For decades, we’ve been told to protect ourselves with sunscreen from the sun’s harmful rays or risk getting skin cancer. However, melanoma has increased, in tandem with the use of sunscreen. What’s going on?
Today, clinical scientist and hormone expert Dr. Elizabeth Plourde weighs in on the sunscreen debate and discusses why sunscreen may be doing more harm than good. Elizabeth has done extensive research on the chemicals in sunscreen and gives us clarity about how they are impacting coral, marine life, and our own. She explains how the ingredients mess with our hormone health. She gives us the keys to a diet that works as a kind of “solar protector,” and sheds light on the role that electro-magnetic frequencies play in making us more vulnerable to the toxins in sunscreen. She also gives us insights as to why the medical community is not making this information more widely known.
In sum, Elizabeth opens our eyes to the scope of the problem emanating from our use of sunscreen and what we can do to curtail its detrimental impact.
For more on sunscreen’s effects, visit Dr. Plourde’s website: sunscreensbiohazard.com.
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Is Sunscreen Okay To Use?
Dr. Elizabeth Plourde explains the effects of sunscreen on coral, marine life, and on all of us.
Episode Transcript
Within the below transcript the bolded text is Hilda
This is episode 183. Our guest is Dr. Elizabeth Plourde. She is a Clinical Laboratory Scientist, a NAMS Certified Menopause Practitioner and the author of the books Sunscreens. In this episode, Elizabeth makes a strong case for why we need to second guess our relationship to sunscreen. She breaks it all down for us, how the chemicals in them are affecting the coral in the oceans, marine life and our own.
She goes over several of the wide-ranging health effects that can result from its use from leaky gut, hormonal disruption, impaired neurological function and even more. Not only that, but sunscreen does not even necessarily protect our skin from cancer as advertised. What happens if we decide to pitch it? How can we protect ourselves from sun damage, sunburn and even melanoma? Elizabeth offers advice for that too.
First, a quick word to let you know that The Weston A. Price Foundation has a whole host of resources on our website, including brochures like Nutrition for Mental Health, Myths & Truths About Cholesterol, The Vaccine Flyer and more. Some of these brochures are as inexpensive as $0.25 a copy. Go to our homepage and order some. They are succinct and life-changing.
A big thank you to our sponsor, Ancestral Supplements, the makers of the gallbladder with ox bile. Based on the ancient wisdom of like supports like, they put New Zealand-sourced nose to tail organ meats and bone marrow in convenient gelatin capsules. Order yours at AncestralSupplements.com. Ancestral Supplements, putting back in what the modern world has left out.
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Welcome to Wise Traditions, Dr. Plourde.
Thank you so much.
We wanted to have you on the show to bring a taste of what you have to offer to our audience. I know that you were a scuba diver. Didn’t you say that you became alarmed by what was happening to the coral and the ocean? Let’s start with that story.
Yes. I’m grateful that I learned to scuba dive years ago and got to see the gorgeous coral. It’s breathtaking down there. I have to remember to keep my mouth shut because it opens up in such awe of the different gorgeous animals and then I got to see them dying. I got to see a beautiful expanse of coral in 1980 where the cruise ship was saying to all the thousands of people unloading every day, “Put on your sunscreen.” When I went back in 1985, the entire expanse was totally white.
Are you saying that with your own eyes, within five years, you saw the result of the sunscreen polluting all the waters?
Yes, I did. I didn’t know at that time in 1985. When I went to swim in Hawaii and I’ve been swimming in Hawaiian waters for years. I was freezing with goosebumps all over me. I was forcing myself to stay in because I knew I wasn’t there long and I like to swim for at least a couple of hours a day. I got out of the water and still goosebumps all over me. Their headline was, “Our coral is dying due to global warming.”
I’m looking at my goosebumps and I’m going, “This is not warm. This is the coldest I’ve ever felt this ocean in many years.” I started investigating because I knew that wasn’t the problem. I immediately found evidence that these chemicals in the sunscreen as well as the preservative by itself in the sunscreen can kill the coral in 96 hours to the point of being bleached white. As I kept investigating what these chemicals do, I became horrified at how toxic they are to all of us. My husband said, “Why are you writing a book about sunscreens? You’re a hormone specialist.”
