful with your amounts. I would keep things in very small dosages, probably half an ounce a day maximum. I would leave it during the first trimester when things are setting up.
Thank you for those words of caution. You mentioned the word waste earlier. Some people say urine is waste. You’ve heard that before but can you explain why we may be misunderstanding it?
That’s probably one of the first things after, “That’s gross.” The next thing is, “Why would you ingest your own waste? You must be stupid.” That’s the tell that someone hasn’t done any work on learning about this. They’re just coming from the programming. Those two first reactions are usually what happens when you reach the new topic of that to someone.
It isn’t waste at all. The body will filter the blood through the kidneys, which is 1 to 2 liters of blood are filtered every minute. The blood is first filtered by the liver, and that full volume goes through every 3 to 4 minutes, then it’s sent to the kidneys. What the kidneys do is they remove the excess fluids or constituents via the urinary bladder, and that’s excess. If you flip the word, is it waste or is it excess? It will start to make more sense for you.
The kidneys are focused on balancing the waters of the body to ensure that nothing is floating around in excess. You only have so much metabolic capability to process things at any given time. It’s the job of the kidneys to make sure that you’re not in imbalance with those numbers. Urea, which we considered the true waste of the kidneys, is from protein metabolism inside the kidneys.
You’re getting carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen out of urea. You can find it in urine, but also in sweat, in blood, and in the milk of mammals as well. Is it a waste product for us? Not so much. It’s a waste product considered by the body where it puts it off because it doesn’t need those metabolites, but it is not harmful to us. It’s only about 3% to 4% urea, depending on your metabolism that’s found in the urine. It has no negative effect on us.
I have a couple of questions for you before we wrap up. One is, what is the role of diet when we’re undergoing urine therapy or consuming it? In other words, does it matter what we eat?
The output metabolites that you’re going to find in your urine are a direct result of the foods that you’re eating. For example, we can test the urine for all sorts of conditions and imbalances, so we can get a snapshot of the health of the body using urine. It does matter. Everything that we put inside our bodies matters to the body.
If you are trying to get well, but you’re eating fast food all day in a stressed environment, then you’re not going to get all the benefits. You’re not going to notice the rapid healing effect that you might want. It’s always wise if you’re starting some therapy with a goal in mind to clean up the diet as much as possible. Ensure that you’re enriching your body with the nutrients that it needs to help build, rebuild tissue, and repair tissue. Also, to help the liver process remove the wastes of the upregulation of your metabolism.
That’s common sense in a way. Also, I wanted to ask, does it matter if you eat meat or not? I felt like some of the authors were suggesting we should be on a more vegetarian or vegan diet while we’re doing this therapy.
Keep in mind, this practice is coming out of India. There was a lot of religious underpinning and belief systems filtered all the way through it. Depending on how purest people are, they may go into more of the Sanskrit way of using urine and they were typically vegetarians. There’s argument either way. We do know that depending on your condition, it’s going to take certain enzymes to break down meat, which is fine. There can be an increase in acid waste that is removed by the body.
It might have a malodorous aspect to it where you learn a lot about your body when you do this. It’s because you see differences in the colors, how opaque or clear it is, how much sediment you might get, and the odor is telling as well. It seems that people who eat meat might have a little bit more of a smell to the urine based on the metabolites of breaking down the proteins or the meat. Again, it’s not a problem, but if you’re more sensitive to that or that’s putting you off, then if you clean up the diet to reduce the meat levels, you might like the taste and smell of it a little bit more. That might be why a lot of Shivambu people who practice it tend to go more to vegetarianism or even vegan diets.
We’ve been using different terms to describe urine or Orin. Explain why would we call it Orin as opposed to urine?
We are trying to help people move away from stigma. The word urine is a medicalized term or a common use modern-day term. Using Orin or using another terminology helps us respect it more and moves away from the thinking of where the word is in our head of what that substance actually is. We’re retraining ourselves to appreciate it rather than react to it or have to overcome aspects of it. We’re trying to have a fresh new approach when we think of Orin, Shivambu, or whatever word we like that is a little less triggering for people when you’re speaking or even writing about it. Also, for yourself, it’s not what you thought the word urine was, it’s something else. We’re giving it a fresh coat of paint.
Do you have any extra little paint in your bucket that you might want to share here at the end? Some suggestions for a person who’s made it this far, but who has never tried Orin therapy and might want to explore it soon. What would you suggest to them?
I always say education is very powerful. It helps you feel confident to go into something new. I have done multiple videos with lots of slides and deep knowledge on Yummy.Doctor, which is my website. You can just search the term urine therapy or Orin or Shivambu. There’s loads of information there. If you’re on Telegram, I have a group, an archive of urine therapy of all the people who I’ve encouraged to practice it.
