Archives for 2018
Simple, Succulent Squash Soup
The CDC has lied about vaccines and autism for 14 years. Let’s put a stop to it!
Cilantro-Spinach Pesto (Dairy-Free, Nut-Free)
Latest News
Dear Members, As the year comes to a close, we are sending you an update on upcoming WAPF activities and to ask your generosity in your end-of-year giving. […]
Dairy Crisis in Ohio – You Can Help Save Family Farms!
Like the rest of the U.S., Ohio is in the midst of a dairy crisis that shows little sign of getting better. In 1995 there were 6,800 dairies […]
Indonesian Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng)
Collard Greens with Wild Rice
Pumpkin Custard Bars
Great Grandma Ella’s Turkey Dressing
Vegetable Noodles
Master Cooking Class of Wise Traditions Cooking by Sally Fallon Morell
Link to purchase video Download the recipes included in this video series here
Frozen Banana “Ice Cream”
A Tale of Two Food Systems
The International Association of Food Protection (IAFP) held its annual meeting July 8-11, 2018, at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. The event is […]
Genetically Modified Children by Stéphanie Lebrun
Genetically Modified Children Directed by Stéphanie Lebrun Cinema Libre Studio In 1996, Argentina became a testing ground for genetically modified tobacco. Since then, birth defects, cancer and […]
The Pathological Optimist by Miranda Bailey
The Pathological Optimist Directed by Miranda Bailey Cold Iron Pictures In 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues published a study looking at the possible connection between […]
Simple Truths About Psychiatry by Dr. Peter Breggin
Simple Truths About Psychiatry: Psychiatric Drugs Are More Dangerous Than You Ever Imagined Dr. Peter Breggin, MD Dr. Peter Breggin is another voice in the growing chorus of […]
Generation Zapped by Sabine El Gemayel
Generation Zapped Directed by Sabine El Gemayel Zapped Productions How did the human race survive without cell phones? For those too young to remember, there was a […]
Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic by Sandra Kahn and Paul Ehrlich
Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic Sandra Kahn and Paul R. Ehrlich Stanford University Press Jaws is not about an epidemic of shark attacks but about the […]
The Plant Paradox By Steven R. Gundry
The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain By Steven R. Gundry, MD HarperCollins Publishers There are many theories about what […]
Sweet Potato, Sausage and Power Greens
Journal, Fall 2018, Pharmaceutical Drugs
Get the Flipbook and PDF Versions Read all of this Journal’s articles on any device, online and off. Get Both for $8 FEATURES Dumping Grounds for Drugs Sally […]
Santa Claus Gazpacho
Letters, Fall 2018
Las consecuencias y retos de la exposición al mercurio durante el desarrollo
Deficiencia de sulfuro
un posible factor contribuyente en la obesidad, la enfermedad coronaria, el Alzheimer y la fatiga crónica. Por Stephanie Seneff Traducido por Verónica Belli Original English Version Hoy en […]
Sourdough Croissants
A Real Food Alphabet Children’s Book
Dear WAPF Members: We are one of the sponsors of a children’s book called “A Real Food Alphabet” that Sandrine Perez of Nourishing Our Children has created. The […]
Please support access to homeopathy
Your Action is needed with the FDA A Citizens’ Petition was filed in July 2018 by the Americans For Homeopathy Choice (AFHC) as a response to the FDA’s […]
The Best Beef Stroganoff
Are you a “food facility”?
Mercurio: El mayor antinutriente
Walnut Date Balls
Miso Braised Pork
Vegetable Chili
El Síndrome del Intestino y la Psicología (GAPS)
Por Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD Traducido por Verónica Belli Original English Version EL SÍNDROME DEL INTESTINO Y LA PSICOLOGÍA EN EL CONOCIMIENTO MÉDICO Hace quince o veinte años la […]
Protect Local Control of our Food
Probiotic Tomato Cucumber Salad
Can you help us get this message out to others?
“Giving back to the communities and institutions that helped us achieve success is a value we share and a privilege we embrace.” – Dinesh Paliwal Just as we […]
Carne, órganos, huesos y piel: nutrición para la salud mental
Tomato Salad
Contact your Senators today about 5G wireless!