I’d written a book on hormones and consulted around the world on menopause. I said, “I love the coral. I want to save the coral.” I didn’t know I had to be a hormone specialist to describe these chemicals that are being put in these sunscreens. They’re extremely potent endocrine disruptors and potent anti-testosterones. They’re harming the fish as well as they’re harming our own bodies with this potent hormonal effect. If they’re not potent hormones, they’re little metal particles. They’re either zinc or titanium dioxide and that is very damaging. They bring them down to nano size or micro size so that you can’t see them.
They don’t look like the white paste that used to go on the lifeguard’s nose. Now you can’t see them at all. They’re so tiny that they get into the body, into the brain and the liver. They’re found all over the body. They cause extreme harm to the brain and to the developing fetus. They see them in the mice on the day they’re born. One of the studies that followed it for 21 days found that 1,881 genes were altered by titanium dioxide.
Elizabeth, this is alarming information. I want to say, “Hold up,” because we’ve been told for decades to cover ourselves with sunscreen to protect ourselves from the harmful rays of the sun. Is that not true either?
That’s not true. My first Sunscreen book was years ago. When I started looking at 2017 research, I was horrified that what I’d seen in the past. It was documented and that it was an even worse effect than I had seen. I felt like I had to write another book. I started writing and by the time I got to 90 pages of wanting people to know this information, I decided, “It’s another book.” This book documents that in the 1980s and 1990s, doctors were saying that there was no proof that the sun caused melanoma. They were saying that there was no proof that sunscreens would prevent it. They were right because melanoma has climbed since sunscreens were introduced. It’s become an epidemic because the whole concept is wrong.

Only 4% of the entire solar spectrum is ultraviolet. That’s all you’re blocking. There is 47% is near-infrared. Those near-infrared rays go so much deeper into the skin, into our mitochondria, into harming things that are below our skin that we need to protect. If you block the sunburn by putting on sunscreen, you’re cutting the red warning light to the dash of your car saying, “You can sit in the sun longer.” You sit in the sun hours longer than you should because you don’t have the red warning light on your skin. Those rays go deeper and they’re causing the cancers.
I want to make sure I’m getting this right. In other words, our sunburn or the skin turning red is a warning sign to us that we need to get out of the sun. When we don’t have that warning sign, it’s like we’re taping over the red warning light on our dashboard and ignoring the problem. Whereas if we can hang out in the sun for a long time without a burn happening, without sunscreen, then we’re doing ourselves a favor. Is that right?
Yes. When your skin starts burning, that’s the time to get out of the sun and cover up. It’s enough. I’m a clinical laboratory scientist and I went into the field because I’m in awe of our bodies. The biochemistry of our body is staggeringly amazing. What happens when the solar radiation hits the skin, the body automatically brings up the antioxidants because the solar radiation causes oxidation, so it brings antioxidants to the skin.
When you’ve used up the available antioxidants, that’s when you start burning and it is time to get out of the sun because your body can no longer protect you. When you get in the sun gradually and you tan, they’re now saying, “Tan is bad.” The tan is the body’s natural reaction because the melanin of the tan is our best solar protector. Melanin is better than any protector for protecting the cells from being oxidized.
I’m thinking about the Wise Traditions at The Weston A. Price Foundation lifts up. These indigenous people around the world are certainly exposed to a lot of sun. However, they were exposing themselves gradually so that their bodies would produce the right amount of melanin. They would have this lovely tans or deep hue in the skin that would show that they were naturally protected. Is that right?
That’s correct. As you go closer to the equator, the natural indigenous people, their skins are darker and darker. Their skin is naturally protecting them from solar radiation. The problem with black skin is it provides so much protection. When they come up into the northern climates where their body is not getting as much radiation, they have a problem with making enough vitamin D because solar radiation makes your skin produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is anti-cancer for the entire body. They have more problems with vitamin D deficiency because their skin is not as efficient. If people moved away from the equator, their skin had to get lighter and lighter to efficiently bring in the sunshine.
