Hormones are chemical messengers that manage many major functions of our bodies. How do we support our hormone health so that our bodies can run optimally? Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains how to best do so in this bonus episode, that reviews highlights from the latest Wise Traditions journal. She discusses the results of recent studies that show the benefits of fats for proper health, the importance of the hormone axis, and getting vitamins from real food, as opposed to supplements. She discusses how soy damages hormone function and how to best nurture our children. This is fascinating conversation that covers a plethora of topics!
Highlights from it include:
- the results of the PURE study (an epidemiological study conducted in 18 countries) that point to the benefits of a high-fat diet
- the relationship between gut flora and autism, and aluminum and autism
- the problem of fluoride
- why she believes that mental health issues can be treated without the use of drugs
- parents’ role in their children’s health
- the importance of eating real food (like liver) as opposed to supplements for vitamins
- the glands that make up the axis that regulates our hormone health: the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and the adrenal glands
- how hormones help us both with basic functions and with an ability to grasp spiritual ideas
- the thyroid gland is intricately involved in the axis & regulates metabolism
- how soy is a hormone-suppressant
- wise traditions in Peru
- the dangers of bio-identical hormones
- the FDA rescinding soy’s “heart-healthy” claim
- how the FDA now wants to allow a “qualified health claim” for soybean oil
- WAPF’s response to that (and success they’ve achieved in the past)
- How 25% of baby formula used to soy-based (and how that percentage has now cut in half)
- The “last seven states” campaign for the legalization of raw milk in every state in the U.S.
Main articles from the Winter 2017 Wise Traditions journal
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