Archives for 2019
6 Day Costa Rica Beach Retreat
Offering plenty of delicious WAPF oriented, nutrient-dense and organic food in a beautiful setting with great outdoor activities. Wednesday, January 22, 2020 —- Monday, January 27, 2020 […]
Rogue Food Conference – Circumvention not Compliance
Seasonal Bone Broth Soup
Brussels Sprouts and Pomegranate Salad
Religious Exemptions Are Under Assault in New Jersey
Bone-In Oven Baked Chicken Piccata
You’re Invited to Embrace Your Real Immunity This Holiday Season
MESSAGE FROM FILM PRODUCER CILLA WHATCOTT Please help share the message! If you’ve followed the recent launch for the Vaxxed II film you know that extra measures had […]
Vaccine Exemptions Are Under Attack in Massachusetts!
Seriously Satisfying FAT BOMB Frosting
Help Stop a Bad Vaccine Bill in the New York Legislature
Help stop a bad vaccine bill in the Ohio legislature!
Rendered Lard Snack
Elderberry Kombucha
Journal, Fall 2019, Why We Cook
Get the Flipbook and PDF Versions Read all of this Journal’s articles on any device, online and off. Get Both for $8 FEATURES Why We Cook Sally Fallon […]
Solo el ganado podrá salvarnos
Mitos y verdades sobre la soya
Por Weston A. Price Foundation Traducido por Verónica Belli Obando Original English Version Mito: la soya ha sido utilizada como alimento por miles de años. Verdad: la soya […]
Las dietas en África: los hallazgos de Dr. Price y de Dr. Burkitt
Por Sally Fallon y Mary G. Enig, PhD. Traducido por Verónica Belli Obando. Original English Version Dr. Price visitó África en el año 1935. El viaje que lo […]
NATIONAL POLITICS TURN THEIR FOCUS TO AGRICULTURE For many people, the concept of “antitrust law” seems confusing and not important to their own lives. Why should you care? […]
Pharmaceutical Fraud
Pharmaceutical Fraud Luke Yamaguchi https://www.darksidevaccines.com/pharmaceutical-fraud/ (16.5 minutes long) Merck is one of the top five pharmaceutical companies in the world and rakes in about forty billion dollars per […]
Bottle of Lies
Bottle of Lies: How Poor FDA Oversight & Fraud in Generic Drug Industry Threaten Patients’ Health https://www.democracynow.org/2019/5/20/bottle_of_lies_how_poor_fda Around 90 percent of all prescriptions filled in the U.S. are […]
FAT: A Documentary
FAT: A Documentary Produced by Serena Scott Thomas, Vinnie Tortorich and Peter Curtis Pardini Fat Squirrel Films Jim Abrahams is one of the producers of the popular 1980 […]
Creamy Pumpkin Soup with Turmeric and Sage
Root Cause
Root Cause Directed by Frazer Bailey Produced by Justin Lyons Medical procedures never leave dead tissue in the body. . . with one exception. A root canal leaves […]
Josiah’s Favorite Stroganoff
La verdad sobre el Estudio de la China
Cabbage Salad with Pomegranate Jewels
Mitos y verdades sobre el vegetarianismo
Por Stephen Byrnes Traducido por Verónica Belli Obando Original English Version “Ante las fluctuantes opiniones que van apareciendo para ponerse de moda, la única forma de resistir es […]
Letters, Fall 2019
Comfort Food Recipes
Click here to download PDF
Help stop forced meningitis vaccines in Wyoming!
Banana Cream Pie (GF, DF Options)
Protect Medical Privacy in New York!
Principles of Healthy Diets – Greek Translation
Help stop a bad vaccine bill in the Massachusetts Legislature!
Bacon Wrapped Liver Poppers
Yummy Good for You Casserole
Warm Cinnamon Farro
Crunchy, Savory Chickpea Snacks
Update on California Vaccine Laws
9-18-19 Regrettably, we have bad news to report on vaccination medical exemptions in California. Despite the strong grassroots opposition, Governor Newsom signed both S.B. 276 and S.B 714 […]
Mexican Shredded Beef
Cran-Orange Green Beans
50-50 Pledge
Baked Peaches
Cáncer, una perspectiva holística
Original English Version La enfermedad de la civilización Empecemos con una definición de cáncer. El cáncer es la situación que ocurre cuando un cierto tipo de célula de […]
Guia Para una Dieta Saludable
Traducción española de Pilar Bastida Original English Version Consuma alimentos no-procesados, integrales. Consuma carne, órganos, y huevos de animales que han estado al aire libre alimentándose de pastos. […]
Guia De Productos Peligrosos
Traducción española de Pilar Bastida Original English Version No coma alimentos comercialmente procesados como galletas, tortas, crackers, bebidas gaseosas, enlatados, comidas congeladas, etc. ¡Lea las etiquetas! Evite el […]
Digestión y absorción de alimentos grasos
Por Mary G. Enig, PhD Traducción del inglés por Jaime Raúl Molina. Original English Version El mantenimiento de un sistema digestivo saludable requiere la ingesta de lípidos, los […]
Características de las Dietas Tradicionales
Traducción de Pamela Galdames Original English Version Las dietas de personas sanas y no-industrializadas no contienen alimentos refinados ni desnaturalizados, como, por ejemplo, azúcar refinado o jarabe de […]
Sabiduría Dietética Antigua para los Niños del Futuro
¿Vidas Horribles, Brutales y Cortas?