Consumers’ Right to Know Where Their Meat Comes From
Speak up for consumers’ right to know where their meat comes from! Right now, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) allows meat to bear the label “Product of […]
North Carolina State Bar Sues Vaccines Rights Attorney
The North Carolina State Bar is suing vaccine-rights attorney Alan Phillips, in what Phillips claims is an unlawful proceeding designed to take his license. And the Bar […]
Excerpt from Why Cook?
Cooking has apparently become mostly a spectator sport. There are more than 25 well known celebrity chefs cooking on TV today, yet fewer people are actually cooking than […]
Reconsideraciones sobre la salud reproductiva
Journal, Summer 2018, Digestive Disorders
Get the Flipbook and PDF Versions Read all of this Journal’s articles on any device, online and off. Get Both for $8 FEATURES Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Dr. Christopher […]
Consumers’ Right to Know Where Their Meat Comes From
Speak up for consumers’ right to know where their meat comes from! Right now, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) allows meat to bear the label “Product of […]
House Farm Bill Fails. . . For Now
In a surprising development, on May 18th, the House of Representatives voted down the Farm Bill, 198-213. This is only the second time that a farm bill has […]
Costa Rica: tierra de longevos
Simple Tomato Soup
El eje HPA: Hipotálamo–Pituitaria–Adrenal
Homemade Marshmallows
Letters, Summer 2018
La búsqueda de la felicidad
Stinging Nettle Pesto
Fundraising Campaign for the Weston A. Price Foundation
Our Best Liver Pate Recipe
Resignation of Sylvia Onusic, PhD
Dear Members: We are sorry to announce the resignation of Sylvia Onusic, PhD, from our board of directors. A talented researcher, Dr. Onusic has made valuable contributions to […]
Fiberlicious Crackers
WAPF Calendar Archive 2018
January 24, 2018 Mequon, WI The Magic of Bone Broth. Join the Ozaukee/Washington Counties WAPF Chapter to learn why broth is a nourishing part of the diet and […]
La Piel a Profundidad
Tratando la fiebre en niños
Por Thomas Cowan, Doctor en medicina Traducido por Verónica Belli Original English Version Un fenómeno curioso ocurre en la ciencia: a medida que continuamos estudiando el mundo material, […]
TAKE ACTION: Tell USDA to Require Real GMO labels
Mint Lassi
Senate Farm Bill vote coming up quickly – call now!
Poached Cod with Cumin
Sourdough Bagels
Tell your Senators to support small farmers in the Farm Bill
Cabbage Sausage Stir-Fry
Tratando la fiebre en niños
Broiled Butter Chili Lime Chicken
Weston Price suchte nach Veganern, fand aber nur Kannibalen
12· Mai 2011 von Christopher Masterjohn Während ich mich auf mein Gespräch bei der NYC dieses Wochenende vorbereite, muſs ich das Bloggen etwas abschwächen. Somit werde ich nächste […]
Adrenal Support Shake
Vegetarianismo y deficiencias de nutrientes
Fantastic GAPS Cheesecake
Farm Bill Vote
Más allá del Colesterol
Roasted Asparagus
Farm Bill on the move!
Journal, Spring 2018, Mercury Toxicity
Get the Flipbook and PDF Versions Read all of this Journal’s articles on any device, online and off. Get Both for $8 FEATURES Mercury as Antinutrient Sara Russell […]
Your Activism Works!
Thank you to everyone who has taken action on the WAPF alerts about the PRIME Act! This bill would help remove one of the biggest barriers to local […]
Head Games
Head Games Produced by Steve James and Bruce Sheridan It turns out that repeatedly banging your head can have serious long-term effects. That’s not just an urban […]
Injecting Aluminum
Injecting Aluminum Cinema Libre Studio Produced by Entre2prises and E3M The medical-pharmaceutical industry has assured us that vaccines and their various contents have been tested and are safe. […]
Sick to Death by Maggie Hadleigh-West
Sick to Death Maggie Hadleigh-West Executive Producers: Maggie Hadleigh-West and Kent Holtorf This video documents the long, drawn-out attempts of Maggie to find some relief from her low […]
Liver in Creamy Mushroom Sauce
La enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico
Una epidemia silenciosa de desequilibrio nutricional Alrededor de setenta millones de estadounidenses podrían tener la enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico (EHGNA)1. La enfermedad inicia con la acumulación […]