Archives for 2024
Golden Sauerkraut
Guía para Entender los Disruptores Hormonales
Destrezas para la Autosuficiencia con Finca La Maye
Fermented Garlic
La Transición a una Dieta Ancestral para la Familia
La sal en nuestra salud
Aceites Vegetales, Lo que la Industria no Quiere que Sepas
Help hold vaccine manufacturers accountable!
Probiotic Shilajit Peppermint Lemonade
La Importancia del Contacto de los Niños con la Naturaleza
Call to Action: Support the LOCAL Foods Act!
Chopped Chicken Liver Pâté
Retos y Recompensas del Regreso al Campo con Finca La Maye
Recuperar la Salud con una Dieta Ancestral
Help stop a dangerous vaccine bill in New Jersey!
Collagen Broth from Chicken Feet
Sanación en Niños Aplicando la Dieta GAPS
High Protein Gummies
Las Medidas Impuestas en la Llamada pandemia de Covid-19 (Parte 2)
Hoy, en el episodio 68, continuamos con la segunda parte de nuestra conversación con el Dr. Diego Martinelli para discutir y desenmascarar los diferentes aspectos de la llamada […]
El Dogma de la Medicina Moderna
Prácticamente todos hemos crecido con el temor de contagiarnos si estamos en contacto con alguien que esté enfermo o incluso si han anunciado que hay algún virus peligroso […]
Las Medidas Impuestas en la Llamada Pandemia de Covid-19
Beef Bars
Help stop two identical bad vaccine bills in the New Jersey Legislature!
A1899 and S1981 would trivialize genuine vaccine risks and serious reactions by expanding the authority of pharmacy technicians and interns to administer vaccines and other drugs, including allowing all staff to […]
Introducción a la Herbolaria
¿Cuántas veces has estado caminando en tu ciudad o en tu pueblo y te has detenido a preguntarte cuál es la planta acabas de pisar? ¿Qué propiedades pudiera […]
Creamed Honey Gummies
Support A Good Bill In Ohio!
Ohio legislators are considering House Bill 8, an essential step in protecting parental rights in public schools. This bill mandates that all public schools notify parents that they […]
Salmon Spread
Journal, Summer 2024, Curse of Cottonseed
The Curse of Cottonseed Joan McGovern Tendler warns against gossypol and other toxic cottonseed oilingredients How to Stay Out of the Emergency Department Dr. Andrew Kaufman on how […]
Urgent Request for In-District Meetings on USDA Animal ID Mandate
Fermented Potato Chips
Support A Good Bill In Michigan!
Something Ain’t Right with Kevin Sorbo
Something Ain’t Right with Kevin SorboExecutive Producer/Director: Susan Downs Many have noticed information and videos disappearing from YouTube, Facebook and other media. YouTube removed this video, and you […]
Vegans in Danger by Lierre Keith and Ken Berry
Vegans in DangerLierre Keith and Ken Berry, MD Lierre Keith was sixteen years old when she met a vegan friend who sold her on changing to a vegan […]
Climate: The Movie by Martin Durkin
Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)Written and directed by Martin DurkinProduced by Tom Nelson This film features a couple of my favorite scientists, Steven Koonin and William Happer. […]
Sacred Cow by Diana Rodgers
Sacred Cow: The Nutritional, Environmental and Ethical Case for Better MeatProduced and directed by Diana Rodgers Almost the first thing that we see in this film is a […]
Bone Marrow Ice Cream — Savory or Sweet
Fish Cakes
Help stop a dangerous vaccine bill in California! Due Aug. 7
Letters, Summer 2024
OVER ONE HUNDRED GALLONS PER WEEK! In 2007, I started a private buying club bringing raw milk to our community. I started with five members. My friend Greg […]
Grasa y colesterol en la leche humana
Tomato Soup Viento
Fruit Ice Cream
Yorkshire Pudding
El Legado del Dr. Weston A. Price
Coconut Ice Cream Variations
Princípios Atemporais de Dietas Tradicionais Saudáveis
Original English PDF Índice Sobre o Dr. Weston A. PriceCaracterísticas das Dietas Tradicionais – 11 PrincípiosDiretrizes DietéticasPerigos DietéticosConfuso sobre Gorduras?Os Vários Papéis da Gordura SaturadaOs Ativadores LipossolúveisO Que […]
Au-delà du cholestérol
Más Mantequilla y Menos Miedo
La mantequilla contiene muchos nutrientes que nos protegen contra enfermedades del corazón, ayuda a prevenir el cáncer, la artritis y la osteoporosis. Apoya la función adecuada de la […]
Breakfast Porridge – Soaked Oatmeal
Help stop a bad vaccine bill in the South Carolina Legislature. We need everyone to contact the governor quickly!