They’ve come back and they’ve said, “This is my experience. This is what’s happened. This is what I did this time, or I would do differently.” That helps, too, because when you realize that people like you are doing this and having these results, it’s going to build confidence. It’s going to help you overcome any fears around it and empower you to go right into it, know what you’re doing, and feel confident of what you’re doing.
You’ve given us so many tools already, Amandha. Thank you for your time. I want to pose to you the question I like to pose at the end here. If an audience could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
That’s a tough question for a person like me who’s full of every possible avenue of all ways that you can heal. The most important is your emotional health and getting clear with the inside of you. Listen to your inner voice and your intuition the most. Try to hone that or focus on that because it will guide you so much to all those things.
Even if you decide you want to go through a cleanse or you have a health condition. You don’t know where to start. There are so many options. If you work on clearing your inner self and listening to that still silent voice inside of you and honing your intuition like this, you’ll feel guided from your own internal method or your own way. That’s the real path to your own enlightenment. We tend to get very stimulated from the external, and we forget that we have all the answers inside of us. Hone your intuition. That’s going to be one of your biggest gifts for yourself.
If you work on clearing your inner self, listening to that still silent voice inside you, and honing your intuition like this. You’ll feel guided by your internal method, your way. That’s the path to your enlightenment.
Beautiful and powerful word to end on. Thank you so much for your time, Amandha. I appreciate it.
You’re more than welcome. Thank you so much as well. This is a great chat. I hope your audience are inspired.
Our guest was Amandha Vollmer. Visit her website, Yum Naturals or Healing With DMSO. You can find me at Holistic Hilda. Now, for a letter to the editor from a journal. “My company is doing some videos for the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service to promote their Discover MyPlate curricula for kindergarteners. I was downloading their materials to do the background content research and happened to find this infographic, showing scores stratified by age of how well Americas align their choices with the dietary guidelines.”
“The scores range from 53-66 by age group, out of 100. They don’t tie one score to any health markers. It’s implied that the closer your score is to 100, the less likely you are to get diabetes, heart disease, or cancer versus more likely, I would think. You can see more infographics here. Five ways to incorporate canned peaches, canned pears, frozen broccoli, canned or frozen corn. Everything with vegetable oil and low-fat dairy.” The one called MyPlate Holiday Makeover says, ‘A little gravy goes a long way.’ ‘Says who?’ is my question. ‘You can’t even splurge at Thanksgiving?’ The dietary guidelines are grim.” This is a letter from Joe, from Kansas City, Missouri.
Joe, thank you for bringing this to our attention. They certainly are making every effort to take over our plates. Thank you for putting this out there. You, too, can write a letter to the editor for our journal. Put Letter to the Editor on the subject line. Your story about your plate or anything else that’s on your mind that’s health-related maybe printed in an upcoming journal. Thank you so much for reading. Stay well. Keep your feet on the ground and your face to the sun.
About Amandha Vollmer
Amandha Dawn Vollmer is a professional Eclectic Holistic Health Practitioner, helping people to prevent disease and heal naturally. She designs and produces handcrafted and all-natural body care remedies available in her online stores. She is the published author of Healing with DMSO, a science-backed guide that will help readers understand how DMSO works, why it works, and the many ways we can harness its power to heal aches, pains, and other ailments.
Amandha has also been educating on the scientific errors of the germ theory and teaching a self empowering method of terrain care. She is also a proponent of Orin therapy; utilizing urine therapy in her own practice for several years and has discovered the healing benefits for her clients.
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- Tommy John – previous episode
- Dr. Cassie Huckaby – previous episode
- Veda Austin – previous episode
- The Water of Life
- Gerald Pollack – previous episode
- Miracles of Urine Therapy
- Natural Benefits of Urine Therapy
- The Golden Fountain
- Everspring Farms
- Holistic Hilda
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- MyPlate Holiday Makeover
- Letter to the Editor
Sally Oh says
On my mac and can’t find the ratings and reviews link. I opened apple podcasts and went thru a series of clicks, needed to download the episode to hear (I usually listen on spotify so not used to downloading). Now able to listen but cannot find a “leave a review” link… would LOVE to leave a review for this one, loved it!
mike says
You,my dear,have been programmed by the schools of false data and the only way to correct it is to change your mind and do some real honest testing and observing on your own. Good luck,and God bless!
Kelli says
This is horribly disgusting and has ruined my marriage. My otherwise healthy husband has begun ingesting his urine daily and I now want a divorce. I am also undergrad educated, graduated with honors, read all the studies, and do not believe it is anything other than anecdotal evidence that Amanda shares. Most studies are injecting Urea. This is insanely sick that any human would even consider drinking their own urine unless it was a last effort before death. People like you spread this misinformation and break apart families. We will never be the same now! I will never be able to touch or kiss my husband again. People who do this are literally insane and need to seek mental help.