We’ve got to flip the paradigm. We’ve been told all along that the sun causes cancer or melanoma. You’re telling us that our bodies can protect us and have cancer-fighting properties. Indeed, it’s the sunscreen that’s putting us at risk. Is that correct?
That’s correct. It has never been proven. There was an article published that proved that the fatal type of melanoma arises from places in the body that don’t see the sun, from the bottom of the foot or the anus.
This is mind-boggling and yet this misinformation is still out there. Let’s say I’m a dermatologist and I see patients getting melanoma in strange places that don’t see the sun. Wouldn’t I put two and two together?
Absolutely. When I started reacting to electromagnetic radiation, my symptom was an itchy and bloody rash all over my entire body. I went to twelve different doctors and I went to the biggest dermatology guru in the area. When I told them everything I’ve been through to try to get rid of the rash, he finally said, “The answer is ultraviolet radiation because it calms the skin.” He had an ultraviolet radiation room where insurance will pay for you standing there surrounded by ultraviolet light. Outside that room, he had a whole display of sunscreens. It didn’t compute at all that ultraviolet radiation is good for us and yet they’re selling all these extremely harmful sunscreens.
There’s one chemical that’s extremely anti-testosterone, more anti-testosterone than a shot they give prostate cancer patients blocking their testosterone thinking that’s the cure for prostate cancer but it’s is more anti-testosterone than that. That’s now in almost 100% of American blood because it’s in our water. This is even the people who have never used sunscreen. It’s in their blood. They’ve tested all the way down to six years old. Six-year-olds have this chemical in their blood.
If they don’t use sunscreen, where are they getting it from?
It’s in our water now. It’s in every lake, every river, ocean and sea. It doesn’t come out in waste treatment plants and it doesn’t come out with water filters.
If we’re all exposed to these testosterone blockers, we’re putting into jeopardy our health and our sexuality.
That’s true. One of the things that happen is the male fetus develops testicles within weeks of the union. It starts putting out testosterone because the male fetal brain has to be based on testosterone for it to develop secondary male characteristics. They’re now not. We have many young men saying, “I don’t know if I’m a boy or girl.” This is part of the gender identity crisis that we’re seeing.
I’ve heard that theory before. It makes sense if the toxins in the rivers and the lakes are leading to intersex fish or frogs with the genitalia of both genders, then how could the toxins not be affecting us as human beings as well?
That’s what we’re seeing. In fact, I’ve had autism teachers tell me they have kids in their class with both sets of genitals, the same as the fish.
Let’s back up for a minute, Dr. Plourde. Essentially, we’re blocking the very thing our body needs. In other words, when I put on sunscreen, I am blocking out the rays from the sun that are beneficial to me for my health. For example, aren’t we blocking our vitamin D absorption? I understand it’s a huge epidemic across the country that people are vitamin D deficient.
It’s a problem around the world, that’s true. Sunscreens are used around the world. They’re in every sea and ocean. They’re everywhere. Whatever water they sample, they see these sunscreen chemicals. The answer is to eat a high antioxidant diet because it’s all oxidation damage. If you eat the food or take supplements and use antioxidants, that’s the answer.
Coming up, Elizabeth gives specifics about that high antioxidant diet. She also discusses what drives the misinformation we received and she even explains why frequent electromagnetic exposure is making us more vulnerable to health problems.
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I did a radio show and the first caller that called in said, “You’re right.” He was so enthusiastic. He says, “I work outside all day. I eat a high antioxidant diet. I don’t wear a shirt and I don’t even turn color.” I talked to a woman who used to burn in the sun because she was white. She ate a high antioxidant diet. She switched her diet to that. Now she says she’s out and it doesn’t bother her at all.
Tell us, what is a high antioxidant diet?
What I did in my Sunscreen book, I have a whole chapter saying that they’re Mother Nature’s solar protectors. That whole chapter is amazing because it would take me at least three hours to go through what all is in there. They all work together, all the brightly colored fruits and vegetables, the reds, the purples, the deep leafy greens, C and E, and all the spices. It’s amazing.
I cannot believe the amount of research that had been done when I was creating that book years ago because it’s all there. It’s garlic. Astaxanthin is an excellent protector and you can take that as a supplement. I’ve had people say that’s all they take and they’re fine out in the sun. By providing the skin with what it needs to protect itself, you can get the benefit of the solar radiation helping you make your own vitamin D.