Original English Version por Sally Fallon Morell Para poder corroborar la creencia de que nuestra sociedad ha “progresado”, tendríamos primero que creer que la vida de nuestros antepasados […]
Mitos y Verdades sobre Nutrición
Traducción española de Pilar Bastida Original English Version Mito: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares en América son causadas por el consumo de colesterol y grasas saturadas de productos animales. Verdad: […]
Terapia magnética para accidentes cerebro vasculares
by Dr. Dean Bonlie Spanish Translation by Axel Makaroff Original English Version Actualmente, 4 millones de norteamericanos padecen accidentes cerebro vasculares. En el pasado, había poco que se […]
¿Qué está equivocado en la nutrición “Políticamente Correcta”?
Original English Version Artículo traducido por Marcela Nitschke DIRECTRICES ALIMENTICIAS PC PELIGROS ALIMENTICIOS PC Evitar las grasas saturadas Las grasas saturadas juegan muchos roles importantes en el cuerpo. […]
Principios de una Odontología Integral
Traducción española de Pilar Bastida Original English Version Adicionalmente a su trabajo en nutrición, el Dr. Price condujo una serie de investigaciones extensivas sobre los efectos destructivos de […]
Alimentando bebés
¿Cuál es la Causa de los Ataques al Corazón?
Por Thomas Cowan, MD Traducción española de Pilar Bastida Original English Version Los riñones nutren al corazón. -Textos de medicina tradicional china. La historia de cómo comprendí cuál […]
Almond Grits
Summer Salmon Salad
Cucumber Chips
Journal, Summer 2019, 5G
Get the Flipbook and PDF Versions Read all of this Journal’s articles on any device, online and off. Get Both for $8 FEATURES Fermented Cod Liver Oil Sally […]
Help Family Farmer Randy Buchler
Randy Buchler, a 49-year-old Michigan farmer who has helped many farmers around the country, needs your help. Randy suffered a stroke on June 28th and has thousands of […]
Federal Policy Update
Our summer policy update covers developments on animal ID, lawsuits against Monsanto, GMO labeling and highlights from state legislatures around the country. ANIMAL ID FIGHT TAKES A NEW […]
Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy
Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy By David Kennedy, DDS Fluoride is a good word to use if you want to start an argument in today’s world. Is it good […]
The Big Secret
The Big Secret: A Survival Guide for the New Millennium Directed by Alex Voss & Susan Downs, MD Written by Keith Harrisonhttps://vimeo.com/ondemand/thebigsecret We often hear that “the science […]
Why the War on Meat?
Why the War on Meat? The Fat Emperor Podcast #16 By Ivor Cummins https://youtu.be/p0VwjsZJmYo Dr. Gary Fettke is an orthopedic surgeon in Australia who had the unmitigated gall […]
Letters, Summer 2019
Best Liver Pate Ever
Baked Sweet Potato with Ghee and Walnuts
Las fórmulas infantiles: el gran error de intentar reemplazar a la leche materna
Fight back against 5G
California is on the cutting edge of the fight against 5G wireless, at the local, state, and federal levels. Check out the latest news below, and then take […]
Carob-Frosted Nutty Bars
Tender Tongue Stew
Want Local Meat? Tell Congress to pass the PRIME Act
As consumer desire for local, grass-fed meat grows, it’s increasingly difficult for farmers to meet the demand due to a shortage of government-inspected slaughterhouses. Current federal law bans […]
Squash Fritters
Contact the Governor and ask her to VETO vaccine tracking of all citizens in Rhode Island!
Unfortunately S676A and H5541A passed both the full Senate and the full House and now are heading to the Governor. Current Rhode Island law gives the Rhode Island […]
Gluten-Free Sourdough Teff Bread
Help Stop a Bad Vaccine Provision in the Ohio Budget!
On June 19, the Ohio Senate slipped an amendment into the budget bill that would allow private schools to deny admission to children who have a vaccine exemption […]
La pirámide alimentaria
Orange Coconut Butter Fudge
June WAPF Member Announcement
Dear Members: We are about to mail our summer issue and appreciate your membership support! Here are a few updates for you: HEALTHY SOFT FOODWriter Katie Singer is […]
Alert – Help Hidden Creek Farm
Your Support Can Keep a Farm Serving Its Community Hidden Creek Farm LLC, a small diversified farm in Dalton Township, Michigan, providing nutrient-dense food to members of its […]
Siguiendo los pasos de Weston A. Price en Perú
Salmon Cakes
Easy Spinach Pesto
High Aluminum Levels Contaminate Brains of Autistic Children
Bulletproof Dandy Blend
A Friend of Vaccine Rights Continues to Need Your Urgent Help
Medical Exemptions Are Under Attack in California!
Thank you to everyone who took action on our earlier alerts about California S.B. 276, which threatens medical vaccine exemptions. Unfortunately, the bill has passed the Senate with […]
Homemade Sourdough Pizza Dough
Slow-Cooker Chicken and Broth
Healthy Baby Photo Gallery, 2019-2020
WAPF Calendar Archive 2019
March 1-3 Chicago, Illinois The Weston A. Price Foundation and Sally Fallon Morell at MommyCon Chicago 2019 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Visit our booth at MommyCon and […]
Vitaminas en el desarrollo del feto, desde la concepción hasta el nacimiento
Help stop a dangerous vaccine bill in the New York Legislature!
The New York Legislature is considering a bill, S 3899A, that would allow children to consent to HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine and other vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases […]
Protect Medical Privacy in Alabama
The bad vaccine bill we alerted you to last week, House Bill 522, received a favorable recommendation from the House Health Committee and it is now scheduled for […]
El rol de la vitamina A en el desarrollo del feto
Grain-Free Almond Butter Cookies
Urgent action needed to protect vaccination choice in Oregon!
The bad vaccine bill that we recently alerted you to passed the Oregon House on May 6, 2019 by a vote of 35 ayes to 25 nays. It […]