WAPF Calendar Archive 2024
MAR 21-24LAS VEGAS, NVInternational Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) conference featuringSally Fallon Morell, Griffin Cole, Morley Robbins and many others.INFO: MAY 5BRANDYWINE, MDNourishing Traditional Diets, […]
La Lógica Biológica de la Inflamación
Si has escuchado este podcast anteriormente sabrás que parte de nuestro enfoque es buscar entender, cuestionar y analizar desde una mirada crítica y alternativa lo que muchas veces […]
Help Stop Forced Electronic Animal ID!
Savory Breakfast Muffins
Help stop a bad vaccine bill in the Pennsylvania Legislature!
El Coco, Alimento Ancestral y Patrimonio Inmaterial
Desde tiempos inmemorables el Coco ha jugado un papel fundamental en la dieta y el bienestar de millones de hombres y mujeres en todas las regiones tropicales del […]
Help stop a bad vaccine bill in the Pennsylvania Legislature!
Sourdough Ramen Noodles
Action Alert: Planned Shutdown Of Raw Milk Farmers
Timeless Principles brochure, Hebrew Translation
Timeless Principles of Healthy Traditional Diets – Hebrew Link to original English Version
El Vinagre de Manzana, Un Fermento Multiusos
¿Qué es la Pesca Sustentable y Cómo Apoyarla?
DE Alert on SB 273: Legalize Raw Milk Sales in Delaware (House cmte)
Quiche Lorraine with Sourdough Crust
Help Protect Free Speech for Healthcare Providers and Prevent WHO Overreach in Ohio!
Ask your governor to support two good bills in Louisiana!
Maíz, Patrimonio de Mil Caras
Lacto-Fermented Ginger Ale
Journal, Spring 2024, Kidney Health
The Gut Microbiome, Oxalate Intolerance and Your Kidneys Dr. Ruth Ann Foster explains why guthealth is essential for kidney health Reduce Anemia in India by Improving Diets, Not […]
Amigo Dolor, ¿Qué Quieres Decirme?
Nat’l Alert – 2024 Farm Bill with Custom Slaughter Pilot Program to Support Local Meat
DE Alert on SB 273: Legalize Raw Milk Sales in Delaware
LA Alert HB 467 Urgent Reminder: Senate Ag Hearing 9am May 21st – Support Raw Milk Sales
Excess Deaths in 2023 Confirmed
Excess Deaths in 2023 ConfirmedDr. John Campbell (YouTube) Dr. John Campbell has been putting out videos analyzing data associated with Covid since the great panic began. Some recent […]
No Farmers, No Food – Will You Eat Bugs?
No Farmers, No Food – Will You Eat Bugs?Epoch TVDirected by Roman Balmakov In the Netherlands, government policies based on Agenda 2030 and climate alarmism have led to […]
Pharma Food: Biotech on Your Plate
Pharma Food: Biotech on Your Platewith Elze van HamelenFinancial Rebellion with Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn BettsCHD.TV John Kerry has said that we need farmers to go extinct. […]
Involucrar a los niños en las comidas
Derribando los Mitos de la Sal
Muchos doctores, nutricionistas y especialistas recomiendan una dieta baja en sal para evitar la hipertensión, riesgos cardiovasculares y otros problemas de salud, pero ¿cuán acertadas son estas recomendaciones? […]
Help stop 4 dangerous vaccine bills in New York!
Nat’l Alert – Protect Small Farmers & Ranchers from Forced Electronic ID!
Fermented Pineapple Chutney
DE Alert on SB 273: Legalize Raw Milk Sales in Delaware
LA Alert on HB 467: Support Raw Milk Sales in Senate Hearing May 21st
Las Bondades de Preservar Alimentos sin Tóxicos
Fermented Apple Butter
Support Two Good Bills In Missouri!
Help stop a potential power grab in Louisiana!
Fermented Salsa
Letters, Spring 2024
IS SHEDDING REAL? A number of people sent me a recent series of articles by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, claiming that shedding from Covid vaccines is real and […]
La Finca Orgánica…Un Acto de Resistencia
URGENT Alert, LA -HB 467 House Floor Vote Today Support Raw Milk Sales
Berry Ice Cream
Una Mirada Alternativa a Por qué Enfermamos
Support A Good Bill In Louisiana!
Help Stop A Bad Bill In Hawaii!
Nat’l Alert – Congress Must Stop Electronic Animal ID Mandate
All-Raw Cheese Cake
El Alimento, Más Allá Que una Comida
¿Te has preguntado qué importancia puede tener para nuestros alimentos y nuestra salud cocinar con las manos, la sobremesa, el amor, la intención, disfrutar de la comida y […]