Leaf says
Dear Kelli
Blaming someone or something else for ruining your marriage is full of red flags. Kelli your husband is also intelligent and capable of reading studies. If you have not been sick or if you only believe what your sold out education offers open your mind and heart rethink research and reexamine.
Orin therapy works when done right nothing gross just results. I have late stage lyme my whole family died from this devastating disease from not knowing the truth and not knowing the true benefits of fasting and using urine therapy. Also, oneself is not one’s enemy but an awesome Holy Temple a self healing amazing organism of consciousness. Take care and respect your husbands choice or run away in fear.
Chris says
Cistus Tea from Ki Science is very effective for Lymes disease. See Dr.Klinghardt.
Dana Anderson says
So, are you completely cured of Lyme disease now?
Christon says
You’re educated?
Do you not read modern news and realize that Dr. Burzynski uses urine extracts to dissolve tumors?
Don’t get a divorce, read more.
Scott says
according to this person, spiritually, UT is devastating. Can you comment
Dana Anderson says
I sent this to Dr. Group’s website:
I have been drinking my urine four days. It caused me not to sleep at all so I stopped drinking after 12:30 PM and still couldn’t sleep. On the fourth evening my heart was thumping as though there was an intruder in our house. I had been perfectly calm before this occurred and it was very, very scary. It lasted for hours. I really don’t know what’s going on? I don’t think I want to continue this therapy because I see no other reason causing me to have such a scary heart reaction.
Further, I have pain in my wrist so made a compress of boiled urine reduced to 1/4 which I left on all day while re-wetting. This caused me a diaper rash around my wrist and never was the pain alleviated. Additionally, I was applying three day old urine on my facial skin throughout the day because it’s supposed to be beneficial. My skin never felt moisturized; instead it felt a little bit dry and tight with a few larger red blotches. Of note, my midstream urine was not unpleasant tasting being light and clear.
I consume a healthy diet of staples such as kefir, ample leafy veg, butter and a little bit of meat. I also am absolutely no stranger to cleansing. I have completed three impacted feces/mucoid plaque cleanses, seven gallbladder flushes, and a few parasite cleanses. The scary thumping heart is not a detox symptom I have ever experienced in my life. Therefore I do not think it was a detox symptom and instead a negative reaction to urine drinking.
I have listened thoroughly to a slew of speakers found in one of the pdf texts Dr. Group shares. At this point it seems like sensationalism. I really don’t know what else to think? I am incredibly disappointed as I was really hoping to continue on.
Thank you kindly for your attention.
Christon says
These are either needed cleansing reactions, or lies.
Dana Anderson says
Lies? Because you know absolutely everything about everyone and all there is to know about the health right?
Cynthia Kerfoot says
Hi Dana,
I’m on urine therapy as well and haven’t had any problems. My first thought is possibly you are taking too large of a dose.
Here are a couple of excerpts from Dr.Group’s Urotherapy Research website (https://urotherapyresearch.com)
9. Detoxifying Symptoms When you first begin urine therapy, you may initially experience symptoms such as headache, nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, or skin rashes. In many of the research studies in Chapter 4, the doctors often observed such symptoms in their patients, which are the body’s natural responses as stored toxins from illness and disorders are excreted and removed from the body. These symptoms normally disappear within 24 to 36 hours. Also, by starting your therapy with a few oral drops, you may avoid or lessen the severity of detoxification. If you have begun your therapy with larger amounts, and are experiencing unpleasant symptoms, decrease the amount you are ingesting and continue with smaller doses. Homeopathic remedies and simple herbs can also be used and are often of great help during detoxification to relieve headache, nausea, diarrhea, etc.
Maintenance Dose
…A daily maintenance dose is usually considered by those who use urine therapy regularly to be one to two ounces of morning midstream urine. but this dose may also be as little as 5-10 drops per day, or every other day, depending on your individual condition and needs.
This article is from Dr.Group’s Urotherapy Research website https://urotherapyresearch.com/
Dana Anderson says
I have watched all of Dr. groups urine videos. You’re another urine enthusiast. Some people have become very ill from drinking urine. End of story.
SopieS says
When babies are in the womb they are all in he amniotic fluid which is water that comes from the mother’s body, and at twenty weeks of pregnancy the fluid is made up of mostly the babies sterile urine, so the baby is suspended in sterile urine. We have all been before we were born suspended in sterile urine . I know it is hard for people to comprehend that our bodies have an intelligence and can heal us. For example the fecal implants, heal people gut issues. My friend was ill and they took her saliva, urine they did all this stuff to lab to and then she was injected with it it was form of immunotherapy . Anyhow, she was very sick for long time and that cured her .