I’m curious, the people who live closer to the equator, is their diet naturally higher in antioxidants? Do you know anything about that?
Looking at the food around the world, as you go close to the equator, there are all kinds of foods and vegetables or fruits mainly. They’re all brightly colored and they’re plentiful. All these mangoes, papayas and guavas are all brightly colored fruits. They’re naturally eating it. Also, coconut is good too. They have coconut. It’s their natural diet as you get down there closer to the equator.
It all sounds delicious. I have berries on my yogurt in the morning and I’m such a huge fan.
The blueberries, the raspberries, all the berries.
Let’s pivot for a moment and go back to the time when you were scuba diving and noticing the effect of sunscreens on coral life. Tell us more about how it’s affecting the coral, marine life and even our own lives as well.
The coral is sensitive. It’s a symbiotic relationship between algae and the coral. The algae absorb the sunlight and provide energy for the corals. The preservative alone will kill the algae. These toxic chemicals kill it and also help it release viruses that have been innate in it and then the virus spreads and then kills the whole coral all the way around. It’s not only killing that but the zinc and titanium that they’re now saying are kid-safe, it’s unconscionable to call this kid-safe. They’re not. They do go into the brain and they do disrupt the development of the brain. The researchers that are working on that say that there is so much damage to the genes in the brain that are permanent that they feel these kids will be psychotic by the time they’re adults
The parents are being diligent to follow the doctor’s advice and the healthcare practitioners and putting sunscreen on their babies not even just in the summer but in the winter too when their kids are going out to play in the park.
It’s ridiculous. The titanium dioxide that’s in this kid-safe stuff or reef-safe as they call it too, one of the researchers said in their articles that it’s an immoral, unconscionable experiment unleashed on the planet, the titanium dioxide. It’s amazing because of the fact that it was never proven that the sun would cause melanoma and never proven that the sunscreens would block it. What they did initially was they blocked the UVB. That was the first sunscreen that came out in 1978. As melanoma kept increasing, they finally identified that you need the UVA with UVB. The UVA is what causes melanoma. If you block the UVB and allow UVA in, you’re going to get more melanoma. Their whole journey has been on the wrong foot all the way along.
I’m thinking of a friend of mine who posted a picture of herself on Facebook post-surgery. She had a big chunk of her nose removed because she had melanoma and she was saying, “I’ve got to keep putting on that sunscreen.” I know she and her friends are all concerned. What would you say to these people who are very much afraid of contracting melanoma?
Eat a high antioxidant diet and clean up the diet. Food is the answer. It was put out here on this planet to help protect us. If we eat a high antioxidant diet, we’re not going to develop melanoma or cancers. Melanoma can also have a genetic influence too but that’s not caused by the sun either. It’s genetic.
If we’re careful about our diet and gradually build up our solar callus, so to speak, by spending time in the sun gradually and developing that, it’s not going to make the people in the industry any money, is it?
No, and it’s a multi-billion dollar industry not only here but throughout Europe. They’re not going to give it up easily and they’re going to fight it. These fights in the medical journals of these doctors who said that their experiments proved that there was no protection for melanoma and no protection for basal cell carcinoma, they were ostracized in the journals, “How dare you?” When you track down who is funding the doctors who are ostracizing them, they’re funded by the cosmetic companies and the pharmaceutical companies that make the sunscreen.
Dr. Plourde, I have seen this time and time again. Money seems to be the driver. It’s the sole goal of people in power. The rest of us are these little pawns being frightened into following the status quo or obeying whatever the guidelines are and not even realizing that the people in power don’t have our best interest at heart.
That’s true, they don’t. It’s sad. In all of my research, I’ve uncovered that women need estrogen. That’s in my first book. There’s a belief that it causes breast cancer, the study that did that should have never been done because it wasn’t done with human estrogen or human hormones. It was done with synthetics and synthetics do cause cancer. There are no two ways around it. It’s amazing that there’s so much misinformation out there. My husband came up with mass consciousness, mass cons that have been put out to the masses. He highlights those first few letters.

That is powerful. That is why I’m happy that we have this show and that we have The Weston A. Price Foundation because we’re not beholden to the powers that be. We’re a nonprofit that’s trying to get the word out about how to nurture good health. We’re not saying that people have to buy a certain product or even this information. What we’re saying is, “Here is information for your consideration. This is the day and age of the democratization of information.” We’re getting the word out. We have experts like you on this show and then people can make their own informed decisions.
The other thing that concerns me is that electromagnetic radiation is putting holes in every cell membrane. Everybody is having their cells compromised. We need a protective membrane around every cell to keep in what needs to stay in there and let out what needs to get out and not allow harmful things in. It’s also putting holes in all our protective barriers. The blood-brain barrier, our intestinal lining, that’s the food allergies. Our intestinal lining is like a sieve now and so the food gets into the blood. Our body says, “This is foreign,” and it starts making antibodies. It’s also putting holes in the placenta. All these toxins can get into our babies while they’re being formed and creating havoc for this next generation.
When you say electromagnetic radiation, what are you referring to?
Cell phones, Wi-Fi, iPad, you can’t get away from it anymore. It’s coming off the television. I started reacting to electromagnetic radiation and one of the symptoms that I had was my skin would open up in hemorrhage from our TV set. It would open up in these four-inch long lines and hemorrhage. We got rid of our TV. Until I found the things that helped me save my life, it helped me get back to work, get back to the computer and finish writing my books. Everybody’s being impacted and they don’t know it. Everybody has a symptom from electromagnetic radiation and they don’t recognize it. They might have this little itchy skin, so they go to the drugstore and get cortisone cream.
They get a headache and they think, “I’ve been staring at the screen too long.” They’re not realizing it is the electromagnetic frequency that’s getting to them. Dr. Plourde, how does this relate to what we were talking about a moment ago, the sunscreens and the EMF? In other words, how are they tied together?
The body is being compromised by electromagnetic radiation. It’s no longer functioning with its protections in place. It no longer has a balanced immune system because it throws off our Th1, Th2, Th17. It throws off our immune system. It’s no longer balanced. We can’t fight bacteria and parasites and things like that. We’re reacting more to molds because our body is out of balance from the radiation. Anything toxic like sunscreen chemicals has free access. They can go anywhere in our bodies and cause harm.
It’s like we’re letting our guard down. Sally has likened our bodies to palaces or fortresses and it’s like the bricks are falling out. Our bodies are compromised by these non-native electromagnetic frequencies. We don’t have the proper nutrition to shore up our bodies. These toxic chemicals in the sunscreens can have a field day in our bodies compromising our health.
The compact fluorescent lightbulbs are damaging to us. We’ve kept all our incandescent and we will not let go of that. We bought a lifetime supply because there’s no way I will sit in a place with compact fluorescent bulbs. One of the symptoms that I had before I started wearing what I found that worked for me was that my whole ceiling is fluorescent. It’s a whole bank of fluorescent lights. I couldn’t stand and do dishes with a short sleeve shirt on. My skin would burn like a sunburn from the fluorescent lights.
Most of us are not seeing those kinds of dramatic results on our bodies but there’s still stuff happening deep inside on a level that we can’t see, isn’t there?
Right. We’re being oxidized. Both the solar and the EMF radiation causes oxidation. It causes the same kind of damage. It harms our mitochondria. We are seeing so many mitochondrial deficiency diseases today because our mitochondria are being put out of commission by both of these assaults. We need to look at this and do whatever we can to reduce our exposure to the EMF. We don’t need to be in constant contact. It’s damaging for our kids to be around cell phones and iPads. I cringe when I see parents propping their baby up in the restaurant in front of an iPad because their brains are smaller, more fluid and more rapidly dividing DNA, much more susceptible to the damage from these radiations.
We’re not saying we have to abandon all technology and go live in a cave somewhere but there are ways to be smart about how we handle technology in our homes. We could have our computers wired, for example, limit screen time for children and so on.
I would love to create a toy company of interesting toys that kids would get involved with rather than needing their cell phone, iPad or games on these things. They need to be outside. They need sunshine. They need the grounding from being on the earth for them to develop healthfully.