Dana Anderson says
For web
My experience with Brother Sage and his book has been foul! I drank my own urine: fresh and aged for 2 1/2 months and became very, very ill! During which I experienced the most violent attacks of dizziness that felt as though they were super natural and very scary! I also contracted pink eye twice from applying aged urine to my eyes! In his book “Brother Sage” says “urine is filthy”, so I ask you why would you drink it? Apparently you can drink your urine without the filth if you eat nothing aside fruit and greens. Then he claims your urine will provide all vitamins, minerals etc. that you require. He devoutly believes this because it is written in an ancient text. The Bible is an ancient text as well and full of rubbish. It’s unreal how urine drinkers think because it is written in an ancient text it must be the truth. There are people who also eat their feces, so how far do you want to take consumption of excrement, your body’s waste?
Urine DOES NOT PROVIDE all the necessary nutrition back to you. I proved it by not taking my magnesium supplement for three weeks during urine drinking. I have a hyper thyroid and if I do not take magnesium my thyroid becomes completely dysfunctional causing me all sorts of negative symptoms including insomnia! Insomnia which I had from the day I started drinking urine and lasting the entire 2 1/2 months! My thyroid was completely out of whack at three weeks in because there was no magnesium in my system and obviously the urine wasn’t giving it to me! Once I began taking magnesium again my thyroid normalized. He claims urine will help you sleep and everything gets better etc.! This was not the case. After stopping urine consumption my sleep has returned.
I also had two sessions with “Brother Sage” costing me $222. When I emailed him frantically telling him I was very sick he didn’t even bother to reply and passed me off to Dr. Group, a high profile doctor, who never responded when I emailed him. ”Brother Sage” didn’t even return my money after dropping me like this. What kind of health consultant drops their client as he has done I ask you? He is unqualified anyway having zero credentials. During the calls, he often said I just don’t know to my inquiries.
Also brother sage seems to think drinking urine is the fountain of youth. He’s 70 years old and looks his old man age. He is skinny, bald and weak in appearance. I haven’t found one urine drinker who looks like a strong alpha male. Dr. Group is a urine drinker too and is also the same unbuilt male who you wouldn’t want to emulate. Dr. Group doesn’t look any better than any other male his age who takes good care of himself without drinking urine!
Also, Google is not censoring urine “therapy” any longer so you need to ask yourself why this would be? As a side note, one of India’s leading “gurus”, Sadhguru, sanctifies the Aghori Sadhu’s practice of drinking urine and eating feces. Watch the expository video on YouTube entitled:
“Scientists do Bizarre Things… Not the Aghori- Sadhguru”
Ask yourself now if urine drinking is the beginning of the end, the beast mentality.
Care says
I can’t believe that you are promoting drinking piss!
Our kidneys filter out things out of our bodies that should not be in there. We are not supposed to put it back in our bodies.
I don’t care how long ago this terribly disgusting practice started.
What are they going to tell people next? Eat your own excrement to heal whatever ails ya!
No thanks! Stop listening to these charlatans. They bait us with some good information and then tell people to drink their own piss! 🤮
I will never look upon her or this brand the same ever again!
Brenda says
WOW! This is the first article I’ve read on this subject that appeared in my search after listening to the testimony of one’s husband who turned to this therapy as a last resort. Extremely ill, his health improved after using this technique. Intrigued, I thought I’d read up on it. While I found this article interesting, I was taken aback after reading the comments.
Health is extremely personal and individualized. What works for one may not work for another. And for those with extenuating situations, such as myself, I realize due diligence is imperative.
As a cancer survivor who experienced the conventional therapies before and after a couple of surgeries, I’m not yet sure if I’m even a candidate for urotherapy. I was prescribed chemo in pill form, and 28 treatments of radiation before surgery, then 8 chemo treatments following surgery.
During my recovery, I learned that radiation stays in the system for years thereafter. The neuropathy I began feeling half way into my chemo treatments, my oncologist said would clear up in 18 months. Not! Chemo permanently damaged my nerves resulting in peripheral neuropathy and sometimes issues with my balance whether standing or walking.
I’ll continue in my research without jumping into anything, but post cancer, I have absolutely no-faith in conventional doctors. In fact, I refuse to take ANY medication. I’m totally on my own in a do-or-die situation while there are days when my neuropathy has me wondering if I’m on a downward spiral.
Jay says
If man was to drink his own waste products, he would have been born with a built in system that recycles it internally. Waste is waste. Anything the body throws out, in any way shape of form is no longer needed by the body. Would you eat your excrement, blood, ear wax? This *woman* is a snake oil salesman.