I love it, Dr. Plourde. Start your toy line. Seriously, that sounds amazing. If Doug and Melissa can do it, you can do it, too.
We have to. The radiation causes mental instability. It destroys the neurotransmitter balance in our brain. Nobody’s acting normal. We’re seeing it everywhere. These poor children don’t know. If you’ve got a child who has been compromised by the sunscreen chemicals in their body as well as the electromagnetic radiation while they’re developing, their brains aren’t wired the same. It doesn’t take much for them to be out of control.
The autistic kids flip out of control when they’re exposed to electromagnetic radiation but they don’t understand it. I watched a nonverbal autistic kid and there was a huge amount of radiation coming from the hotel computer bank. I don’t know exactly what was behind the wall but I could feel the pressure on my body. This poor kid, I couldn’t watch him. He melted into a total hysterical breakdown. He couldn’t tell his mother and father, “I am feeling all this pressure on my body and my brain.”
We need to look at the fact that we don’t need Wi-Fi in all the buildings. We need to have places where there’s no radiation. Once smart meters went into America, I saw the shift. I began hearing from the people in Canada who got the electrical smart meters way before we did and they called and said how sick they were and begged for help. Being a menopause practitioner, I started hearing from all these people in the San Francisco Bay Area all within weeks of each other all saying the same thing, “I’ve got these headaches. I can’t sleep. I’m tired. I’m irritable. I must be going into early menopause.”
They were only 41, 42, 43. They’re all too young for menopause. I have a six-page profile I have them fill out. When I look at it, I’m going, “This is not hormones. These women are not menopausal.” In my research, I talk to each one in-depth, what’s new? What’s different? The common denominator was the electrical smart meter going on their residents within weeks or months of these symptoms. When I looked up the biochemistry of why they cause headaches, they cause headaches because they clump the red blood cells and the red blood cells can’t deliver oxygen. It’s the same high-altitude headache. There is not enough oxygen in the air.

Insomnia destroys melatonin. We don’t have melatonin to drop into a deep reparative sleep. It destroys our neurotransmitters, so we’re irritable. It destroys our ATP. It destroys glycine that comes out of our mitochondria. We’re tired. All of the symptoms made sense. Now when I started researching the total impact of these electromagnetic radiations, it causes so many symptoms that people are seeing now.
It’s been fun doing lectures over the years to medical doctors. Years ago, they were ho-hum and not paying much attention. I put up the screen that lists all the symptoms that include heart palpitations, ringing in the ears, dizziness, vertigo, blurred vision, brain fog and nosebleeds. When I list all those, they sit forward in their seats. You could see them looking forward. They then come by our booth and say, “Thank you. You’re helping me understand the patients I haven’t been able to help.”
You’ve given us a lot to think about and so much to consider in terms of how to mitigate the effects of EMFs and pay attention to our surroundings and what we’re putting on our bodies in terms of sunscreen that could be affecting our health. Thank you so much for all of this valuable information. I want to ask you now the question I often pose at the end, Dr. Plourde. If the reader could do one thing to improve their health, what would you recommend that they do?
Change the diet to include all the antioxidants and realize that you need them. They work synergistically together. You need a complex of antioxidants, not just 1 or 2. It needs to be your diet and make it organic because of the pesticide problem, too. Yes, organics are a little more expensive but it’s well worth it. I tell people to get their smart meters off their houses, the electric gas and water. They have to pay so much a month and I tell them that it’s the best health insurance you can buy.
Excellent advice. Thank you for your time. It’s been a wonderful conversation.
I appreciate you. I appreciate being able to get this information out there. It’s hard to know all this and know the whole world doesn’t know yet.
We’re getting it out one podcast, one article, one conference at a time. Thank you.
Thank you.
Our guest was Dr. Elizabeth Plourde. For more on the topic, visit her website, SunscreensBiohazard.com. I’m Holistic Hilda. Find me on Instagram, @Holistic_Hilda. Thanks for reading. See you next time.
About Dr. Elizabeth Plourde

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- @Holistic_Hilda – Instagram
Reference Links:
Elizabeth’s Website with videos, information and books
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Where dominions the sunscreen recipe that she talks about with carrot seed oil and raspberry oil?